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<br /> .. ' � 0�4��,��t9 � . �.�9.�.�. ��_
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<br /> � princlp:ll cmn�astt of th�lrtd��t�dnc��c�curod by thls @uad ot Yiuot,fl01 I/IOIUdIPId OfltilD adVURt7Cd i0 pfOICCI tPtO OCCtltllyl Oi 1h18 QIIIId 01 �.
<br /> � Yru�l,oi:c��A tFio orfnlanl ptles�laal nnount ntntod hcrcin,w$,.,�gqQ(�Ae.� .._....whiahovcr in flr�ator. �
<br /> 10.Misoellanenv�P�rrvtolon9. ��.
<br /> • (o)Ei0PPi3ttiAY PdOII ROlO:Eed.E;xtcnatan o1 tho tlmo tar paymcat or modfflcnt►on o1 amofllaation oi tho Eumn nccurad by thls
<br /> �E�d at Tru3t�rantcd by�Crtd�r to�ny nuc�nsaor In intcroat ai Ronawor ahall not opamto to roloaoo,in ony a�nnnar,tho IlebUl• �,:
<br /> � ty ot tRo ortginu�Q�rrowor and 6otrowat'o aur.counora In intaronl,Londo�ahnll n�t Do roqulrod to cammonc�proactadingo �;,,�--
<br /> • ' ,�, �gn►nat euch cuaoo��or or ratu�o to outond tlmo tor p�ymonl or ofh�nvl�mc►dlfy amorti:ctton ot tflo ouns o�cu�d by thiu �_
<br /> �oad o!Truflt by roason of any damends mndo by tho orlptnal Dorrowar nnd 8or�rnvors eucceonoro in intoroot -�
<br /> °, „ . (k�)6c3n€3ar'n Pai�ctn.l6�Jlthout nffscting!ho Ilablllty oi nny athor p�mon Qeblo 4or tho pnyrrtont oi any obilgntton homim m�n-
<br /> �w� Uort�d,and wilhaui�ffocUr�a iho Ilon or c4mr{�o of thla Qa�d of 7ruot upon any podlon uf ti�o Prop�riy nnt thnn er th�rototore �
<br /> fEtIBIIS��d n�aacudty for tho tuli amaunt ot all unpntd oblipottono,lender may,irom tlmo to dma end wilhout rtorice(i)release
<br /> """=--� �►ny por�ors co Ifabto.(Iq oxtond tho maturity or altor any of tho torm�ot Any such obligatlon�,(Iii)grant other indutgoncos,(iv)
<br /> n_����, rotoaIIe or roconvoy.or criuso to ba roleased or reoonvoyod at�any ttme at Ler�de�o opUon any parcnl, po�lon or ali ot the —
<br /> Propariy,(v)tulto or raloase any othor or uddl�arsat oocudty tor ARy obilgaUon heroln mantioned,or(vi�meko compositlona or
<br /> ` oihor n�nnIIemonta v�itt►dobtoro in relatton 4hereta.
<br /> � � �.� (o)Fotiioaranca by�endor Not A Walver.Any forbearanco by I.ender in oxo►cising eny riBht or remody hereunder,or oth-
<br /> envls��fta�dod by apptic�6!a law,ahal{no4 be a weivor ot o�praduda the exercise of ony auch�Ight or remady.Tho procure- `
<br /> � � ment at Inf,urence or the paymont oi taxos or otler I�ens or cherges by 6.ender ahnll nat be a viatv�r or L.endars rtght to acceter-
<br /> .. ., � e!o thfl mutudty of Uso Irtdobtedness sacu�ad by this Dand oi Trust
<br /> (d)l�uccossore�nd Asslpas Boand;dolnt a�sd 8evarnl 6labiltty;Captteon.The ooven�nts and ogmoments heretn can-
<br /> talned ahail bind,artd the �IgNta hereunder shall lnure to,the respec4iva successore and eastgna ot Lo�der and Tn�stor.All
<br /> covenant�and sgreamonts ot Truator ehall be joint and severet.The capUona end hesdinga oi the paragraphs at this Deed of
<br />�•.;" ' ' Tast aro for convenlence onry end are not ta be used to Interpret or deflne the provlslons he�eof.
