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. � <br /> � <br /> . ,� . <br /> , „", „ .. _ .. . ... .. ..' ....----.--_.__�._ o <br /> . <br /> ., . . ,. . . - -. .. . <br /> .. ............J�..�i.�._ <br /> ��Q��y�.s�� . <br /> .,: <br /> aan�loto e�itb appifaabt� lzw,auQh oonftiot ehatl not ntiont othor provislone of thls Soaurlry inatrumont or tho Nato whloh ean bo <br /> ;' � ' pNOn offeot wNhout lho oonfliottnp provinion. To thl�cnd tho provt�lona of th13 Seeurfty Inetn+mont and the Noto nro d�oi�rod to <br /> . bo oovcrabto. � <br /> . ' � �8, ��rrower's Copy. 6orrov��r shnll bo gNOn ono oontormod aopy of Iho Noronnd of thts&oourity Inatrumunt. � <br /> • 18. He�ardau� �ub�4eneea. Bortowor ahaU not aauno or permit tho praoenco, uso, d�spoaa6 atorago.or ro',enoo o� <br /> , • nny Hoserdoua Subatan000 on or tn tho Proparty. Borror�or aholl not do,nor eilow anyone olso to do�tlio pro en�o�tuao t oo , <br /> •• PropeAy tNot Is In vlot�tton ot any Envkonmentsl Law• Tho praceding two ecntonc�s ohail not aPPb ro rinto to normnl ±� <br /> �� , storago on tho PropoRy of amall quantitles ot Htuardoun Subatnncos thpt are gunaalty moognt�o0 to bo npp P 'r,,�•L <br /> o :.-.- <br /> ° ';,,5',. roaldontl�l ueos�u►d to maintonunco ot tho Proporty. .; ;; <br /> ' ��"� 8ortower ohall promptry gNo Lcndcr writton notbe of nny Invsst�gation, otnlm, dcmrsnd, I�wsult or othor aotion by nny �..;•',_ <br /> , -�t�► <br /> govommontnl or reguNtory agartay or prtvato paRy InvoNing tho PrAperty and any Flarardou3&ubstanco or Hnvironmontat law of ��:;=: <br /> wh0oh Bortowor hns aatuul knariedgct. If 8ortowor bamo, ar Is notlfio� by uny govammcanln► or regutntory nuthority, ihut nny ��.�:1;;. <br /> rompvaf or othor remedlattan of any Hartudous Subotaneo3 nffeotlne th0 Proporty Is nocsssery. 8ortower shall promptry tnko a0 F��. <br /> � t naaosatvy remadfai aotlons In acaordance with EnviromnQntat Law• ��-� <br /> Ao usod In thla pumgraph 18, 'Hamrdoue Substnncos°aro thpso substnnco:, doflnod as toxb or hamrdoua subatnncos by P,___ <br /> EnvUonmflntal Lnw nnd tho toltowhg aubntance�: 8aoalino, keroseno, othor flvnmabh or toxb potrotoum produote, toxb - <br /> ' pesUcidos and habEnvko�nmental Law" eano tfed a/aws und Iawsgot the Ju diCtion dart►ore tha PropoAy is located that8re;ato - <br /> �4; ; the pernBraPh 18, <br /> ,;^„� to l�eallh,sataty or environmontal proteation. -- <br /> . -�.� . �__ <br /> NON•UNIRORM COYENANT3.Bortowor a�d Lender turther eovenent and agreo as toUows: <br /> � � 1T. q8olge�enent of Retite. 