, , .
<br /> ' " 1 , , '
<br /> � ,. ,
<br /> „ .
<br /> „ � o
<br /> , n . �, . . . : . . . . .- - -. .___ �
<br /> .. .. _ .. .
<br /> � 99Q �cj���� ,,,.
<br /> - �_►: �
<br /> At the optian of Beneflclnry, nll or any pprt of the u�recd fces cu►d churges, uccrucd intemst mid principnl ahNl bLCOmc �
<br /> immediatcly duc tu�d payable.after Blvina natice if�equired by lu�v,upon thc ar,��urrence af a defnult or anytimo thenn(tce.
<br /> • - � l�Dd�d�tLido�uf 71vst�nnd asey�r�luted dolzum ns�iacluQlnQ vithouc Iimltntion��'th��►�er�to s Il the Propertyr evi�iences of debt,
<br /> If there is u defuult,Trustec shnit,in addltton to uny other permitted reracdy.nt the eequ�st of the BeuCficinry,ndvertise and
<br /> sell the Progerty as A whole or in sepurnte ptsrcela u�publtc auccion to the hlgh�i bidder for cnsh end convcy absolute title
<br /> •�,-� fcee and clear of all dght.tiqe nnd interest of Trustor ut such time and pince us Trustee designates.7custee shall give aotice
<br /> � of sale inctudtan the time.terms mtd plecc of splc annd u descdption of the propertY to 6e�old as required by the applicnble
<br /> �� luw In effect ut the tlme of the proposQd enle. ' ,
<br /> Upoa sale of ehe pmgerty aad ro the ex[ent aot prahibitcai by Inw,Trustee shall make and deliver n deed to the Propeity snld :,
<br /> which conveys absolute tide to the purchaser.and nfter Srst pAyinB all fees,chflrQes and costs.ehnll pay to Beneficiary all ;,.;;:
<br /> moneys advanced for repaira� t�es� �5��� iiens. assessmenta nud prlot encumbmuces sud incer����A�d thE ;..
<br /> principal and interest on tho Secur�d Dabt, puyinB the surpl»s, If aay.to Tructar. Beneficiary may p P�• :_• .+,,��
<br /> '19�e rec;tals itt any deEd of conveyance ahall he prima facie evidence of the facta set forttt tt►erein. �`���
<br /> :iN`f-
<br /> �� p1I remed{es are distinct, cumulattve and aot exclusive. and the Benefictury i�enaucd to all reme�ies provideii ut luw or .��;V:°-
<br /> ,. ` equity.whether ea�pressly set forth or not.The axepwnce by Beaeflciary of nny sum ia pay�nent ar partial pu}nnent on the �,�f,�
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance ia due or is�coelerated or after foreclosvre pmceedin8s are filed sha11 n°r c°nstitute a w�lver a,. -:.
<br /> . • �f BQneficiary's rlght to require fult tuid complete cure ot aay existing defaule. Hy uot excreieing s�ny�n�dy on Tcu�•or'° �;��•--
<br /> 5 u_
<br /> � ' ���� defatidt.�eneRctary does aot waive�eneficiary's dght to later considsr the event a default if it cotttinues or hnpgeas uguin. ;?a'
<br /> . 18.EXPENST3i ADdANCTS O1V C�V�:NANP�;AT'1'OR1VE1lS' � ��.5;COLL�TION COS7'S.Bnoept��rhen prohibited �� :_:-
<br /> � '� hy luw.'IYustor ugcees to pay c�11 of Beneficlnry's expenses if T�ustor breaches any coveaant In thie Decd of'[lrust.Tmstor
<br /> Il
<br /> . ° w�ll also pay oa de�.nd all of Deneficiary's ex�euses incurred 1n caUo�ag.insurI°B•PreservinB or pmt tia��i��� r
<br /> or in any inventories.audits.insPc�tions or ut�er examinattoa by BeQeficiary in respect to the Property. L„-`;-..
