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<br /> ! At tde optton of Bcaef[oinry. �11 or any part of the aQ�eed fecs and chazaes. uccsuat interest and principal shail br,come •�
<br /> . ' Immediutely due And puyn6le. nfter givin�notice!f required by luw.upon tb.e occurrence of u d�fnult or anydme thereutter.
<br /> ' In addition.8�eftciary shap be entided to all the rcme�ies provided by law,the Evidence of Debt,other evldences of debt,
<br /> • this Deed of Trust ond w►y mintcd doctunent�includinB wlthout limitation,tha power to sell thc Property.
<br /> If there le e default,Trustee shall.ln uddition to cu►y other psrminc�d remedy,at the request of the 8cheficiury,�dvertise and ,
<br /> ° sell the Property as u ahole or 1n sepsuute pFUCels at public auctiou w the tughest biddrr for cash and convey absolutc title
<br /> � _-�,; fePe und clear of all rl�ht,tWe oad interest of Trusror at such time and place as Trustee de�iguntes.Trustee shall give nodce
<br /> - • of sate including ehe tima,tenns nad plaoe of stila und a descdption of the property to b$sold a.g required by the applicable
<br /> '._� "` ; luw itt effect ut the tune of the proposed sale. -.
<br /> Upon sale of the pmperty and to the eatent aat pmhibited by law.Truate�shall make and deliver u deed to the Property sold � �y`=;
<br /> ' � which conveys absolute title to the purcha�er.and after firnt pnyiag all fees,charges and casta. shall pay to Beneficiary ult - _
<br /> moneys sdvanced for repairs�wxes. insurnnoe. liena. uosessments and prior encumbrunces end interest thereon, and We _T
<br /> n --
<br /> • , } principal and int�rest on the Secured Debt.paying tha surplus. if any.to T�stor. BeneSciary m3y purchase the Property. �"�_,.._
<br /> � The recitels ia tury deed of conveyance sbull bo prima fiuie evidence of the fncta set forth therein.
<br /> pll remedies tue distiact.curautative and aot eaclusive. and the Beneficlary is endQed to�11 renu�les pmvided at law or �.�,
<br /> � � �'� equity.whether expressly set forth or not.The acoeptance by Beneficiwy of aay sum ia payment or pactiul�ayment on the �,
<br /> � �'i S�cured Dcbt after the b�lnncc is due or Is aocelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shalt not constitute a waiver 4
<br /> � of Beneticiary's right to require fult�ad complete cure of any existiug deYeult. By not exerclsim�any r�.m�ly an'fEVStor's
<br /> �....�
<br /> � "� default.BeneSciary does not waiva Beneftciary's right to later con.gider the eveat a dofault if ii continues or huppeas agbin. �a�
<br /> 18.EXPENS�;ADVANC&�UN COVENANf3i A'qTORNEYS'I�EES;COII.L�.'IION COSTS.Bxcept when prohib}ted ��;. :"
<br /> _'',� by law.Tniswr aBrees e��ay a11 of Beneficiary's enpenses if Trustor breaches aay covenant ia this Dced of Tn�st.Tiustor =
<br />_ ' „ will also F�y on dc�nand all of Beneficiary's eapenses incurred iu aa9lecting,insurin8+Preser�'ing or prmtectiug the Pcogerty t j=
<br /> , or in any 3�'�ti•ratorles�audits.laspectioas ar other examination l�y�3aneficiary in reapect to the Property.Tiustor agrees to _ -
<br /> pay all e�sts and eapenses incutnd by B�aeficiary in enforciug�r pmuxtIa�Eeacflciary's dgitte aqd reraediea uudP.t tl�is =
<br /> Deed of Truat.iacluding,bus aot limited to.attoia�,s'fees.court costs,and other legal expenses.Once the SQCUred Debt 9s __
<br /> . . fi�lIy and fiaelly puid�Beneficiary agree.s to release¢h�s Deed of Trust and Trustor agreea to pay far any reoac�datton coRte. —
<br /> „.
<br /> � ,- pli sach amounts are due on demead and wUt bear intemst from the time of the advance at the 4ighest raze in effeat, m
<br /> " ' 'F _ time to t�e,as provtded ia We Bvtdence�aY Debt and us permitted by law.
<br /> V fi`,.�
<br /> 19.ENVIRONlVIENTAL Y.AWS AND HAZARDOUS S[JBSTANCES. As used [n this secdon� (1) "Enviranmeatal d.sw" �
<br /> meuns. without limitation� the Camprehensive Envtronmental Response� Compensation and LiabUity Ac� ({C�1tCLA, 42
<br /> U.S.C.9b01 et seq.),r��mther f�deral.stnte and local lawa.regalatlons.ordinances,caurt otGere,attorney a�neml opiniana
<br /> � . or intet�ssiive tettere concemiug the publ[c healW, sefety. welfare. environutent or a hazardoua subsifutce; and (2)
<br /> "Ha�aus Substanco" means aay to�cic� radioactive or hazaidmus matarial. wa.Me. golluusnt or conuuninant which Du�a
<br />� churacteristics wbich render the substnnoe dangemua or jsotentlalty dangemua to the pubflc healtb� esfety. welf;uc �i
<br /> �� � envieonment. The tean iacludes. without Iicnitadon. uny substances definecl ns "hozardous matedal�" "toxtc substana�."
