• � ' •
<br /> . ; . . . . _..
<br /> .. �: ,.
<br /> � ,. ..-- ._ ....- --... _. . - ...... .---�---..
<br /> �, �.�.,.�..... -�
<br /> , . .. _. .. -. ..--
<br /> .............. ... . ._..
<br /> . ---.. . .�•.._...--�- --.._..._.
<br /> ' , ��° ������. � _.
<br /> -' �. All funue cdvnnces from @cneficiaryr to Truutor ar other flsture obli�ntion�af Trustor to Rcneflclnry undor ciny ._
<br /> � peomSssory aote. contr�ct, Buaraaty. or other evldence of debt ealsting rtow or executed eRer this Deed of Trust ,��-
<br /> ° whether or not thia Deed of Trust ie speci�tcally refened to in the evidence af debt.
<br /> '� C. All ob�tigntions'Y'rustor o�vea w Beneflcinry, �vhich no�v exist or may lat�r arlsa, to tht�extent not ptohtbited by
<br /> o Inw, lucluding. but not limited tar. IiabUldes for overdrnfts relnting to any deposh �ccount agreement 6enveen
<br /> � '� ' Truaror uad @eneflcicsry. ,
<br /> D. A11 ndditlonal sums�dvnaced tuid Qxpznsc�s incurted by Beneficiray for insurlaB.preservina dr othenvise pmtectiaII ��..
<br /> � the Property und ite vnlae and nny ather surns advauced und eapanses incur►ed by �eueficic+�y under�he tcmis nf ..:�;�:_.
<br /> -.r���, this I?eed of Trnat, plus interest at the laighest rate in effect. from time eu ttarte, ns provided in the Evidence of =
<br /> �:.�;r• Debt. '.•-
<br /> • �'��� E. Trustor's pc�rfom�aace under the tern15 of any inetrument evidenciag u debt by Tzustor to Beneficiary and Any Qeed ,�__
<br /> of Trust securiA�.atwmnlyinB.or othenvise relatlnII to the debt. '`�'� -•
<br /> .. If uaore than oao pxrson signn this U�ed of'Ccust a9 Trustor. e�ch Trustor u ree9 that tLia Deed of 1'rust will secure all .� �-
<br /> � g B �-"�_
<br /> flnure advnnces aad tbture obflQatIons described ubove thet�ue given to or incura�ed�y any one or more Trustar.or uny '�—
<br /> '' one or raore Trustor und oWera.'I�is Devd.o f Trus t w U l a o t s e c u r e a n y o t h e r d e b t 1 t B�n e ft c l u ry f u U s,w i t h r e s�c t t o s u c h _ _
<br /> . . otber debt,to mnke any t+equtrod disclosure about this Deed of Trust or If Beneficinry fails to Qivo any required notice of ____
<br /> ; tba right of rescission. ---
<br /> g. ppTYMEN!'S.'i�ustor a�rees to make all paymenta on the Socure�!Debt when due aud ia sccordance witt►the teizas of the
<br /> �h,• �� Hvid�nae of I?abt er thiA Ueed of 1lcust. �
<br /> , .. � 6. WAPtRAIdT9f O�TTi'LC.Trustor covenants thsc'd'�vstor is lawfully seized of Weestate conveyed by thIa Deed of Ttuat -
<br /> ° ° und hfla tLe dgtit to Irrevoc�bty grant.convey and seA to Trustex, in crust,with powes of stdle.the Property and vmaants �_r__
<br /> .. . ' '�' ' 8 0� ---
<br /> , � thnt the Iaroperty ia unencumbered,except for encunabrances of mcosd.
<br /> .:. . ..-.�•. 7. CI.AIM�t AGAIN�P�['A'B.F.Tnictoz will puy all t�xes.assess�aents�lieps. encumbrances.lease paymenta,lgnund rente. ____
<br /> utUittes� and other ciwrges relesing to the Propeity�vben due. BeneRclary may requlre TYUSwr to provide to Beneflciery
<br /> • copies of all notic,�s that such autouats are due and We receipts evldeacing'n'iustor's puyment.Trustor will defead tlde to °_-
<br /> � . the Pmgerty agtiiinst tmy claims that would impair the lien of thie Deed ef Trust.Ttustor agcees to�si�co H�uett�i�y►.as -
<br /> ' - requested by BeneScinry, any ri�t►ts. clt+ima or defenses which Trustor�naY have a8ainst gardes who supply labor or
<br /> t-;,;:;�.:': maLetIals to ita�mve ot maintain the Propesty.
