� j
<br /> - �
<br /> � 5
<br /> l
<br /> - (� ' . .. , ,...n7�-t-�. , . . �,e�.� .
<br /> .. . f:.n, .�n.;q,.� rt�°�1lav.• _ __�..._._._.....,._... ._.._...._....._..... .,_,_._._.. _...i�._........ -. . . .. ............�..__._._.......
<br /> , , : 39• ��'����
<br /> . • ' �LendC► mny,nt anq tim�, oot!cat and hotd�nmounto for Hocrow Itema In an aQpro(tate nmount not tn exeoe�l tho mtuclnum �,
<br /> � nmount thnl m�y At]rcqulrcd for 0onovrr.fa oscraw acoount under ths Reat Estnte BotiHmant Procodures Aot af 1974,12 U.B.C. �`Yr
<br /> ' �2G01 �j�qg,nnd Imptomentln0 re0utatlone,24 CFR Part 35dD,ao t�sy may tia amond�d from thn�to tlmA ("RflBPA'),except �-
<br /> „ �. � thnt tho cushion df fHS6lY� permftted by R�&PA tor unnnlb�u4od dlaburoamento or dlaburacmento b;,f�ro tAO Uorroerc�o _
<br /> ' , paymunta nro avnt'nbb(n!ho ecceunt mny not be bnsed on amounYs due tar tha mnrtgogs houranco prcm!um. '
<br /> ; � 11 ths amounts hetd by Londer tor Eacrow Itoma cuccecd tho nmounta pormlttod to bt►hotd by R�&PA,lcnd�r ahRU cocount �'•
<br /> • to BoROwer for the excsAe lunds ao requUod by FIESPA.II tha anounta ot Nnds held by 4ender et any Nmo ers eot suftbpnt to �
<br /> pay the Eacsrow Ilen�na whca► �uo.Lcnd:.r r�Y notity th0 Bortov�er tend mqutro Borroww fo mako up Mo ohorlQIIo uo D���ttod by �"
<br /> „ .. •`,�� �spa .....
<br /> ,�,:,�� The Eocrow Funds are piadg�l us addltionnl aaaurity lor nQ oums sncurod by th13 Securipr inoWmenG I}Bonowor tondnra �-._
<br /> to l.ende►the tutl payment of oU euob sums, 8oirowofs ctcaount esha0 be cmdlted wfth tho M4�nco romstnMp tor nIi tnato0mnnl �1; .
<br /> , � ttems (a), (b), and (o) and any e�tortg�go Ineumnce pramlum Nstnt�r�nnt thnt Laedon c�te nat beoome obti�atod to puy to the ;_,._
<br /> :.� Secrelury,nnd londer ahau promptry rofund any axeess tundc to Borton�or.Immedintery prior to u b�anlosuro enb of the Proporiy .._
<br /> f: or ko ecputsHion Dy Ltindnr, �ortow�a acaount shnU Do orodtted with nny bnlanco rampinMp for ati instnllments to�asms(n�,(b), _
<br /> �' � and(o). .o
<br /> � �.App11QIItlQ11 01 POyM�qUl.Al!paymonts under PemgrFtAha 1 and 2 sdaA bo nppi�Cd by Lnndat as follovis: _:
<br /> '�. F�1�61, to th�mortgaqo Usumnco prqmium to bo pctid by t.txider to tho Secretnry er to tho monthy oharQa by the Seeretary
<br /> Inatead of tho monthy mort�a9e Insuranco promlum;
<br />"��-,�'""� ' Second, to eny tnxsn. cpeota► +issessments� M.�asehat�Pal'�� or ground �ents, end ite, flood end other haxard
<br /> ,�,'.
<br /> . r:, `t ilsurfln�.e ptGmlumL�u��qalred;
<br /> ,'`;, •r�-
<br /> _ - _ •f;,. ,. ThUd.to hterc�t duo undnr the Note;
<br /> _`-'�.''r.'.i;c' FQl1BQRl�t0 8m0ltdlflUOft ot th9 ptfrt01pti1 ot th0 NOtO:8�1d
<br /> ._' __:,,�� Fltfdo, to lata charyes duo under tRa Noto. -
<br /> '��,���9 4. Ftrm� Ftood nnd Otiter 6iamrd Insurence. 8cxrowar shnll bsure all tnprovanentfs on the Properiy. whsertK
<br /> .' '�€""��` aow In e�dstence ar subsequentty ereeted�aqalnst anY hozttrds, casuaRk�s,and contingoncies. hebding f6re,for which I.endet
<br /> �'� requires insurence.Thfs hsurance ohs9 be mehtalns0 h tho amonnts and for tho�rWds that f.a�dei requires. 6ortower shttl
<br /> .:�Tr��.g., fllso In,u;a e11 knprovemento on the Pro,pmrty,whether�ow in existenco or Qubsei7uanty orected,agair►at b3s by flaoda to tho
<br />_�'_Y�:S4lift�.