<br /> , pay aU�rosts and expenses iacurr�l by Beneficlary in enforcing or pretocting Beneficiary s dghts and remedies ua.der this �°.:
<br /> . Dr.�d csff'Il�ust,In�luding.but nut li�ited to�attomeys'fees,court coste.and other legal expenses.Once the Sec�ued Debt la
<br /> .. � fuUy and finally Paid�Seaeflciatyi oSte�to rciepse this Deed of Tn�st aud Tn�stor agree�to pt�y for uay ceoordution oosts. E:.�
<br /> . ,,: -
<br /> • ^� All such amouata er�e due on demand and wiil bear iaterest from the time o4'¢'�e edvanoe at the highest mte tn ei�'ect,frora �
<br /> . �
<br /> timo to time.as pmvided in the Evidence of Dsbt and as pem�itt�ed by law. ►;_
<br />_ , .. ;s,��ys 19.�NVHI�QDNMENTAL LAWS �Iv'�D �AZARDOUS S�JB51'ANCTS. As used ia tbis section. (1) "�aviranmental U►w" -
<br /> means, w(thout Iiwitation. the C4r�prehensive Eavimnmeawl Re�panse. Compe�sadon aud Llabillty bct (CE�I�CLA. 42
<br /> � U.S.C.9601 et seq.),all other federal,state end local lawe,regulations.ordinunces.court ordere.attomeY Aeneral optnions
<br /> or iateiprettve letters eonceminB the publtc i�calW, safety. welfare. e�visonment or a haTat+dous sub�tance: tutd (2) .-
<br /> � "Hnzordous Slibstance" rnes�ns anY to�c. radioacdve or hazardous materidn aeste. pollutAnt or c�atac�ain�►t wb3ch 6as „_
<br /> - ' � '�.' chtuucteristiGS �vhicl� render the aub�tance danAerous or potendally daag���+ co tha pubHc heal�hh, snrety. wviFare or i�:•'=
<br /> � �. •: , ,,. --
<br /> - `'�t��"'w environnueut.The term iacludes. without timitation. any substances defuced as "hn7ardoue tnnterial," °toaic subntsnc�s." __
<br /> . ����: h�nrdous waste or flarsudoua substance"under any Envtronmental Law. Tcustor repmsenta. warrnnte und a�nees R2��t. __
<br /> . � ^ „ '
<br />-- • ' •'� except as previously disclosed and ecknowledged in wrltiag: ===:.
<br /> . A. No Hazcir@ons�ubstunce has been.is.or will be located.transPu�eet�,maanufactured�rnated.refiaed.ox hnudtad by ,i�::__�
<br /> ' � � az r8
<br /> � .�-„ �" ' �• uny person on,�nder or about the Proge�ty.except in the ordivary c��use of buslness and ia suict corr�liauce with ;si�s--
<br />�,+w vr.•�r� hY,
<br />�•.,1jr.,,y:�-,�'�C;,� all aPPlicuble 8avironnne�z�11. w.
<br /> "•'�; $; '�'rustor lu+s uat and will nmt�ause�contribute ta,or p��mit the mlease o8 aay Hazardous Substnnoe on the Pmperty.
<br /> .:.�p��..s.W!r r
<br />-��',�,..,��� . C. Trustor will immc�IN.ely no't�oi mBi�gr��iths eatens taE u��rate fcltm nearby nroPertY:�o�(2)there Is a vto�lad n of =
<br /> = �� � ° undcr or ubout the Propesty ._ . -
<br /> _ _ ° any Eavirona�ental A.nw conxming the 1Pr�uperty. In such en eve�nt.�haiator will uike aU a�sury rentvdial actton ia
<br /> _ � accoNnnce aith Bavimnmental luw. or thn�tenod investiaation. claim, or --
<br /> - ' l9. Tcuswr hns no kaowledBe af or reuson to believe there is anY I�nd1n� _—
<br />—__-_�.;; F�•�,e�t;no af any tcLcd relating w(l)anY Hezurdous Substance loeatcid on,under or sibc,ut the Property:ot(2)nny -'_
<br /> . 1
<br /> �:.�__-�:m„a ...�• _
<br /> = ��;;:- ._ violution by'liustor or any tenant uf auy�:nvuon�acacai Law.T:ustuf t�sl!u3�m:�i�teiy tmnfy c�eeFicii�p iu°�:3aF.
