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„ �� 'Ir�'}y?' , <br /> .. ,J , <br /> ....,. .•.. �,_..,m�..r�......� - � ... ... .... ... . . . ... ., _... <br /> 17. Treneter of tbe Peaperty or A Bene4iclai Intere�t in eo��ower. If all or nny paR of tho Propaty or <br /> �� dfiy Nterost In it Is sold or tran8forroc!(or if a benotblat Intaroat In Borrowor Is sotd or trnnshsrtad nnd 8orrowor is �ot u nuturn� � <br /> � peroon) without Utndoro prlar wrttton oonsont, Londor rtwy,ol Ils oplfan,requlro Immadlato paymcnt N fult of nn sumn ecourod by � <br /> � ' thls Seourhy ineWment. Howsver,this optlon ehall not 60 oxtvaisod by Lender if exorctse ls proh(bitod by fadornl lav�as ot tho � <br /> dnto of this Socurity Inotrurtmnt. � , <br /> If londor oxoreiso9 this optlon, Lendor ahail gkn Bonowor notico ot accoamtton. The n4tbo ehnil provlde n period ot not � <br /> ` losa thnn 30 days hom tho dato tho notbo Is daltuorod or malWd wlthin whbh Borrowor muat pay ail euma sooured by thi9 <br /> Seaurity Inatrumont. 11 BoROwor talls to pay thoso sums p►lor to tho oxpiratlon of thls portod,�andar may invoko any ramodi�s � <br /> portnatad by this Sscurity Instrumont wlthout tuRhur notko or demand on 8ortower. <br /> �+ , 18. Bor�owo�'a Right to Roino4a9e. if Borrower meets csAaln conditlons, 9ortow¢r shall hnvo tho ripht to hsve _. „ <br /> - antarcomont ot this Ssauriry Instiument diseonthued at nny tlme prtor to the eadter oi: (8� 5 dAya (or suCh other perbd as ;,:t-=` <br /> - � `”, epplbabb L�w maY speo�iy br retnstutcsment)before su�e of the Properiy purauant to eny power ot snie contuNed In 1hi� Sccurily <br /> ��`�" .',�ti . Inatrument;or (b)entry o!u Judgment untaroing thts Securtty Mstrument.Tho88 oondillOns ere th&t BoROwoc(a)pays L�ndar un �,�._._ <br /> suma wAbh thon woutd be duo under thts Sscurity InBWrnent and the Note as if no accoleration had ocourred; (b)oures any <br /> dofnuR ot nny other oovenant or agreomente; (o)pays a1i oxponses Incurred In enforotng this Sscudty Instrument, Ueqoding, 0ut :,, <br /> not Iim(ted to, reason�bb attomoys'teas; and (d)talcea suoh actbn as Lender may roasonabry requUe to esaure thet the 6en ot _. <br /> this ScaourUy Instrument, Lsnders rights In the Property and Bortower's obligaHon to pay the suma sooured by thls Sacurity E i::._. <br /> Inatrument ahaq oontlnue unchanged. Upon rolnstatement by Borrower, th}s Ssourdy Inatrurtmnt and the obligattons secured ��- <br /> � horeby stal!ramain fulry aNeattvo as M no acceiemtion had ocaurted. Howover,tAia righf to relnstate shatl not appry h the aase <br /> . �.,., j ot acceieratton under paragr�h 17. F�,.,.. <br /> `;ti:':�::� - 19, SeO�of Note; Ch�aage of Loan Servicer. The Note or 8 a p&Alui Nlerast in the Note(together wAh lhis t�';'" <br /> •,..�:r •.. - <br /> ,.- ', � Security Instrument)may be soid one or mcr�Yanss without prior notbe to Borrower.A sa19 mey resutt in a change h the entky -_ <br /> (krtnwn ae the'Lonn Servker")that eollacts mflmhv paymants due undor the Note and thls Security insWment. There abo may <br /> 't be one or mare ohangas of the Loan Se�vber unrelated to a sale ot the Note. If thero b a ohange of the Loen Saivtcar, �;.