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<br /> � . 99� `��l�� DE@D OF TF8U3T WOYW FUTUISE ADVA �� � _�
<br /> r . THIS OEED OF TRUST,ts mado as ot the 21 st dny ot Janua � 19 99__.by artd among�
<br /> Leroy G. Cot1n e�ad Josephine K. Coto, us Tr tees o� P.ho O -
<br /> �:^�,��` A theTniaror, Cote-Family Revocable Living Truet datod Febr ary S, 1998 . �
<br /> , �, a
<br /> '' �`.; whose matUng ctddress ts �9A4 H4mp�taa Road Gxand IalAnd NL 688Q3 (heretn'Trustof,v�►ether ona or more).
<br /> �� �f.. . A NRbraRkB SaNcl.A Coteaoxation� `
<br /> .�. the Trustne FIVE PQINTS_B.�I�K.�
<br /> �`i�.`. + 0. Box 1507 Graad Ialand. NE 68802�1507 (hereln'Tn�stae7,and
<br /> '.�.�, �:�' whose matiing eddres�is P. - --
<br /> �i,�' °� --
<br /> T` . �� FT�11� POINTS BANK
<br /> i, tfie Beneftctnry,
<br /> ��'.�;+!� � V whase rn�iling address is P• 0. Hox 1S07. Grand Island, NE_ 68802-1507 ,�,,,_(heretn"I.endef).
<br /> „�.�_, , .. .
<br /> . ,..I��,r�:l�
<br /> '' �• FOR VAI.UABLE GONSI[3ERATlON.includ(ng l.endefa extenston oi credit tdenNfled hereln•to
<br /> ".' " �e �amil Rsvocable Li[�n Truat
<br /> :�.. , (hareln'9orrower;vrhather one or moro)and the truat hereln croated,the rocc3lpt
<br /> ,'.,';:,, �:" • �+ oi which i�haroby acknowlodged� T�Btor heroby irrevocabty grants,transfera,conveys �+nd assipns ta Tr►�ateo. IN TRU37,WbTH
<br /> f�"(�f, P01Nl��t�F SALE,for ttre benant�n�sacuriiy oi i.er�aer.�+xiar a;'+d su�!�ltYS lesssxs 9ssd�stndfll!+tl�hprAtns�iter set farlh.We r�eal ,
<br /> '���,.r••..; Proporty descdbed as Yollaws:
<br /> ``;�;;;;.,��:��t Lot Ten (10), 9.a► Hlocic Siut}r°Foux (64) ia Wheeler aad H�naett's Additfoa to thQ C4ty
<br />- �:�_�A: of Grand Isianc3, liall County, Nebraska
<br /> �.=;;.�,^::
<br />+-l''f}1��-:�y...�':
<br /> .,�,ti�;_ �+ Toguther w?tA AI�buttdings,impmvements,fixtures,sV$etn,alleys,pas��owaya,easemonta,rtghts,pdvttog�s artd appurtonances
<br /> .. (xated thereon or in anywtso poR�ining thoreto.a�M tho rnn2e,iasueu and proflts.roverclon's end ramntndera theroof.and such par-
<br /> •_-��_�� �' sonal property that Is ettached to the improvements so as W conaUtute e fixlure,tnctudtng,but not Ilmited to,heaUng and 000ltng equtp�
<br /> _ --'�'-_��� me�end together witl�the homas4ead or madtal tntora�to.it any,whicfi tntere�ts are heroby ret�used artd vxilvod;n��at�vhicN,lnctud-
<br /> �"` in�repiscemante and add(Uons thereto.ts hereby dectarad to be e part ot the roal estate�acuraa hy the IIon of thts OQed oP Tmst and
<br />'=��#'�~�� atl oi tho ioregclr�betn9 ref4vrod fo hc�rrein es tha`PropsRy'.
<br /> ---- -=__--- Thia Deed of Tnist ehafl seeure(a)tho p:.ynrtent ot the pdnctpat sum and lnterest evtdenoed by o Rromissory note or crodtt agroo-
<br />._��__mw,�� mant dntad Jexnun�;y11, �Q A .having a matudty date of_�u],;?g� 199�9•
<br /> "``�"'�""�"�' . n_n�g �p .and�ny and aA modlftcatbr►�.extanstons an� mnowat5
<br /> �:_�i tn the oripinat pdn���1 amount ot S�,�,
<br /> ---��-�� thareflf w theroto ant��ny und a0 tuturo aQvanoes and resdvancos to Bo�row�r(or any oi them li moro tt�un oru�)ha�umier purau�nt
<br />- '=•=%��� to one ar moro pron�ir,ssoiy notea or crc3dit egreemenb(horofn culled`Noto�:(b)tfio paymont af oihor saims e8vancod by Lend��to
<br />- :::d�����,jUV� preted the secudty o1 the Nate;(c)1ho peRem►artr.o ot all covenante and egreemenis oi TnuWr sot forth horoln;artd(d)atl prasen4 sad
<br /> __����� Arturo indebted�ss end obligattar�s oi Bomavrer(or any ot tham It more than�ne)to Lender whether di�cl,lndirec�absoluta ar aa�ntin- _
<br /> -_��.�.�,�,n gent end whethar arishig hy note.8uaranty.m�rdralt or oihonvise.The Noto.tTSis Qead of Trost and nny�nd all olh4r documonts ttxit
<br /> - sscur0 tho Noto cr�'thatwlse exacUtod in oonnt�cibn theresyfth,includfn8�vlThout Ilmiiatlon guarantaea,�scurity a$reemants and
<br /> -°� asstgnrrrsnts atteasus and rent�,�hap be roffin+exi 9u'herein as the"Loan tnsUumenb'.