<br /> (e l3eqo►ost for Noticaa.Tha paritos hereby request thet a eopy ot any�oUce ot detault horeunder and a ao�y Q'!any noUee
<br /> •� of se�e hsraundQr be maifad to a^�cA pt�rty to this QQed o!Tn�st et tha addroass aet feM abovo in thu mAnner prescribed by _
<br /> eppitcabte la�v.Except for any o4her no4�oa re�uired under eppilcablo ta�v to be given in�nothor rvianner,any noSce provfded for
<br /> � ' `"��' ' in thia OQed oi Trust shap be glven by malling such rtoifce by ceAlfled m�il addressad to the other parties,et the address set
<br /> Yadh abave.Any notice provided tor In this Qaed of Srt�st shaU be oftecUve upan maUing in ttie manreer deslgee�i�d net�in.if =_
<br /> ° T�uBtor ts mara than ona pa�son,natloe sent to the eddress set iorth abovo shell ba notice to all such persans. ___
<br /> �';;Y'���-:', ' (�lnspsctton.Lendor may m�ke or oause to be mado reasonabba entriea upan and inapedtona oi tho PropA7ty,prov:ded Y
<br /> ,.�,r,_ thnt Londer Shafl g(ve Ttusior rtoNce pflar to any such inspscdon specliying reasonable cause thorefor rolated to l�ntlet's inter-
<br />--� ��t'��'` � " est in the Property.
<br /> :,;�..�' �� (g)RoconveyaRCO.Upon p�yment at oil sumo secured by this Oead of TNSt,Lender shpil reque�st Trustee to rc;convey tha _
<br />"`'�P''::f,, � Properiy and shnil surrendet this Deed of Troat and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by thia Daed of T�ust to
<br /> �,_. ;_�..:.,,'.�•. T�ustee.Tiustoe shail re�arnay the Proper4y,without wartanty and without charge to the person or persona lPtJa!ly enUUed
<br /> n •� � thereto.Truator shali pay all costs o!rsccniaUon,it any.
<br />-,��;�;;:� ,, (h�Per�rionn!Rroperty;Seaurlty Ag���+ment Ae addtBonal securlry for the payment af tho NaW,Ttustor hareby grenb
<br /> :��� '�` �_ �a�ru�r unaler the Nebraske Unfform C4mmarcisl Cods a securlty iqtereat in ail fixtures.equ{pment,A�o1 other par�on�aet propqrry
<br /> '��Y'�� ��;, u�ed in cannecdon v�lU►the real ostato at improvomenta tocate�f inerson,and rtot oinernisa�io+:t�ia��r��!a r-°i��
<br /> the i+eal estate oocured hereby.Yhfa InsVument shall be construed aa a�ecudty Anreement under salci Code,dnd 9Mm Lendat
<br /> �u,y�F�y}j r, r �F undor sald Code In addidan to tRe dghte und remedte�cra�'ted under
<br /> �.t•;.:;;{�:,�i���'� ;� " shnll hava oll tho►ights and remedtes o!a secured petty
<br /> ;;;",�" s. and ucoordod tho l.ender pureuant to thla Oeod ot Tniat;pruvlded that l.enders dghta and nemedies under thfs Ra�►Braph shall
<br /> ° � ��' bo cwnulaUva�lh.and in no way a Itmitetlon on,Lender's dphta and�omedioa under any athor secudty aB►eement signed by
<br /> .��,-,-�u��;I —
<br /> --=�4e:p�r��� BorrativarorTYu�tor.
