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<br /> ' .. I.. Notzvlthstanding�nY������ Euap��c�tts�frip�'�tt-21�s Deed of Tcuat to the oontrnry.tha tetms of thia s�ction shWl — ..
<br /> • d posltt uyby�eneilcinry ot��y ur�nllaof the PropertyTAny cl ims and�letenseso tghe c�nuney ar hemby wuiv� `
<br /> � ' ?A.C�IVDEtV1NATIOAi. 1'tuator wlll give Beneticiary ptompt notico of any nction� t�eul or threatened. by private or pubHc �;,
<br /> • entittc�t�pumhese or tnke nny or all of the Fmperty.includinII nny euscm2nto,thmu�h condemnnNon.emfnent ddmnia, • '
<br /> � ��'�::� or any other meune.T�ustor fi�rther agrcea lo notit�BEneficituy of any prae�dfuf58 ius�ttu«d fot thc estabtlshr�tt of uny ,,._�_
<br /> sewer�wuter.canaervnttoa,ditch� dmInt�e. oe ot�er diesrict relntiag to or bluding upon the Property or uny purt of it. �
<br /> , '::w���� Trustor authoriz�s Beneficinry to intervene in Tcustor's name iA any af tho nbove descrihed uctiona or clnimy and to caUect `�_
<br /> 4,.•�,•+sxlkh QIIZI t'CL'IVQ A�I 6IIA19 fCS1IIUf1$f[OI�I ft22&C1�8A 8f CI�A1.'fn+stor ussigns to Beneficituy the proceeda of nny awsud or clalm Q--
<br /> for dntttuBes connacted�with a condemnadon ar ottteT tnkin8 of nll ot any part of the Pmperty. Such {sroceede shnll be -
<br /> � considered puyments and witl be upplted os pmvldeA in tbts Deed of Tcust.Tbis ossiganent of procceds ie subject to the �_�.;
<br /> � �" tertns oS any prlor sest►rity aBreemsnt. �
<br /> . ., .`+ 21.IIdSURANC�.Tcustor ugmes to mnintnia insutence as t'ollows: --
<br /> � �'� A. Tivator sball ite�►the Ptoperty inaured against lass by tire�theft nad ather hazerds and dako masoanbly assoclated _
<br /> .� wtth the Property due to iust� e and loctuion.Other hazarda m►d rueks maY Include�for eaample.coverug�uguinsc
<br /> lass due W tloods or Eaodf g 'Ibis insnrn�ce ahaU be maintained in the umouata nnd for the perloda that
<br /> , ' Beneflciury requires• '1Ue tnsuranc� ca�ier provlding the iasutance shnQ be chosen by T'rustor aubject to
<br /> � BeAeflciary's appmval. ahich shall noe be unreasonably wttUheld. Tf Tcustor fails to maiata�n th�coveroge
<br /> h
<br /> .. describr�i aUuve. Beneftciary tuay. ut Eatefictary'e opti�n, obtaia coverage to pmtect BeaPticiary's rigAt� in the
<br /> prope�tyr xxotdln8 to the terms of thfs UePd of Truet.
<br /> AII lnsnraace policles end renewals ahall be ucceptable to 8eneflciary aad shall iuclude a stundarcl "m�rt�uge _
<br /> ;';'•u'• ;{.''', CIgySB� and. where appl�cnble� '►�eneficiary loss payce clause." Trustor shall immedintely notify Beneftciary of
<br /> en
<br /> �,�� cancellation or temainaflon of the lnavrance. Beneficiary shall have the dght to hold�he policies oad rea�rets. It
<br /> Beaeflci�ty requires 'Ctuswr shaU immediet�ly give to Aeneficiary sil receipts of paid premiums And renev�'al _.
<br /> :q,';��i��:J notices. iU�on lose�Trustor shaU give imnaQdiate notice to the insurauce carrier and 8ene�t�tlary. BeneflciarY�Y
<br /> � . make praaf of ioss if uot made i�t�ediately by Tn�ator.
