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<br /> c�r iibsotctc�, provldcd thut euch pers�mal pru}urty Is rcplat�d with athct per�anal pmNerty�tt lei�t cquul ht valuc to thc
<br /> replaeed peesannl propc�dy� f�ee frnrn nny 11l10 rcteritlun devlce, ���curity ag�m+:nt ��r uthce cncumhrnnca Such
<br /> rcplarcm�nt nf personnl propeny�vill be�teenu�i oubJ�;l ta thu secudty Intrn�st cteatctif by�hls Ik+.a1 al'7'rus�, 'Pru9c�r shaillt �-.
<br /> ROi ppii�flt111 Ili 80LK1IYIt10 Ih0 P(A�1Ct1y W►ItI10Ut I�CtiCI�CIR[y's priur�v�Utrn cunsent. QeneQcinty or peneflclury's agenw �_
<br /> - - ttts�y�t�t�3eneflclary'e aptton, rnte�the Properiy nt any rrusonnble Ifrno f'ar trto purpusc oP Inspecting ihr Prupcn . Auy p�
<br /> __ _.
<br /> . .__ � ►ue�xr:Uon of the Property edall tre eniircly fur Be+t�ricinry'n hcnefit and 'Cruatar will in no way r�ly �n It�x� �lary's �
<br /> Insp�.�cdan. �
<br /> • � � 13.AUTHORI'1'Y TO P�RFUKM.if Truatur fnile tn peiform nny ui'fruatar's dulirs under�hla peed at"i'rust�ar any ather ;_=
<br /> _.�,;� • mortgt�o. decd oF troet. s«:urity apreement ar ather itcn dc�cument that hns prioti�y uver thle Ared af Trust. fleneflciacy
<br /> � mny��vlthout notico. perform the duticw ar cnusu them tu be perfarmrd.Truator nppolnte Beneflclary ns attarney in fact ta ��
<br /> "" � aign Trustat's nwne or pny nny nmount noces.gary Car pr•sforntauce.If t►ny conslnicUon an thc Propeny is aiecontinus�l ar �;
<br /> not carried an in o re�sanablo manner.�eneflci�ry may da whntover is ne�essary to proteet Beneficinry's secudty intereat ;
<br /> � ln the Nropeny.Thla may include Completing the constructlon, =
<br /> � sene�icinry'e right to perfarm far Trustor ehnll not creote an obliIIutian topcefu�n, and 9eneflciory'R iailura to perform �
<br /> wi11 not preclude Bcneticiary from eaerclsittg as►y of Beneiiciury's othcr rlghta under tho Iniv nr thls Dced of Trust. Any _
<br /> amounce pntd by Beaetl�iary for insuriag� preserving or otherwlso protectir►� thc Property nad BeneSinlury's securlry
<br /> " � inten�t will bo duo on ctcmand and wfll beur ia�tf��t gm�m�lh�of D bt�e pnyment until pald!n itelt ut tha intoreat rato in e'
<br /> effect fconi timB to timc aocordiag to the terms =
<br /> � 14.ASSIGNMEIVT OF L�A&�.S AND RENTS•Trustor irrevocubly prants. convoya and sells av uddltiunal Fecurtty u�l tho -
<br /> + right�titlo wtd iatcrest in aad to uny nnd nll: -
<br /> � p, Bxlatfng or fiature teases,sublcases.llccnses,guuraaties and any other writtea or verbal agceemtvnte far the usd nnd
<br /> , � occupnncy o�nny�rtlnn of the Propeny. including any extensiona� mnewals. mocliflcAtians ur aubstltutlons of
<br /> BI1Cb(tBf�CIIlCAt9({!11 ceferted to as"Leuses")•
<br /> � B. Renta,isaues and pmflts(all referred to as"Rente"),iacludin�but aot Hmited to socurity deposita,minimum rent,
<br /> '..;'�,,��' ,; perccntage rent. additlontil rent� common areA maintenance churges� parking c�es� ceal eswte taxes� other
<br /> � �:t''�; ��' applicuble toxe�, insurance pn�um wnMbudons. liquidated damagcs foltawing default. caacellation premfum9.
<br /> "loss of rcnts"i�surance,eevenues�rayaltirs,proceeds.banuses.and a!1 rigl►ts nnd cla�ms which'I�ustor may have
<br /> thnt in Any wuy pertuins to or ia on eccount of the uso ar occupancp of t�s wholo or aay part of thv Propert�►•
<br /> Tcustor wi11 promptly provldfl Beneftoiary wlth true wid co�rc�ct eopies of all exisiing a+sd Niura i.cases. Tn�stor may
<br /> col(ect�receive.e�py und use the Reata eo iong a9 Trustor!s nat in default.Tn�ator�vill noi wlicet in advance nny Re�te
<br /> , due ln flituro tease perloda, antess Tcustor flrst obuiMa Beneficlury's written consestt. Upon default�Teuatar wlll�eceive
<br /> �� any Rents la uust for Bcaeflclary aud 7'ruator wifl not comnilagla th�Rente w�th nny other fluids.Ally ilri1011AiB GDIIOCtEYI
<br /> eh�ll ba applied at E�:�nrlioisuy's discretian ro�+�y��enta on the Secured D�ht as thereln pmvided�ta coste�f mnnagfn8 ehe
<br /> I�roRerty. inaluding. but aat iimitod to, aii t�. �sess�►ts� iasur�ce Prer�s3suns� �sirs ��°���0�4 �O�
<br /> .: .•.��„ •., pgents.and to any otYier necessary related expenses includiag Hcnoflciury a attomeys fees,pAralegal fc�es and caurt wste•
<br /> ,,
<br /> � �},�at�r nccicaowled�ea Wat thls aaslsuunent!s perfectvd upon the rer�rding of thle Dued af Ttust and that Beueflctary is
<br /> -�:-�- entitted to aotify uny af Truator'e-tenanta t� m�1ce payment of renta due ox�o beoamo duv tv 8t-�wta�-y. ��ru��.or�
<br /> Beneficiury Agrees e:.�nt only on default a�ill BeauPiciary nodfy Trustor and'G'rustor's tcaants und malco demead ttwe �il
<br /> �turo ltents t+e pni� direcUy to Seneficiury. Or reieiving the notioe of default. `1lruator wAl endarav �nd de7lver to
<br /> Heneficlary any payment�of Rent W Trustor's passeavion.
<br /> - ��'° Truatar covenuute that no defnult exiata under the I.eases or any Applicablo iandlord law.Trustor also covenunte and e�ces
<br /> �-=�`��_— to ms�iatain, aad to require the tenunte to comply with� tho.l.euse� end anY aPPlicable law. 7'rustar wi11 promptly ttotify
<br /> — m
<br />