8ortowsr uncondltlonnly sasigns and tmn£ttiots to lerder aq thc+rents and revenues of the '''_. <br /> ;, ��, Prop�ty. Bortower authorinos Londor or Ltindors sgenta to ooUeot the renta end rovonues tuid hnreby direots eaoh tc�nant of tho __ <br /> L <br /> , � PropaAy to pcy the renta to Londer or Londers agents. Howarr�r, prfor to Londer's nolke tc Borrower of Borrowsre dreach of <br /> any eovenant or agreement h tAa Securily Inatrument, 8orro�vor ahatl oolleot end raceNO c►n rQnts and revenue3 of the Prap�rty <br /> `" , ' as trustee tor th0 beneflt of Lender and 8orrower. This assignment of rents aonstttutes en absolute ussi9nment end nat nn <br /> assignmont Por addit�nal seaurity ony. ___ <br />' - �}�d�r glves notbe of bresah to BoROwer. (a) all ronla receMed by 8orrower ehatl bo hetd by Borrower as wstee for <br /> � benorit of lender onry, to bo epplfed to the sums seaured by th�+Secudty Insuument:@1 I�snder shatl be ent(tted to aolbat and <br /> roco;va aU ot tho rents of tha RmpeRYt end (a)eaoh tenant ot Qhe Proporty ahaq pay r�tl ranta due and unpald to Lendor or — <br />_ � " lend�rr's ngent on LenCets wntt���vme�d to t�rn tanaai. ° - <br /> Barrower has not euecuted any prior asaignmsnt of the rents and has not�nd wa not Rattorm enY aat thnt woutd prevmt <br /> lender trom rixeroishg it�dDhts under thb ParaBrePh 17. <br />��„:�,,�;.;�,f � E�nde�shali not be required ta enter upon,take controi o}or mnhWh the Properiy beMre or aker givh9 not�Ce of breaaA to <br /> ��`.,�, Bonr�war. Mowevar,Lende�•or a judtcialql ePDotntad rocetvrs mav do so at any �Ime there ts �breaah.MY apPOcatbn ot rents <br />-.�.•...� , .� <br /> •1�;�. <br /> Y:,p' rr c--:<I; � <br />��,�:..,�y�,,{;,�, sA$1��ot cure or walve anY dehtuR oY hvplidate eny other�Nt os remo oi Lender.Ttst3 a�lgnmont ot rente ot t o Ro <br />}�i`"�-� �-+;' ehatl twm(nnte whon tho debt secu�ed by the Saourity InaWmant ts paid h fu14 <br />- ��� '� 18. Forectosure� Procedure. it Lendor requtres imme���8� payment in t1ui1 undor Parepreph 9� . <br /> �.-�`,f� Lender mey tnvoke the power of stite end env other r��r��dlea permitted t�y appiicable law. <br /> 1' "����'' LandQr a�tl be entlUed to colioat ati expens� Oa�s�arred in pu�auing the remedtea providcd In <br /> ::,,;�.::.�.��r�:�:,;� <br />;�k�;�.'� sh�� paregreph 10, Inciuding� but not iimited ga, reesonable attarneys' teea and cost� �t 4��1e <br /> ::�?,a:�<"�,,+�� ovldenee. <br />=ti,�,?�,�;-°� �} us pow�r of sata ta� invoked, Truatee shali �acord e notice of dateut4 tn enoh couniy In <br /> �-?�,;�: e� 4t �e p�operty ta located encE ahnit meil aoptea of auch notice in tho m�nn�e <br />�� z�.��,.`�:,�: w�tch areY p y llcabl�+ Oaw. <br />�;;:q'{��,�s;.,,; p�r�saribed by e�ptieable O�v to �orrower a�ed 4a the o4her persant pr��orihed b epp <br /> �r,,:)�.•�� � <br />��:':� ,,.S',�h Ilcabto law� TQaoe4�e ahall give publla nm���e of sale to the por�ons <br /> :�� ��' A�t3�r 4he ttme requlred ���►�p <br />_"�"-°--. , and in the m�nrter preacrlbed by s�pitcnble tew. Y�astee,wtthoutdeman� on Borrower.shai7��91 __ <br />���; �d���'; the Properdy et pubito auetton to 4qn� B�ighest btdder at t�a ttnae end ptece end undor ttse terryea <br /> �.