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1�nit` t'-�c 't�"i� �"s{.�" '�i:LFR';i'1�J����,i�, i�.t�� t l�«�7'�'N�ir� ti.L..ti1i:::6L'^r'�tc3f�i�'�''�.��':n,i»�i!Ri`s-.�'N_.r;:.%.�:au..:.�,:t;,in�r�w�..::�.:=..:r�i- i�_._� . ..-. <br /> ,-��rsaii.�.tii��i�s�,l.�du�t4���r.3.!,ll 1�r.l�y� � 1iLQ� 4. � . � . <br /> �, ._ . . i: �' ' . . . ..�. 1�� � .. <br /> . _:4 <br /> � <br /> � .�. • .. � � - <br /> . .._..- ----- - �� �� .. . ' .. . . . <br /> - - - i, .. . __,_.' --•—_�'-�_._..... _. <br /> _ . .. . ......_...........�_ .. <br /> f <br /> ' �. <br /> .: 99p �u�.��� <br /> At tha option nf Qcneflc;inry, n�� ar any part ot thc tt�recd fecs und chnrQr�, uccnud interes� nnJ principui ehall bcconu <br /> � immEdlutcly clue und pnynbtc.uftcr giving naUcc if rrquircd hy Inw,upan the�usun�nco af��default u�unytf��u ihcm�ilicr, <br /> ' la aciditlon�Heneftciiuy ehall ba endlled tu ull thu�em��itcy providcd by tow.tha gviden��e aF Deht,��ther evfcien�:cs af deht. -. <br /> Q�Ig Det�d of'frttst nnd uny retatrsf dacnmente In+:luding wtthuut limltation.the pu�ver to seli thc Pit�{��tY• �;i--.: <br /> � � if th�rc 1;,:�default.'fnsstce sh�ll,in nddidnn to any olher penttitted rcm��ly,ut thc requcst af the Beneticinry,advertisa and �_ <br /> sell the Properiy ne A�Yhotv ur fn eepArnte purcris nt publlo auction ro the highest bidder for u�h mid wnvey absoiutr ittir __ <br /> fcee und clear ol ali Nght,tlHa nnd intc:rest af Truator m such tin�e a n d p ince as T r uatee des igan te s.T r u a t c�s U nii givo natice �_; <br /> '-""~ af eale includina t hv t ime.tem�nn d p ln c c o f e a t p t u i d a d e s c d p t i a n a f t h r p ro p e r t y t a b e s o l d a v r e q u i m d b y thu n p pllcnbie �_��,- <br /> • `� I�w 1n eff�t at the timc af tho pmpased euta, _ . ... <br /> ,';_-., <br /> � Upon snlo of the properiy and w tha entcm uat prohlbltcd by law,Trostcr:ahull taalce c�td dallver n dei.�d ta tha i'roperty sold �___-_ <br /> whieh conveye �absotuto titlo ta tha purehuser, nnd after fi�at pAyiag all t��s,chnrges and wste.shnil ray ta B�noflalary nll r--�- <br /> moncys ndvanced for rep�lra� tnxce, insuranca� Ilens, assessments ou� r�or cacumbrnnccs and inteecst themon, nnd the �'= <br /> ' principul und interest on tho 5ecured Debt� payiag the au�plus, if'['�ustor. Benetieiury maY purchwo tho Praperty. �_ - <br /> ;, �,•;. 'Ibc rc�citala in uny deed of conveynnce ahall bo primu f¢clr evldence uY tl�c fucta set iorth therein. ! <br /> , �•' _ � E� <br /> Ail remedies nre disttnct, cumulntive and not exclusive. And the Bc►►�Siclary is entlUai to all mmeclies provid��f:�z law or �. <br /> equity.whether expresaly set for�U or not. 'itie ncceptuuce by 8eaefir'r,rr.*of uny sum fn payment or pnrtial puywont on tha - <br /> Sccurcd Uebt after tt►o bal�nce ia duo nr is acceterAted or after forec!s�:��re proccrjdinge are flled shali mot constituto o wdver <br /> . �, of Boneficinry'e�ight ro reeuiro tl�ll aad complcto cure of nny existir��eYault. By a��t excirlaing r�r��scmedy on Truetar's t._v- <br /> defauit.8eneftciivy does ncr���aivo P�e�i�iury's dght t�late�cansld�r tho eveat a�eSnult 11'it continues or hnppene agula• __ <br /> � I c� �'I 18.EXPEN3ES;A3�VANC�ON COVTsNA1VT3;ATI'ORNEYS'1FE6St COLLECTION COST9.Bxccpt when prnhlbited = <br /> � `��, by law.Tnu�e�:r 1Rct•es to pay WI of Beneticiary'e oxpensea if Tnistc+:�C-reuches any cave�u�at in thie Daed af Truet. Trustor = <br /> � will also pay on demand nll af Ht�aeRotary's expensea incurr�d in cviic�sang.insuring�preserving or protecting Wa Propo�cy <br /> �� , or ia any inventorles,uudit�,inspectiona or ather exeminatlon by Beneficlsuy in c+espect ta tha Property, Trustor agrees to _ <br /> pay all casu and expenses incurn;d by Beneflclary In enforclag or protectiag Benefioisry's dghts and mmedlcs auidcr this <br /> ;;� Deed of'IYust� including,6ut aat limited to,attameys'fees,court oosts,and other legul expenses.Onco tttv Sec�u�l Dcbt ie <br /> fhlly nnd flanUy p�id,Benetiulary a�rees to retcaso this Deed of Trust and Trustor ogreea ta paY for any remrcltu�an wsts• <br /> All auch unwuate arc duo on demnnd and�vUl bear iaterest from the dme of thd advance at the Wghest ruto in effect,frem <br /> , ,,.,, .� tirae to dme,as provlded in the Svidenc8 of Debt aad as peranitted by law. <br /> �,:,, <br /> „`;��{s�;�� <br /> :'�:���;�• 14.ENVIRONMENTAL LA�tb'�AND HA2ARDOUS �"��RSTANCES. As used in s�ia section� (1) "Snvimaranntal l�nw" <br /> `;'"-.- � - menna. without Ilmitation. t3io �omprehensive Bmi�c+a*�i�i R�sc, ���icn ans! l�i�t.+l!!ty Act (C�iR.rCLA.42 <br /> � U.S.C.9601 et seq.).�11 other fedcrnl,state uad local l����s, re�uiatio�s,ordiuuncea,court arders,attomey general opiniona <br />' �'.,,•, or interpredve lettere canceming tho public healttr. c�Sely. welfur, envlronment or u bazardous substc�nne; and (2) <br />. --,s•}.,... :_ nj��� L��p" mwnna any �ucic= radioacdvc a�x Dazardaua material, w�te, pallutunt or conuuainant which 6as _ <br />°_,;;.;�:xr.� <br /> -,;;.f;;?;: churacteriatica which reuder the su6ster►ce dungetaus c�i porent3ally dan�eroua ta aho publio hcaida� eafri�', w�3t�o ar <br /> `� �en�i�onment, 'ihe cerm iacludes,wit�out limitation. u:�r aubstances delined as "h�►cdouo auuodal,» "toaic sabstane�es�" <br /> b&78TdOL8 W&410 or haz�rdaus substansc under s�i•Bnvimnnuntul Law. TnasWr represento, �vtinaute and a9rces thnt� <br /> , , eacept ctv previausly dlsclosc�and ackno�vledgod in wridn�: <br /> A. No Hazardaus Substance has been,iS,or will bo lucuted, uanaportod,manufuctured.trcated,roBnal,or handlod by <br /> `,_Lu,��,: sny person on, under or about the Propeny,¢xcept ia th@ ordinary course of but+iaess und in aulct compliance with <br /> s�.., all applicable Snvironmental Law. _ <br /> "'J: � 8. Truetos has aot tutd wlll not cause.contributc ta.or permit tho releuse of uny Hazardoua Subawnw aa tho Prope�Y• <br />" ','�� � " C. Trustor will immedlat�ly notlfy Heneflciary if(1)u celeuso or thrcatened relense of HnzaMous Substanoo occurs ou. <br /> under or nbout the Praperty or migratc.w ar threatens to mig��:e from aearby property;or(2)there ia a violntion of <br /> auy Bnvironmental Law wnceraing the Property.ln such au���n1,lYustor will tnke all neceasary cemedlal actloa!n <br /> ;;�'�,:� uccordance with Bnvlronmental Lnw. ndin or tbreatened investigution, clalm, or <br /> D. Truetor has no knowledge of or reason to t�e2ieve there ia uny pe S <br /> ���' proccedia6 af auy kind relating ta(1)anY Ha7ardaua Subatonw lacsited on,under ar about tho Praperty;ar(2)nny _ <br /> �f°�. '� vlolatton