. ,. .
<br /> ., . „
<br /> , ,
<br /> . . ' ....'"'"""N.:..._..-. .. ... .. . .. .. .:._�f..L ...._ _.... . . . " _... .. __ . ..� . . . . . ....... ...._ ..
<br /> ...... �� . . . �.. .. ....
<br /> r
<br /> . • . ��a ��;���� . r
<br /> , , :� „
<br /> � nr ohsalete.provtded thnt such personN property is repiaced with ather personnl peoperty nt leust cqual in v�lue co the '
<br /> ' eeplcced percannl pmperty. frce from uny title retention device, securiry ngreE:ment or other encumbrance. Such
<br /> replacem�nt of�terconal prop$rty wl11 be deeraed subject to the securiry interest crented by this Doed of Trust.Tn�ator shull �
<br /> . not pnrtidon ar su6divide 11te Property v�lthout Ben�ticlary'e prior written consent. Beneticiary or Beneficlnry's agents
<br /> rany, nt Ssneficlnry's option. cnter the �roperty at eny m.�sonnble time for the pur�ose of IqspectinII the Property. Any
<br /> tnspoctlan of the Propexry shull he entirely for Seneftclary's henelit nad Trustor wUl i��no wny rely on Bencficfary a ,,
<br /> iaspec�ion.
<br /> ,;,�._, 13.AUTffORITY'1'm PERFURM•If Tcustor foils to perform eny of Tcustor's duties under tbia Deed of Trust.or siay oWer �.�
<br /> - rttott��iAe.deEd of tntst. security n�m2ment or other iten document that has priodty over �bla Dr.ed of Trust.Beneficisry .
<br /> • , . •� ' mny�without noUce,perform the dudes or cuuse them to b$performed.Trustor a�goints Beneficlary as uttorney in fact to
<br /> sega'Crustor's aame or puy aay uacauntB ecesstuY fo�rap�do watever is ayecesswy to protect�6eneflciary is soeurity terest
<br /> aot cArried on in a reASOnable mnnner. eneftci
<br /> in the property.'lliis muy include completing the wnstn►ctioa. _
<br /> �� �eneficinry's dght to perforsi for Tmstor shall not create an obligadon to perfomi, and Beneficiary's failure to perform
<br /> �� i will aot preclude Beneftciary from exercislnII any of Beneficiary's ather rights under thc law or this Deed of Tcust.Any —
<br /> � amounta patd by Beasficiary for fnsuriuII. pceserrit�or athenvise protecdn� the��p�d���atnthe in e•rest rate ityn j""
<br /> interest wlll he due oa demuud and will bear tatemst fmm tlte duta of the pay�n r.•�---
<br /> ; ' eHect from time to time acconiiag to the temta of tl�e 8vidence of Qabt. ��'-
<br /> e_-
<br /> �' 14.ASSIGNN�N'1'OF LEASES A�N�IF�N'TS.'I'NStor irrevocably grante, c.�mveys and seUs�s additional securlty e11 t�e =
<br /> .'� rlght.tide ead interest in aad w any n�all: _----
<br /> .. .. .� A. 8xisting or Poture leases�xuGlease.v,liceases.guaranties aad any other wrltten or vetbal agrcements for the use aad =
<br /> , , ocxupancy of anN portion of the Property. including any extensione, �+Qwals. malificaKons or substituttons of _
<br /> such agceen�entx(ati cefemed to es'Leases"). �.,:c�;�c
<br /> �� �`�� 8. Rents.issue9 uad profiw(s�ll refemed W ac°Renca"),iacluding but not linri¢ed to security depasits.minimum r�at, --
<br /> pe.roeawge reat. additional r�t, common area maintenance cherges. Parking charaes. real estate taxes. oth�r _v
<br /> :�;;_-
<br /> applic�ble taaes, insurance�+rr�ium cbn�[butiuns. liquida,ed damages followiug default. canccltation precni�s. -
<br /> b
<br /> "loss of ceats"inswunce.revennes.royalttes,Pmceeds.bc�nuses.aAd ail d6bts and claims which Tnsstor muy hav� --
<br /> ., �htu in any�vAy psttains w or�S on c�caount of the use or xcupancy of the whole or aay part of the]�mapeRY• __
<br /> � .� . Tiustor will pmmpdy provtde Beaeficiury wlth tri�e and comaci �copies of all exisdng and ti�tuae Leas:,x. �'tustor ma�y
<br /> .�., „ ' • coAect.ieceive,enjoy and use Ehe Rents so tong�.s'fYustor ia not;w default.Trustor wIU aot coAeet!n advahce saay Rentg
<br /> ;= _- , ���g���pP��a;»ntesa Tn�stor fi�t obtatns Beneficixuy's wrltten wosent.Upon default.Trustor wlll rece�vz
<br /> any Rents in uust for BeneRciury and T�ustor wi11 m�+s commingle the Rents with any o�her�i�uda.etuy+��t�ts s�1l� _
<br /> ts s
<br /> � sh�ll ye npplied at BeaeSciary's discretion to pa��on the Secured Debt as theretn provided.to costs o�manaAlnB th�
<br />-. �°�:. ProPertS+. includiag,but aot limited to�all taxes. aasessaients, igsurnuce p�simns� reFuirs• and commaasions to reatnl
<br />_ • '`;,il'�}�, ageats.c�nd W nny other n�s�rg'nlated ea(�enses including BeneRctary s attomeys fees.Parale8al fees aad court oosta.
