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V� \l, � i � :a wa i.:..—.:�uu.�:.::�a '. �� � a?'.' 'c ... �� ` � ase i..t„� .. '.r:���� 4� ,.;t��1 Pl+l��ssy��. <br /> t L^ i.S t` �lf(r 1 ��-,R, 1 l��1�4 � R�549- l�u,�Sa ��. 4 � 't{, i�.T�)YtS.'.[:'ir.tiF 4{n� .. �..0 ,_ �h .. :n .. ... _'_". <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> . . �`.�t:Y�;,""1e;}(.`i���l��tyttiiv)�N4?r��'s��:����1.`r.�!yb-:;�.--•.a-. � �i: . � . . . <br /> � . . ,. ,.. �'_ . .._ .. , . ,. ' <br /> . .; . <br /> .. ,� ' , <br /> � , <br /> � i . <br /> ., . -��; ,..:r���:. . -.� .•. .- . .. � . i�. . . , � _ . ..-" — . . <br /> � <br /> ! � <br /> r-•• /� <br /> . �`�, y�y���u�w'fq'������+I ��� ������ll <br /> 1 "t fON11/'1'���� t � <br /> 1,� Notwlthstandlnp nn�uf��'���TQ�^!�ti�lA� ��In�I1���C'l'1I OP TIUH!l(1 lI1C 1%IqllfAty�tI1L`lCt1119 UI�lIlI9 BCClIt1i1 BhOII = <br /> . sutv►vc any fatEV�lo�tirc ar eni{s1'uc{t011 Ot lA�s Deed ai'Truat�eai�r�ic�s uf nny pnssnAe nf Utic t�pcnefi�inry o�nny �-_ <br /> -� dlapasittcm Ny Benefielary ut'any or uli o[tttc I'►tiP�.'riy.Any clnln�.r t►nd defrnsrN tu Uw c�ttilrii�y aec hercby wnlved. �. <br /> . � 20.CO�in�MNATION.Trustar will �ive Neneficinry pnm�}n nallcc nt any nctton,re�l ar theralened, hy pNvuta or put+llu <br /> - entitles to putcb�sc ar tuke any ar�{1 af the Psn�erty.inctudln�i�y�en�nt i erinsiitutcd far he cstohtlNtmient�f�any �' <br /> or uny ather mcnnA.Tniator tlinher ogn�es to natity 1Bcneflcinry af any procced ng <br /> •• sewer. a�nter. conservutlon,ditch� druinage,or atNer diatrirt relatin� to c+r binding upon the F�o�xrty or nnY Pnn ��f it. <br /> � ���'�'� 7'ruatar nuth�rh.�9 BeneQeiury to itiit�rvene in Ttuator'e nnme In uny oi'the nbave desccibed netians ur�Inln�.v nnd to callect <br /> � -� ' and recclvo ail sums Prum th�actlan ar cinlm.Truatur asslgns ta 8cnefl�lnry thc proc�ti�d�uf nny a�vard ar clalm <br /> fur denu►gcs�mantsci�d wiU ba c�pplicdAas provide�d in th R D�ed of Trust. 'tl��is as gmm�i of pro��p r su jaat tc��thv -- <br /> c u n a l d e r c d p ilor s�cudt n �cement• <br /> tcrnis af any p Y 8 ` <br /> , - t 21.INSt1RANCE.Truator agrec�to maiatain insurancc�.v Yollowa; � <br /> " � A. Truator sl�nll kcep thu Proporty in�umd ngainst los.a by fim�theft and othcr hua�rde and dsk�rcnsannbty esscu;inted _ <br /> wtth th�Property ducr ta tte type nn d lacat ion.O t he r hazurda tutd rusks mt�y include,far exumple,ooverogu ogainat �: <br /> �1 toss duo to floodA or fiooding. 'It�ie insuru►�ce shall be muintain+ed in the anwunts andyfor the peri�ds that �. - <br /> ;, Heneficiury requires. 'ltw insurtince carrier provldinn the i�sura�ncc+ shall be cl►osen b Truator eub ect to <br /> c+ <br /> '� Benoficii►ry's npproval, whieh ehall nat be unreasonably withheld. lf Trustor fails to mnintnin the covernge E'_ <br /> ; descrlbed ubove� &nefleiury may. at Bcneilciary's opdon, abtain coverage ta protect Reneflcic�ry'd ri6hta In the �_ <br /> .