<br /> -�y.,4��_ , extent requlred by the L�eareLW.A0 G�sw�anee she0 be certied vrieh Compenles epprOVOd by LertG�.Tho hsurartCe poik{ss an
<br /> ._= any�enpwgb sh811 be hOld by l.cinndet end shaU hclude b3o pay9bf8 C4luses b tpvsr o}.end h B fortA sCCeptebb t0,L.onder.
<br /> -- = -- In the event ot inss, Borrowor shaU gHB L�ende� Ynmed�ate noUce by ma9. L�cn�ar may make proof of bse k not m4de
<br /> -�:�.�:=�� prompty by 8ortower. EaoA insurence company concemed s�a,i -.��� �.'�e��s�s�+i+�,�,cn �ss ,
<br />-....�::�a..':�8�
<br /> - ==y=�:{.,�+a•�! dlrectry ta Lender.hstead ot M Bemavuu euid to lender Johty. Atl or eny part of the Insurence proceeds rtwr be apPBsd bY
<br />— - -- -- Lendar,at tt�optbn, ekher (o)to tho�otlon ot the hdebtedness under tha Note and this SecurRy Insuament,fhst to any
<br /> --- delhquont i►mounts npp&id in tho ordor h Pancgraph 3.end then to prepayment of prYsa�pat,or(b)to the restontbn or ropalr of -
<br />����r�--� the dema9od ProOort�+• Any ePP�tlon of the prcaeDda to tho prho�at sha� n�2 oxcend or postpone the duo data of tho
<br />.`-::� moathN PoYmenta whkn asa rofertad to M Paresraph & or enen� ene nmo�+m Qa cuon paymonm. My �as8 (nsurenCO -
<br /> ' 'A'--- procaeds aver an�naunt�Ruired to pay ati outs4ondinp hdflbtedrsesa under the t�aLn a�nd thla SecurRy tnsdumir,Yi G4�n1 bo paid
<br /> -_ --_W'ii:�:f;�• •` ,y u�µ
<br /> .__":aLA`A�{']jflY�ij'� t0 4a8�It��°7�tl{CY\1`��.
<br /> ln the event of foreabsure of this Secudty InsWmont or olher Vanstor of t�Ue to the P�o�ty that exth¢utshas tl►e
<br /> �,s�� hdobtednoss,aA�iAht.tilto and Mtorout of BoRO�ver In nnd to hsurenca poUcios in ta�o aha0 puss to the purclia:.er.
<br /> � 6. O�cupanoy. IPnservation� MaMte�ag►�ce artd Protection 0f the P�operty; Bono�rer's i,�oan -
<br /> -- __�:�,;y; ppPlit.!lZiOQ: LE�sEh0lds. Dorr�urar sAatl oCeuPY.��h, and vse lhe Property as 8orrower's prhe�ei rosidertce wQhh
<br /> ----------= s6Ry d�iya �aRer the anacutlon of this S�u:�►tnctruma►t(or wRhln Etr�j alaya of 8 later sair or tra►ster of tho i�rop�lY1 ar►d ehaE
<br /> • aonUnue eo acupr the Froperty as Borrbwers prfnolAal�ider�ce�or gt teas! one yetr uRer ths dat� o!occupeney, unksa
<br /> � 6end�determhss that requYement wGl cause urtdua C�crdshtp lor BoROwar,or pnloas aztenuathp aYCUmstanses exist whtah ue
<br /> � beyond 8nrrower's control. Borro�ver shall notHy Lentler of uny c�xbnunthg ciroumstancea• 8orrowar shaN not comm�waste or
<br /> - = — dc,,^trqy,�iamsae or subatantlWty changa the Proporty or atbw tho PropMy to detedorate, reasonnbt�k�ear and tear exaepted.
