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•1.1, •i.l'.icp M�..���..i.T�;Y •;Pl. ;c.�F+,�.l:'�f `tp� .,5 t�rr �s.;:?t'� .\: •3;• ..l%Y "f`$:",t r+' ���5; ..^_�N.,b .�. <br /> ��+�\a•.+tu� �1 ?�'31e': : 1 � i`•"d;1 r�t.u::�:�i ,�' '3li.,.,, i�, � t�m a lh ``� tiC�.�'+ \ tc• 1 i�., f°r, i; tii.If<o-,'± <br /> _ � °�y� r y; � m �1 j, r t t �. � ,at <br /> a 1\4 + 1\\ ��5�f�fi4� CI1FT�5�V't���:���.�'� . .\H;�t����,;.-:�:�.i:.i+t.i�.b�'rlu. 6 4.:•;• il �,'��.,�=-,�• .r...�S` <br /> ?,�.,�j,i�i�i'S.n?4;��i �' �(�J���A1\ ��� . .,i. . , '_ • i�.4....4.��'. ,!%^.�..y - <br /> , " � .. . . . . .. . <br /> �� � .. <br /> .. .. e�7 <br /> _ '" ._. . , . :C_'�'._—_"_ _"'. ' . . .. . <br /> � _ _ . ..—.._. <br /> 990 �t��55o <br /> At tlte npttan af Benefletary� all ar any pan uP th�agr���l fces nnd ehncges, t►�cnied�intete9t nnd principnl ehail b��camo <br /> � � im�nc�ilutely dt�e und payabtu.Nler nlvina aatice if mquimd by lutv,upun the uccurrrnci oF n defauit or unytinte thef��iier. <br /> ...� In additton,Bcneftciary oha116e i�nUticd tn nti Iha�emedies providr�i by Inw,ttre Gvicience af Deht.ath�:r evldenres vf debt. _ <br /> thle Deed af Tn►st und any relutrd dacumenta includluN withaut timitnttan,the power ta seil the Propehy• <br /> � If therU le n dctiuult�'ftustco eball,in addidon ta nny other permittccl rem�� the request af the Heneticiary.adveriise and <br /> � � eel!tt�s Property a9 n whale or in sepurntr psu�cclA at pubUc nuetlan ta the Mghest htdder for�n.9h And convcy c►bsolute t1Qe <br /> � free nnd cicnr uf nil �laht,tltle und intereat aF Ttustor ut euch time und ptnce ag Trustee designates.Tn�at��xhnit give aatice <br /> � of enle i��cludlnp thu timc,tcrms nnd piace af ealu�nd a dcscriptlan af the propeny ta be sold�.v rcquircd by tha uppUcublu <br /> inw io�ffctit at tha tlmo of thp propnsc�d ealo. <br /> � Upan suta af tho propeny und to the extent nat proMbitcd by Inw,Trustce shull malce nnd deliver n dccd ta the Pro{nrty sold <br /> ' which convoys nbsoluto dtlo to thu purchaser. twd ntter flrnt pnylnB nll fees.cbarges and costs,Rhnll pny to Benaflciary alt ;' <br /> " �� moneys advuneed for cepnl�s, tmees. iasurnnce, ItenA, nssessmente and pdor encumbraners nnd lntemst thereon, and tho `<<, <br /> � principal nnd iaterest an the Secured Qebt,puyin�the surpluF, li'nny, ta Tn�stor. acneflciary muy pL�.��,.se thu Property. ,,:. <br /> • �� The reeltale i�nny deed uf convayuncv shall be primn f�ciu evidence of tho fncta set farth ther�in. ���. <br /> �t Ail remedica ura dlatinct,curaulntivo :uid not eactuslve, cwd chr Beneticitvy is entitlect e.�n!i n�mt�dies providc�d at la��•or <br /> equity,whether expmssly set forth or nat.ThQ ucceptuncc by�enriiciury�f�my sum in p��y�ment ar purtinl paynuni on tho <br /> Secwed Debt ofter th;e bAlnnce ia due or ie accelrrated or nfter Careclosure procec�dings Are filcd sliall not con�ticute u w�iver .