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<br /> � ,
<br /> ' � � �
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<br /> , , ��...;y '.,.a Cy+6��::�i E►� e•.!'/'291d ��
<br /> I rrnaV•ar�nv�
<br /> � L. NotwithstnndinB ttny��alttobu:j�t��.'rita9�fQ'� A Deod of Trust to Wc contmry,thc temis of this scction ahail ,._.
<br /> survive any forec]s�se aY satisiltctton aPtifls Der�uf Trust redurdlesa oY any pnss��c af titic ro Heneflciury or nny
<br /> ` cliapositlaa by�eneflcl�ry of any or�Il of the Property.Any ciaims and defenses tu the wuuery are hctcby wt�ived. ,
<br /> 20. CmR1D1LMNA'�If,2N.Tnwtor v�ill give Beaeiiclury prumpt aotice of eny actlon.real or thrcatened. by prtvnt�ar pubUc
<br /> entities co puYChnse or uilce Any or all of t4ie Property. including any casemFnts,throuBh condemrultion. emiaent domuin,
<br /> • ' or any ot3ur tncana.Tn�ctor �er a$rezs to nodt�Esneftciaty of zny pmceedla�s instituted for the estul�lislunent of aay ,
<br /> sewer.wuter. wt►servudon, dlu:m,dmina�e,or other dlstdct relatin�w ar binding up.on tbe Property oT env purt of it. , �,,
<br /> ,""�-���' Tcustor uuthorizes Beneficiary to iatervene in'Y'NStor's ntune in any af tHe abave described ucttons or claims und to collect =.
<br /> , � ��4 aad receive all snms msulting from the actIoa or cluim.Trustor usslgas to Benefieiary the pmr.eeds of any award or cltiim •
<br /> for dama�es canaected with a candemnutlon ar other tnkinQ of all or eny part of the Pmperty. Sucb procceds shuU be ,,,,�`._
<br /> wnstdered rayments aad will b�appliod as provided ia thls De�d of Trust.This assiBnment of prar.erds ie subject to the ;.;}._
<br /> � • tem�s of any p�iar securlry agreement. "`'-
<br /> �.:.
<br /> � ;:. tl. 1NSI]R�eNCE.Tiuswr agi+ees to maiataia insurancas ss follows: �� �_
<br /> • � A. Truetor sh�ll keep the Prnperty►iasured agelast los.4 by fire,theft and other ha7ards and rlska ceasonably nssaciated �,w-.
<br /> ' ° with the Prnperty due w ita type and l�ation.Other ha�ards tmnd ruske maY include,for example.covernga nguinst �;;�,:
<br /> ' t loss dne to floods or tlooGing. 'Ihie iusurance ahaq be mnintaiued in the amounts aad for the pedods that �,�_
<br /> BeneRciary requires. The insurence carrier pmvfding tl�e lnsur�nce shall be chasen by Tntstor subject co ���._�-
<br /> ��. "�.°, �:f � Bcneficiary's apProval, wh�ct� shaU not be unmasonably withheld. If Trustor faUs to maintain the wverage __--
<br /> " i.ffi descrlbed above,Beneficiery may. at BeneRatary's option, obtain covera6e to pmtect Ben�ficlary's dghts in tbe �_
<br /> �� '• Prope��ty accord[ug to the tetms of this Deed of`l�CU&t. +�--:
<br /> � � .. °'�,� al �.�� �licles a�ud renc�vanla ghell be eoceptable tn �eRciary attd shall incl�s4e a stai►daid °m°ng°Be _.,�_
<br /> : ` -� CIflllSP.°and, v�here applicable. "m�:neficiary loss payee clause." Trustor shall immedini�iy notify Eeneficlary of �,��:::
<br /> canoeliadon or ter�r,inautfion of the lnsurance. Beneficiary shali httve the rt�$t w hold W��a3lcies and renew�ls. If "