<br /> - -__:��,� (f)6Nns Knd Encumbran�sa.Trustor horoby warranta end reproaenta that thore ts no dotault undor the prov�stons o!any
<br /> mortgagp.dead of trust,lctasa ar purcfieso oonVact descrlbing atl or any part ot tho Praparty.or othor oonUaat,tnstrument w
<br /> -�����"� ogr�semont oonsUtu�ng e Ilen or oncuonbrancn egainst all or any part ot th�P�aporty(co�lecttvety."Uena'),exisUng es of the
<br />'="'=`%w'''*���� dato of tttis Qcted of T�u�t.and that any end all oxiotlng Uens remain unmodifted except�a dlsctotted to Lender in Trustot's writ-
<br />- •--��•�� ton dtsclosuro ot pons and oncumbrc�ncos provtdnd for heroin.Tn�sior aheU timety pettorm a0 ot 7ruators obQgatlons.
<br />- ""'""�'-'— aovcsnonts,roprosantuUons and warrrtnUos under any and ail oxisUng nnd tuturo Uens.ahatl promptty tarwurd to Lcmder oopfes
<br /> oi eti nailoes of dofciuit eant tn wnrtoction wtth any aad alt extstlnp or Mure Ltsns,and ahalt not without Lende�s p�lor wdtten
<br /> � aon..ent le�any manner modiy the provtsiona of ot aibw any fuwre advancea undor any oxl�ting or futuro ltens.
<br /> -- Q)/16�ii¢atton of Peym�nts..Unloss othorwtse roqutrad by law,eums paid to Lendot horeundor.indud(ng wlth�t dtrtdtatbn
<br /> ------- pnymsn ot princlpa�nrtd Interest,Insurance procoedo,cendamnaUon pTOC�eds and rents and profits,sl�ati b��pptlad by
<br /> __ R�_ Len�rto 1Ro an+ounts due and awtng from Tntsior and Batmn+er tn suah ordot ea Lendor in Ita sole dlscretto�d�ma da�Ir-
<br /> ebte.
<br /> (k)SsvtraA(Iity.If any provlskn of M!s Oeed ct 7rus2 cnMilcb v,�1�h�pplku0lo la►v or Is doc�nrodl invatid or otP��vt3ra u.:1rs��
<br /> :�,�„�� torCenbio.such ccnflict or Invaltdiiy sha:l rwt etfact the oifior provtslana oi thta Qued ot Tnist or 4h�Noto which can ba aiu�r,�, �
<br />- offsct w;Utaut tl�o cQnfl'.r�img�rovislnn,end to thEs end tho provlstona o9 thts Q�d a!Tas!and the Note are docG�ro�[o bn s�1�
<br />'��'-�� em�ie.
<br /> - � --=-—_ (q 4�rma.The temr3"�Pt+sior'en0'Bomcwar shail imdude ba��!ngW�r an�ptur�l,and whon the Trustor an�OonoYna��ra
<br /> iho same parson(s),+�ose tem�s as us�d in thfs i?eed at Trust sha11 t�IntetchangoablA.
<br /> ____---_:,y-,' (m)4overntn�t ar�Thts�vd oi Vrust sha0 be govemed by t�o lawa ot tiee Siate o4 NeCrQSSco.
<br />-..�.i_°=- --- -
<br /> -�--< :,,:°�
<br /> ��� "�
<br /> �::�:, -
<br /> , . ,�,•.
<br /> . : r ....-�Vn sJ�c�. ;� F:�ca�ta'���a . /
<br /> `�:.,� a"..� 6., �.. ��O�illY•t3�II�ov�. Le,roy G. C and JoaQptiino K. CoEme eo i��o:.,
<br /> . . �Yustmrhns executad thly Rcaqla�,�r�tc�Rt!�=�p,• ooa of tahn ,
<br /> .. . ....__.....� ,
<br /> -_ � ' :y G Cota Fsmily Rav6����io'Liv�'a' 'Yrust daY.ed I�ebsunry ll998 . � �
<br /> �..�', r--- ��t� b s /�, �
<br /> � � �-., bps TivG.Kw -
<br /> "-77 __. Tmsicr r oe.,�.; n tf_ (�rt�_ Trffatno�
<br /> . • 1t�. �L�TQy �/�oi6� a`cuo�oa� •��--r.._� -° --°• ---- -� • _
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<br /> �c "— Trus*at Truntor -
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