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<br /> •, .1 nt Ucnct7cl 's o tlnn� mn frum tZittt� t�� dnto rcm�vo Trustco aud apFx+lnt a C:
<br /> �,� 2 b.A U C G E�,�,S�D R T R U S'T E E. II e n e l l ti u r y� F,
<br /> � - saccessar m�s1e�hy nn Instcumcnt recUrded ln the ca u nty In w Mc h t h e R��c.•c l o f 7'n u t l e r rc a r d c d. 't'h c e u c r.r s s�t t n�+t c o. _
<br /> -__-- withaat rnnveyatxo af tho PsopertY. ehall succec�l t��11 thc tltic, powcr and duUcy cunfirrril u�un tl�o'i'rustcc Ny�hie �
<br /> -� pced af True�na d app l icu b tc isw. - -
<br /> __ 4.-'
<br /> - - E9.i�OTi���t!nl�s.q otitenvlss+ccquttt�ll�y 1nw, nny no►!ce Bhnl1 hc�iven by delivedn�tt or by mntllt�g It by fitst clnss mnil �_
<br /> .._� ta the approprinte pa,ety's address on page 1 of thin�red ot`I'rust.or tu nny other uddress designatcc(in wr►titig. Notica to _ -
<br /> uno trustor�vill be deemed to be noticv ta ali t►uston� _
<br /> :�. 28.iI.C.C.PRAVI9EONS.If checkcd,the followtng nre c�pplicablu to�but do not Hmit,this Qeed af Trust: -_
<br /> w'� 8$Convtcuctlon l.AUn.'Thts Dcxd nf Ttust s�;ures cui obll�atinn lncurced far the constn�ction of nn Impmvcmant on =
<br /> . ��` the Property. ---
<br /> ,�.
<br /> ;i, (] Fyaturo I�ylic�.Tnistar gmnts to Beneticlary u securltY fnterest in nll Qoads thnt Truator owns naw or In thc futuro
<br /> � und that nre ar wI11 berams flxtures relt�ted ta tha Property.
<br /> �. C_l Cropsi Timbers Mlnernis: Nente, I�cues� and Proflta. Tntamr grnnts to aenefleinry A secudty intecest fn uU
<br /> �:��:� crops�Wnbcr,and mincrnfs lacutesf on the PrapFrty ns�vell uv ufl reuta, isauc.�s,cind protits o�thc nt�cund sgmilar
<br /> '�`�''� nut Hmited to, all GanscrvAtlab Itesen+o Progrnm (CRP) nttd Pt�yrt►ent in Kittd (P1K) p yme
<br /> �� ���;
<br /> �°�`� ' aavcrnment�l pmgrnmv(ull of which shull�Iso be inoluded In thv tecm"Property").
<br /> 1•'L ❑ Personul i'roperty '1Yuetar grunta t� 9eneficluryr n security inter�t in NI pers�nnal prupecty located t!A OI
<br /> ;,'��.
<br /> -;,, connc�cted with the Property• 'i'hie s��curity iaterest includes �11 f+um producte. inventory. e�uipment, nccounta�
<br />;,;i'�tii� docwnonts. inatruments,c'�nttel puper�generW iQtungibles. and nil other items of pr.rsanal pra�rty Tcuatar o�vns
<br />`��i��"" �aw or ia the tLtum nncl thnt arc� used ar usePo1 in the constniction. awnerahlp, operation, mnneAeinent� or
<br /> ^;'� maln�enfluae of the Property. 'It►o term "personal property" speclfically exc]udca that �rc*,pecty desc�ibed as
<br /> r�,�1 "household gooda" secured in connectian wld�a "consumer" tou�a�s those tem�s uro dofiue�l n.�applicubte federnl
<br /> regulattnns govemiag unfnir aad doccptivu credit practices.
