�� ..
<br /> ,�-1 .' .. .. . - .._..........
<br /> .: ��4 �������
<br /> B. All Nture advancro fmm Beneflciary tu Trustor ar ather tl�wre abliaodons of Truetur to Hen�tiiclnry un�icr nny
<br /> promissory note, contrnct. aunranty,or ather evidence of debt exiatin�nc►w ot executcd nttcr this Decd��f'Ceuet
<br /> � ' whether or not thia Qc�af Trust ie epM:ificully refece�M to in the evidencc of debt.
<br /> " � C. All oblipAtiona Trustor owes ro Bcncftciary. which naw exist�r mny lnter arise, ta the etttcnt not prohibitc�d by ;' .
<br /> . Inw, includin�. but rtot limltcKi to. 8abilides for ovcrdrntts retntinB to nny deposit nuount n�rc:cment b�nvicen +
<br /> Trustor atd 8eneficlaey. �
<br /> D. All addidonnl�ums advnnced nnd eapenscs imurred by Bineflcinry for insurinQ,prescrvinp�r otherwice protectinB
<br /> the Property end ite v�lae nnd nny otbcr sums udvun�x�1 a�d expenses tacurru!�y licue:iciary undcr the tetm�of
<br /> - --_. this Dezcl of Trust,plus intarest at the hlQhest rnte in effect, from tlme to time, as pravided in tbe Evtdence of
<br /> ' " nobt. �
<br /> � � E. Trustor's parformance uAder the terms of uay instnunent evidencing u debt by Tcustor ta IIeneficinry nnd nny DFed
<br /> - of Tn�st securiuB,guarnnrylag.ar othervdse relnting to the debt.
<br /> � .. ; If more thnn one person signa this Qeed of Tnut as Truator. each Tcusror u�ree.4 thnt this De2d of Trust wip secure aU -
<br /> future advaaces and flirire obllgations descdbad at�ave thut are�iven to or incurtr�by aay oue or more'1'rustor.or nny ;��
<br /> � � • one or mom Tiustor and otkers.7bis Deed of Tcust will not secuxe any olher debt if 8eneflciary fails,wiW respect to such ;_��„
<br /> oWer debt,to muke aay required disclosure elsout thts Deed of Tnist or if Beaeftcinry falis to give uny required aodce of �-
<br /> � , � ' ttic right uf rescission. .: `ti
<br /> ,�::-.
<br /> ,y ,. ._�..
<br /> „ `,� S. PAYIi�1V'1'S.Trustor esgree.s to mnke�11 payinents on the S�cured Debt when due and in rtaordance alth the tera�s of the _.:�{
<br /> :�• � �vidence of Debt or tI��s Dced of.Trust. e;�°--
<br /> . ,'z:�
<br /> ., r. 6. dVARRANTY OF Til'AI.E.Ttustor covenants taat Tn�stor is lawtWly seized of ttte estate conveyed by thia Deed of Tiust �:ti--
<br /> nnd hns the r��ht to irrevocably grant.convey aad seIl ta Tnutee.in uust.wlth power o�snle. the Progerty aad warcuats
<br /> „ tbat the Pmperty ta uaencumbered.except for encurabrances of�ecord. �
<br /> ,�'.•�. _�:--
<br /> 7. CLA.flM�AGAIIVST TITLF:.Tr�stor wW pay all taxes,assessiuents,liens,eacurabtaac�s,tease paya�ente.grouad rent�. � ;__
<br /> udlittes, und other charges relating W the Property when due. Beneflc�ary may requim'dhustor to provlde to Benefic�ituy
<br /> � ��� copies of aU notiaes @hat such ainouats are due and th�e receipts evidenctag arustor's paym�eat. Tcustor�viA defead title to ____-
<br /> ;,;,`� •,. tha Pmperty agAins��ny cSaims tlwt would im�nir�e lien of thia Aead of Tnesi.Tnutor a�rees to ossigr�to Beneftcituy.as °�':.
