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.n�,,.•�r;:•ti1:.i'u.m::Yt..... � <br /> �,C.�4'� :� e6�v��•`t 't �}.ts f,.:•,. ,t,,,,L,.,\,^�n,�.,,E�,,.e,�4 � -�1 '�4 }]^, �L 2\_s`•_���� � � �13 L�`}i��i.:,,.t'�ei rx.�� –'u=s'=:- <br /> .... . ' :I S 5`�.-�•5i,i y,�a ..,t• \ .n�, p.1 <br /> .. �C�,_"`��`�-. .}� I,1.r���+t.��7 .+� Vl� .�� ,R=y:.r>. r•F�t-, �i4�\�i�1r'��il::`�S. 1�.C°.1`.'t1V�.�.�..1 t`�V�;vr.�«l: it�lr,y�.sl�� . . _--- -�--- � <br /> '3,4���1 it Tj N t>y�ti�� 'y�,2.�.tt�µdt�-.,1Wu.y j�1: �6�"n(,.v:Jlq4lno.�-ai.".t�A(iU1�4..+ .. . ' .. .....�..»-«-. <br /> . � .�S�ty��,tt i '��' , . . . <br /> - ,.1� -�l.. .. � . .. � . ' ... <br /> 4 <br /> \\ � <br /> _ , , <br /> . e ' <br /> ' _.�W�a.y <br /> . ... ..��1LtiiOw_ - _......... .�� . � `-'1_.. <br /> . . . _..�..�... ._.�. . r <br /> ..4._... .�-.....�.__._.._. '. ..�. . .. <br /> � <br /> . � _ <br /> � <br /> � 99� ����,��c� � <br /> or u6s�ictc� pcavidrtl that sueh pera��nal pra�x�rty Ix rcpl►u;cd �viqt nthcr pc�sonnl praperty at Irayt rqunl In vnlar tu ttw <br /> n.�pla4t�d persc►nal propcny, lY��o P�c►m Uny U�lc r�tcnd�n devlcc. arcutlty n}}rcrm�°nl ar a�her cncumb�inro. Such <br /> tcplaccmc�nt of pers�nul pso}x�ny�v1U bc dcrmcd subJ�.�t tu 1hu s�wutUy Intcrest crcutrd by thta Deed nf Tn+yt,Tn�gtae Rhn1� �- <br /> _ � nnt periition nr subdivide thc Praperty witflm►e �esfeiklary'r+ prlot w�ilMat c.ot�.^.ent. 8eneficlnry rr �rnailcfnry's agentu ;,: <br /> . ._ mnY, at �ea�riielary's aptlon, rntcr th� Fra�:rty et ciny reasc�enbld tlme fae tha purpose of ina��vtlnp the Pt��periy. Aay �` <br /> lnspectlon of the Pm{�ny ehntl be enttrcly fnr Bcneliclury's bencfit nnd Trustar will In ��u �vny nly nn 8rncllelary's � <br /> . inspecttan. _ <br /> ' ` " 13.A11THlOR1TY TO PERF'ORM•If?rustor fn11x to perform any of Trusta�'A dutles undur lhle l�ccd af Truat,ar m�y��ther __ <br /> �-•�^-�°'' martgogo.deed of trust,secudty e�ceement or other Uen ducumrnt thnt has pdority aver this Ueed ui Truat. Betteticlnry _ <br /> __ .,� . muy,without aoilr.e,perform tho duties or causc them to bc perfanneQ.7'rustar appatnts BeneQciary ns nttorncy U fiict ro = <br /> • aign Trustor's aume ar pny any umount neccssary for performanca.l�nnY eon9tnictian on thn Fmpcny ie dlscantinucd ar _ <br /> not carried on in a rensonnblo munner, Beneiicinry m�y do whntevcr is necessnry tu protect Beneliclury�A lSCCUTIIy IIIl0iC32 — <br /> ,. in tha t'roperty.'Ihis m�y includo campleting the canstiuctlan. <br /> � ' Hcnuficiary's ri�ht ta perform for Trusror sh�ll not crcato nn obHgation to petCarm� and Bcneficiusy's failure to perfarm <br /> �;� will not preclude 8enotloinry from exentsi.