<br /> �,� '., 8. PItYOR lSECUItITY INTERESTS. With regard eo any other rnoagage�dad vi tn;nt, i,a.-u�-Ity agr�,�.-�tu ar other tiea ,
<br /> ;;,�,�, documr�a��hat cretued a prlor secutl4y iaterest or eacumbrence on the ProQexty end that may huve p�ladry over this QeEd
<br /> ';'°� � �lrustor agcer�:
<br /> :�v�r���,?. `�, of T�ust; .
<br /> ;�'��„�•� A. To n�ke a11 pAyments when due and to pe�form ar comply with ali ooveuante• �T
<br /> ' � B. To m tl deliver to Benefici eny nodces that'huswr�elvea�iror►a¢he holder.
<br /> ^•°?r� � ��� C. Nott o m�ake or pe�mnic any modlf�i�tlon or e:z'tension of.nnd aot to t�qucstit or ra.ccept uny fUture adva�ces uuder any �°;"°
<br /> "`"'�'tt'� '� ' aote or ap�emBnt seeured by.the olher�ga�e.deed af m�st or sexusi2y u�naent unless Beneficiary oonsents =
<br /> '"�"�'`°"."`" in writing.
<br /> - ;,�,°
<br /> T�'',�'u•� 4. DUC ON SALE OEI IICNCUINIB�tAP1C�.Seneflciary may,at ita option,derlare tue endre balouoe of the Secured Deht w
<br /> m 6
<br /> �-;�,�:�.n��#� be immediutely due nnd payable upon the cretuion of any Ilen.encumbrnace.trs��efer. or ssie.or conuact fqr any of these
<br /> °"`Y�'"":-=� if the Property inaludes Trustor's residence, tlhie s€qioa shaU be subJect w We eestrlctlons
<br /> ---�.:.u.=.,-;�_, on the Property. However.
<br /> v.�._.��^�;,�,;,ai imposed by t'ederal taw(12 C.F.R.591).as aP'p�ta colvenunt ha 1 t=ulr�i�th the Pr�o �n and shail �in effect until the
<br /> eny Lnterest to all or any p�rt of the Pcogerty. P�'�3'
<br /> '°`"�'��''.�'`''�k;�`� ' �eCUred Debt Is paid in fWl and tbia Deed of Trust is released.
<br /> - '��;;,,�?�� 30.1'RANSFER OF Aid 1QVTERE.4T IN'1'f�E�DtA1�iTOR.if 1'iustor ie nts en�ity other tht+n a naturul peison(such as a _
<br /> -���� �"�-� corporation or other organfz�tion)� Beneficiary �nt�tr demnnd immediate payynept lf(1)a beaeficlal Inteiest W Teustor io _._
<br /> �l�''.'",�-�'� sald or uaasferred:(2?�e�is a chanae ia either the identity or numher of inembers of��attuarsWp:or(3)there#9 u _-
<br /> ;.._��'� et,ange ln oumesship of a�re than?S pex��eac of tl�e voEing stocDc of a coiporadan.Haaever.Beneflclury may aoi dr-r����d
<br /> �"°�° paymeac in the above situatfons if It is psohibItrxt by Jaw:u uf stte tiate oi th�s I�_d oi Tn�. ,__
<br /> ���
<br /> _-„��,�£�.-;��
<br /> = � 11.E1VT[TYl WARItAN'IPIGS A�1tEPRES�TATIONS.If Trustor is m enti4y oWer tLun u aaiura3 person(su �ns n
<br /> ��;;_:"'`.:�_, oa�oxt�on oz other organi�ntion).Tiustor roalces w EeaEflcinry the following watrcuifles and represeatations v�hic�shaU
<br /> YY,�;�,."'��'.- be oon&i�l�g as t4ag us th�Sccured Debi remains autstan�ina:
<br /> ,�L='� '
<br />-�i� :•�`':;�:q: A. Ttustox f� an mdty wLich is duly or�ani7�ed and vnii�l6y exisdt�in the Tn�sYm�v a state of in�corporatian (or _
<br />-_.:'�i ����� ur�anizntian}. 1'�ustor[s ia Food etauding in aU states in which Trusror aensacts bu.cines�.Trustnr has the puwer ,v_
<br /> ``;�':�'' `:''""`. •. . vad uuthority to own the PeopeRy aad ro carry on i9s busiuess�now beinB conductal ausl. as npplicable. ia
<br /> •_�.. «,:.: .,._ ad a.