°;, i� pc+operry acwrding tn tho terms of thia Deed o6 7'rust. <br /> �;;;�,�; <br />'�' A l l i n�u r a n c e p o t i c i e s a ad rene���z�la sh�ll be i�cceptable to BeneBclary and shnll incl�ude a standnrd "mongoge <br /> � CIAIiSC" and. whcra applicnble, "bencficiary loss payee clause. Trustor eh a ll i m m�d 3ate ly no t i t y B e n e i l o l t u y o f <br /> ' cuncel�l:+don or temllaadon of the insurance. BeneFiciury shall have the right to hold tt3e policles cu►d <br />`"`�`; Henoticiary requices. 'i'custor ahali immedintQlv givt+ ta Benefieiarry all recefpta of pnid premlumv aad renaw�l <br />�`': notices.Upan lo�.�,Tcusior abalt giva imm�l3ate notice to the inaurnnce currier und Beneflciary. &neficiury nwY <br />':�;�.;' makn proof af loss if not made lmmc�llately by'l'ruator. <br /> " Unless Beueflciary nnd'tYustor otherwise ugree in writing, inaurance proceE�da shall be appli��d to restoration or <br /> . repair of the 1'cc�perty damaged lf the restorntion or repalr is economically fenaible and Benet"iaiary's securiry ia not <br />:�`���`� teas�ned. lf thc re�torntian or repalr le not eoc�ns�mlcatly fcasiblo or Beneficiary's securlry wauld be 1caFened�thc <br />�.:!�,.,� , <br /> ' insurance proa�eds abull be applied ta tho Se�vrod Debt, whether or aot th��n due.with nny excesa p�id ta Trustor. <br /> 'ti`�`' �___ if T�usror abamdona tho Property.or does not suzswor within 30 days a nottce fram Beneficlary tluat t�e insuruace <br /> - Aenefloiary n�aY use the <br /> c a r r ie r h a s o t f e re d t o s e tt t a A c i a i m,i h c a 8 c a�^i a r y sna y ca!!ec!!he i�-T�gYO�' - <br /> _ pro�,..�eda to rcpair or restore tho Property or ta pay tho Securcd Debt wbethcc ar not t htvx duQ.T he 3 0-d n y{�e r l o d <br /> • - �vill bQ g in when tha notice ie given. <br />---- - Ualess Uenofielary And Trustor otherwise sgnoe in wntinEt�anY�PPjica�ivn pf pr�s us�sr�3��+a"-!`-'u�re�! <br /> ar postpone the due date af scheduled payment�or chsnge tha urt►ount oi tAo ayun�mte.If the Pro�erty actl <br /> _ Uy Henofletary�7'cuetor a rlgbt to nny insurane0 poliaies und pmeecds reaultinB from dt►nu►go to tho Pcopeny before <br /> the acquiaitlon ehall pass to Benoflclnry to tha oxtent of thv Secured Debt i�nmodlatety befora the ucquialtion. <br /> .,,,, 8. Trustor agrees to maiat&noftu�ehen�nsudng�aiasticl Ims arlsl g from S yeaccidenl or ocxurrence ia ar on the <br />...>:: :. .., an amount accePtmblm �Y <br /> r..�•.; ProParry• <br /> �`:;`�'��"� C. Truatar agrees t�a+�ndntuln rental loas or lnterruption lnsuraucc�ns required hy Benot� an amaunt <br />'°""�^'' equal to at Icast coverage of uno ye�u's debt serv9ce,und:egulred escruw account deposlts(if ag�eed to sepnrntely <br /> z.:'��`_� in writing),uador a farm of policy acceptublo to�eneGciasy. <br /> '_.��•�a <br /> ���t;� ° . <br />:;;;,.}�,� �.NO FSCROW FOR T[�►7►E9 AND INSIIRANCE.lJ�less othenvlse providet�in a separnto agreement�TNatar w n�t <br />�'+�_,�-��'�s-. be mQuired ta puy to&.•neficlary flu�de for taxes und tnsurance in�crow. <br /> �,:�c,�;i, <br /> ° -���~ ?