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��d�it n1Ny���1�4�I�l�IYh4Ff�7 JV.•.'i"•j`::li��1Y.L'n,..,.T�,�1�,-,��`` zt t �N3�L�-c' -i��lF'i��'�:.ti� �Ii�4Lysc.un,CC:11�_:u.x.��•.�C::.:�t1.�i�.�-.�:..r.=:..�....�._ ���� �.-. <br /> ..���u+ -1r��aa"a�i.!YS:ii.i.i���. 'i:��y�,�•f�hS ri�J�tF t..'���a. �-�n. `LuIS t .� . '-_•lhr .. ... <br /> . .`i. .��{����` •,t�':,� � } .�t.,ti1•..L"�fr:l� ,�', , `:;� .��' , <br /> �.'�. . . i;`. _.`; `�. <br /> .� . _,t • . � � ,.. � <br /> . ..__'j \.� <br /> . —, .�.i.�'�jRay;�•..�r ..U . - . . ' . . . .. i� •''__.-.o.�� <br /> .. . , ' � <br /> . . nss►w�.�►.r ��QO ����Y�� � . <br /> (-R,;• ,� N►�CUSm E�t►�t'1'[+�1i Q,,. � <br /> � 1��� �htflli'FJrb•A <br /> l,. Nut�vithstnncting nX�1f�4Ti��[iu��:1��itiAtkl�tE�f'fi9� iA D���i�P Truet tn Ihu amirury,thc temio��f thie sc�llon ahali _ <br /> ' survlve nny farcc�osu�ar ent��t'dclii�n�il'ii�is Llci�S ot Trurt fi�nrdlcss c�F uny pt�suge ut't�tle ta peneticlnry ar m�y _ <br /> . dispaslUon by Rcnrfirlury uf any ar ntl af th:f'rapeny.Any rluimv and defenses ta thc wntrury ar�hereby waivcd. _ <br /> _ _: � - <br /> � � tp.CONUE6itdAT1�A1. Tr�+strr wili glvg llcnrilclnry prompt nutice ai'�ny�ctian, rcal or threatertti�. by privnte nr publir = <br /> �n�l�les co purchose or takc anY ar a►�of thc Pr��rty, Including cu�y cuscmrnte, through condemnntion, c�►dacnt damnin, <br /> � or any ottter meAns,'Truetor fUrther ngr�cs ta nutl1y Benefic�ary oP unY px�ce�clings institu�r�l t'i�e the estnbii±:hnunt��f ony _ <br /> sewer�wnter. ��+nservatlon,ditch, dmina�e,ur uth;.r dist�ict retAtlnn tn ar bfnding upon the P��perty ur miy purt a!it. <br />--�s-��' Trot�tar nuthadzes BcneQclury to intervcne In Tn�qtor's ntune In tuty af the uhovu drscribed actians ar claims nnd to callect <br /> , ��r . n n d r e ceive�11 aumv resuldng from thc ncttc�n ar cluim.T�uatur n.gslpns ta&neQciary the pma�rde ut any n�vc�rd ar clntm <br /> fur damnges connected wlth n condemnntion or at her t a k ing a f n l l a r u n yp M o f t h a P�u p e r t y. S u c h p ro c a�de sha11 bo <br /> coneidercc!paymenta ond wUl be appfle+!�v psavlded!n thie Drcd of Truat.'t hie asslgnmrnt af procc�.'de ia sub,l�t tu thn <br /> . torn�a af nny pdor sccurity agteement. <br /> 21.INSURANCE.Tcu9tor agrees ta mnlntnin in�um�u�.as fnlla�v9: <br /> ��� A. Trustar ahuil keep tho Proprrty i��m�dc�ans�0lhc rhnzurci.�and ruske mny in udo,�for examplr.caveing Angolas�s <br /> ;��� wlth the Property due to its ty�re tor thc �riods thnt _ <br /> . � � loss duc ta ilooda or ilooding. 'Ihis insnronco shalt be maintuincd in the n�ounte and p� <br /> � Beneficiary �equl�es. The in9urance cArrier providing the insurun�;e shall be chosen by Trustoc subJcct m <br /> Beneftclary's appruvul. whlch Rhall not br unreasonubly wlthheld. If Truetar fa11A ta �nninu�ln tho covernge _ <br /> ;.. describtd abave, Beneficlary moY. at����iaituy's optlan.o6tain coverage ta prote�:t Beneficfary's righta in the _ <br /> - Prngeny uccording ta thv terms of thls Ru.r!of Trust. <br /> A91 insurnnce policlea and renewals shNl be uceeptablo ro 8enoticituy and shail lnclude u