<br /> ° requested by Benefiaiary,nAy rights. clalms or defenses w1�Ich Tmstor m�huve against pa�ties who snpply labor or �
<br /> '�'` . ,�'�,- f. �
<br /> ,�, materials to improve or maiatain the Properry.
<br /> h i V '�' �C'f S__ s.� ' o�j At QtilEf II2Q
<br /> -.;,;�1�. `` ' F•,,.•, S. �RIOA SJECIJRiTX �P11'LatF:s��. �i►ith i�aid cv any otaer,u�;�ga�z.d�!a£tr.�„ ;�:rit�.. _
<br /> ''`�'� „ docunteat thnt creaYec]�pdor securlty laterest or e�cumbrance on the Property and thut may have pdoriry over this Dead
<br /> " . , ' of'fnist�'IYustor agrees:
<br /> _ . '.y. f�. To mnlce all pt�yment»when due mid to perfocm or oompiy wiW all coveneats.
<br /> � �. '!�u pmmptty deliver to Ben���lary any ao�ces that'�Yu�t�r receives from the hoide�r.
<br /> � C. 9Vot to malce or pe�mit any nnodiSoadon or eatension o�,and not to r�quest or aco�,�s att�y t�ture ad�eaces under ra�y
<br /> '•� ,, sote or�gceement secuscM by. We other mortgtige,decd of uust or security a�neemem unless Bcneficiary coasents
<br /> • !a wrttfng. •�.;;
<br /> '°""` ' 9. DUE ON BAI.E OA ENCiJ1VIBRANCE.Benefictary may,at its option.d�clnre the entiro balanee of the Secur�Debt w _-
<br /> � ;. „ be{ma�eciintely due nnd puyable u»an the creailoa of uny lien,encwabrunce.trnnsfer.or�u1".�,or contract for any of these
<br /> ,��-.�,i ` on ahe Property. However� if thv Fruperty includes Tcustor's residence. this secflon sh�be subJect to the cestdedons
<br /> -``�°'°'"'"" impased by fedeml law(12 C.F.R.5 9 1).av a�p�ca b le.For the p u r p os�a of this secdon,the term"Property"also includes
<br /> _-'�q.:�..;.T��` any inter�st w ull ap uny part of the Propecty. '!'hia covenant shall rua wItb t1�e�'roperty end shaU remn+�r�n effect uatil the
<br /> _zs�:..<..,::�.:7, 5ecured Debt iR paid'an 4i�i1 and tlais Deed of Tivet ia relessod. _.
<br />�;: . .:ri�;;;;. __ .
<br /> ,•" ��:;s�� �,° 10.TR�1N•�R OT AN IIVTERESd'IN'1'HE GRANTOR. If'Ccustor is an entity ot�cEr tbtm a naturai person(su��a�S a
<br />-=�� � ��� � corporANon or other or�anizntion). BSneRclary may demaud imm�ate paymrnt if(1)a beaeRci�l 1nSemet in"Clrustar!e _
<br />-=`;�=. = -» � " svld or trmnsferned: (�) there is a change in either the identity or number of inembcre of a patdce�shulP;ot(3)there fe u _ -
<br /> '=�r���w--;--�: �?p in nwne�p of more thnn ZS pen�r►t of the voting stoclr of a corporadon. However�Peneflci��:roay aot demaad
<br /> w�� �� payinent in the above sitnations if it ia ptnhibited by taw as of tlhe ciute of uus 1JCC�af�a��c. __
<br /> � rLt NFy 4f� �
<br /> �'���`}'t`:r r�;S�� 1 1.�N T i T Y i►Y A 1�t R A T V'1'�.S A N l 1 i t E P R E S E N f A T I O N S. 1 f T r u s t o r i s e n e n d ry a t h e r t?i a n a astural p erson(suot+sis a _
<br /> -''`�'����=� oorporatton or outi er organizadon).Tcustor make� to Beneficiary the foliowing warronHes and reprazsstaflons whioh shaU . _
<br /> _i�•.,e. -�:...
