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<br /> . �
<br /> �1
<br /> I/ �.
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<br /> n._ .
<br /> . �. 1 . . .. . ...-..._ .._'�_'�
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<br /> . ' �� � ' , ��m ����� '
<br /> � ��y"•
<br /> � • or�bsolete, pmvidad thnt such gersonnl pro}serty is replaced with ather personnl property at lr.�st equal in vnlu�ta the
<br /> ' repluced perr,onW pmperty, frec from any titic rete�tlon devi�.�, r>ecudty uBceement or other encumbmnt:e. Such �
<br /> mpincement of personnl property will be deemed subje�t ta the securiry tnterest creuted by Win Dced of'['mst.Truator ehWl ,
<br /> ,� , not purtttiou or subdivide the Froperty without Beaeticlury�8 pi�Of vJfIIICA COASYAI. BerxAeiory or Beneticiary'a odents
<br /> mny. at @eneRciury's opdau, enter the ProFPrry nt nny reasonuble tlme for the purpose of inspcttin� the PropePty. Any
<br /> insFection of ths Property shull be entirely for 6�eneflctary'u benefit And Trustor wilt !n no wAy r�ely an Beneflclary's
<br /> :: , . . laspaction. '
<br /> .. Y. -.
<br /> � "' 13.AU7'HORT�X TA l�ERI�'OR1VI.(f Ttustor fuila to perform uny of Tmstor's duUes under thle Deed of Trust,or nny other ':ti„'.
<br /> X
<br /> •,;::,�,:� mortgage.deeE uf tn�st,security u�reement or other lie�document thut�as prloriry over�his Qeed af Tntst, @eneticiary -
<br /> " .,� may,w�thout aotice,pert'orm Une duUes or cause them to be perforaced. Trustor nppafnts Heneficicuy us attomey in fnct ta .•L,;:
<br /> slgn Trustor s atutte or pay any amouat necessM+for perfom�ace. If any construction on ttte Psoperty is dlscontlaued or �
<br /> ao�cnrrI�on in u reasonable mauner,Beneficiary may do�vhr.tever is necessary to prot�t Beneflciary's secudry interest ;��
<br /> .'Chis ma include ca ledn the wnsuuctioa. �'�'
<br /> I n t h e P r o P e rt p Y m P n 8 -,-
<br /> � Beneficiary's rlght to perforat fot Trustor ehnil noi create aa obllButlon to perform,aad Beneftctary's fnilurz to perform __
<br /> wilt aot preclude BeaeRciary from e�cercising Any of Beneflciury's other dghts under the lnw or this Dazd of ltust.Auy —
<br /> . � anaounts puid by Beneficlary for inauring, pmserving or otherwise protectiag tha Prop�rty nrid Heneficinry's security
<br /> • • interest wiU tse due on demand and will bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in li�ll at the interest rata in
<br /> � effect from time to tlrne a000rdiag to the tenns of the Evidencs of Debt.
<br /> .�"�.
<br /> - _:.. t.t ��.�c yGN�1dT OF T.FAS�.s AND R�1VT3.Tn�stor irrevoca6ly�;rants.conveys aztd sells es additional sacurity all the --
<br /> �;��:,;� dght.tltle aad interest in aud¢a:a►y and all: �- -
<br /> „ � : � ;' A. Existing or future leases.subleases,licenses.gunrandes and eay other wrltten or verbal agrcement�for the�se aad
<br /> - +° occugancy of uay portion of the Property, iaclading any extc�ions, reaewals, moditicutions or subs�dhations of �._:_.