<br />.�'�
<br /> ❑ i�yliug Ae Flauucing Statemeut. Tn�ator agrees �nd Acknowlodg� that thia D�ed of Tnist alsa sufflccs ns A
<br /> finnnclag stutement nnd as such. n�ay be filed of rouord asi a tinaucing statenre.ut af puiposes of Arilcle 9 of tlte
<br />=� Unlfarm comm�rc�e1 Cala• A c�rtwn�phatographjc.imege or othFr reproductlon of thia Aced of Truat ia a�+G'�3o�mt
<br /> _�� as a fla:�nting atAtement.
<br />-_-- 29.OTNER TERMS.lf checked,the folla�ving ute Applicnb�t t0 thie DeOd of Tivat:
<br /> _ � Lino ot Cr�lll.71�o Secur�d[Debt iaclud�s a scti•���ia8line of credlt provlaion..Although che Secured Debt mqy ttc+
<br /> -- ieduced to a rxro balance�thie Deed of Tm�st���Il i�maju ia effect untli celcased,
<br /> � _ - Q ���l�Y•Truator euvenaais,a�d wac�nts that the Pcoperty wUl t�e used prl�cipally for agrtculauat
<br /> or fa�ml�g Pwpases and Wut Tcuetor as nn 9ndividunl ar eAtlty atlowc.�to own aaricuitusai t����hi'��•
<br /> � Addl�oaal Tera�. ................................,............................,....................,.................................
<br />-- -�- ............................................................................................�....,.......................---•--:a::__:_.
<br /> -- .............................................................................................................................................
<br /> - pPursu�aut�ef Q h Eeen disclaiincd�thc di claimedesia�uhed t hthis Dtxd oUf Tntst�td macl Aipn herco,f.�t nnd made a
<br /> i4IANATIJRF•Ss By signing below, Trustor agrces to tho temns and oovenants contaiatd In this Deed af 7'r�cs and ia any
<br /> attactu�ente.Trustor also acknuwledges raceipt of a c�py of ttlie Dc+ed of'IYust on tho date stated ab���on Pego 1.
<br /> L7 Actual auWorlty was grauted ta iba paAics eigning belaw by resoludun signe�and dated................................... . �.,
<br /> .�t'�'i...�rr.. Bndty N�mo: ........................ ................................
<br /> BnNty Naaro� .. .. . .................. •
<br /> �!f...... ....... ................................................................�m)
<br /> . . .. .. .. . .. .... . ...... ....
<br /> qt�qanaro)� i (DAU) (Signamro)
<br /> ...............�..................... ................................................................���
<br /> .................................. (pato) tSigutunel
<br /> -•�r.� (SignAturo)
<br /> C7 Refer ta the Addendum which ia attached aud incorporated 1�erein for addltloaal Ttustora. sl�aatures and
<br /> -- — acknowledgments.
<br /> ...�
<br /> _ AC1KI�TOWI.EDGMENT: ....)69.
<br />-_ - S'1'A7g3 AA................ .......................... .COUN7'Y OP.......................................,....
<br /> -- 71ils insuurncnt wav acimowicdbai�ra r�tMs....................�y of....................................•..•••••......
<br /> = �m�.��
<br /> ............................................................................................
<br /> �� by............................................
<br /> .�,�,� My couunfssion expire9:
<br /> (SeAi) .............................•.......................................
<br /> — (NotuY Pubik)
<br /> ���
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<br /> �.��.� S'I'ATB QF ..�.4 G�............ .. .COUNTY OP.�4T1................. .,........) se.
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<br /> `�"'°�� '� 'Itda Instnunent wus aclanowled ed before mo this.......r��'1.......day of......��?1�1k'V4Y•..b� .....................
<br />:;�::_� by �.s��a�,,..Q��.car�::::::::::::::::::::.....::::::::::::::::....:::::::::::::::::'::::::::.........
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<br /> "'=�'!f'.�{ My�ommissloa explres: '��i�.�...
<br /> '.�:_._._ .......................
<br /> _r •��"; (Seap ��M� •l�.. . ..�Notary Wblic)
<br /> ±?'�` � ����� '' ' •
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