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° r;r:°:...��1R{�tie�vx:,:.-.=nt<rr7'a�ti,lpx?c�•'`?x�ri��v,.�� ..:;.�.�..-- , '.,l•.� _..... • <br /> ./� <br /> ., _i. 1 .J <br /> . .�: •� � . <br /> , <br /> _.s,;� z _ . . - - ---.---- <br /> ' �, • . L.L �. ... .,. . • - _ . -:•---� <br /> �S ��i���•I , — <br /> l) �B. All Nturi:i�ciwin��cs fcum l3cnellclnry ta 7'�uatur ur othct Nturo ubilQadans ot'Tn�atar ta p4hicB4iney under any <br /> � r�r+nrdKS+►ry nota. rantra�:t� �uaranty. nr ather evldcttre a!de6t exls4ln�tiow or exccut��1 Atler dds �cctl oi Trust F <br />_ ,- .- N/nc�hee ur no�thls t)eeef of Tiu�t is�pc�lflcalty referred��M the evtdencc uf debt. r <br /> ,_;; � C. At1 ubllaa�lons Tfustor owca t� Rcnciiclary, wdich aaw uxiat ar nu►y later arise, to the extent nat prohibltcA by 4 <br /> la�v, includl�ig, but nat limitcd to, IIablUtics far avcrdrnDe r��uting ta any dc}wsit nccoum �grecmcnt bci�v��i � <br /> - 'i�ustor and�3encficiury, ` <br /> D. All¢ddltion�l hum.v iniva�ccYl w�d axjn��ses Incuercd by ttcneficlnry far ingucing.pmserving or ntherwise pmtecdng [, <br /> • • thu Propcny and ite vnlue und any othcr sums advnnad nnd exprnscs incuercd by Beneft�iary wzd�r the termv of �� <br /> ,y���: thia Dcecf of'ltu�t, plua intemst at thn highest rntn M effi�ct. from dme ro time, as provid�d in thc Evidence of t <br /> Debt. ` <br />-``�"'`�'' B. Truetar's performance undcr tha terma af cury instrt►ment evldcncing a debt by Trustor to&�neflc{nry nnd any Aeed `, <br /> of Truat sccudnp,guamntying,or othcrwisc ccluting to tho debt. r <br /> � : li'moru than one pumon eigns thie Deed of Tn�st as Trustur,euch Trustar ngrees that thia Decd of Trust will secure�IR <br /> ' tUtura ndv�uiccs and fl�wro ob8gntiona desctibed ubavo thnt aro given tu or Incurred by any ane or m�►re'fruator.or any <br /> + one or morc 7Yuator and o�here.This Deed of'Itust wUl nat sccure ony other debt if Beneficiary falis.wlth respect ta such - <br /> ���; othcr debt,to make any requlrr.d dlsclosure nbaut thie Dced nf Trust ar if 9eneticlary fnila ta give any requireci aotico af <br /> ,; the rlght of cesclssion. <br /> �' S. PAYMEIV7'S.Trustor ngcecs to mtilce�11 psayments on the Sc�ured Debt when due nnd in accordunce with the tem�s of the <br /> � Eividence af D�bt or tdla Deed of Truat. <br /> = 6. WAttRANTX OT TITLE.Truator co�•enonta that Trustor la IawfWly seized of tho cstate conveyed by this Deed af Taust <br /> � tutd hns tho daht to icrevocably gmat,convey and seU to'Ituntee�iq trust,wlth power of sule, the Property and wurrante <br /> � Wat the Ptoperty is tu�ncwnbered�excepx for encumbrAnces of reco:d. <br /> �:� - <br /> 7. GLAIMS AOAINST TITLE.Trustor will pay all tuues.aseessmenta.liens,encumbrances.leuse Pnymeats,ground mnte, <br /> � utiHtics. und other churges ccliuing to the Properiy when due. Beneflclary mny reqnire 7'rustor to provide to Beneticlnry <br /> copies of n11 nAtices that auch um4unts uro due and the�ecelpta evidenctng Tcuator's payment.7tustar will dafend dtl0 to <br /> tha Pcopeny og�inst uny c1alms Wut would impuir th@ lien of this Aee�of'YYust.Trustor agcoes to assisn to Beneflciary.e�v <br /> .�,• requested by neaeflcitvy, ony Nghte, clu�ms or defeuse� whicb Trustvr msy hnve aguiast pa»ies wliu supply labur or <br /> , ,-;.� m�:e�,�s to improvQ or muiatnln the Propeny. <br /> , . yi:�,� . - <br /> _ ..:.E4�i'Y' u <br /> . a.. �"�� �C1IRF�Y*_!V'!'E_RL�!'�, With�d w an�w�c mortgege. deed of trust. acxurlty a8�+eement or ot�s Qen <br /> document that creased a prior sccudty intvrest ar encumbranoe on the Property ead that may huvo priodty�ver this Deed <br /> _':`'r� of'I�ust.7'tu8ior a�see9: � <br />- _ -_;::!.� A. To mako all paymeata when du�aad to pddorm or uomply wlth nll covent�nnta. <br /> - � �. To pmmpuy aelnrer to�monciary aiur�mnccs�hat Trusiar�i�i'�a�ti��1�. <br /> =�`� C. Not to make or pomyit uay modiftcation ar extensiaA af�and not to re9uest or accept any tUture advaaces�wdc�r�nyr <br /> :::..,:', rt�at�`��raent secured by.tho ather mort�aII@,dced of tnist or secuclty ag�eement ualess Beneficlury cansrnte , <br />- 1 �:, <br />•,'lY:.�...: <br /> 9. DS'�O➢N BALE nR ENCitA+l�RANCE.aeneficiury m.ay,at its option. de�lare thr entlre halanco af the Secure��.�,"+4 to <br />`-={�� ;'�: be n�miecliately due und payable wpaa the creadon of any llen.cncumbrartce�tr�utsfer.or eule.or contrnct for nny r�r r.'