by 7YueWr or any tenant ot any Bnvlronmental Law.Trustor will immediacely notify Beneflclary ia wrlUpg <br /> -�'� ns soon as Trustor has ceaso�to tn;��.vo there is any such pending�r threatened iavesti��tirc�a,clnim,or pmceedlnB• <br />-;;,�,�"�" In such an event,Beneficlary has t,'�e right.but not the part ic�patv l�any su c D p r o c e e d i n 8 i n c l u d i n g t he <br />•--:s.; right to reeelve copies af nny docwnente relating to auch pracecdia6s• licable Eavlronmental law. � <br /> E. Trusror and every conunt bave been,are nnd sh�l remain ln t1�11 compliunvc�c��ith any app �d no sucb <br /> " F, '[9zere are na undergrauad acorage taaka.pdvate dumps or o�cn welis located on or under tho Praporty <br /> t�.n,h.�fump ar well wiil be addcd unlesa 8eneficiary�irst ca��san�s la wdting, <br /> .., : G. 7Y�star w1U renularly inspect the Property. monitor the accitii:ies and operatiana on the Property, aad conMn t�� <br /> ;%r°,� all permita,licenses or approvula required by a�r apPlicabl��nvironmentul La�v are obtained and complicd wIW. <br />;�:;5��;, uy <br />�-.:t.,.,,�;.. H. Truator wiU pernilt. pI CApSB IIOy ICAArit t0 pETINl. Heneficiary or E�nvBai� 's agent to enter aad inspect o <br />°�;`:-:,,�.� �: Propert}► and ceview all tecarda at any reasonu'ble tlme ta deteimine (tn ahe existono�� IOCAtIQA Nid H1tlIU(0 O�W1}I <br /> . �. . �. --., Ha7ardoua Substaiuce an,under or utwut the Pioperty: l2) the exlstenoe, lacation. nutum� tind r�u►8nitudo of any __ <br /> �.��,,, ���-� Hazac�daua Substanw thai hos bcen rolensseci ou,W1t�C1`Of Ac`+tiiii ZIiC�fOj�}1;ar t3)�x*��r or aot T�tor and any �-. <br /> � � tenant are in cumpliance with applicablo Envisonmentat l.�►w. _ <br /> '' � � " 1. U p o n B e n e R c i a ry's r e q u e s t a n d a t a n y t t c n e, T r u s t or a g r e e a. at TsNS;or's expense, ro engage a quaUfied <br /> �r,"� ` � t envlronmentel enginees to pnpare an environ�a�tal audlt of thv Propettyr a�►d to submit Wo resu lts o f euc h a u d l t�o ';�___ <br /> •'� Heneficlary. 'I�e choice of ihe envimamental engineer who wlll perform sucb audit la subJect to Benoficlary's <br /> . � aPProval. ��`- <br /> 7. Beneflciery hns the dght, 6ut aot the abligation. to perfarm tu�y of Truator's abllgatlona under tt►iis eccttoa at t;�: <br /> E-- <br /> Trustor's eapense. (1)Truator wlll <br /> ; K. As a consequence of any breach of any reprQSCn[ntion� warranty or promise made ln this sc�:tion� <br /> iademnify and hold Beneficlary and Beneficiary'e successor�or assigns harnileas from aad against aU losseo,clalms� <br /> demands. lisbilities, damasea, cleanup. �esponse and remediation costa. penalde.v And expenses. inciuding wlthout ', <br /> • 1imltution all caste of lidgation and ettomeys' fces,which Beneflclary and 1Beneftciury'e successore or assigne may �. <br /> s u s t a�n; a n d(2)at Benzflci a ry's discretion, Beneficlary may release thie Ueed of Trust und in return Ttuetar wi11 _ _ <br /> . provido BerieBclfuy with collateral of at leust equai valuo to the Pmperty secured by thie Dced of Truat w l t hout _ <br /> preJudice to any of Bcneliciaty's righte under thie Oeed of Trust. _ <br /> � ; pepo 4 0/8 <br /> •• q 1903 BaNa�Sv�t�mf�Ina.G'.GIauO.lAN d•000�91•7�NI Pam A01C0 Di•NB f0l30/01 _ <br /> d � � � <br />