<br />-::.Sn... --
<br /> :;c� . - .� be continuia�as[ang as the Secured L?eht re�ins outstanNag: �<<-_�
<br /> A. T�ustor is an entity which is duly �orgenir.ed and vnlidly eacisting in the T�ustor's state o� lacorporation (or ,� -
<br /> . .. .azganizntion).Tcustor Ls in good starnding in Nl atates in wh(eh Trustor tc�nnsucts business.Tnistor has tre�ower -
<br /> �� � at►d authortty ta owa t1t2 Propezly und to carry on tts business as uow betng oonducted end. as upplica2ale, is �'„-_:
<br /> . � h. quali�ied W da so in each atate in ahicb'frustor operates. •�°
<br /> �-., -�. B. The eaecuS�at�, delivery und perfom*....'mce af thia Deed nf�t by Tmstor und the obli��ti�:�evidenced by the ���,',;
<br /> :����1.. <u• , a�., B v i d e a c e �o f �e b c a r e wlthin the �^m� of '[Yvstor. huve be�n ctvly authorized� have n�cLivcd ell necessnry ;>;;,;
<br /> ,�.
<br /> govemicenta�uppmval,and�vill not violete any provision of lnw.or @�er of coutt or aovernmen eIIency ti+:�.
<br /> � � C. Ot}ier dinn discloscd in writiag 7tustor has not chnn�ed its nnmQ withi�t the last ten years aad has not used any �
<br /> � - otker uzde or fictitlous�3me.Wlthout Beneficinry's prlor written wnsent�Tivstor does not and will rtot use any ;
<br /> . „ other nnmr nnd wfll preserve its eAistiag nume.uade anrme.s aad fronchises uaul the 5ecured Qebt ia sudsfi�d.
<br />, • ���,_
<br /> � . 12.PROPER7'Y CONDITIUN,ALTERA170NS AND IIVSSFECTTON.Tniator will keep the Property in goad raadidon s�;
<br /> - -------�- - - • --,_.��` _.�....�.�e... T..,�..r.,�n�vp�nr�v n�mnc notice of aav loss or�e to �; -
<br /> -- ----- mtumatcesu�cpanou,ma.c...QO.,un..y ......w��. .__..__ ..—o-�- --� -,
<br /> _ the Property.Tcustor will keep the l�roperty free of rtoxtous weeds and arasses.7'nistor�vill not tnttiate.join in or consa►t
<br /> � to aay ch�c ia uny private restrictive cavenant, zoning ondinnnoe ar nWer public or private resuiction limiting or .
<br /> defining the uses whlch rauy be macle of t�e Propeity or nny pu�t of We II�CUperty.without @eneHciary's prior wr�tten ,
<br />-; wnsent. Trustor will notify B�aeflciary nf all demnads, ptoceedinas. claims, and xetlons aBeinse Tcustor or an}+ other
<br /> '' " � owner made under ina or t+eQWation regarding use.own�rship tutd oxu{ransy of thc Prop�ty.7'tustor wUl comply with nll
<br /> � te��l requinemeata und resMctions.whether public or privnte.wtth respect ao the use of the Pmgerty. 'I'rustor ulso ag�s
<br /> tha�the nature of the accupancy tu�d use will aot chan�e without Heneficiary's pr�or�vritte�i ooasrnt.
<br />_ , No portion of the Pcopsny�vilZ be removed.dentoHshod or matertnlly altered without Herteficlnry's prior�viritt�en�ns�t °
<br />- �� ' eacepi that Trustor has the dght m��ove ituns of pe�son�t pmperty com�ris�nQ a part of the Property
<br /> ' puQO 2 0/6 "
<br />� ' O 1 U9�OanYer�Syttcros.�nt.St-patA.�tN It�C00��07•ZS4�1 farm AOICO�OT•NC• 10�50197
<br /> • � �'
<br />