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<br /> "" ' �� idi a wr{e nt�xa�u4fon or attnchmant of any aimHar procasa shnti bo entared apains4 Trusto�which shap ��
<br /> „ • � � . aecona a it�n on tF�o Y�uBt Estate or any RoRion thQraof or Interast thnrot�and such uxecuYlon. attachmQnt or slmfior �'
<br /> procoss ot judpmant iu�ot roiaaaod,bandod,oatisftud,vecatad or stayad withln stxty l801 days aftnr ics ontry or tovy;or� �
<br /> C
<br /> �; ta! thore has ocCUrted n brnach of or datoul4 undQr any tarm�eove�unt, atireemant, candition, provision, � �=:_.
<br /> �eprosantation or warmnry contained 1�nny prior tleed of t►sio4 ar martgafle eitQCdng tho Trust Estato.
<br /> <, � � p �-
<br /> ' 10. Accefs�atla� apon Oefaalt;AddJtlondl Romerlles. If an evont of defAUtt accura, 8anoficiary mny doclaro tha _
<br /> ' ° Indebtedness secured hereby to be duc► and payabto and the sama shall thereupon became due and Payabi�i withcut any � •
<br /> . ., presnntmont, demand,protest or notice of any klnd. Thereafrer, Bsnettclary may: � �-
<br /> � ��� ll1 atther tn porson ot by agent.with ar wtthout bdnpfng any actian ar proceedtng,or by a rucetver appotntnd � -
<br /> _��-F,���, by a couR and without�ogard to the adaquacy of ita sacudty,o�to►upon and taku poasesstan ot the Trust Esqte,or nny =
<br /> a„„�„�„r11���� paR thQroot. tn Its own�ame or In the name of Trusteo,and do any acts which tt deems neeessary or dttsimble to preserve -
<br /> • tht►vatue,murtcetability or rentabiitry of tho Trust Estate,or paK thereof ar inYerost tharein.Ucrease the income therafrom -
<br /> � or protQCt thq secu►ity heroof and,with or without telcing possession of the Trust Estato.sue fcr or othemise coliect tho -
<br /> � • rents, iaeuas and proflts thereof, includinp those past due and unpeid.end appty the same, less eosts�nd oxpanscs of �
<br /> ;fc oporatlon artd coilectian Including attorneys'fees.upon any indebtedness setursd horaby,ali in suoA erder as Be�eficlary
<br /> , may dotermino. The antert�g upon and taking posseasion of the Trust Estate,the collection of such rents.Issues and �
<br /> proftts and tho appitp��n thereot as atoresaid shatt not cure ar waive any d:fautt or notiCe of defauit herescnden or '
<br /> invalidate a�y act dana tn response to such defautt or pursuant to such notica of defauti and, �otwtthstanding EP�� -
<br /> conUnuance (n possessfon of tho Tc4sc Estate or the�ellection� recefpt and appiication of ren2�,issues or profits.Tnrsiaa
<br /> _ - �� '�� o�Beneticiary ahalt been eMttled�i¢rcercise every right provided fo►in any ot the Loan tn.rnumoMs or by taw upen
<br /> occurrenco of any ovent ot detauit, ir,aluding tha dght to oxercisn tho powQr af snie; � .
<br /> '>�.�;:;;�;.' lil) comer.Fnce ari accion Yo foreeiase thie Deed of Trust as a rnnrtgage, appoint a teCeivet o�speciticalty
<br /> � �� onforce any of the covanants herea4; -
<br /> 1•.
<br /> vec
<br />� r,J�°"*��{� piil deliver to Trustee a written declaradon of default and deman�far sate and a wrttten notico of defautt a��
<br /> ':�_�� �.'„ etection to causa Tn�s:n�'s interest in the Trust EstaYe to be soid, vihich n�Eice Ttustee shell cause to ba duly fllad fpr -
<br /> ' ''-"'� record in the apprapR;,te offtces of the County in which the Trust Estate is S�cated; or
<br /> ".����+
<br />___s,n,..,��� f�1 exercise such other�ights ar remedies at taw or in equity.