<br /> �� , such ag�eements(all referred w as"L�cases"). -
<br /> �. B. Rents,issues and pmfits(all nferred to as"Rents").fududiag but nat limited w securlty degosita�mi.�imum rent. __
<br /> `�� percentage rent� additional rent. wmnaon area maintenauce chargea� Farking charges. real estate tax�. ather _-
<br /> applicable twtes. Ins�uance pcemium wnaributIons, 1lquidated daa�ages folloti v i ng d e fa u lt.cance l l a t ion p r e m iva�s,
<br /> "loss af rents"insurance,revenues,royalties.peoceeds.bom�ses.aad aU r�ghu und claims whiah Trustor muy hnve
<br /> � that in aay way pertuins to nr ls on eccouat of the use or occupaacy of the whole or aay part of the Property. __
<br /> Trustor wlll promptly provide Beneficiary wfth uue and cornect copi�a uf aU existing aad thture I.e.ases• 'Tcustor maY
<br /> ,,�.,,�,4:�,�'' coilect.neceive,enjoy and use the Rents so long es T�ustor ls not in de:Fpult.Tr�tor weSl�t collect in advance any Reats
<br /> _ °° :a� due in iut�►�c tu��-�ads,u�sS�s Tsu.�tas fir�s ab.s3a^�e.Rcls.*y s�*+3!t�c�+���: It�,nm defaulk Tcuswr wiil receive , -
<br /> as
<br /> "`v'+��;�� any Renta ia uust for BeneRciary nnd Trustor will not couurdugle the Ilteats with aay other fl�ads.Any emfluz►ts calle�ted
<br /> ��, . :
<br /> ehatl be apFliead at Beaeficiary's discretion to payments on the Secured Debt es thenin pmvided.to cs,sts of manx�ing the
<br />_ � � '. � Property. .�clucB�mg. but not limited to. all taxes. assessments,�ce premiums. repaire� aaA ec►mmiesions w rentul
<br />=-�;..;.�•,;���- :• agente.und to amy other aecessary related eapenses includiag Beneficiary's attorneys'fces�Paralegal�'eea and a�urt costs.
<br />_ . � �.;;.�''�
<br /> �' ' �`�`�'� ' Tut�stor ackitawledges tbat this assignment Ie perfeeted u�on thd cecording of this Dea1 of'Crust aad that BeRaYiciary la
<br />'?i��,,,: ��',.; entitlai to natlfy any of Tmscar's teuants to�alce gayment of rents due or to become due to Beneficiary. Hoaever�
<br />_'� ,,;r, Beneflciary agreea that only on default wlll Seneficiary notify Tmstor and Tiuswr's tenaats and make dem�md that ali
<br />'�'� � futw� Rents be paid dirrxtly w BeneSclary. On receiviag tbe nodo¢af default, Tmsmr wili endorse aad deliver to
<br />- ..:' ..��"�� Beneficiary uny payaaents of Rent in Trusror's possesslon.
<br /> `��;�=:.;� �`_ � '["rustor covenants that no default rxista under the Leuses or eny appllcable landlord law.Trustor also covenants anr��ngtees
<br /> �"-"�-�� to maintaiu. and to reqvire the tenants to oomply with, �ce LRases and eay applicabl�law. 14ustor wlll promp2�y notify
<br />�;.:�'°�"'�`�'- �'�'� Heneftciiuy of any noncampIfance. If'I'rnstar neglects or ret�ses to enforce oompliance with the te�ms of the Leasey,then
<br /> !":,`,`.r'.�$`� ,
<br /> -„,.�,�- . Beneflcinry m�y. at Beneaciary s option, enforce camplIeuce. Trustor wi11 obtain Heneflciaxy's wcicten awhoriza�pion
<br /> �`.5�_�;:�T. before Tn�stor coasen4s w eublet. modily, canccl, or othenWse alter the L,eases.to accept the sur�ender of tho Property
<br />=�_�-�, ".'..,c, . coveted requite)� or to assi +�1Y
<br /> by sach Leases(unless the Leasea so gn.compmmise or encumber the Leases or thtttre
<br />_=_ ":�:�'.;;;;;S � Rente. Tiust�r wili hold Be�aflciary hutmleas and lademn�fy Beneftciary for any and alt lisbility. loss or dttmage that
<br /> - ,_�t�:;� ' Beasficl�uy amny incur as a oonsa�uence of the assignment under this secdon.
