,f . y�.� ., i .
<br /> , � � .. ,
<br /> � .. o� �.. ._ .. - . . " _ � .
<br /> , /i
<br /> . . ' .
<br /> - ..�, ...�. . . . .: �. `• '
<br /> ..
<br /> ' .._�...a:aSSL': •� ' .
<br /> ,. ..., . - ....._.. ...__._""".._..»..._......__.._.._........_....._' '.,....."__"_'....._...... . . . ' "'_
<br /> ..�'_'.�..........--�.s�..en.x-..--�.�_—�.__.�...__. _..._..'_""'_._'
<br /> �94 ������ �
<br /> �„_
<br /> �My amaunto diaburaed by Londer under this Paragmph sheU baaoma an eddlttonnl dobt of Bor►o►ror and bo soauroA by F��-'
<br /> � thts&�aurtty Instrum�nt.Thoao nmounta shall bcar fnt�roat trom tho dnto of dM�bureem°nt at tho Noto rato,end nt tho optlon of [,_:��
<br /> ' ' 6endnr.shell be Immedl�tary due and payabb. [ �"�
<br /> � Bortowor shaU promptty dlsoharga My IWn whbh hna prlority ovcr thl�Suourtty Instrument untouo 8ono�var. (p)aprc�s In
<br /> � �VrRi�B to tho puymont of th�obtlgatton eoour�d by tho Ibn in a mannor naacptmbl¢to Lendcr, (4)conteato Iri good tafth tt�e Ibn �`'�=-_
<br /> E.�.S;":�.-
<br /> by, or dctanda e({alnot antorcnmsnt o}tho Iqn tn, Iagnl procondlnpa v�h�h ln tho Londc�o opinton oparnta to prov,.nt tho
<br /> 'r..__"
<br /> � � � entorcement of the llen;or (o)secure�kom the holdar of tho Itsn an agreemsnt satist�otory to lsnder subordlnstinfl the Ilen to
<br /> • ihla&:curity In�trumcn�If Lcndr,r datr,rmk�os that any puA of tho Proporty b uubJcot to a Itcn r�hbh mny ntta'�n prlodty ovcr thls �_"
<br /> .•��i'� Socurity Instrument,Londer may gko Bonower e notke tdontirying tho 1!en. 8orrower shall seUsty the tl�n or take one o�moro ot
<br /> ��i the aotlona net toAh ebova within t0 dnYa of the giv�g ot notfco. -
<br /> ,��� 8.FE88.Lendnr may collsot tonn end ohurgos authorimd by tho SnomtQry. _
<br /> • 9.Gro�eeds tor Acc�t�ratd�n of Oeb� �__.
<br /> ;�'' , (8�@fD1�IlOt.Lender mny, e�ccopt as IYnttod by regu�ittone taauod by the Socroinry in tho case of paymont detaults, _--
<br /> � '�' rcsquM hnmedlato peympnt Ir�tuA of alt sums aecumd by this 8eourity insWment it: °
<br /> N . __
<br /> „�:�- ��' (q Borrower dotnutte by tallhp to pay h N!I nny manthry paymant n3qutred by this Security Inatrument prtor to or on _
<br /> 4ha dup date of the ncact monthry payment,or "
<br /> - r� (r�6onower defauRa by faNnB.for a ptxlod ot thtty days,to podortn any othet obOpatlons oontainod h t�is Secudry
<br />, ;��,�"'.:�..•; ' (nstrumen4 -
<br /> ''`''�-���t (b3 Sate WlUxiut Credit ARprovat. Lender ahetl, it permttted by epplhabiB Iaw (hotud�0 SeoUon 341(d)of tho
<br /> �rF�4u
<br /> Qern,St peimah Oepositery InsUtutbns Act ot 198'e, 12 U.B.C. 1701J�3(d))and wJth the prtor approvnl ot tho ecretary.
<br />_.,�.'�,�<<''.. require Immodiate payment fn fuU of W the sums secured by thb SacuYity InsWmont If: _
<br />-�•'��n�`.� ia� All or paR of the Prope�ty, cv a benefbiat tnterest h w Wst awnOng an or part o! tha Properdy, t� sold or
<br /> ��. ' s�tltuwtse trtinsferred(other tRa�n�y dwiso or duscont),and
<br /> (i�7he Propwt�l is not occupb9 by tho purohas�or grantsa As�Is or her prhoipai resldon�m,br the purchaset or
<br />—:;�t,����
<br /> grnntee doas �o oecupy lhA Properiy, but hb or her cr�ed@ hn8 �+ot �aan approvod h eceardence wkh the
<br />�=_�:�"� tequiremente c?1hn GeCretery.