standard "martg�4e <br /> � clause" and, whero opplic�blv, "beaeticiary las� payee clAUSe." Trustor shall immediately notify Beneficlury of <br /> cwtcellation or teimination of the insumar:r:. Beneflcinry shall hnva the d�ht to hold tho policies i�nd renvwata. If <br /> Bcnctici�ry �Q uires. Tiuster shall fmm:dli:tely givo to Reneticiary all re�lpte of pnid premlums nnd mnowal <br /> notices. UpoD tQ9A�Tfl18lOf BItlSII�jIV�111{l11G'dlill@ ROuC@ t�tIl@ I118QTAIlCO CBTf�e1'ttt1ll BCIIOflCIAI'Y. B�neflciary nu►Y <br /> malce pcaof af losa If not mgda iinm:dintcly by 7lruator. <br /> Uniesa Beueflc.iary aasf"1'ruator aWerwise o�rce in writing, Insuranca pfaCft'�I8 BhAII b8 tljlpl�C�I tp [C9IOrAlIt1I1 OT <br /> tepai�of th9 FroFezty dumaged if the restvrntion or repalr ls cconomtcally feaslble and Beneflcit�ry's secudty is not <br /> �..., lesseaat, If tha rastarntian oc r�pair is nrt c�onomicully fcaslble or Benoilclary's secudty would t+z lessened. the <br /> . .�, r insurnnse prosceds ehell bc��pHed to the 5r,�ured Debt,whethcr or not then due,with nny eacess F.3id to Trustot. <br /> ii�.vstar abEndons th�Pro;at�fi,�•or doe9 noi w�s�«v'+�ti��30 dnye a notice from Beneficiury that the iusuranoo <br /> - ;,�.•;ies lxas Offess�!ta s€ule��mt then Heneflcia�'Y m:���vollect tho lasurunco pmc�.�eda. Heneflciary mny u�she <br /> � pruceeds to repair or reatore tbe Propeny or to poy the 5ecured Debt whather or not Wca�e• 'f���-dpY� <br />�ei��� �viU begln whm the notioe is siven. <br />��"r r' o an lication af rocvcda to Prluoip�t snall not extend <br /> ��s 8env�itciary aud'i�u�.��ihss':.�sgsPe!s��s�tln�, --.Y IIPP p <br />_.,''':;;y� ax��tpone the due dute of�:duted payniente or chaz�go tho amauat of the payment�. Iltha Properry ts acqui�o <br /> �;��� by Beneflcit�ry�Truatar's right ta nny insurance policles and proce�.�da ceaulting from damage to tho Pmperty before <br /> � - tho ucquisltic�e+aa11 pasa to Beneficiary to tha axteat of tho Secuced Debt immediutely before the acgulsition. <br /> •�"��� B. Tcuatar ugrcr:3`N�naintuin comprehansi�•�S:Aer�l liabillry(nsuranco nnmiag Beneflolury as su�addlS��nal iasured ln <br /> ���� an amount aoc�,ptable to 8encsflolury� ins::rl�agufnst clulma nrlsing fmm any accident or occunen�.w in or an the <br />..-+R�'';�' �*0���• <br /> _` --�� C. '1lruator egrees ta mntntuia rentnl loss or busiaesa lnte�va�zion insuranae�as requlred by an emount <br /> �`�"4��"�� equal to at least coverage af ono year's debt servtce��uid requiced escmw accaunt deposlte(if agreed to separwtoly <br />- -__=° in writiag),uader a Yorm of poliay acceptable to Benc4lciary. <br /> �.-�';�� 22.N�O�uired t pay�to Beno�liai�ds�o�����•�n lin escrowrovided in a separate ugrcemenz.�usror wlll aot <br /> '"'� 23.FINANCIAL REPORTB AND ADDITIONAI,DOCUMENTS. 'frustor wiil pmvlde to Boneficfary upan request, any <br />�-'r.�� finanaiW state�nt et informatlon lleneflciary muy deem necesseu7i• Trustpr W���a that all �nan�inl stater.�ente and <br /> -_'�� infoxnwtion Trusto5 @�rovldes to Beneticinry are. ar will bo. accurat@, corm�t. snd complete. Tn+:�cu �rees to sign, <br /> _ ,__.,�� deliver� and t31e as�aneficlury may reasonably requcst aay additionai dacwuenta or certificationa thnt�enoficiary muY <br /> :.,;+.