�,v any of Beneflciary's other dgMe under tho Inw or this Acecl of 7'ruat. Any <br /> amaunta paid t�y 8eneficiary for insurUL�, pmsecvtng or otheswlee protecting the Prupeny and Beneticlnry'A securlry <br /> i��tcreat wlll bo dua ou demand tu�d wlll be:u intcrest from the data of thc pnyment untll putd in tL11 nt tho Intcrest rute in <br /> � ; � effect from tfine to duto a�cwn�ing to tht�tem�s of the Bvldence of 1�°bt. <br /> � 14.A931�NMEN'['OF I.EASES ANU RENT9.Trustor Irrevacnbly grunts.wnveys s�nd selia ns uddittonnl secudty all ttie <br /> �` � right,tiQa and imterest in and ta any nnd a11: <br /> � ` p. Bxieting or fi�ttue leases.subleuses, licenses,guartu�tic,9 and any oAier written or verbul ogcecmante for the use and <br /> � cwcupuacy of aay pvrt9on of tho Property. including any extenstans. ccue�vais. modificatton9 or subsdtutions of <br /> auch�reeraente(All refe�red to as"LeASCa"). <br /> „�`c 8. Rente� lssucs and profits(all refeneil to us"Rente°), 1ncludia�G but aot limited to sccudty deposits,n�iai�aum rent. <br /> percentnge tent, additlonnl rent, common nrea muintenanse charges, purking charges. real estate taxes, other <br /> �pplicublo taxes, insurance premium contdbutione. liqaidflted damages following default, cunceUati�n pmmiums, <br /> � „loss of rente"insutance� or is on�acc un of phe�us,edor crccnupunry of the�ha]e or nny p rt af the propes�ty.y bflv� <br /> � �hut in any wuY t� <br /> 'xYustor will pramptly provlde Baneficlary with ttue and corrcct c�*p�t,w of all existing And tl�ture Les�ses. '1Yuetor mny <br /> '� collect,i�eceive.e�Joy and uso the Rents s��lon&ay Trustor is not in ciafauft.Truatar will nat coldi�t In t►dvnnca any Reata <br /> ' ,� auc in i�tu��ca,S�p���s�unless Trusles flret ol�tains�neti�ituy's wrltten consent. Upan defuult, Trustar will receive <br /> - Fu�y Ro�i��trtist far Beas8e3sr�ans!Tru=tor wlll Qe!�&te the Renta wlth ua9 othQr Nnds. Any amouata collected <br /> aha11 be upplied at Beaeflciary's discretion to payments un thtl 5ecured Debt as thereln prorided�to costa oi mmiaging ti�o <br /> - �vperty. inoluding. but aat limited to� all taxes, assrssmente. iasuranco premiva�v. repafre� and commissnua�s to rencal <br /> ugetrte�and to nny otder aecessury celuted expenses lncluding BeneAciary's attomeye'feea�ParaleBal fees and saura eos�9. <br /> '�-:';�-< 7lrustor ackaow�ledges that this asalgmnent ls pedected upon tho r�cordiag of thie Aeed of Ttust s�2 a�sat Beaefieiary' is <br /> �'' endtled ta notity Any of Tcustor's tenante to make puyment of tente dua or to become due to �ene�cii►ry. However, <br /> � � Beneficiary ag�ees thtu onlv an default will Heaofloiary notify Tcustor and TruAtar's tenaate and mAl�e d.�w that ull _ <br /> Poture Rento ba paid dir�.is?+ to Deneficiury. On receiving the notice of dofault, Trustor will ertdo��e�� d�liver w <br /> BeneBclary any puYmeate of Reat in Trttstor's poasesaian. <br />;4,er rr.r <br />-:,;;�� Tcustor covenants that na defnult cxis:s uaa�^er tha LcASes ar aay applicublo lundlard law.Tntator atsa covenanta und agrces <br />_.�.,,,,_.,,� to muiutain. and to reguire sfie toAOnts to aamply with,the l.easae aad nny applic�►bla la�v. Truatar will pmmptly natify <br /> - ��r—� Heneticiary of any aancon�p�6unce. If Ttuator neglccts or refl�sey to enfarcc compliance with the temis of the�eases,then <br /> ��� Heneficiary may� at Benefioiary's ogtlon. enfatce compHance• 'l'rustor W►11� ubi�fu Beneficiury's wrltten uuthorizution <br />='�`• � before Trustar consenta to sublet, moc�C�,caacel, or otherwise alter tho L.eases, ta accept tho suReader of tha Propeny <br /> ` covered by Auch l.euse.v (unlesa tho l�srs so require),ar to asatgn.compromise ar encwnber the Leases or any fliture <br />,.';..