�eso <br />-=�;�;`r'� on¢'h�e Property. Howev�r. if the Pmpeny includes Tnumr'a resldence. t4ia sectlon ahall be subJect ta the rc.wtrdasions <br />_-=---�-- im�sed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591)�as qpplica;blc. For th:purposes of thie sectlon,the term"property"also iacludea <br /> -°��-°�= any laterest to all or any part of the Property.'�ia covanant aball run wl�h c`�e Propert3+und ahall n�nia 3n esfect untQ tho <br /> �""'�� Sezutesl Oebt la puid ia iWl and thia Deed of Ts�wrt ia released. <br /> _;i�V:tiil� <br /> ''��g'?n1fi� <br />-_Q;��� 10.Tl3.:4�iSF�R OF AN INTER�gYA'1N T�CRANT�R. Q.�'huator io un entlry othex than a natursl parson(such as a <br /> �.__'_!=� carporntlon ar ather organlzation)� Beneflciary may demand 9mmedlate payment If(1)a beneflcial lutemst in Trustur!e <br />-�: sol�l ar transferred: (2)thero ie a change in�i�th�r tha tdentity ar number nf mcmbcrs of a partaersi�.ip; or(3)there ie a <br /> ������� chaaga in owuersbip of more than 2S perot�at�S the vating stock af u corporation. However�Bene�,tin�may not demand <br /> '`'""=_��--- payment In ihe Rbovo eituatione iq it ls prohibltcd by law as of the dato of tbia Dced of Tcust. <br /> ._•'.':/l;:l��t� <br />-- ',,"';`�:� il.EN'a7TY WARRAMI'IES AND 1tFPR�NPA'1'YONS. �'�Truator is an entity ather thun a natural person(s�dh av a <br /> __;-T�;�, <br />-;�, _, � corpotatlou ar other organizution). Truatar a�akes to Henefioiary the following warrantie.a nnd representatlo�s which ehall <br />�;�:4,�`-'�'. be continulqg as lobg as tho Sccured Debt��ti�ns out�tandiug: <br />= ''���� A, Trustor is an enUty which ia duly o��anized and validly existiag ln the Tru�tar's stut� �ff incaipar�don (or <br />`•��''-��.+�, organization).Ttuetar ls In�aod atandina ia all states in whicd 7Yustar trausacts buslnesa.Truator has the power <br /> :'���^"?��;:, and authorlty to own t�� Property aad to carry e�n ita buslnc�s av aow bEi,u�ow�tductt�d and� as applicable, ia <br />-':�;'��'-' quailfled to do so in each atat�in which 7Yustar operates. <br /> �:.r�:x_ B. 'Ihe oxecutton� delivery and performance af this Dced of Truxt by Tcustor and the obligatt�a evldenced by the <br /> - - - �vid� cF il�bt srs �xllhln � ��s of '[Yustor, h�ve been duty auWnri�d. huve mcb:lv� all neceseots► <br /> � �. ' &ovemmental appmval,and wlll aQt�csT.a4e any pmvision of lAw�ar order of court ar govemrr�enuil agency. <br /> ' C. Other thon disclosed in wrltlag Trtas:ar has not cti.�nged ite nau�e withla tha last ten yeare tuid has not used euy <br /> ''' othor uado or flctitious na�ue. Wlthout Beaeficlury'a prlot written consent.Trusror doea not and wiil aot usa any <br /> 1�, e� atder anme And wIU preserve Ite existi�name�trade name.v aad f�anchises unW the Secured debt is eatisfial. <br /> . - _ ;��� 12.PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERAT10N9 ANp INSPEC7'ION. Ttustor wiil k�ep the Property in good conditiou <br /> `` � and make all repa�re Wat aze re�sonably��oceas�uy. Ttustor will givo Beneficlury pmmpt notice of any tass or demago to <br /> the property.Trustor will keep the Property iree of naxious wce�s and grassea.Truswr cvill aot inttiate.Join In or consent <br /> to uny change In eny prlvato rauictive wvenant. xaning ordinanco or othe� publia or pdvato restrlction Ilnnfting or <br /> def�nlag the uses which may bo mado of the Property or a��y part of tbe Property� wi�hout Beneficlary's prlor wdtten <br /> consent. Trustor will noHfy Beneficiary of all dcnttaitde. proce�ling�� claiirrn� end actions against Trustor or any other <br /> ., ' owaer made under{aw or cegWation regaMing use.ownerahlp end occupamy of the Property.7'ruator will comply wit4�II <br /> • � legal requiremente and resulcUons.whether public or private.Wllh[C9j1�Ct t0 th0 US0 OF!h0 PfOpCJ�y.Trustor also agrces <br /> that the nature of the occupaacy nnd use wiU not cbange wlthont Beneflciary's prlor written consent. <br /> � � *` No ponlan of thc Property will be removed,dcmoliAhed or matedally altcred without&:neficiary's prior axritten w�t <br /> uxcept that Truator has the right to cemove itetnv oP persana!property comprlsing a part of the Propeny that bocome wom <br /> pspo 2 0l B <br /> � o�aoa�•s�.u�.mc.c�.c��o.MN It•80G]87•7]All fum AO/CO OT NE 10�10t91 .�.� <br />