<br /> �`, S�neRclaey mqutces. Trustor shall Immed[ately give to B�neffciary all r�:tipts of paid Pn�niums �nd renewal �_---
<br /> aodces.Upon loss.`Etuswr shsill gtve immedtat�notice to the iasurance carrler and Beneficiary. Bene'ticiary muy a,-�=
<br /> `� . . uuike pmaf of loss�f not made l�flately by Trustor. °`--
<br /> ;, Unless Benet�eiary and 'ltuscor ot�hervvtse agc+ee in wrltlug. insurauce proc�eds shall be apPlled w restoratlon c�r
<br /> , :, � repuir of the Property damaged if the restorntlon or repair is economically fc.�nslble and Benefic[ary's security ie not —
<br /> . • • ressened. If the reswration or repair Is not economically feasible or Bene�ciary's socurlty would be lessened.the
<br /> ��,���,�tA�all be agpliod w the Secured Debt.whether or not tben due.wtth any excess paid sn Tcustor. ,
<br /> '� ° . . If Tcustar abandons the Pco
<br /> periy. or dces not answer wIthin 30 duys a aotice from�3enefrciary ihat�uc�su+�
<br /> , • . , c�rier hus offered to settle a claim,then Beneficiary cuay coIIect the insuranx pmcx�eda.Beaeficiery snuy une the
<br /> ;E,;^ _�...;•: ' pmrr�la to�epaic or t�estore We Pmp�rty or w pay the Secumed Debt wHether or not then due. The 30-day peric►d
<br /> _;;•y� :;'���; wll.l 7Degin whea t�c�motice is given. � � �
<br /> .�..�,. ..°: licsitIon of rcceede to princtpal shu18 vot e�xte�
<br /> Unless Beneticiary aad 7tustor ot�tetwisa a�c�ee ir►wrltin8�anY aPP t P
<br /> �'��� ° or pct�lpone We dne date of scheduled payments or chenge tlie aawunt of the paymente. If the Properry 7a acqufte�l
<br /> -- .. .�, by 0�neficisry.Trustar's dg�t to aay insivaace policIes and proceeds resulting fmm daaau$e to the Pto�1tY befmYe.
<br /> ' �,.�'`- the acquistdon ehall par.s w�eneflctary to the extent of the�ecured Debt Immediately 1�e�Pore the ac�uisition. . �
<br /> - �, H. T�ustot A�cees to maintain comQmhensive�enerat liability insiuence naming B�ficiarY as+m additfapnl in�ured in
<br /> � aa nmount eeseptable to BeaeRciary. insurInQ against claims arlsing fmra any accident or oaurceno�:��as on tho
<br /> �-�;-±�.;`_�:� �P�Y• b Beneftci iYt rm arr��
<br /> _�:�_�.z,,,� C. 'llmstor egt�es W maiusain n�tal toss or business iatemtpdou Insu�tce.as required Y �Y• ,
<br /> ---_�"�_=y� equut t�at lenst oov�e of Qne year's debt servioe.nnd rr:�uired eccma a000unt deposits(if agreed to sepazaT,�l j �
<br /> - - -°--^'� in wridnB).uuder a fo:m of poltcy ecc.eptuble to Beae�ciary.
<br /> ���:z.-.�t � —
<br /> Tb'=t�:�r;} '��. 22.N0 E�CItOW FOR TA��F.,S MID IlVSil1tANCF..Unless othecwlse pmvidsd in a separnte agreement,Tn�star wW not �_.
<br /> - - : be requined to pa3r to Beueficiary fuads for texes and insuraace ia escrow.
<br /> :�::.,...• ;�
<br /> �:N".., 2_'�.FiNANCIAL RF.FaATS AI+TD ADD1Ti0ATAL BOCUlViL�NT3. Tn�stor«iil pruvide to Beaeftcinry upon request. tuay _. .
<br /> — ��i financisi stateu�nt ur iniuc�::tion �aefrcl�y may d�cn uec�::sy. T:usiQr ��iants tb�c � n��n�iai :�ta:c�ets r� �_
<br /> ".:_=��'T�---�:�' lnfom�:.ttoa Tniswr pmvides to BeneRciary are. or will de. accurnte. oorcect. and compleie. Tiustor a�► to slgn.