�,,� ��},��A�gary��Perfect�conttaue�and preserve 7Yustur's obHgations under this Deed of T�uat and Ben@ficiary's lien <br />,:,:::��,;+";' auuus�n tha Propdrty. I�TTUAlOI fAIIB�O d0 80,Benoflcinr,r srsny s18n�deNver,uad flle such docwnenta or certlfic�tea in <br /> � Trusmr e name and Tcnstor hereby lrrovocably appaiAte Beaofictary or Beneficinry's agcn�t as tutomey in fact to c�a sho <br />`," °' thinge neceastuy to comply with thle section. <br /> ';;�.-' . <br /> � • � 24.JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL 1.IAB3i.ITY;L'a@�.SIGNERSi SUCCESSORS AND A83IGNS 1lQUi`'�.�111 duties under <br /> ' ��",` thla Dced of TruAt ara joint and i�cJ's��idual. If 7Yustor aigas thia Deed of Trust but does eea slgn the�vidonce of Debt, <br />`'�., • ��:� r Trustor does so only ta mortgage'�rustor'�iaterest in tho Property to secure paymenit c�P,che 5e�ured Debt and Truetor <br /> <.,� does not agree to be person�illy lisblo an the Se�wed Debt.Trustor agtees that&neficiar�c s►�d any pariy to thfa Dead af <br /> �.�_ Truat may e�. mc�1t�► ar make aAY �h�E in th0 teraas of thie D�I of 7Yust or c�he Bvldemaa of Debt wit6out <br /> Wia t�0 7Yuat Aoll bind a.�d b�n�eflt the auccessot��a�and Alg tl of Trusto�attd B�eneficlary.���s���flt�c+f <br /> ^��� <br />���`����'' lf tltis Deed af Ttuat sacuces a guaranty between Beneficiary�d Trustor and doea not din�iy se�ure tho ab1i8atioa wh�cL <br />-- ►�� ie�unrantied.'iYus�or agrees to waivo any dghta that muy pr�vent Benoflctary from bringing any actlon or claim ogciast <br /> }� Trustor or any party indebted�rnder the obligaaion lncludinA,but not limited to�anti-det3ciency or ane-actian lawa. <br /> , t 7,5.APPLICABLE LA�W; &1�VEnAB1LiTY: IN7'ERpRETATION. Thla Deed af Tiust la govemed b th0 luwe of tho <br /> ,. . Juriadictiun in which qeneficisry la located.except to thp extent othenvlse requlted by t�e lawa of tho�urlsdiction where <br /> • the Property ia locatcd. 7'his Deed of Truat la complete and ttiUy integrnted. Thla Deed 4f Trust m�►y not be amen�lcd ar <br /> modlfied by orai ngreement. My secdan or cinuse in this Deed of Truat. attachmente, or any agreement related to tho <br /> � Secw�ed Debt tlwt conflicte wlth applicahle law wiil not bo eifective.unlesa that law expreasly or impliedly permlts the <br /> vnriationa by written ngreement. If any section or clause of thls Deed of Trust caanot be enforced accardiag to ite tera�s, <br /> that scction or clause will be severed and will nat affect the eaforceability of the remainder of thia Deed of 7Yuat. <br /> •� Whenever used.the alagular ehali include the plural end tho plurel tt�o eingutar.The captiona ond headinga of the seCtious <br /> � nf this Dced of Tniat arc for convenience unly and aza not to be used to intetpret ar deflne the tern�s of thls Aeed of Truxt, <br /> . Time ia of tho essence in this Dded of T�vst. t, . PeDo e oi e <br /> �� . <br /> 6109�Butl��n 6Wtem�.lno..6t.Clpd.MN 11•BOO�SU1•93N1 iam AQiCO DT•NH 101�0�0i <br />