�3,F[NANCIAL REPUAT9 AND AD��IONAL DACIJHfEN'1'9• 'J'ruetor will providv to Aeneficlary upan requeat.tuay <br /> _-_�+.'':`� financial atatement ar infom�atian �cnellciary muy deem nece9snry. Tn�aror warrnnte that �ll financial atatementa ��� <br /> :,a��_�� infamiatlon 7Yvstor provides ta Beneticiar}r tue. or will be. aacurata. wrnct, and campizte. �USIOL &s[CC8 tt1 8j�,'11, <br /> '�`"'°"'�' deliver. and file as �enEflciery maY teasonably reguest aay additlonal dac�u�ts or ce»lticattons that 8cneflciary may <br /> :�':'�iL:'. <br />�'-���r,,>. cansider neceRSary to perfect�contiuuo.und pteserve Tnastar's obligatlans un�es ibia Decd of'j'ntst tuid B�tficlary s en <br />�^"�o��'•�� ' statua on the Properry If Trusror f�1s ta do so, Beneficiary mny sagn,del�ver, a�id flle snch docwranto or rertificateo in <br /> ""r"� ""•`� T�uator's aamo and'('�uswr hereby irr.voci►61y appointa&�n�tisit►rb'or Aeneflclary's agent as attarney in fact w do+tt�2 <br /> ` : �.;; thinga necessary to campty with this section. <br /> -� � �4.JOINT AND INUIYIDUAL 41ABII.ITY;CO�SI�'iNERS�SUCCE&SORS AND A6SI�N8 BOUND.All dutles under <br /> ihia Feed of 7Yt�st are jolut and individual. lf Trustor slgas thle D�ed of'it�a�¢but doea not aign the Evldence af Debt, <br /> ' Ttuator docs so oaly w mortgngo Tiustor's intereat in thv Propeny to se�ur�paymeat af the Secu�D`ot�p�t�� <br /> �T doea not ageee to bo personally liebls on tho 5ecuted Debt.Trustor agrees that Heneficlary and any p y <br /> '°-` °: `itiust muy extrmi, r�iadify ar maAe any e1:anP,e 1n th� t�rms of thls De� of Trust or tlte �vldeace of Ocbt wit�r�n <br /> ��` Truator's consent.Such a chnnge wlli not relense Ttustor from ths terms of this Dccd of Truat.The duties and benefits aF <br /> �i' thls Q�ed of T�ust siudl bind and benefit thv suxessorA oud asslgna of Trustor ecrl Beneticlary. <br /> ,,,,r„�r ` X If thls Deed af Trust se�ures a guaranty between Beneficiary snd Tcuetor and docs not directly seeure tha obligatian whlch <br /> 1s guarantied,Trustor agrees to�vaive nny dghta that muy prevent Benoticiary from bringing any action or claim egninst <br /> � t Trustor or any partY indebted under the obiigation includiag,but not limited to.antl-deRciency ar one-nction lawa. <br /> 4 <br /> ' ?,g.APPLICABLE LAW� 6LVIERABIL1TYi lNTERPAETATION. 'Ihie Dcc�d of Trust ia govemcd by tha lawa of e <br /> � . Jurlsdletion in whlch Beneflciary ia locat�cl.except to thv eatent otherwisa requi�ed by the lawa of the jurisdiction whera <br /> the ptoperty Ie located. 'Rda Deod of Trust is completo and fblly integrated.'IT►is Deed of Tn�st mny not be amendal or <br /> modified bj•oral agreement. Any section or clause in thls Deed af 7'rust. attact►ments, or ewy ogrcement relnted to iha <br /> Secured Debt that confllcts withapplicubte luw wlil not bv effective. unlesa thnt law expreasly or impiiodly per�dts the <br /> vi►riations by wdlten agreement. 1(any sectton or ciause of this Deed of Tcust cannot be enforced eccordin6 w its temLV, <br /> ►rl <br /> that scction or clause wiil bc� seveted and will nat aiPett tho enforceablflty of the rcmalitdcr af thls Rced of Tnist. <br /> � Wlrenever usal.�he aingular ehall inslude tho plural and tl►o pturnl tho singular.The cuptlana und headinge of tho secUona <br /> af thia Dccd ai'Trust nre far convenicnce only and are not ta be usc�d to Interpret ar define�hv temts of thi.s Deod of Ttuat. <br /> Tim ia ai'the essetuo in thle Lleed oi Tn�st. .� pepe 8 ot 6 <br /> . O 108�OMtGr�CYtIQmf.��.6t.CtouO,MN It•80679I•9��f I Fam A41C0 UT•Nt 10�70191 � <br />