<br /> ```_ UNas BeneSclary am+��lrustor othenulse agree in writing. lnsuranse proaeds s�all be applled to reswrsitiion or
<br /> �'��' K �' repair o�the Pcoperty damaBed if the reswration or repair Is eooaomicelly feasibZc and Beaeficiary's security ls aot
<br /> -�.;i'���: lessened.If the restozadon or repair is not ecoaosnically feasible or Beaeficifuy's security would be lessened. tLe
<br />-_��;¢� insuraaeu proceeds ahaU be applied ta�e S�cu�ai Ik-�i.cnc�th�ar st�t s��+�,wich aay excess paid w Tcus3or.
<br /> �`''"�"`` •'�� If Tcuator abAndons the Propeaty.or does not answer witbin 30 duya a notiCe from Beneficiary that the Qns�uanoe
<br />_.-=ai...�.;,3,
<br /> -::.�..��,���� carrier has offered t�sectle a claiim� then Beneficiary may callect the insurnnaa proceeds. Benefl�iary m�y use the
<br /> ,;;�'� pc+oceeds w repair or IIestore the Property or to paY the Secured Debt whethzr�►r uot then due. The 3Q�ay period
<br />_-::e=:�:ir•i�K{, will begjn wtcen the aoilce le given. ,
<br />_':��_�:�L;:_
<br /> llcation of roceeda to I�nctpal shall tmt ex4en
<br /> ;�:r.��� UNas t3rna''fi alarY aad Tiustor oi�e�vise agree in writing,anY aPP P
<br /> -="`�":;°T or postpone the dce date of schedu9e�1 puymento or change the u�count Af the payroen4s.I �������
<br /> ="`::"' by Beaeflciary�Tn:si�z'g rlght to any insivance policle�and proceeds resuldqG fmm dt+mags
<br />�;,;,;S,�
<br /> the acquisitlou eh�il�,tisss w Benefleiary to the extent of the Secuc�d Debt im�nr.diately before the aequisit�oT►.
<br /> s
<br /> -�,ra'r�.;�i� B. Tcuswr z�+e�c to maiatain aomprehensive generalliability insurance narn�iu8 I3eneficissry es sn addittonal in
<br /> an amonnt acceptable to BeneRciary.1nsurin8 a8ainst cl°Gns arlsin� fr°m nny nccident or occurrenc�in or on the
<br />----��� C. 'b'rusto�agcees w nwint�in rentel losa or buafness interruption ianurauce, as required by aeneflciary. in e�aawvnt �
<br />����,,� equal to at least covext�e of one year's debt servica,smd requlred escmw aoraw�t deP°s'�s(if u�d a ceparately
<br /> ��,,,,,�� ite writing),uader a fo�of policy aooeptable to Beaef�cio►y.
<br /> ������ 22.NO E�SCAOVN�OR TA?�S AYW IN�UJIRA�ICE. UWess oWervyise�aovided Gn a separnte a�ement�Tniezor wUl not
<br /> �g�:;::;,�,,,� bo requimd ro�ay to Beneftciary fluida for¢iutes tutd insurance in eECmw.
<br /> ��-„`�� 23.IFllF3�'�NCIAi. �tEPORTS d#1V�ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT6. Tcustor wiU provtde w BenMIciery upon rcg�te�t. any
<br /> ��� 'i'custor warv�ms that �11 financi�►1 stntcm�nte and
<br /> _ _=�=� �Yennei�f staternent or infQ�sanadon Benetietsiry may deem ne�sary• o oo.,�rs m aign,
<br /> ���::.`�--- infomoution Taubtos providca ta Beueticlary ar�. ar wiit i�. m:+:�untc, cr,.«t. tmr� an�2�e. Tr�..tor .,a_ .
<br /> �'-�'�`-""'— delivcr. aad t�Slt as Beaeficiary may reasoaably request�ny addlttonal docwnents or certtt�cations that Heneficiary wsy
<br /> -���=-�'� coneider aecessary tu perfect�continue,and preserve Tcustor's obligations under thte Deed of'fYus�and Benefteicuy's liea
<br /> -"-^���� stetue on the Pco y� if Ttustor faiis to do so�Deaeticiary may siSn�deliver. and file such doCUments or�rtiflcates fn
<br /> -=��=�� 'firusWr's name anpd'IYusi�r 3�ereby Irrevo�ably appoints Beneficiary or Benefcciray's agent as atcoraey in facx to do t�e
<br /> _ "�'��_!�� �¢3�inga nocessary to comply wleh Wie sectl�n.