<br /> 6'���" deliver. and ftle as Beneficlary may masonably requnst any udditlonsil doc.u�ats or certificattons that B�eSdary may
<br /> �+r'�=::sz."° oonslder necessary to perfe�ct,oontiaue.aaA pmserve'Crustor•s obligutions uader this Qeod of'i'cust and Beneficlary's Ilra
<br /> _%^��r•`' 6U1W8 OII L'I]t3 Pt�OjICI[�l.If Tm.stor Cails to do so. Reaeficlary may siga.delteer.and file such d.oiumeata or ac�cat�.s in
<br /> �:�.,.....� 't 1'custor's� Aad 1h�stor hexeby irrevocabiy a�pointa BeneRaiaey ar Sgaeflciary's agent�attamey ia fact to 80¢i�c
<br /> - �" things n�ssarY to oompIy�vis2►thio section. -
<br /> - •;�;`�;. ?.4.J�IN'P AND�IWIDLTAL HdA13Il,I'I'Y: CO-SIGNERS.SUCCESSO�t3 A�ND ASfiIGN�BOUND.A➢1�c"�*dES uader -.=i
<br /> . ........... ...�� _
<br /> : �,.•� , _ this Dc�ad of'Pruct ure joint a�d i�dividual. If Tnistor s3�,as thfs Deed of'tl�u$t but dn�es uot slgn the Bvldeace of Debt. L
<br /> t.: , 1'�uat�r does so only to tnort�,�ge Tnutor's interest in the Pro�4y to secure p�yntent of the 5scured Debi and Tius:Qr • ____
<br /> does aot�roe to br personaUy liable on the Socuted Debt.Tcust�.r��c�ees thnt Beaeficiary nnd any RartY to this Dc�of i.::_
<br /> •� �� � - '��� 'itust may eatead. xnoAify or mase any c�an�e in the tem�s oY 1i�is Qeed of Ttust or th� l6videnrx of Debt �vithout ��._
<br /> ;r`..�„••' `� Trusrnr's oonsen�SucL a chanIIe will nat release 1'nascor from the teruts of tWs Dxd of Tns�.'llze dutie9��be!±efi�of �:;�
<br /> •" s., this D�d of ltust sholt biia�d and bene8t the suoass�s an.d assig�s of Tcustor aad QeaeRciary. �, '.
<br /> l� r'
<br /> �� if Wis Qec�l ot Tnisi socures a gunrnnr�beriveen Beneftciary ancZ'�Yt�stor and does noi directly secure the ubli�ntioa v1L�:� E�,;
<br />- • is guarantic:d.i`custor amc�eea to wnive cny riQht�thut may pnweW:1�eficicuy from 5rin6inII any action or cluim ng^� F.
<br /> _ ___-__- �n,:a��flnv r.mtv ind�red under tiue oblia�tion includinn.but�mz lianited to.anti-deficIcucy or one-:ution laws. ��
<br /> � T�,I#1'PZ.ICA�LC LAVi►; S�VERAtI�1I.Ti'1it IlV'IIZ1R�R�A'A'Y"ION. 'It�is Dced of 7kust 3s Qoverned b the luws of the ���
<br /> • jurisdicdon in which BeueRciary irs lo�tod. exoept w the eatent othenvise ncquired by the luwa of the�udsdi�on where �,;-`•.
<br />' the Pmperty is loca+t�d.'i�{s �eed of Trust is oomplete nnd tWly iate4ynted.'d�is Ueed of Tnist may aot ba nmeaded ar r .
<br /> - � ° madified by oriil a,�ceement, Any secdon or clause in this Qoa!of'tlrust. nt�m.or any a�rment related to tIte ..
<br /> = Ss��md Debt thnt conQicts�vit6 a�plicable tatv wlll aot be effective. ualess that la�v expressDy or impliedly permits thc �
<br />- vcuiat3ons by wr[tten a�+Oemeat.If any section or clause of this Dee�i of Ttust caaaot be enforced es�ordtng to its tennn. ,,..
<br /> •- thut s�don or ctause will bc severed and will not nffect the enforeeabillty of the remuiader �f th[s Ueed of Tn�st.
<br /> .� VHIICIICVfI WCd.the sin�War shali include the pluml und the pluml the siaaulor.11ic capiton�:�d be�dinge of the soctiona �-�
<br /> of thta Qeed of T�ust nre far convenieace oaly aad m�e rtot to be used to interpret or define tlie terms of thia Deed of Tcust. '��
<br /> '' . Time is of the esse�ce in tLis Dced of Tntst. papo G ol Q
<br />- . ' C t993 0.�+tcro 6r�tcma.tne..6t Ctrnd.A:N It�Q00J9)•ZSOtI ��A61L0-0T�tJB iQBOF31 � •
<br /> ... . ,. .
<br /> % �_.,._-_.�.._.--...... —_'_T....__—�- �u+-- _
<br />