� <br /> Se v <br /> ' �c Borrower wfll be ghren wtkten notiCe o}the change In ttccordance wfth paragraph t4 above and app0aabie lew. The not�a wiil �:-- <br /> ° atate the name and address of tho new Loan 8orvtcer and the addross to whlah payments shouid bo made. Thv noNce wBl alsn � <br /> contnin any other�ntortnation roqufrod by applfppbk►law. ���- <br /> dlsposal <br /> 20. H3zArdouB SubBtQtlCee. Bor►owor shau not cauae or pormit the presence,use, , storage, a release ot _ <br /> A <br /> � any Ha:ardoua Subatanaes on or In tho PcopaAy. Borrowor shaq �ot do,nor aitow anyono etso to do, anything aHeothg the _____._ <br /> "' Prqpciriy that is in vblatiort of any Ernironrrtontat Law• 'The Precodin0 M►o sentences sheU not apply to the presenco,use.or <br /> " storege an the Property af small quantRiea of Homrdous Subatancas thst nre gonerelty �acoen�ed to be appropriate to normal <br /> • • �� rostdenNal uses and to mahtenar,co of tho ProRtrty <br />-" • Bor�rower ahail prompty give Londer writeen �ot�e ot any �vesttgutlon, eia6n, domand, lawsuk or other aotion by eny <br /> govemmontat a roguiatory agenoy or prNato paAY InvoNinq thd Propedy and any Hpmrdoua Substance or Envkonmcntul Law ot <br /> ' whbh 8orrower hes aatufli knov+iadge. it Bortovrer leams,or 14 nottiflled by any govemmentai or regul�tory suthordy. that eny <br />- � � romoval a othor remedfatlon ot any Hamrdous Substence afteeting ProPonY is nacessary, BnROwor ar,an �ror�.; fa'�ts aR = <br /> nnceasery remadlat sotfona h acaordsrtee wtth Environmentut Law. <br /> � As used in this pnregreph 20, "Hesardous&ubstences'are thoae subsmneos deftned as toxb or honardous substanoes by <br /> :;,��,�� :;. ' Environmantal and the followtng substertces: gasollne, k�rosen�, other Mmmable ar toxb peuotoum produate, tox�C <br />_ . pestbtdes end harbbides.volstile soArenls,motalnts contalning eabestoa or fartnaldohyde.and►adloaothre materktls. As used N <br />",�. �• • parapraph 20,'�nvironmental Law" means tedaral laws and Iawa ot tho Jurisdlotlon whom the Propmty is bcated that relate to <br />�.,,,,, heaAh,eafoty a er►vironmental proteetlon. <br /> n � NON•UNIFOfiM COVENANTS.Bonowor and tsnder furthor covenant and nBree as toltows: <br /> -�� '~����• •� x1. Aaceleratton; Rem�dlee. Le�der ahell ptve notice to Borrower prior to ecaeleration <br /> ' • �`�,:, toilaovtng Bor�ov�er's 6r�ech ot eny eovenaet or egreement tn this Security InsVument (bu4 not <br />_--�_ �__,�, � p,rior to eecateretlon under paregreph 17 unless epplteabte law provEdea othervrlse). Tho nmt�c� <br /> �-=;�'-4'-� ��nll apeaiy: (a) the defautt; (b)tNe action requlred to cure the detautt; (o� a dete. not lea�tloam <br /> --�'�"�r`� 30 daya irom the deto t6�e noUce le�Iven to Borrowar� by which the default mu�t be cureti; end <br />:,_:�':�'`�� <br />—.,f-�=- .. (a1) 4hat Mlture to cure the deteult on or betore the ��te �eciAied In the