<br /> `""'�"-"'�'-� Tiustar covenanb and ogr�tirlth Lender as toUows:
<br /> --�__.,;;;;;:;;�,0 1. Pay�r�ant oT tndebledn�3a.AU irtdabtednoss seaure�hereby 8hat1 bo patd arhen due.
<br /> ""'�r"" 2. TIEte.Trustor Is the awrtar of tho PropLs3y,ttas Utu rfgM and auihodly to oomoy thu Rroporiy,ursd warrants that fho Iton cr��t•
<br />,:°°;�s,;�:•-�atr=
<br /> '��:�'�-` ed here4y is a 8rsi a�d prtor lian on the Proyprty.�e�9AZ�r lten�and c�ncumbranoos set foRh by Trw�:or�n wriUng anA dativeted to
<br /> - lendar boforo oxe�ttan o!this Dsed ot Tar�t,�f�@ the exocution artd dalivar�ot thts Qoed a!'Trust daea a�c!vtolato any oonlrAC4 or
<br /> __-- -,<- cr'3r�r��i��i��.;�Trtss•.�;'.-��,'~�3�tt.
<br /> -`�'�� 3.Toxea,Assassments.T���y bafare delirtQuortcy ull texos,spsctat assossmon�and nil otrter chatgea egainst ths Pro�ariy
<br /> rtow or horen�tor levtod. _
<br /> 4.inauronaa.To keep ttee Propetly insured mgtilnst domage by 8re,h�arda included w+thin the torm'extended ooveta8o'.and =
<br /> cucfi othar h�r�as I.ondar may�quire.in�maunts and�nrtih oomAanbes eoaoplabl�to Londat.nam'ng Lar�dor as un addlti�l _
<br /> ' . : ,'� nameG[nsura�.aittti lo�payabis ro tho lendcr.!n c�ot bss urtdor sucA polkies.tho Le�dor ts t[aSP►arited to ndjust,aAksct tu►s4
<br /> oompromiso.Nt etafm:s thereunder and shafl hava the optton ot apPhdnB ail or part ut iho i�uranoo pr�000eds(1)4o er►Y Ir�daDto�nuss
<br /> � ' = sepu�d hereby and tn such ordar as l.csndot may det�rmtna,(ff)to trto Tnt�tor to be used for tho repafr ar ra.toratton o 4 t ho Prope r t y or
<br /> - � ' 7, (tii)tar ony otAcr purpt�o or o4ject eatlsF�acta�►to Londur witt�out affoctins tho Ran oi thts Qacsd of Tnist tor tho fu:1 smaun!¢oc�rred
<br /> �":-�. herehy Detoro cuc0 paymtrnt uvar toak plxo.MY QAPUca�ons of proo�eds to trtdabtndr�oss shal!not exWnd or po�tpoao tho duo dato
<br /> - .�..s�..e►�a..�....In...�Adm�nrin*
<br /> - - —_-- Qt$11�p�fl{S{{I1�I1R0 RQ[O�Of WIII Q�7 YOtatm a�ww.�r....r...w�..�-..
<br /> ° � ` 5.Cxcrow Upon xaitfan domand by Lender,Tn[sbor chup pay to Len4er.En s�oh mannor�Leader may destpnato.cufReton4
<br /> , .' sums to unaDto La�sdar to pay es Ney b000mo duo uno or�noro oi tho 4o1louv:ng:(i�atl taxes,assessmnnts nnd olhor ctiar�gas ogntnst
<br /> " b�o Rropariy.({1)the premiun�s on U�a pro¢arty tn:urcna�r+cqUred hereu»�er,and(iti)tho premtums on nny mortQ�Bo tnsuranoo
<br /> requfmd by Lendor. in ood oondilton c►nd� U: cha(1
<br /> a 8. Mairtienanxe.itepatro end Complla�rA wtti� Lawe.TntBMr sht�p kc�p thQ Proporty 8 i�
<br /> , proraptiy�pair.ar roptaco any fmprovcment Kfitt�m�y bo damas�ad ar dastroyod;shaA not e�mmit or parmit uny wasto ar dat3rEo�-
<br /> � ° tEQn at thp propor4y;sRall rtot mmavo.dQmoifah nr cubstaneatiy�►ttur¢ny o!tho tmpravumunta on tho Proyerty;chati not aomrn?t,sutf¢r
<br />_ ° ,�. or pennit any ad to bo d�r�o in or u�on tho Pro�Ry U vlotatton oi ony law.obtnuneo.or ro8ul�tlon:end chali pay and prrimptfy dis-
<br /> , " ��tgo at Trttstor's oost and oxpensQ nIl ttens,encumbranoas arM r,h�rpos tavted,[mpo�ad er u000s�r;d a8alnst tho Rro�orry ar ony
<br /> " pa�t thorcof.
<br /> " 7.Fmfmm�t Qnmatn.Landctr Is horoby os��gned Q��oomWn�llftoa,awards,dnmagos and o?hor psymonta nr rollui(Mmfnaftar
<br /> e�csss�v��a+��a:o
<br /> ' Ot6UMt�'�CmrdQ�c�Tn�CtOCarsG�AtsOtrN►lKthpthlttl .
<br />