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� '^;:�1 r; '! <br /> . .�+ii.f .. , _. .. . . <br /> .0 .��1� .. . . . . ,� <br /> . � <br /> .. i. <br /> - a s.�IWK��ii{.Y.r.� r n <br /> . -.� • <br /> �I.�iPzY�"'_:L'�'K'LiP.l1::7�.'ti[Y..a._ ' - ' _...,_........_.�........'-'._.... _.._.. _................_ . <br /> .. .. . ._....._A'"_'.._............_.._...✓."_"._'_._.....__ ..._._. � . - i <br /> v _..".'___....._......_"......" �yMp �����`7 �'. <br /> �.,, <br /> vN �'�`�,- <br /> e�„ <br /> �� �. p0AB3. YIYStOt 8I10U pUy QUCH It18tUlIfP1011t 0}alI taKUB UI1tI BpQCiOF a8fiU88tii0titB�JI OVOry kitltl,fipW yr hUfOtl�taP �'_. <br /> � • �_; � Iavicd aflainIIt tt�a T�ust�ta or any pon thereot,betaro Salinquanay, +r�ithout notice or dQmnnd. � <br /> - ��, <br /> �' <br /> °.�� 3. /ruuraar��rrd Flep�lrs, Yruator slu�it molntain ft�o and axtondad aoverupo insuranca innu►Inp tho Imptqvomunta "` <br /> , . - conatltutln� parY ot tho Yru�t Cst��to Por auch emqun2a und on euch tarmo roaacna0ly outiofoctory to 6ortoticiary. So lonp Ae tho =- <br /> ° ' Pr.,party is secu�od by o firat daad o0 truat or movt0��ianco w{th thn inuutanea roquiromanut of tho tiret daad of truai or _ <br /> � , . .' . mwrtQaflo eP�ali Do aufticlant 40 8atlsfy tho�equlrqmant�o}thie pnraQrapN 3 telioting to I�sutunco. <br /> �� •�ti? Ttustat shall promptly ropair and�eplaco thfl Ttust Estuto or tiny pnet theraof IIo that,except to�ordinary we�r and ten�, � <br /> • tho Trust E,^tato �halt not detodorate. In ne ovant shnit tho Tru.a^tor commit wasto nn er to the Tr��st�r�mrait,d!A!@f Gf � <br /> �: ,�:;e�� permtt any actto de done in or upon the Trust Estete in violation ot any law.ardinence or repulqtlon. Yrustor shnll pay and promptty o <br /> �--� ;� diseharpa oY Tru�tor's cost and expunse all Ilana,QncumOrartcert and charpea lavled.imposod or assassed egnin2t 2he 7rust Estato <br /> , or anyo pan tAercof. — <br /> >'��+�n� <br /> _ ';%:� 4. Actlo»s Af/oatlab�iw,rt CatAte. T�uster shnl�appear in and aontost nny ectton er ptoc�edi�g purpoKtng to atteci <br /> d�; tho scaurlty herQOf or tho�(ghts or powors of BQneficit�ry or T�ustae,and sh�tl pay alt eoste and expenaes.inctudinp cost of ovidnnca <br /> � , of titia and otcon+cys'facs,in any such aation or proceQding in wNich Beneticiory or 7rustee a�ay pppear. 1t TrusYUr teiiH ta make - <br /> '�� �!' any pssymont or to do any act as and in the manner provided in any oi the Loan insuument8, 13unafEciary and/ar T�uatee,nach in <br /> _��,;: . <br /> s!�:F;. ,.. thoir ow�dtsuetion,without ohligetion ao to do and wi4hout rtotfce to o�demand uqon Trustor and withaut reteasing T�usYOr trom <br /> -- ' eny obltflation,may make or do the st+me in such rnannor and to such oxtent as either may deem neaessary to proter.t the security <br /> ~ �`s�'i hereof. Trustor shail, Immediatety upon domand theretar by Beneflclary. pay e�l costs and expensas tncurred by Be�oticiery in <br /> ����i`'a4', ' connectton with tha exercis�by Beneticiary nf the faregaing dghts,including wi4hout tlmitaUon costs of evidence of titie.coun <br />?=�� ` costs. eppraiseis,surveys a�d attomeys' fees. <br /> ��,.:�j�;.� + <br /> "` `'��``' 8. Eralmrat Doma/�c If the T�ust Estate, ar any part therQOf or interest therein, be taken ar damaged by rsoson of <br /> �::��.' ' <br />_-.