notiee may�esutt In <br /> =:-�'�-";� n�ceteratto» af the sums eeaured by thts Securfty In�rwo�n�nt nnd eate of 4he Praperly. The nattce _... <br /> �:, � ����ir , aA�ail turtner intorm �orrower of the right to r�insf�te Mtar acceteratton and the �ight to brin� e <br /> `i' �� ' court aetlon ta ass�r¢ the nen-oxistence of a defnutt or any other defenae ot Bor�wer to <br />_�,,,..r., , . <br /> r�;�,r�:� acceleration and sa(e. If the de9nutt Is not oured on or bobre the date specRtied in Ne e�at�e. _ <br />-�..w, ;_.__,_ Lender et its opUon may �equlre Immedtate payment in t�li ot alt eume aecur�d by 41�te Secur(ty <br />�;:;��;� Instrument e�ithout wrther demend and may invoke the Power of aate end ern}y otl�er remedies <br /> -�-���"`'�`x permitted by appitceble inw. Lendar ah�U be enUGed to collect all expenaea in�rred In�ursuing <br />- -•__-�-- <br />�.�_:,�.,... .<. . <br /> �._ - — tl�s r�rr�a�tc� ara�:I�e�! !n thla p�pr"�1� 21, Inotuding, but not It�Bimd to. reasonafble ttS�vmoya ' <br />-- - _. 4eea end co�eta of Utte evidenee. ----- <br />=-�": �- ' It the p�exer of aale ts Invoked, Yruatee shcll rccord e naUce o! deb�lt in�eeh county Ire _ <br /> � . .�:� . � whieh nny par! of the Property la laeeted and shail ��Ih9 coptea of auch n�l��e In ths mnnner <br /> � � " �; prcacribed by appitceble law to Bor�owet and to 4he othcr peraons prescrtbed by e�pq�bte iew. __ <br /> - 4�C,.;, �:. After the time req�ir�a! by a�rptiaable lew, Trusteo shat! gtve publla motico of sa�te to tfie �erEOres ___ <br /> . . ;,�:;,;:;, �� and in the mnnnar pre�aribed by appllanble tew.Truatce� withaut dl��nnd on Bottower,m'ha11 aeli �T <br /> � trie Proper6�� �t pmbitc euation to the hlghcst bidder et the Uma er��l pisoe and under tD�e t�rms _- <br /> dealgrtate�9 Ln th� nattce of aate in one or more parc�9s end in any �ac en aun ement at ths - <br /> �• � Tru3tca mey postpon� sale of a7� or any perc�!of th� 6��rop�rry by p —_ <br /> :� � 88ns� ertd ptace of ae�� previauaSy achederEe� Balcr. l.�na��r or it� alestfln�e may purcQaas�s the �_� <br /> . . L properiy et eny sete. °`:: <br /> •� ' l�pon recetpt of peyment of t he pr ico b i d, Truatee shali deYiver 4o t�e purci�aser '�'rustee's � _ <br /> . . <br /> —°- — -- <br /> . ._ .�_4...�...�r�.��.w .l..1!I.e nslnu tsr_In avldaeca et R= <br /> _. -• - - <br /> � d�ed conveyi�g tne Properiy. �no recno�a �� �..� ••••o��---- �._..__ �-..-- •---- --------- -� _ <br /> � � the truth of the atatemente mado thcrein� Trustee ehatl apply the procoods of the sale in the <br /> � fottowing ordur: (ey to all eoste and e�enaes ot exerclafng the �pow�r ot eato, and tho sato. <br /> tnaluding tho payment of the Trustee's feca aewalty incu��cd, rtot�Q�e Rr�cipet emount of the <br /> �, �pSe e3 tPte time of tho deolnretton at dotault,and �eesonabte ettornoy's feea ns perenitted by lew; <br /> (b) to 8!1 suma sacuPO� by thta Secnriry Instrument;ond (c)any exc�sa to thc person or perBORe <br /> .' � legaity entitied to 1� <br /> Ri9�0.tM0(t/Yi) �ap��ot 6 .J.]r� � <br /> � o9t�o <br />