<br /> Ai�,��_::�:.,
<br />`��.�F;`:.::::;y�=.� Z4.JOINT ANID DNDIVIDUAL LIA3iId.fl`�YI;�O-3IGNEl�p SUG'C�SSOItS A1VD ASSIGNS 1D¢�r'IJND.Atl duties under
<br /> � this Dead of'IIY+�at a�e Jotnt and individi�al.Yf Tn�stor sigus this Qeed uf T'�st but does not s3�n the Bvidence of Debt.
<br /> ` ��•, . , TNStor does sa onty w m.ortgago Tiustor's intemst in the 1MopertY�a cecure payraent of the Socuresl Debt aa$1'�ustoar
<br /> '' ,!�:°:`':•:: ' dncs not n�ree to bct persana�ly fiuble on the Secured Debt.Tcustor antees Wat Bon�flciery and uaY P�rty to tuis Deed of
<br /> c ,r�,�s.::,r•r. -
<br /> = �;1�t4`:�t;;��� � Tcu�t may eatead, modify or make any change ia the terms of thfa Dcsed of Trust or the Bvidence uf Debi wtthout
<br /> . •;,!s�Y����- �• '1'rust4r's coasent. Such n chunBe will not release Trustor frosn tbe terrns of this Deed of Tnut.'Che duties and benefi�a of
<br /> `�"��r}%�"��"�� this Deed of'8"x�st ehall bind aad beneRt the suc:oessors and nssigns of'Iiustor fmA aenetictnry. .
<br /> `•:<.�:�,;��r.h;y, ;_�:.
<br /> �`^'�''�'� � �Y thie Dr.ed of'hvst seCUres a IIuur�c►ty bEtween Beneftciary and TNStor nad daes ttot dimctly cecurc the obligation wt[oh
<br /> . .;.�t.�,�q;� .. -
<br /> ,° iv'�d,�-_�: is mtartinNed. Thtswr�s to waive any dghts dmt may pmvent Beneficisuy narn�6�.�nry��acefnn tr,�s���
<br /> :-t.",.- �• �i Yustor or anY P�Y inQe��c4 unaer�nc oouIIunon im3uuii�..,u..,.�.....,.....:......... . -- '
<br /> ' ;.'' ?S.APP7.ICAIdII.E I.AV1►; 31CVERAB0.1TYi I���T�TYON.This Dcecl of Trust is IIodemod by the laws uf the _
<br /> •� ', ? Jurisdiction ia whieb Benefic[ury is locx�ted.Px�ept to the extent othenvise cequired by the laws of thes jurlsdlction where _
<br /> � • the Pcopeny is loc�ted•'fhie�eed of Tntst is oomplete and fltlly integnited.'I1�is Drxd of Tcust muy not be ameaded or _
<br /> � modifled by orel a�reement. Aay section or ctause in ttela Deed af Tiust.nttar�sents.or eny u�+eement reluted to tiue _.
<br /> Securtd Debt thmt oonflicts wlthnppltcable luw will Qot be effective.unless that law expreasly or impliedly petmtta ttce _
<br /> r.=� nariaduns by wrlYeen agreement.If any sectton or clausc of thts Oeed of'[Yust canuoi be evfurced�wrdiu8 to its te�. _
<br /> that section or cinuses will be sevemd aud �vill not affcct the euforoeability of the i+emafnder of this De�d of'I'a�.at.
<br /> ofthfs Deed uf�'IYvst�fc►r cwnvenience only�aad�are att�topbe used qafnt�euipret o�r deRne the termgh of this Qeed of'y'cuat. -
<br /> ' T�IILQ I5 Ot f11O�pIGC�11 ft1�6 D�Og TNBt. ca8o 0 oi o
<br /> „ a ios3 ocman cva�a.ma.s+.no�e.MN 11�C06197•�!btl Fam AOlCOCTJBE tO/S0i97 -
<br />