� <br /> ,, . of Beneficinry's rigAt co rcquice Nli und wmplets�cure of any exiating dofuult. liy not exercising any rxmedy on 7Yustor's [�'_ <br /> ; default,Beneftofary doe.9 not w�ive Bcneficiury's rigbt to lnter constder Wo ovent a defuutt if it contlnucs�r h�ppens:t�Caiu. c_ <br /> 18.EXPENSES;ADVANCES O�l C�'1�NAN7'S3 ATTORNEY9'FEFS;COL�.ECTION�.'AST9.Bxcept when pmhi�+ite� i:- <br /> ��� by law,Tcusror aIIrees to pay a11 uF Beneftcicvr'n expenses if Trostor bmaches tu�Y cavenane in tbla Deed of Truat. "(Ivstor <br /> will�Iso puy on demnnd nll of Beneiiclary's��nses incurnd in collecUng,insuring,preserr►in8 ar protecting the Property r�. <br /> or in any imentories,uudite,ivaptxtiona or other exaznination by 8eneticinry ln respect ta tha Properay'I'ruator agrc�e tn �- <br /> , �, ' pt�y ull caste and expensea incurred by Heneftciary in enforcing ot protecting Beneliclury'e Nghts and mmedies under Wie �: <br /> �: • D c e d a f'i'n s�t,i n c l u d i n g,b u t n a t Iimited to.attorne ys'fees,c�u�t costa,and other legal expensc,9.Unce thc 5ecuresl Acht is _- <br /> � fully 1nd tinally puid,Beneficiury agrees to release thia Deal of Tnist and Tcuator a8�es to pay for aay t�ecor d at ion costa. <br /> All such amounts�rre due on d�mand und will Rtetv interest fc+nm the timo of the advanco t�t thd highest rute in effect.from <br /> � time ta Fsa��ided in the Bvidence of la:;�t aad as pemnitted by law. = <br /> _ '_ � - 19.IENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARI�US SIJH�TAN�. Ae �i i� ihte�.�ts� (13 "E�Yi � 1 ��'" - <br /> • � mesuta� without limitation, the Camprehensive �nvimnmenaul Respoase, Compcnsatiun And Liability Act (CBRCL.A. 42 <br /> U.S.C.9601 et seq.),tdl other federssl,etate and lacai lawA,regulaUona,ordinances,caurt ordere�attaraey general opWions <br /> or interP�iva I�i� ca�-r��ng s!K �S�lis A:sltk. ssf!�iy, welfaro, envimnment ot a hc�zardoua aubstnnce: aud (2) <br /> � "Hazardaue Suba����e" means az►Y �oxic. radiousdv� oe heaardaua mater�al� wesie� PoUutant or santaminant wtilc� iias - <br /> chnracterlatice which rendor tl�e aubstance dangeraua or potentiNly clan�emua to the public health. safery. welfare or <br /> � - envlronn�,nt. 77�a term inoludes, WIUlOUt IlIri�1AlIOA. uny substances delival as "huuudous material." "tozia eubstanoes," <br /> `� ' "huzurdous waste" or "hazt�loua substance" under any Savirunmentnl Tcuator ceptesente.warrante at►d u8re��s'that, <br /> � except s+s prcviously disclosed and acknowle�l�e��writiu8: <br /> " A. No Hazardoua Stibstancc+has been, is.or�viU 60 loctued,�►ufactured.ucated. refined.or handled by <br /> , uny person oa� under or ubout the Property,except in the ordinury caourso of bueiness and in etriM complisraoa w11h <br /> .. ''�:.�`;� all applicublo Bnvlronrae.ntal <br /> �. � �'ti : ]�. Truator has not snd wiU nu1�ause�cunulbute co,or pesmit the releuse of aAy E�aznn�loua Subawtece on the Prop�rry. <br /> , C. 7'ruetor wlll imn�odiately nodfy 8eneficiauy if(1)u releuso or threas�ted reteasa e�Hezardous Snbstana+aocw'e oA, <br /> ' �:� under or about the Praperty or mi8ra14s�ar tbrcatena to migrate fru�a neurby property;ar�2)thcre ia s violation of <br /> � nnny Bavfronmental Lnw wncsming t�e auch an evenc� 9Yustor will take all neeessary remodial acdon in <br /> -��• ::y;�f' uocordanco wtth Bnvitantnental Law. � OI thICBtCAI'�I IpVCSH &uOA, clafm� ur <br /> ,,,�}.;�j� p. Tn�stor has no knowled,ge of ar reasna to believe there ie aay pen 8 � <br /> :;�t;�;, proceeding af any kind ralaW�g to(1)anY Ha�ardoua Substance lacatc�on�under or about the Property:or(2)anY <br />-•�;�.:.