<br /> _ �i qunliftod to do so in earh suue in whtch Tn�tor operates. ___
<br /> � " � B. 'Ihe execution. delivery and perfomwa�e of this Qead of Trust b�r Tcuscor aad the abllgnt[on evidenood by the :..
<br /> �� � �n' fivfdeaee of Debt aie withEn tha potver of 7tustor. have been duly authoriu�d. hnve reoeived nll uos�ssry ��-
<br /> _ " . ` ,� IIovemmEntai npProval�and t'�ill a°t vlolcue nay pmvision of ic►w,or atder of court or goveinmentul atteac�►• `-
<br /> .t C. Oticer thaa dL�slu�ed{n wr[tinQ'I'custor h�s uat chan�ed ita name within the last ten ye:ua nu�iws uat used any -
<br /> ° other tr��or fictittous anme.Without Bcaeficiury's pr[or written eonsent,Tnrstor does got und will aot use any _
<br /> oiher n�and wi11 presecve Its e�dstin�narae�trade numes nrtd�anchis�s until the S�curod Debt is sati�sReci. —
<br /> - . �`-;_ � __
<br /> ,..� . �. . � ...
<br /> . . �• 1$.MtOFF.tt7`it CONDITION,AY.TEI2AT[ONS AND II�iSPI3CTION.Teusror wlll keep the Fnnpezty in good cau�iaon =-_
<br /> • • ... �,• _--...in e:.,o�tt,•tnru nnnm�nntir�nf nnv lasv�dam32E tn -
<br /> -- .. ' .`. , aIId 1n�$C illl tepatfs IIliB tue t aC'tiQaamy¢cai's9mj. ..�soa,. .....p..� �.---�-—--- � . ---
<br /> tbe Fnopezty.7tustor w111 keep the Froperty frce of noxious wcEds nnd grasses. 71is5tor will not inldatc,f oin in or canseat ,°�"
<br /> . . . to aay c.hange in any pdvute r�ctive wvenrnt. zonina ordinanae or otRca publIc or p�ivate rest��Kion limidna or „,
<br /> . mi•-.
<br /> _ definjnII the uses whfc6 m�y bs msde of the Pcoperty or any pact of the Pr�{�rty.wlWout Bencficlary s prtor adtten „,;
<br /> - � •• consmt. Tnistor cviU aouPy Beneficiaty of ali demartds,pnocee�ings.clalm9. and acttons ugniast'�'tusior or nny other ��°;.-
<br /> ° ' owner tn�te uad�Inw or renulntion reEnrdin�use.ow�ershtp and occupaacy og tDe Rmpetty.7tustor will oomply�+itEt u�! �::'`
<br /> ,. • ` ' teBal nequtmmcats aad cesuict�ons.�vhether pu�ite or paivnte�with cespect ro the use oi th�Property.'itust�r nlso ng�ees 4�t�.
<br /> - tRat t)ie au4ure of the accupaacy and usc�vlll nut chande tivitttout Beneftcinry's pator wrinen consent. -��;;;
<br /> �, .f
<br /> �^�,•
<br /> _ .:, ° �' No porifon olthe Peaperty wi{i be removed.dc�nolished or maierinlly slteccd�vl@out Bentffcinry�6�ilOt�VfIttCA OQriSCRt =_-
<br /> � except that Tn�star hns ttce dQht w remove Items of personul Pro�ertY cu�dgin8 a part nf the Propepty dint be9ome vrom =__.
<br /> _ �sge�of Q � _.
<br /> � • l e�o�s o�e�.sr:t�.,.G,c.c�c�aa.��u e�c9aa��•tsa��rwm nano or�ea waom� --- •�
<br /> —_ �_�
<br />