-3;;���. Ren�g. 7'rustor wfQ hold Benaficlary h ,.� ess aad indertu►ify &aeficlary for nny and all Hablliry, loss or ciamuge th�t <br /> ��.�. geneflciAry�nay lncur as a consequencc o�:? �.tsig�u�aaat under thia aectloA. <br /> , �: <br /> ±�'i�"'�'.• :` IS.CONAOMINNMS; PLANN�D 1JNIT 7�hYELOPMENT9. lf tho Pcaperty includes a unit ln a coadt+sni�iwn or a <br /> c,:«:.;, <br /> ` -`� plarmed unit develapment.Trustor wiU�arfornn all of Truator's dutie$uader tho IC$LL1A;r��s of the <br />-��:;��� ' wndominlum or pla�wed un11 developm�3. <br />` .'' �����, <br />;::�;i�;�,±;:;".° 16.1�E�AYJLT.Trustor wll!be ln defauit iP any af ihe fallowing uccw': <br /> �•>;^�=� t A. Aay patty obllgated on tho Scxumd Aebt fuUa tn make payment when due; <br />`�'''��� �� B. A bmach of aay term or cavenant ln thls Deed of Trust,any prior mortgago or any constructian Ic*�a�s�reement, <br /> 1 security agrcement or tmy other document evidencing, auaramYinB+accurlug or oWerwise mlatins av ti1hv Secuted <br /> . , , �! Debt; <br /> C. The making ar ituniehiag of any vorbal ar written t+eprresentation,statem•at or warranty e�►Beneficinry thut ie fsilse <br /> , e <br /> <<i�„�,;;;: �' ar iacorrect W any ar�terial respoct by'IYustar or any person or endry obligrced on thv Secured Debt; - <br /> �:*�.., _._ ____ �, '�h@ d�4�dissatu,[ixs�,appolutment of e rcceiver far, or appllcation of�y debtar rellef law to.Trustar or any _ <br /> ` • person or entity atsl,i�qatod on tho Secured Debt: _ <br /> E. A good falth belieF by Beneficiary at any timo that Bene�'iclary ie iasecuro w1t1►respExt to any person or entlry <br /> .�' abli�ated on the 5ecumd Debt or Wat the pmspect of any puyment ia impalrod or the Propeity ls lmpafmd; W�� <br /> p. A matE,rlal ndversc�change ia'IYustor's businesn l�►cluding ownerahfp,maaageirent.Eutd tinauci�l condidans� <br /> sE' t af the 5ecurat Debt;or <br /> nfr.,' .., geneflolary fn its opWon believes impaire the value of the Propetty ar repaymen <br /> ,. ; E G. Aay tuan pruceeds are useil for u purpase that wlll contribuce m eacessive erosion of highly erodible land or to the <br /> • � canveraion of wctlnnda to produce an agdcultu�al com� ti�rther eaplained in 7 C.F.R. Part 194U.S'ubpart <br /> a�Bahibit M. <br /> 17.RCINEDIES ON DEFAUi�T.In some instanccs. federnl and etato luw will rcquire Beneficiiuy to provid�7Yustor wl+ch <br /> notirc of the dght to cum. mediutian natices or other aotices end muy establiab Nme schedules for foreclosure actions. <br /> �� SubJect to these IimltationA, if any. Beneficlary nwy acceterate tho Secured Debt and forectase this Deed of Trust in a <br /> , • manner provided by law if thie Trustor ia in default. <br /> 0 <br /> ;; ', pape 3 018 <br /> 019fl38anRni BY�temf,ino.6t.CiwO.MN11•800��07 2fH1 iamAQ1CO DT�NE t0i30A1 <br />