•�„ , any pubitc improvement or condemnatian proceeding, or in eny other manner tnctuding desd in Iteu thereof ("CondemnaUon'�, or <br /> "":;�.;; . (t Trustar racoives any notice or othar(nfo�ma�tton raga►dfng suah procoeding. Trustar shatl givo prompt wtittc�n rtadaa thareof to <br /> -�''�'�'��' Benetic[��ab. Yrustor shail be entitted to etl comp�nsation,awards and other payments or relie4 thereof end shall be entided at its <br />_�<'� cpt(an ce c�mme�ce, appear in 3nd prasecute in its ewn name any action or proceedinga. Trustar shap atso Oe entttled to mako <br />�`����� ' any Compromise or setttCment tn connection wtth such taking or damoga. <br /> .,,,s�� 8. Appol�ne�n o1 S��raessar TvusY�oa. 8eneticiary msy,f�om time to timo,by a wrltten ins2rument executad and <br /> __ _ acknowiedged by Beneiiciary.mail0d Ra Trustor and recordad in the County In which th�Teust Estete is tocated and by othennr(se <br /> _= complying with tho provistons of tha�Qplicable iaw of the State of Nebraska substitute a sur.cessor or successors to the 7n,stee <br />, named hereie or acting horeunder. <br /> ,.�., <br />� -- -- 7. Saceessais endAsslgns. This Second Oeed of Trust eppttes to,inures to tha benefit ot and binds alt OeRies hereto, <br /> _.�� thelr hoirs,taqatees,devise�s,personal tepresentatives, successars and assip�s. The term"Benefictary"shall mean the owrter and <br /> heider n4�ny promissory�ote 4ivere ca benetEciary, Iwhether or not named as Ben@flciar�4terein]. <br /> 8. Mergar,Consofldailon,Salos cr,tessas. Trustor covenants that Trustor wi11 not sel{,tEase ar athen�viae dispose <br /> Of any of the Trust Estate. In the event that T►c�.vtar be11s,�Qases ar othervvlse disposes of any part of t�a Trust Estate,8enoflCiary <br /> _ may at its oDdon declare th�Indebtedness secured hereby tmmediately duo and payabla, whethar ot npt any detauit extsts. _ <br /> 8e�efictary shail cansent to a transfor of the Trust Estata to a third perty te the extent s�cch third Na'rty meets the r�quirements <br />-.--�_�.� contatned in,end assumes the ablig�tians set torth in the First Deed ot Trust. Tho cove�ants aantained harein shall n.rn with tho <br /> -- - Praperty end shall�emain In fuU toica and effect untii the Indebtednoss is paid In fuil. <br /> � 8. Ev�me af Aelault. Any of the fAllowing events ahait be deemed �n event of default PsetBunder: <br /> te) detault ehp11 be made i�the payment ot the Indebtedness o�any other sum secured he�eby when duo; <br /> � or <br /> tbi Trustor shei�pe�form any act in bankruptcy; ot ' <br /> - -- — -- (c) a couK uf eampetenr,�urisdiction ahali onmr an ordor,Judgmnnt or docrao apqroving A poxition flled ayainst <br /> � �,j,�� Trustor sneking eny reorpaniza�un,dissoiution or simttar teiEot under any present or tuturo federdl,�tate ar ott�ar statute, <br /> : law or regutation relatin�j to benkruptcy. insolvency ar other roliof for dobtars, and auch order. (udflment or dccree shall <br /> - --__-°_—; rmr eai�tulrrtiai•:u�t��ti wlstayLd f4t cri 8�flt:.garrs cs!�f.r�r;84!�sys Sr:hathar or aot�sansccuttv�=!rorrs thc!!rt ds�cf er.tsY : <br /> � thereof; ar anq trustee, reCeiver or tiquidatar or Trustar ot ot all or any part of the Yrust Esiata,or of any ar atl of tho <br /> royaldes,revenues,�onts.tssues or protits thereof,shali be oppainted without the aon�ent or aCqUfescenan of Trustor and <br /> 8uch appointment 5hali remain unvacated and unstayed for an aQgreBate o!sixty.4��)days(whflther 6r not censecutivo); <br /> mr <br /> �-��«� � z <br /> —;^s ---- . .` . <br /> ._1,'Ctyr�q�� � � �. <br /> wL.Y'.iYS1lALi�.� <br /> rt�r3*��a� ... . . _ - y;-:- --- -- --- - <br /> r�t�'rr,;�. . .. ,: ._.. .: ; ia1:a' �c Fu�,�„ --: <br /> .4iN�-ti�_� . . .. . .... . •-..�i . }, 4��� ��yr��.uY��-4 v� r ,[yR»�� - - --__ <br /> , <br /> . c r �`fa <br /> .�-�;.:-,�.,,�:� � . . �' � - _— - --- ' .r)� � -- �� •___-___*��.��lt�v� t t� ' Pt :;SFiL�� - 4 �,"l��c�.,"J?�t�/45.��1X <br /> .- <br /> - - — - - ----— -- --T- _ <br /> ��� _ . - ?P�_ ' , - ..R..r,��_e,_,i. �l� ':,�„T,_ ..r ` __.�^���.� r tcvati . <br /> w��4'M. 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