<br />` '�r--�� (C) NO W81Y@�• U ctcumstences occur that would permtt Lendet to roquM Ynmediate pa�Rrt2nt In tu:l.but Lender
<br /> .�.�'::'�
<br /> =�;�;_�� does not requte suoh paymsnte,lbnder doos not waNe its rights wfth resReat to subsequant sn�ents.
<br /> —.::_��o (d) Nepuletiona of HUD ��aretery. In many c6'cum�tanaes rnBulatCona tsaued by the Secnatary will lmk
<br /> t�enders rlshta, h tho case ot pnyment detaulta, to require 1nma6�te Fcyrt�nx in t�+�� and toreotofs B�ot pald•This
<br /> _--•-•�•� Secuf�r InsUum¢nt dos3 not authorim acceSaratbn or brocbsure H not perm�ttad D�r re8utatbas of the SearoMry.
<br /> _�:��--�_ (e) Mort�epe Not Inaured. Bortower egrees tha4 M thb Seeu�ihr Instrumam and tne i�oce are not dr�iori�i:is��
<br /> -�-=`��` be e�lbb tar Insurnnce under the Nntbnal Houshp Aet wRhin N��+�{gQ�d�s_�m the d�to hereof, Lander
<br /> mr��,ui te opUon cequlre Nnmedinto PaY�'►ent in fuil o}atl surhs�eourwd 6y thls�urtty Instrurran� A written stetement
<br /> p}�y wthorl�tA mB�t M the Suaretery dated subaequent to wan�► l�#11 Ri� from the date hereof, doolinhe . ,
<br /> � to lnsure this SaeutRy Instrume�►t end the Note, shait be deeir�ad eonCluehse p7�oot ot euoh (rtelipblllty.Nohv:l7istau►d610. ,
<br /> � � the?o►98ohp,this optlon may not be exeroised by Lender when the unavatlebUit�r of hsurence�S soiely dua Ya L�ro�er'a :
<br /> ft�Jro to remh a mnrtgape hsurence premlum to the 6ecrc+tsry.
<br /> — 10. RElOitRtlR1EI�L Botrowor h�s a dpht to be renatatad H 1.endor hns requYed immediato gaymant In tuU��GBU6e o? ,
<br /> � �� Bomowa's tailure to pay an emount�e under the Note or this&�cunllr InsWmen� This riBht eppli�s evsn ettu ��raobsure
<br /> proceedhps are bstkuted.To rehstale the Seeu�fty lnsWmenf. sonower snae cenaur tn a �,mp sum a�� amou�cs�'r,,a���rea m
<br /> bfip Borrowefo account eurtant inal�dinp, to ths axtent they aro qbGpatlona ot Bottowor under thb SocuAry 9A��t��.
<br /> tonebswo eosta end roasonable snd austomary nttomey's tees und�ses prope�h assoot�te� vrttA ths toreebaun , � �,. -
<br /> proewdinp.Upon rohstatement by Borrower,tAi�Soeun'ty(nstrument at�¢l 1he o6l�gatians that ft 6eeuras shBH remafn h efteCt ae '. � .
<br /> — N tendar had not roqu�d���nodiate paymunt h tuB.Howavar.tm►dor b not requto0 to p�mR rehs24tanent W. W Lsndar ha3 ' . .
<br /> geeepted rahstatertient atter the Cammencement of toreetosure procoedhps wkhin twa yeue iim�edlntnH P►geedhg tht _
<br /> �� — corru►�►cenient o!a curtent foreabsu�e proceedh9,(i�rehatatement wiU precwde torecbsune on di[tterent prounda in tho NNre.
