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<br /> . TOOETHEFi W17H eil tho Imp�ovamsmts no►v or hOnt3Ror ort3otCd on tho proDaM. nnd nll ea8aments, appuRenancos, and ,j_
<br /> m
<br /> t3eturo3 now or hereaRer a pnA o}2ho propnny All rep�scnmanta anQ nAditlona shn11�iso bo covorod by this Seourity fnstrumnnt.
<br /> A!I ot tho lorCpotnp la raterrod to I�thf�&courl4y InatNmont ao the "Proporty." :=
<br /> DORROWER COV@NANTB that 8ortower Is lautu�ty sel�fd of tha uatat0 heroby aanv3yad and hna tho right to pra:�t nnd ,..�,_
<br /> oonvoy tho Propariy nnd thet the property la unenoumbered, excapt tor anounGrnnco3 of �ccord. E�arroefer vJarrunto nnd L,It1 � _
<br /> doton9 Benoralty tRo titb to tho Property oSn�nat ull otaUns cnd domando,oubjr.ot to any onoumbmneoa o}�000rd. �
<br /> T61I9 SECURITY INSTFiUMENT aombine� unitorm aovenanto tot natlonal ueo and non�unitortn aovonnnto wlth tunitod �
<br /> vartatlona by Jurisdlotlan to eonotltuto n unitorm socurqy InnWmont eovari�g re31 property.
<br /> UNIFORM COV6NRNT8. 9ono�uor and Wndor aovanant and aprao ao 4alqv�n: p
<br /> �' 1. Peyenent ef P�Inalpal and IntereA4; Frepnyme�t end Mto Chargoe.Donowor ehalt promptly pay arAOn �
<br /> '� duo tho principat ot nnd��tQrost on tho dabt ovtdcncod by tho Noto nn6 any prcpnyrt�cnt nnd lato chnrgoa dw undar tho Noto.
<br /> �� n, ; 7. Funda tor Texea end Inaurenae.SuDJeOt to apptlO�b W�v or to o a+ritten wnlvet by LBadGt,Bae�or�cr ahnA pny 0 -__
<br /> to Lendar on tho dny monthy paymenta ure du�under the Noto.untU the Notv Is patd in tull,p oum (`Funda')lor: (o)Yoarly
<br /> '�:r::.:•~���L tnxos nnd nssesamenm whtoh may nttain prlorlty aver this Soourtty tn�trumont ao n tlon on the PropoAy: tb) Yoart�r basehotN �
<br /> �,,,,..�. paymonte or ground rents on tho Property, it eny; (o)Yearhr hQanra or propaty Insuranco promtuma; (d) yoarry tlood Inaumnce �.•_:;
<br /> promiuma,it any;(o)Yan►ry mortgngo tneuranco premlums,if ttny; a+d(f)anY eums paya�te by Bortowor to londar in acaordnnao
<br /> , � wfth the provistona ot peragrnAh 8, In Ibu ot tho paymont of mortg¢g0�nauranco premluma. Thoso Iteme are calt�d "Eeorow ��«
<br /> � Itoms" Lendor mny, at any tlme, colWot and hold Funda h an amoun; not to oxceed ths mnximum umount a Isndor tor u
<br /> federairy retatad mortgsgo loan may requiro for Bortower's esorow aecount undor tho fadarc��Reul Estnte Sottbmont Procoduros ��
<br /> Aot ot 1974 as amended hom Ume to timo, 12 U.8.C.�2601 et sop. l"FIESAA'), unbas nnothar taw thot applies to the Funds F•
<br /> •.� eeta e te3ser amount. It eo,Lander mny, ut any timo,aolbot and hotd Funds in nn amount not to orcceAd tho bssor cunount. �_
<br /> ,� Lendor may est4nrato tha amount ot Funda due on the basls of ourtant dntA nnd rcasonabte esttmatoa of oxpendttures of tuturq
<br /> • Escrow Itams o�otAerv�i��In aeoordance with app l b a ble law• -.,
<br /> ' The Funds shnti be hold In an Inst(tutlon whose depoaftn ere Inaurod by a todoral agenay,inatrumnntaltry,or entiq(InaludNO ;.--
<br /> • �• Lendor, It Lender Ia suoh an hstitution)or in any Fede►al Hom9 Loan Bank. Lender shail appy tho Funds to pey the Eserow
<br /> .i•.�'. Itemu. Lendor may not ohcugo BcROwer for hoiding end ep9ying the Funds,annuaYy anatyiNB tho osorow ecaount,or veriryinfl
<br /> '�°°i� h the �sarpw Itemo, unlesa LendAS pAyB Horrowor fnterest on tria Fu�da ond appl�ebH l�w pertnita U3ndnr to m�ico auoh a �
<br /> `�` oharge. Howevar, Lender may rsqu're Bon•owor to pay e onedtmo ohr�rga Por an indepsndent rcul antntr�tex rePurtln8 sen►ice
<br /> + u s e d b y L e n d a r I n e o nn e o tlon wlt� this loan, unlese appi!oabb Iaw provides otherwlso. Untoss an c�nee�r�ent la made or
<br /> � ::.