<br /> �•������: Tiustor�slnto��uledges that thts assi�asat is pedected upon the recording of this Dced of T�ust aad thut Benefici�uy iA
<br /> : �
<br /> ' �` entitled to notify any af'tYustor's tenunte to mube pay�uent of rents due or to beoome due to Beneflciary. Howev�. •
<br /> "M .. �,.'�' BeneRctary agc�es t�at only on default will l3et�Ficinty notify Tmstor cutd Trustor's termnte and make d�m8nd thnt �11' �y=�
<br /> s
<br />- ' �' ft�ture Rents be paid directly w BeaEflcIa�Y. On �ceiving the notice of defuult. Tmswr wW eudorsa arl� dsliver w
<br /> - °":` ,�. BeasRciury anY Payments of Rent ia 7Ye�etor's possession. .
<br /> .�!.
<br /> =s'�' ' ' ltustor cayenants thnt no defaWt e�cists under the L�eases or any appticable landlord la�v.Tcustor also cavema�ts nnd s�a�a
<br />�`.���.-, - to maintt�in. und ta n�uire the tenanta to comgly�aith. tbe Leasea ond anY aPPlicabie lnw. '[4ustor will.pxomptly notlf�r
<br />_r::;:��`'�.>:.
<br />�1'.�i:.(',�s'.y,�'x� Beneficiury of nny anncomplizutce.If Tzustor neBlecte or reit�ses to enforce ourapliaaoe wlttt the teraas of�}a�Y�ses.th�
<br />�"-'F�;Y�'.`� Beneftclury may. at BeneScinry's optlon. enforce compliaace. Tcustor wlll obu�ia Benefioiary's wriuen autho*lxuton
<br />-----�'F':� before Tru�tor consents to sublei,modiPy.cancel. or otheravlse atter the E�ases, to aaxpt the surrender of t�u:Prup�rti►
<br /> .;�`n�',�"�._:'�,F: - aovered by such Leases(ualesa We Leases so cequire). or to assign.comPramise or eacumber the Leas�s or any ft►tn�.°�e _ -
<br />-_�„r,:��;��•.:.. Rents.Tiustor will hold BeneRciary hnmdess and lndemnify 4d�noficiary for nny aad �li linbility, loss or dam�ge t�c{t
<br />�<,r�'"- :� . Beneflciary may incur as a wnseq�ence of the assi�nment undes¢b3a�ection. �:
<br /> ,.:,�5`:-_ .; y �.
<br /> s�{��<s�..:�..�' 'n'"-':
<br /> ��_.�•-__��a i5.CCri�it�.'diIl.�S� °3.AMN�..� UN�T I�F.V6P�LlD�N'f:C. Tf the ProJICltV IIICI1l�C3 8 1lLII �II II COAt�4I11I11I1tlQ 0i II
<br /> � ;�.' planaod untt developacent.Tiustor will perfoim�11 of T�uswr's�ludes under ttie uuve��ts.by-laws,ar rcy,ulstta�s�i�c —
<br /> ���_��}�j�� ''� wadominium or planxted unit develo�me�nt. --
<br /> L�'LTf'!'„�:.�:_� �'
<br /> "���"'�""' 1�.DEFAi1LT.Trusior wW be in defuult if any of t�e following aocur: _.,_
<br /> '"` .' q, Any patty obligated on the Secured Bebt fails to mnke payment when due; __
<br /> . ., . . .� �. A breash of any cerm aa oth�t��n Deed���st���g�ort�Eang or othenxise rel�adng to the S�zaued
<br /> ' .;�i::� S����A y -_-
<br /> .i`�,,; �tbt: _=
<br /> C, 'I1ie maldnB or fucnishiug of aay verbal or wriaen representation.statemeat or wsurnuty to Bcacficiary ttiat is galse
<br /> .•�+';�;,�. . '��' or iacorrect ia�cmy mntedN respect by Tn�stor or any person or endty ab]tgated on the Secured Bebi; ��._
<br /> ;�t^�'tE'` D. Tho death.dissolation� uppointiaent of n a��eiver for.or applicatio�a af uny debtor relief lu�v tQ, �Tiustor ar any �_,
<br /> -v,,�:, . �.. � aen _
<br /> -Il,,,
<br /> ,.�,,..� gorcon or endty abllgnted on the Securc�fID�bt, n or entit �
<br /> ; : . �,��,, E. A IIc�ud fnitL betief by �ieneficiary at aay timg t�►ae Hr�ceRciery is inseex�re wit1�re�ct to any pe:so Y �—_
<br />- ��+.�,, obligntal on the S�cured�Debt or that the praspect oY any�ayment is impaired or th2�roperty iy impaircd: m`;
<br /> �.''!�:j,.! F. A matedal edverse chaa�a ia'➢Yustor's bnair�•rss inclur�ing awneiship.mana8ement,nnd timm�cW oondido�.w.wti[ch �
<br /> N]..
<br />-'�y�;;-..�,,; , s Ben�ficiary in«s opIaion believes imps�irs¢��value of the Property or uepuyinent uf the 5ecured Dabt;or
<br /> �1�;;,;r G1. Aay loun pcae•.eeds are used for a purpose r3�ut will contribute to e�cc�sive emsion of hiBhly eradible lund or w the
<br /> . �...
<br /> `---__---'--�-- ....n.,,,,�t.,n nf urril�nds to nmdttce ttn aIIdctililliN OommOdi[y�as tilrih�r expltiined iII 7 C.�.R.Part 1940�S�►bpsrt �i,;�
<br /> Ci.Bxhibit M. ' -
<br /> 17.RER9EDIES ON DEFA[JLT. In�ome instt�aces. federal and stnte law wfll requim Beneficiary to provlde Ttustur cait3i
<br /> " notice of the dIIhi to cure. tnedindoa notlees or other �otices and may establish tla� schedules for foreclos�re acttons•
<br />- Subject to these limitations. if any. Beneftciary may acceterate th�5eeured Debt aad toreclose thie Qctid of'�'cu.st in a „
<br />