<br />---:- ��;., _ _
<br />��4,r..,s�`;.') . _
<br />�_,�.--�LL � , Zg,rniync�Mflq�7TM8� Pi.ANNED UnTIT DEVEIAPMENTS. If the �IOpCItY �IICllldf.4 A U11�t III A COIId0Ii1�L�1lal Or II
<br />��^�j�`�'� pinnued unit development.'Prustor witt pecform ati ut"Ctualor'a duUrs under tt►e covenente, by-laws.or rc�ulstioBS ai tt�e �
<br /> tY:,,
<br /> >{:�;��r7ti� condomWuiaor planaed unii alevelopmeat.
<br /> .tdar!P�ii:1t?�jr�,,,. ' .
<br />�:.:�SKW7Y�5+ .
<br />,=�.�,.;��:. �: 16.DEFAUL'H'.Trustor will be ia default if eay of the following oocur:
<br /> �-.:,. . ..•._ p, pny�sy obl[g�ted on the Secured Debt faile to make pay�nent whea due; -
<br /> ___ B. A brear.�a of any tecm oT covenant in thia Beed of Tcust,any prtor mortBege or any wnstiucrioa loan agreement,
<br /> �=..� � �• � securlty agrcement or nay other document evIQ��ing, gunrantying. se�.cin8 or otherwise relnting to the Secured --
<br />- .� DPbt; --
<br /> C. 'I9i�maldng oa�of any verb�l or wdtten 7epreaeatation,atatem�nt or waminty to Beneficiury that ie false _
<br /> F� or i�ssozrect in eny mat al respect by Trustor or uny peraon or entity obllgate�d on the 5ecur�sf Debt; __'_
<br /> ;: U. 'Ihe¢itath,dissoluNon.appoietment of a•eceiver for. or a��lisatioa of any debtor risliet law to.Tcvator or any _-
<br /> J �: gcason aa�eaflty obiig�.ted on the 5ecured 11ebt; �„•
<br /> B. A qoad f�ith be1iM by Benetfciary at any ticue that HenetIcicuy is fusec�ue with respect to any person or eariry __
<br /> • obligated oa the Secuc+ed�ebt or that the prospe�af any paya�ent is irapa��os the Property Is impaired; `.
<br />- F. A materis+l adverse ch�e in 7'rustar's businesa 8m�luding ownership.mnnagemeat,uad fimacial condidous,whicA �.-
<br />_ - � Heneficiary ia its opinion helieves iz�gaira the vulaue of the Progerty ar repaymeat of the Secured Debt:or �'
<br /> .. ..., •
<br /> ��` � Q. Any loan prooeeds are usod for a pu�se Wat aill wntribute to¢acesalve erosion of hi�y erodible land or to the �_='
<br /> --.--------------
<br /> - �---e_....t���.��W.���.�1....t�..�.t .........wtiw ae Suwlws a�nlnirurl in 7 C 1F LQ.pHtt�4��_ $I1�fDSlit "
<br />_---------- WUrCIntHL vt �f:uattua w�raw�sr.,aaa og.avva.wo. w....,n.....�......�...... �.r----• -'----- - - • • - -
<br /> • � G.Hxhibit M. �`�
<br />- 17.R.�AiEDlE3 ON D�FAtILT.In some iastances, federal aud state taw will require Deaeflcfary to provide Trustor wiW ��,"
<br /> no8ce of the ri�ht to cure,mcdlation noUces or other ttottoes and may establish time schedWes for foreclosure t�tIons. �
<br /> ;. , , Subject eo these limitationa, if any,}3eneftciary may xccxlcrare the�ecure� Debt and foreclose this Deed of Tnut in n
<br /> m�er provided by luw if tLis 1'cvEtor ia in defuult.
<br /> � ., ' �:.:
<br /> ` ,
<br /> .. � page 3 oI R t'�;;.
<br /> � o�99�LtWmo Syr.cmo.mc..St.Clad.MN I1�t3300�97•�yt11 W�m AO1C0 OT-NII f0110�87 • -
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