<br />�''"'�-•` .. s�s suon as Tzustor hes reasou to believ�ahere is any such pendin�or t�reateued inve�ti8ation.cl�im.or prooe�din�• �__
<br /> BeneRciaryr hes the r3�t,but aot the obligc+tton,to particlFate in any such pmcer.'d�n8 includtng the -
<br /> -- �m„�:�f�t,;_ In such an event. _--
<br /> .�`_.t;;..�,,:,�:�:,�,. right w receive cwpies of aay documents telating to such pror,oedin8s• licable Envlronas�4tt�S Zaw. --
<br /> ' . ,���Y�� ffi. 'I'rustor and every ten�u►t have beea,are and uhull cen�liu in ti�ll complIance with anY aPP :_._
<br /> �, 'ihere are no undergrouud storabe tanke,private dumpa ar open we1Is located on or undcr th�Pmperiy at��i�s�a �..,__
<br /> "' u�nk�dumA or well will be added unleas l��tteficiary 3'idst consents in wrtting. r._:,.
<br /> � � r' G. Trusror vd�l e�vulsirly inspect the Progem:}��.monitar ehe ectiviHss and operations on the Pro��r;y.and contlmi ihtst !,��r:
<br /> n � I a.i�„_:
<br /> ,, all permits.lisenses or approvuls requiral fiY ffiY aPP�cable Envir�rnmeittal Law arc obmined anL]�omnplied wltlt. :Y
<br /> -'y,;,.� � H. T�stor will permit, or cause aay tenaat to permit, �eneficiary or BeneRciary's a�ent to enter aad irs*�OSr�thc� '�::
<br /> �.� prc�perty and review all recorde at any reasonF►61e t�rne to deteiminc(i)the e�cistenoe. location and aaY��'f msy .,.
<br /> '?Y 5;.�+�'w,
<br /> t,;�° Har.udons SUbstanoe on� under or about the Property; (2) the exfstence. location. nature. ond magnit�r�E n eny rr,.;
<br />. H�a�daua�u'b�tnnce that hes beea releatcd on� undcr or abovt tke Property:or(3)wUet�e;m.r not 7Yuator a�ad any :�f;.
<br /> � � teu�nt at�nn cnmpliaace wtth applicnble�nvironmental Law. � "?f�f'
<br /> „,;,�;;.;,��, I. Upon Benefcciary's request and ut any Wae. Teusto� agcnes. � T and t�ubmtt thoYresuttnof s��nuslit ta r.-
<br /> . ,•.,. , environmentat engia:e�r efl�repure an environna�atal' nudit of the PrcPertY
<br /> �'�;S>;r'� �` B�neficiary. 'Ihe choior of the environmental e�8'sneet Who will perfotat�h nudtt is snbjoct to BeaEfl�iuty's
<br /> __ ___ ____ �°"�`. orm any of TmsWr's obliQattons uader mie se�iion � �
<br /> J. Beaefccir..sy bn.a the dght. but aot �z ubiiIIntinn. to perf
<br /> Trustor's en�ens�.
<br /> . K. As u oon�e9ttence of any breach of uny represe�►tatioa+wurranty°r pmmiss made in t�ia soction, (1)Tnutor will
<br /> ind�annify and hold BQne�icimY uud Aeneficiary's sur,cessuns or s�sslt�s hannless ft'°m and�ele►st a1!lo:,ses.clnims. Y
<br /> demands, ttabiiifles. dnma�es�cleanup.re�anse ond remed[ntion coste. PetWld�s and exQeases. iacludWg aitho�t
<br /> � Ii�nitation ail costa of liNgation and auoraeys' fees.wbich HeaeRctaiy nnd Beaeflciary's successors or assiBns may �,.
<br /> sustnia:and(2) nt BeneRclnry's dis�smtton. Benefictary�nay release this Dee�of Tnist aud in retum Tn�s�ar v�ill >
<br /> prov[de 8eneficiary wiW oollaterAl of at least equal volae to the Propeity secured by tht� Deed of'frust wtthout
<br /> , prejudice to any nf Beneftctnry's ri�6ta undee thie Ueed of Tnrst.
<br /> • P�Do 4 0l G
<br /> ��asaodu�.srsc�.��c.s�c�ao.�aN n�uoaasvaaa+► c«m aa�co�or.ue �onoro�
<br /> • � - — - -- -
<br />