� >�,�r;�,_ • <br /> =��,� desigaeted I� the rtotDr,e ot sele Iro �no or more pnrceta and in any arder T�natee determ nea <br />_----�;;.z . - 4���tee meiy poatpon� �3a of eti or any pare�� of the Property by pa�biic ennouneement et 4he <br />_='-=�1��;�``: t��� and plaao o!' any {pr�viouaiy echedule� �ie. Lender or it� d��ignee may purehaaa the � <br />-:��•�;,t,<<1=_ <br />-��_:=�;�;-:__-:� p�z,perty�e�y eaie. <br /> ��•�y� ' �"-'° Upon rece7pt ot payment oi tfio priee bid� Truetee e�a71 deilve� to the po�tshaaer Truateo's <br />- _ _�.,.,:.. <br /> ' � ;f:,'�tN. ` deed conveying the P�operty.The racitnis in the Trusteo's aeeed ehall be prim� 9o�te evidence o <br /> �� '`"'��''�`' � the truth of tD�e steteca���ta made the�ein. '��u���a ���� �IP�Y �e �ro�eede ot the aale In the <br /> �: . •�:`'"�,'::�, � toltowtng order: (e) to ett costs end experes�a mf oxercising tho p�v►ier of 8ate. and the eate� <br /> , i?,�;;;.. ,. <br /> Ineluding tle��oayment ot the Tr��atee's toea eetumlty incurred� not to excecd Truat�ee Fee, gb _ <br /> of the pric�xC�7 amount ot the �e�4� at th� tinr+e of 4�n� di�ataretlon of defs^.�?3, an� raasonebte =_ <br /> . ���'�;� � • et�orneya' f�es �ts peamittod by Inw; �) to e�� a�ma seca���a9 bY thfla Securlty Instrum�nt; and (a) c _ <br /> �.�.!'•;r+ x' <br /> ��•� eny excesn to the pe��n tit persone legalty e�4lt�ed to IL <br />- ;::'i•"S%'.r � <br /> � ,,� . c It 4he I.ende�'s Iroti��at in this Seeurity► Insteumeot Is held by the Secretary and the �re rY � <br /> .��r,:r��.., .. 3 ��-_ <br /> � -r_ �w f requtrea ti•as�aedlo4e paymee�41� t�sll undor Pamgraph 9, the Secrot�ry mmy invoke the aoco���l8�1a1 - <br /> - • powtsr ot aato providcd in the Stsn�"� Fem�h► Mortgage F�a�cloaure Act ot 1994 (°Aat°) (12 U.S.C. �`��:ti <br /> • ' a��. _:e.�.�e.. re�u�ttna e tare�6osuro corroml:st�ner deafg�sete�under tho Aet to commence �;:'�_ <br /> -- -- �.... ��-. -. --�- <br /> toreetowra and to sell tt�e Property as provirDed I�o tho AeL NOUncng in �ne ����-- �_- <br />_� shaQ depr(ve the �ec�ct�ry► 9t any Nghts otherwiae evaltable to e Len��r ueder t!�!a Parngrnph 18 ';., <br /> or ep�plicabte la�ro. '�: <br /> ° 19. Fi@COtiYOyilRCB. Upan payment ot np sums securod by thb Sc:curtty In�trument, L,�ndnr ohnU repuest Truatoo to Z. <br /> ' „�, roaomrsy tho Prop�xty end BhaO sutrcJndOt this SoCUtity Wkh�►�����w����Q�go iho pureondob pcxoonoS becUtY •{:i <br /> � InsWrnont to Truatoo.T�ustoo sAntl reeonvey tho Ptaperty >� <br /> untitbd to It.blioh poraon or pursons shntl pny ony recordatton costs. <br />� , �� u' • <br /> , . . ° FOEtJ.IMU(tlOD) Pap��ot 6 ° <br /> � � �.t� - <br /> . <br /> ��. h�� oe�zo <br /> " \ _ _ <br />