�.,'??' violallon by 7Yustor or any aenaat of any Bnvironmental Law.Traetor will immediately notify Beaeficlury ia writlug <br /> -"•,•'•• ,.� � 89 80QA&9 TfUBtOf IlAB fC8S0A l0 bf�ICVO lhCTO I8&11y 611C1!pC1►dIA$OI'1YIt+C8IC111��QVCSt�$8lIOA�claim,or pnocecdin8• <br /> ��*+' IA BUCb Ax1 8V@pl,Beneflclary hes tke r�;bt,but not Wo obligution,to particlpate W any auch praceeding including the <br /> _ A <br />-� n ...�'t;;_,` right ta reeolve copiea of any documents celating ta such pn�ceediage. <br /> �i`�;r;:�;,�a 8. Tcuatar and�+ery tena���hav�bern�are and shall remaia in fi�11 comPllaace with any applicuble Bnvirotune�ztal Law. <br /> ��°"<���' p, There ure no undergra:��storage tanke� p�ivatc dumps or opea wella locatcd on or uader the Property and no such <br /> :,,�,,�� <br /> ' ' '� txnlc.dum�e�r well wjll bd udded u�".-ess Beneficlary flrst consenta in wrltin8. <br />.�.. .�. O. Truator wr�regulurly Inspect the Fru�perty,moNtor We acdvities�d aperations an tho Pra�w�y. and coAflrm Wat <br /> cd <br /> � ,,,,,��:; � all permits,licenses ar approvale rcquu�.�sl by any ap licable Envir��tell.a►w are abtniae���oomPlled wfth. <br /> ,ti..,,�. <br /> .,s,,.�;;�, H. Tn�stor wlll pemilb or cunse any tenant to pe�, Beneficlary or BeneficlaxN's agent to c�ter aud lnspect the <br /> '', _��_ prc,�rty �nd revlew all tecorda at an9 reu�aaable ci.�a ta detormine(1)the en,f�:�noa� locatian aad nntuaL�f a�y <br /> ' r Hszardous Substance oa. under or ubuut thc Prayscrcy; (2) tho eaistence. ioc�tima� aatui�. a�d�8���8AY <br /> ; Hazardawa�ubatnnce tUat has bacn released on, under or about the Property;or(3)whether or not Trustor and eny <br /> � � tenant are in compllaiese wlth applicable Bnvimnmental•�� at 7Yustor a ex to en e a ed <br /> { I. Upon Beneficiary's request and at any tlma� 'lYustor a � Pensc� 8°g auallfi <br /> ' e�n��ii��t'Riegchoioe of t�ho env ronmenw1 n�inceri�who wit pe�o�rm a ch audit�ia eubjecte w Beaeficiary o <br /> � approvul. <br /> 7. Heneficiary has the dght. but not tho oblig�tion, to perform any of Trustoc'e abligations under thia secdon at <br /> ,:ii Trustor's expense. <br /> � K. As a cansequence of any breach of any representation, warranty or Promise made in thia section. (1)Trnstor wiil <br /> indemnify end hold�eaeflclary and Beneflciary's suocessors or ussigas harmless from and aguinat a111asses�claims. <br /> demands. Habillties, damages, clear�up. raponse and remedintion costs. pennldes and eapensca, including without <br /> limitation ail coste of Htlgation aad attomeys' fees. which Beneiiciary and Reneficiery's cucr�.5sare or asslgns mRy <br /> �. • eustain; and(2)at Beneftciary's discretian. Heaeficiary may retease thle Qccd of Ttust end in retura Trustor wip <br /> pravide Beneflclary with callateral of at least equal vulue to the Property aecurod by ttda Deod af Tcust without <br /> � prejudice tn any of Beneftclary's dgt�ta under thie Uc�ed of Trust, <br /> . pop,aole <br /> 01093HW�u�6r�tcmn.lnc.6t C�ad.MNI1�00G89���900 iamAOiCDDT�N! 10�30�71 �• —"�"�' <br />