<br /> tsn�er may hspect the Properly N the PropeRy ts vacant or abandoaed or the Wen is N► detauh.t-ende�may teke rensonnbb
<br /> aCttoa to protect end prese�ve suoh vacant or abandoned Property.�orrower ehell abo ba b detauR B Borrawar�durhg the bm
<br />_'°1f=a ' ePpliratlon proca5e�pave matwiety taSse or haccu:�ta htomnatbn a statemenU to Lends�(or fa►led ro provide lender wkh tu►y
<br />.`�� . materW htortnaUon)in aonneotkm wRb the ban ev'�denced by the Note, halud�►9,�ut not Umked to,raAresantation9 Concembp
<br /> ---''f�%� Borrowera occupanoy of the Properiy as a prhaipui rosidenee• II this 3ecurity Instrument Is an a leasohold, Bortower ahet0
<br /> —_N31`Y�
<br /> -=--_ ==- an�r w�h t�16 prBVYis3n� ot inE�t�?se. If 8arrowcx ea:yue�os ks�iX�ia!ha Ptag�l�j. !!;a ��MC4Q pnA fee tt�ehe9 nn4�
<br /> -- -___ — mc�rped unless LenEer e9rses to tho ma8e�h wrtUng.
<br /> -���;;_;�;;,;;�,0 8. Condemnr��:�.mo proco9ds ot eny ea{:u�3 or abSm for d:tmngaa, dUeot or consequontlab h ecnnvction witt�uny
<br /> ��;�,
<br /> -:�^;'�'� coademnatlon or othor tektng o4 any paR of the Propctty,or tor �onvaYenee in ptaco ef condemnaUon,nre hcro3�assiqd�od and
<br /> ==������� 8he7 bo (said to Laxtda to lho e�ctc�nt of tho Nli amount ot t�o In:aiebtednosa that remahs un�aid uedor tho Note artd a�la
<br /> `,r�_��{�"�``''�� Securiqr tnatrumanG t-enda►eha6 apply cuah proceeds to tho rofluotion af the hdobtesu►ess undzr tho Noto and thb Sacuriiy
<br /> �.�,,.,>
<br /> r �:,;
<br /> :.�,.1'._,1�r',
<br /> ,::�r2r�'.:r�..;�.,1 Instrumcnt, first to any daflnquont amounts apPlied In tho ord�x P►o�►Ided h Verapmph 3.end then to proFayment o!princpal _
<br />"`.�"�'���:M•�;�'" My eppticatbn o}ttra�r�oQd3 to tho p�ir►epat o�a�not o�Raid ar postpono the�uo dnto of tho monthty paymants.which aro
<br /> '�ht����'.t�,�.:�.: •� -
<br /> ,;.�, �„ .. ; :p roleaaC to h Peregrsipn P. or ehnnge the amount ot suah parmEnts. A�Y excose Procood� ovor nn nmoun4�uted to pny au
<br /> _ 4.�•"R`"�' ' put�LVtdtrtg inda0ttedttoss unde►tt�e NatD nnd tbis Socur�Y instmn�ont ohaU bo patd to tho en+ity bgnLy ontitbd thereto. _
<br /> ;':�F::���(at;�;''��' � �+w..... t„ Rnxnvrar a�ed Prn4eCt�0i� m�l.r��odev's iit9hts it� ttte �vop�rty. Botrower shell pay ei
<br /> �.:, - .. e..s.a� � --------- -
<br />-- . "-:�•. � Qovemmpntat er munlc(pal ohsrge3. tirtes on0 tr,ieos3bns tha4 oro not helude0 h Peru�eAh 2. Bortnwer ehae pRy t�mse
<br /> •irl�'31 � � �
<br /> - -� .;; . �{ obfi�fltbns or�tima dtr�l�l to the entYy whfcfl Ps oe+�d tho payment tf fnliure to pay woub edueraey etteat Lendere htere:�t h
<br /> tho Property,uPan Londds raquost Borrower sRnA promptiy tum�sh to LenGer r�slpts evtdatehp the:�paY�te•
<br /> - . �' ;..�s' if BorroWrar t�s to make these Payment�or tho Paymonto rvqut�!bY P�9�Afi 2,or falls to pedortn nnY other covese�ts
<br /> .• ..� '� esed egreemenl� eor�tahod h thb SecurfdY lnstrumon�or thore ts e k�gat Procoedhg that may ei�Hicantb attact Lend&rs r�hts in
<br /> � the Proparty(sucA ns n procoedhg M banlwptcy.for condannatbn or to ento�e taN+e ar re8ulatbna),thon Londar may do and
<br /> • . pay whaLover t� n�cossary to R�the vatuo af tho Propaly end Londeta�hfa in the PropeRy,Inatudhg pt,yment of tezES.
<br />- -r ,- he:ard hsurence ared other Rnms mentwnad tn ParuBreAb 2-
<br /> .. ��' •
<br /> , , Fse+a�em(+roo� P�p• a oi a
<br /> .. o " .P /�
<br /> _ � ; �
<br /> � OL1i0
<br /> �:
<br />