<br /> ,.�.cr•,--
<br /> -- 11. fwaQCloswm byPower ol Sa/e. IP 8enetic��ry elects to torectose by exercise of the Pawar of Sals her�ie conteirted,
<br /> -=-=-�t^�;�� Bertettciary shali notifY TrusYea and shait deposit with TnisB�e tht�Second Oeed of Tr�st and arry note evldencirtg Y�a'lasdebtedness
<br />— -�+� and such receipts and evidorexa of expenditures made an�secured hereby as Trustee may requtre.
<br /> :.�:;'�'•'.:'R • .
<br /> ---""-• —_ �fa� Upon�eceipt of such rto2lce trom Benettciary,Trusteo shatl cause to be►ecor8ed,pubUshed and deiivee�df
<br /> --- to Trus¢Ce such Notice of Default and Notice of Sate as then�equ(rad by Iaw and by this Second Oeed of Ttust. T�ustx�
<br /> shall,witheut deman�on Trustor.after such time as may then ba�epuired by law and after recnrdation of such Nodca of --
<br /> '-"� Datoutt end aher K�Cit�uf Sale h�vinfl boen flivon as requfred by iew.se.'I t?�s 17ust Estato at the time and'placd of sate
<br />-_;�� . fixad by It in such NoL�x�a¢Sato,elther 3s a whole,or in separate tot3 or para�:is�or itams as Tnistee shap deem expedEent.
<br />--�-,,� and tn szxlt vrd@r as It may Qqtermino,at public auct(on to the highest bldder for cash in tawful meney ot the Untted States
<br /> -�� -- payablo at the time of sale. Trustee shalt daliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereot�ts�tood and sufftetent deed or
<br /> --«�.� deeds corrvcytng tha property so sotd,but wtthout any cove�ant or wa►�dn4y,enpress or tm�7'_ct. Tho roeitats in such deed
<br /> -__-____= of eny mattets ar facts shait be conclusive proot of the truthfulness thereof. A�y person, inciudtrtg �vimhout t(mitation
<br />_ _-_ � �'rustor.Trustee or Bert�fictary,may purctwse at such sate.
<br /> -- �b1 ��naY be oermttted by taw,after deductinp aQ costs,teos and expo�ses ot Trustee and of this Trust,
<br /> -___ includinp•oosts of evidance ot titfa in connection with sate,TrttGtee shal(epply the ptocettds Of sele t0 peyrttent Of p) the
<br /> - - ------- Indebtedness(�)alf other sums then secured h�reby,end 1IIi�the�eraalnder.(t any,to Mo persan or persons tcgaQy entiitod
<br /> �;;r�� thereto. .
<br /> -----_ -_�_ tc} Trustee may tn tho manner provtdeJ by law postpone sate of ail or any poRion of the Trust Estate.
<br /> --= 12. Rerrsrrdles Not ExetusJve. Trustee and BenetEes.ary. and each of them,shalt be eMltlad to eaforco payment artd
<br /> -_--= ps�tarmanca ot any EnQe�tadnass or aaugauons secured F�eE�y�rn! to excrciS(2 aII RQJIi^.s SRa QOYJC�{iRil�!�S SBCOiii3 f}Ci.i3 Of `
<br />-_.___.__-__� Trust ar ander any Loan lnstrument or other agreem�nt or any laws naw or hareaher in torGe;nqtwithstandinq, some or ati ot the
<br /> saeb Indabtedness and obligat�ons secured hereby may now or hercefter be otherv„tse secared,whether by moRQage,dead 4f trust.
<br /> pledgo,lien,assignment or otherwiso. Neither the ecceptance of this Second Oeed af 7rust nor tts antorcemnni,whetfier by court
<br /> _ --,��,;,�; actien or purscsz�crt to tho power ot sato or othor powers hetein Containod, ahall prejudico or in any manner affect Ttustee's or
<br /> `-=����'��� Boc�Elkiary's�i�:�t ta reali:o upon or enforce any other seeurity rtow ot hereatter held b�Ttustae or Bcrteflciary,ft 6eing�grecd thei
<br /> ����=� Tse�sesa and Beneflciary.acrst ea.cM af thom,shali be entitictd to anfareo this Second Qoed of 7nr�t and any other securi4y now or
<br /> -;;Ch.'t:r';'Y'.i.'' .
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