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<br /> �--�""TT��+='• SECOND DEEO OF'fRUST --� �,
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<br /> ' �'"'"�;',� This Secand Oeed ot Trust�this'Second Desd of TrusYl,�s mado as af ��, �� . 19g9 by and amo�fl
<br /> :_��`',-�� kichtel Pes�kl�s artd Suo Perki�3, huabend ami wito � _
<br /> _-, •- t'Trostor"�,whose maiifng address is tiN2 tfa�t Horth Fwnt,Gran�i lultmd, Ne ; '��(�
<br /> '`^�� Ca�erctal Federal Iiank, e Fedoral Savt��kTtustee'1 , whose m�fl(nq addrEt88 ts � `
<br /> ������ i50 Regertcy Pa�loray, Oe�ha , , Nebraska; and Nebraska Investment Flnanae Author
<br />_'�'_•�-� l"Boneficiary'),�vhose mailing addrQSS is 20A Commerco Court, 1230 A Street,Uncotn,Nebraska 88&08•1402. �
<br />��_"__= FOA VALUABI.ECONSlDERATION.Trustor irravocxbly ttansters,convoys and assign,g to Tru!Kee.!N TPIUST,WITH F'�V�JER �
<br /> ___-___—= QF SALE,fo►the heneflt and socurity of Henoficiary,under and sub�oct to 4he temns and conditions pt this Second Oeed of Trvst,
<br />-���-���-�" the�eal praperry, tegatty descritred en Exhibit A attached hereta and incorporated herein by roference(the'Property"I;and
<br /> ; t,-
<br />''•�,a '� 70GkTt�tER WITH,�tll rct�,ts.protlts,royAities,(rtcome and other beneHts dntived 4Mm the praperty(eollect(vety,the"tents'1,
<br />_- all lsases or subleases coverirt��f►rppeRy cr any portian thereof naw or hereatte�oxisttng or entered Into,and aIi dpht,title and
<br />""�� (nteresi of Trustv�thereunder, aIi right,titte and interest ot T►ustor in arui q��ny greater estate in the Property owned or hareIDfter
<br /> ��� acquired, ail intemscs. estate q�other cia(ms,both tn law and in equit��, ,,vhich 1?ustor now has or may hereafter acquire in fV:t�
<br /> — f+roperty.ell easc:r�;s,rights-of•way,tQnements,horeditaments and ap;.urt�enances thereof and thereto,all water rights,ail tfght,
<br /> - - dEl@ artd(nterest Ot Trustar,now owned or hereahet atp�u.r¢�, in end to any tand. Iytng withtn tha r(ght•of-way o4 Qny streei or
<br /> _ highway adjoining the Property, and any and atl e(leys� y�dps and gores of land adjaeent to or used in Conr��^`an with the
<br /> PropeRy,end any and all 6ui�dirtgs,tixturas a�+r�i:YtFrovamenta now or hereafter erected thareon(the°fmprovem�;:�°?,and ali ttie
<br /> - estace, invtrost,r�qht, title or any ctaim or d�zeaand which Trusto�now has or may hereafter acquira tn�tv Prc¢�;t�,and any and
<br /> - �!!s:�:er�°ms�,°��Llig�=;;fi8�Y Q�n�nenit dpm�ill,or by ony procee0ing or purchase tn ilau thereot, of the wht a o�any part ot
<br /> -__ tho Trust Estate, lnciuding wfthout limitatlon any awards re5uiting irom a chango of grado at sireets and awarda f�•*severance
<br /> - " damages.
<br /> The Property and the emire estate and interest conveyed to thQ T�ustee Are reterced to coilective(y as tho"Trust Est�ea�";
<br /> , For the Rurpose m4�Sv�w(op; . •
<br /> A. Payment of tndobtedness evidenced by eny promissory note of TrustO��n favor of Boneflciary;and
<br /> B. �yment ot ali sums advancYd by 8eneficiary to protect the Trust Estate. with interest thare�n at tha rate ot
<br /> - sixtesn parcQnt(165�} per annum.
<br /> Tho indebtednesg described tn paragraphs A and 6 abovo is raferrad to as tha'lndebtedness.'
<br /> - This Second Oeed of�vu:sz, any promtssory notQ ot Ttustnr tn favor ot Be�Q}ICIary and any other Insuurreent ptven to
<br /> �'-� evtdence or tu►tt�e sae+�ta the payment end pe�tormance ot eny obltgatfan���ureQ haroby are�etarred to collecttvety as ths'Lcr;Jl�� ,
<br /> _,;� ' insuuments•. � ,
<br /> .. .
<br />- --- ------ Trustor covenants that{i1 Trostar hotds tide ro tho�'rust Estato and has tawiut autharlty to encum6er the Trust F.state,
<br /> � ', (li)i13`i'�ivst E,State ts t�ee and ciear of ati Bens and encumbr�nnas exeept for easaments,�estdctions and covenants oi racard a�d
<br /> _ __ thm�81�U ot Trust tram Trustor Pneumbering tlle Propsrty dt►ted on or ebout the date► hnranf {t1�. ��p��$�t Tnr�'!, sr.d -
<br /> _- -°°' s�"1 �r+:s'a�Wqt E=P@iid [fus TrUSL ESi8t8 8g8inSt tflB t8Wiu1 C10irt15 0}8f1y F@tgOt1. �
<br /> ;, . .
<br /> -- . To FrS�txct the Secudty ot Mts Second Oeed o�trust: �
<br /> •; 1. Paymenfo�Ia�p,�y,�daass. Trustor ahail pay whan due the prirectpa�of,end the traQr�st on,tho Ind�TSdness and
<br /> _- aU other sums as provtdad in the toan t�strurre�ts.
<br /> _ i
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