<br /> � : appiioabte taw requtres Interesi M be pald, lsnder shal�n�ot�bo�$i g��d�tbe potd on�the Funds t�lendnr s h l�gko to�8orro a e� „-
<br /> .�;,;�;, BoROwer and Lender may a9rec� tn W�nhB. however,
<br /> ,,r:�� wlthaut oharge,an annual ttca¢i+nling ot tho Funds,showing arodlte and debits to tho Funds and thq purpose for whbh each _
<br /> � �` debit to the Funds was made• '1'ha Funds ere piedgad na addittanN soeurity for nll aums socurod by tho Sacurity Instrumont.
<br /> � It the Funds hetd by Lentlar oxeosd the iunounts pertnttteA to be hotd by uppliaabb law,Lendsr ahalt eeoount to 8ortower
<br /> tor the encesa Funda in accordance with the requkaments ot app�abb Inw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> •�' Qlme is not suHic�ent to pay the Escrow Itema when due,Lendar may so notUy BoROwer tn wrking,ond, In aueh case Bortower
<br /> � .. shall pay to Lendar the amount necosaary to make up 4ha dofiaienoy. Borcower shall matce up thq d4tiobnoy In no moro than
<br /> ` twaiva monthry paymenta,at Lende�s gote dGgcretton.
<br /> - Upon peymont N WII ot all sums seaured by ihis SeeurRyr Inatrument, Lendcr sheN promptry restund to 8oaower eny Funds
<br /> - netd by Lender. ii,u�dsr pss".Sr.s�k=4.len�r!+hgu aequ(ro or se0 the Property.Lender,p�lor to thq aaqulsftton ar saM of the
<br /> � Property,eh40 ctppN anY Funds hetd by Lendor ut the thne ot acqul3ltion or sate as a crodft apsin8t tR�sumt�eecuceai by tna
<br />-:t,'-,'°••;:,< Seau�ity Inatrumant.
<br />'':�r�=•}'.ti�.�:' 3. Appita�tton Of PAytilQtlte. Unbss epp�►oebb laW Provldes otherwlse, aU paymenta noceD�ad by Lender undar
<br /> '-`�-;',t.���� par�8r�phs 1 4nd 2 ohalt be�oyibd: Hrst,to any DmPBYmsnt oharges duo under the Note;s000nd, to ama+mta payabb undor
<br /> :r''�: �'
<br /> r::� p
<br /> :'k::;,�.,:•;* pass�araph 4;thkd,to Intorost dua;fourth,to pdnalpai due;and lsat,to any Inte charsos duo undor tho ote.
<br /> "=�=i h"`" {,1p118. �pttower shali pay nU tt�cos, 0.ssessments, oherges. flnea and imposlttona attrautabla to the
<br /> ...s��, 4. Chavges;
<br /> �-�_,.;;.
<br /> e:`^ PropeRy wh�ah may attuin prlorlty ovsr this Seourity Instrument, und t�rasohold paymonta or ground rfnts, H anY• Bortower s a0
<br /> :���~�;�:,�,, h a, or q not ps�id In tfiat mannor, Borrower afiBU pay thom o� ttmo
<br /> _:.y,��h�. pay thess o'otl�atlona in the manner provided In paraQrap
<br /> ,,,..,;,.;:�., dkeoty to the parson owed payment BoROwar sha6 prott�ty Nmish to Londer alt noticvs of amouit4s to bo paM under thl!
<br />-�= - - par�graph. if BoROwer makea tNese payment8 dlrs�stly, Botrorror sheil prompty tumish to Ldnd� reoepto evldonoinp the
<br />-=
<br />