<br /> �"--"�' ar(II�rohstatement wiQ a6vercey aRect tteo priority ot tho llon art�tad by this Securil�r InsGum�►t
<br /> � 11. 8arrower Not 6�elea�ed; Forbesrance By l�nder Not� Walver.6dunsbn ot the tMne ot pay.rent nr
<br /> modiACntbn o!emoRtratian o!the sums socured by t?�ta Secun'ty InsWment prented by Lender to enr successer In hta�es4 ot -
<br /> Boacwar eha0 no!operats to relaase ths NabWtp of fhe adphat Borrower a�Bocrowers sucCessor!n interast.Leedrs shnY not bs
<br /> �quirsd to�oommance proesedh8s a4ninst an1► sueeessor N hte�est ar reluss to extend tinB fer poyrt�ent or ofh�rwiss mod�j ,
<br />_--_`�'""" �s6�iiatiiqr� Ot CiB 6Srr E� cY fiiH F�:ulxi�t ii43ti=m:-"si by rz�.on of cny �s�sd m�� 'vy t+`� vi'`ee%i £'�'rr".:� = _
<br /> ---_— Boirow�e 6uccsssore in htaes� Ml forbearanae by Lende► in exarcbh8 onY �'bht or remodY � not be a waNet of a�r
<br /> ----- proo4do the eo�etClso 09 eny ripht or r¢tnod�r.
<br /> '����{��-� 1�. Succtaadre nnd Aasia�a Bou�d; .ialnt and Se�eret L[�Alltty; Co-�lgr�er�. 1ne covenants and
<br /> -��:.:��_������. ta of Ni3 SocurRy lnstncmont tsholl bad and benefBt Me stseae3so�a end essi�s of tsnder Ynd Borrowt+�'.subJect t0 th�
<br /> _. _ _ _�;.� e��
<br /> �_��_:=-.t,::�_- provksiona ot Para�aph 9(b).eorrowera coveru�nts artd ayroert�er►ts sP�MA be Jolnt end tt�varaL My Borrowar who eo•stpna this
<br /> ;,,�t�+�., Secur�y InsLrument Out doe�not exocute the Not�:(a)b co-s�nhp tT��Socuriyr tnsbumer►t onry to mmYgngo,6mnt end com�ay -
<br />;,�;?;ik.�a;i.' that Borrawer's htarm�E +h the Propdht undor Mo t�at this Security Instru►rtenC(�)M��ot porsona�y aLt�..'�Sr�to puy tho
<br /> r"�:°.�-i'� sums Becurod bY thb Sacurny Instrumonh and te) �c:vaq thnt lend�x end eny ot�Bonower may Rgren to Enhmd, modHy. _
<br /> .,, �.;, �.,. •.
<br />�-;`!f�'�� , {p�q rr�aks anp aceommOdviUons r�rHh ropurd to the t[xm ot 439s Sxurity Inawmmt ot tho Noto without Met Borrowe�a r
<br /> �i:���,,�
<br /> ``ti�il
<br /> _:;.�:�...�L� cor�se�►t
<br /> ::�:ti�� 13. NOUCeB.My noifco to 8orro�ror ProvEdad tar h this S�*.nAY Inwtruma�t shat bo 81rc{n by Qo�►emg R or of��p�
<br /> -,.-.
<br /> ."`•i�'��',� ,O.' by frct c6astti maA un4�a nppticabb Inw roquBas usa ot nnathot rt'.crtAo6.The no2tcs shsA be dYoated to tho Prop6�ty Addrsss or
<br /> s
<br /> .. .. ., �1� flny othet uddteGS Borrowot dosignat�x► by notlos t0 Landor.Mq a�tiCe t0 L.endor GhsD be gtuen by tiR�t C14ss mtY to L.e�'tdere
<br /> ��,• ' �- ..��,.; nddresa statod hereh or [tity addms:b Ltu�dnr dosi�tttes by r,CJoe to HorroKer. My noUco pmvktod to► „ Wts S�cur4lq
<br /> ;�. Inatrument ahnN Ov doerr�sd to heve buen 6ken to Bortower or Lbndar wM�BNen fla P�ovidad h thtE pnraprc¢h.
<br /> .� � 14. GOYCl81Q8 LAWi S@Y81'8bflity. TAIs Sacurgy Insiruum�nt BhaO bo govomeA by Fe�erai faw end the hw of tho
<br /> ' .', ,� .•� � judsdbtlon tn whi��tho ProFah �b��d.in !Ns avant tht�t anY Provlstsa or clauEO ot thb Seeu�y tnsUUment ur the Noto
<br /> '���j,•;���' ;
<br />�. F6lt�.11dU�flCD} Pap��016
<br /> `\ �
<br /> � C�TZO
<br />