<br /> _4.. .�, ,:,; "hazazdous waste" or"haza�dous substance"uadcr aay fiavironraentel Lnvi. '�ka�stor repn�te� warrante and agrees thnt,
<br /> .. ., . except as pxeviously dlsclased and ucknowledged in writing: rt����QCnued,tc�eated,refined,or handled by
<br /> ' - ��t� A. No'Hazardous Substance has been. is.or wW be located.u�►nspo
<br />"-FU;~�.���. '� rson on.under or about the Proparty�except itt the ordinary course of buafaess snd in s�uuict compliance with
<br />, `,�.:�_. a�y De
<br /> -'�T:-`�=°=��' ali applicable Bnvironmentel Luw.
<br /> �;,,::u,�.�".�
<br />=r,,;.,:._-= B, Trustor hes aot aud wUl not cause�concribute to.or permit the i+elense of any H�nrdous Substance on the perty
<br /> �w'``�::;�:;y,_ C. Trustor will inmrac�iately notify BeaeRciary if(1)a release or ttue�tened release of Hazardoua Substance occure on, _
<br />�:;:;,..:..� •� �ndsr or about tl�c PropertY ur mj8rntes oI threatens to miBrnte from nearby pmperty: or(2)therc ia a vtolation of
<br /> _; .",. +� any�nvlmnmcnwl Law conceming the Prope.rty.In s���¢vent.Trusto:will take nil necesstuy remedIal actton in
<br />_�� .. .. �'��; ur�rdauce wtth Bnvironmental Luw. or thrEateaod invesd atfon� clafm. oz
<br />�,k°,J:q-�.` p, Truator Las no knowle�lge of or reason to believe ther�e is any pen�in8 6
<br /> - . J.,f. Ptneceding af any Icjnd relnting w(1?any Na•r,ardous yubswnce located on,uader or about We Property:or(2)any W
<br /> -=�` _•=-;�-� vio1a�ion by T�u�tar or�sy srnant af aay Enrfroa�nta!1 A�v.Truster wil!imm�afiutelY notify Beneflcit+ry In writia�g -
<br />--=�:z�• 8 P F•=e..
<br />���;,y�M,: as soan os Tcustor has reasoa to believe tbere is any such pending or threatensd inv�stl atlo�.ciciim,or r�rx�lu�. -
<br />�-T-�;_�;-_� IIa such an eveet.Beneflciary bas the dBht,but not the obli�ation,w partictpate in e�ay such proce�in8 inclndlnB the _
<br /> ��i��' ri�t to recelve copies of any diocuaiente relating to auch pmccediaBa.
<br /> _• �Y."��.." E. 'IYuator and every tenent hnve been.are aad ehall remuin in fWl campUnuce with any appl[cable Bnvimnmentel i.a�v. ___
<br /> - •� �� F. There are no nndergrouud atoraSe tnnks.ndvate dumps or open welIs➢ocated ua or uadcr the i't�rrty and no such ____
<br /> i „ . ,� , tanic,dump or rveU wi11 be added unlesa Beneficiary ftrst consenta in vmiing. ��-
<br /> .� O. '�'�stor will regularly inspec�the Pmperty.monitor the act�vities and operations on bhe Fropert3+. and contirm that `'. _
<br /> a�l�e�its.l ioenses o r a p p r o v n 9 9 r e q u i r e d b y a n y a p p l i c a b�e l a v i ro n m e n t e l Law are obiaiaed and co m�lied with. -
<br /> , H. Trustor vv�11 peimit. or asuse any ten�u►t to permit. BeneRciary or Beneficlary's �ent w enter and lnspoct thc ��:
<br />_ • p�perty �nd review al( recorda nt eny reasou a b le t u ae t o d e t e m�i n c(1) t h e e x i s t e tt c e, l a c a t i n n a n A n n t u r e o f a n y ;,;;
<br /> _ � � Hazardoua Substanc�oa�wnder or ebout the Prope�ty: (2)the ex[stence,locatloa, nature� amd�nnanitude of any ;u��:
<br /> Ho�nrdous Substance that has bcen celeased on�uader or about the Pmpe.rty; or(3)wbettter or am2 d'rustor and aaY :-;::_
<br /> . . t�:sant tue in compllanoe witlt appl[ctible L'nvlmnmcntal Tasa. -
<br /> . cb
<br /> _. t i. Upon Be.neficiury's request aad at any tlme, Tcuator ugrees, at Tcustor's exgc.nse, to engage a qualifted
<br /> . environacentnl engineer to prepare+m envimnmeawl audtt of tho Property end to submit the results of such audit to ;::
<br /> - � Beneficiary. Tho choloc of the environmental engineer who will perfoim such uudtt is subject to BeaeRctt�ty's �,-
<br /> ,�,
<br /> .-_ _ _;.=- aPProvai.
<br /> ' � d� � J. Beneficlary hos the rtabt, but not the obligadon. to perform as►y of 7Yustor's obliBations under this secdon at
<br /> ' Tcustor'sexpense. (1)Trustor will
<br /> , • • K. As a consequence of any bteuch of any represcatation�wum►nry or promise made In thia sectlon,
<br /> indertudfy nnd Aold a�ueftciary and Senefictury's sucoessors or assil�ns hnrmless fao�n and eB�ns�al� �osses.clnims.
<br /> �. demnnds. ltabiIities.dnn�a�es, cleanup. response and remedintion ooste. penatties and expcnscs. ittcludtag wIshaut
<br /> � limttudon nll costs of litigation e�uud attomeys' fces.wWct►BeneRciury nnd Benpficiury's suoc�sota or sissigns maY
<br /> �'' sustain; and(2)at Beneficiary's discretion, Benefictary mny reieuse this Beed of Trust and in retum Tnistor wlil
<br /> . provide Beaeficinry with collnteral of ut least cqnsil vulue to the Property secured by this Deed of T�ust witttout �
<br /> ° prejudtx to any of Bencfic[�uy's righta under this Deed of Tn�st.
<br /> ' " po(!a 0 018
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