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<br /> .. •procnado')in conr.octlon vulth wnd�mnnllon or oth�oe t��(I�nnd proaacum In Ito o�n�nc�ma any n tlon or procaod►npo,and ohalt nl o �
<br /> Lcn�or o1�Rli b�nnqqcd nt ito optlon to comr�►cs�c�, Ap
<br /> bo ontltfud to molco any com�fromlao or cotUomont in connectlon�vlth nuch tnhlnp or dnmr�(�o.in tha ovonl ony portlon ot tfio PrAg�rty f� T�,
<br /> ao takon or dnmapad,I.ondar ahali hnvo tho optlon In ito uoio ond nbnatuto dlncrotlon,to apply ntl ouch pracc�tls, aftor dc8ucilrt� ,�
<br /> ' titcroirom nit�sto nnd onpan¢o�Incurrod i�y It In conncatlon��Ilh ouch Praanoda,upon c►ny indobtodnoaa nc�urctl horoby ttrtA In auah ,.
<br /> ' 1:. OPdO�II9 LUf7dOf fP►Qy dOt(lift11t10,or to npply nll ouch Proeccd�,aftnr uucl�doductlon�,to tho roatomtlon of tho Proparry upon auch can- „
<br /> ditiona c�e Londor mny dotormino.Any nppllcotlon ot Procooda to Indobtodnosn ohall na�1 oxtnnd or posipono tho duo dnto ai ony pay- . .
<br /> mento undor tha Nnto,or curo nny dofnult thoroundor or horoundor.Any u�nppiled tunds ahali ba paid to Tru�tor.
<br /> ,� �, � 8.Perfarmonse by Lendar.Upon the ar,curtonco o} a�i Event ot Dafautt h�rnundar,or It nny ac�t9 tokon or lo�al pmr.aod�n8 =-
<br /> ° o o m monced v�htch matori�alty effects Lender'a(nterest In tho Proporty.Lartdor may in Its owr�dtscrotlon�but without obllgpUon to do ao,
<br /> r;;,;�;;�?�; and wlthout notice to or demand upon Truator and�vithout ro loa�Ug Tru o t o r f ro m a n y o b i f g a t l o n,d o n n y�c t w hl ch Truutot t�ns A gtoed �-,�-
<br /> ,,,.,�,,�.;a4�W but feNed tn do and may also do a►�y olher ac1 It dsomn noce�sary to protact thfl sacurty horeot.Trustor ohap,immedlatoly upon
<br /> •• � domnnd th�refor by Lendor,ppy to Lender a�l�sts and exponaos incurred and aums expanded by Lender in oonRacUon with the exer- �Y�,
<br /> . .� ctao by Lender ot ths forsgofng�Ights,topether with intorost theraon at tha default�te provldod in the Noto,�vhich aholl bo added to �
<br /> tho ladobtedness�ecured hereby.Londer shatl oot tncur eny IlalsBiry�be��uae�ocise�ny��ae1'appllcabterlawst tord nancou and reguietions ..__u_
<br /> �� �� �. 9.Haxardoua t1latortala.Truator shall keep the Property P --
<br /> � reiating to induatrial hygtono or environmentaf protactlon�coilectively retem3d to h�min aa"Environmentai Lews°).Truaror ehali keap
<br /> tha property frEa from all substances deamed to be hazardous or tuxia under nny Enviranmentat Lativs(catlectively referred to herein
<br /> � as"Hpzardous Material.n").Trustor hereby wartents end ropresenta to Lender that tharo are no Hazardous Mei�dals on or undrar the
<br /> Propariy.Trtrstnr hereby s8�eas Yo lndemnl9y and hotd ham�tess Lender,Itu dtr�ctora,oNlaore,�mployeas and agent�,and any sueoes- �
<br /> �ars to Lertdors tntsrest,irom and agatnst o��y and ati clatms,dameges,tasses end 1l�b1118os adsing in cannocUon�vith the presenco,
<br /> ..� �� � -�� uso,d(sposat or transport ot aay Hazardous Materials on,us Q��SUA�1T�A HE FO OOINOOI D MNITY SHALL'SURVIVE -
<br /> • : p�� RECONVEYAt��E OF THIS QHEp OF TRUST. `-
<br /> �f 10.Asai�l�ment o1 Reots.Trustor h�reby essigns to Lender,and gronb Lender a security Intereat In,a11 present,futura and
<br /> a :' altar adsing rents,isaues and proflts ot tPie Property;provid3d that Trostcr ahell,untq th3 occurrence ot an EvoM af Detau�t,t�ereunalor, M, .
<br /> �"�5 hava the right to ootlect and retain sucb rents,issuea and pTOfits as they become due�n�payable.Upon th�oxuerence of an Event aP -
<br /> C�efault,Lendoi may,either in parsnn or by agent,v�ilh or evllhaut bdnging any ecilon or proceeding,or by a receivar eppointed by a
<br /> ���+ � couR and wtthout regard W itte adequacy o1 Its security,entet upon and take possession of the Proparly,or uny part thereoi.in ltt� awn __
<br /> �ame or ln tiia name oi the Tcustee,and do eny acia which It daet�a n2r:essa►Y er desirabte to praserve the vatuo, marlcetabillty�or
<br /> �� ,, rontabUlry ot tha Property,or ehy paR thateo9 or I�tereot thereln,or to incr�ease the tnoame theretrom or proted tho secudty hereo?and,
<br /> :�r.=, ��: wlth or without Yaking po�sosslon ot the Pnoperty,aue for or othenvf�e collact the rents,isaues and Aroflt�thereof.includirtp those paet
<br /> due end unpafd,by nodfyin8 tenants ta make p�ymenta to Lender.Lender may apply�anta,issues end profits,�ess oasta and expens-
<br />'�';'_���;,�.. es o!opera�on and ootlecUon including�ttomey's fESea,to eny indebtednesa seaired 7�ereby,all in such arder aa Lender may deter-
<br /> •, r� _ __ � �,���„��tr�g po�sa�slon oi the Property,tp►r�ca�lecdon af auch renta,issuos and proftb,and 810 appllCatlon
<br /> ,w,(���
<br /> ....,., ;�. �. t h e r e o i a s aforosaid ehali nnt cure or waiva any defauft or notice of deiautt ho�eunde�or im►a�cd�in n�y��!�or�1�t on.
<br />��t�r'S}�� default or pu�suant to such no8ce of detault artd,eotwithstan d ing t Ro con U n u e n c a i n p o s s o s s i o n o f t h e p ro p e A y
<br /> �--�_•.�. .,.
<br /> �•-• recelpi nnd applfcatton ot ronta,tssues or pmflta,7'rustea and Lender ehali bo enti4i�d W exorciso every dght provtded tor In any a e
<br /> '�''"�'�'`� Loun insWmont�or by law upon occurrence oi eny Event ot Dafeutt,inctuding without itmitation the dght W exercase the power oi sata.
<br /> ;;�=�`�'�`��� • FurGner.Lendofa�Ighta and remedfes undor this paraBroPh ah°����mulaUve wfth,end in no way e IfmitaUon on,l.csndofs�ights and
<br /> -='•��.u,<'s remcsdtag undor uny ass!flnment of�easea and rente neooMad egetnat!he Properiy.Lender,Trusiee and tt�resx�iver shati be liably to
<br />--=
<br />