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<br /> �, Her.ard ur 1'roperty Insurance. H��rrawe�� �h�ll kcc� the impn►venient�+ n���v exi5tlnt; un c�rcuttcr �r�etcJ on tho -
<br /> P��apsrty inwurcd i��1+d��rt la�!+by firc. huzunlg includcd +vlthin th�h�rn� "cxtcnd�d cuven►�a" und uny�ithcr hn�iirds, inr.ludinF �
<br /> Q�s��d�ur fla�uilnb,fur whleh l.endcr requirc9 h�surau�e.This Inyurcmro NNnll he m►�inte�inca in thr nntuunis nnd fi�r 11�e periads �
<br /> tt►at I,aidcr rcquircy. Thu inruruncc c�►rricr pruvfding iNe fnsur►mcc shcdl bc chascn hy Hurmwcr suhJcct tu 1.�udcr's �ippn�vnl r
<br /> whirh hhall n��t ho uurcuso�wbly w1lhNeld. IP Barr���ver Pails ta mnint�d�i�tiwer��g� desrribcci nbnve, Leivler nwy, ut I.encier's �
<br /> opti«n,ubtain��uvcruna ta��mtect Lcndcr'H rlghty In thc Pruperiy in ucr��rduncc�vlth parogrnph 7. �
<br /> Afl insumn¢a poNcies nrt�renowais ehuli he ncceptubla tn t.ettder uad rhxl{ inrlu�k u�twuf:ud murt,cage ctause. t-eurl�e
<br /> ehidl hovc the rlght tc�h�id tho policics nnd renowale. If l.�ndar�tiqul��es,�arm�vcr nh��i!promptly gtve tu L.e�xlcr all recclpts af �,+
<br /> pald prcu�luuts nnd rettowui naticc�,Td�HC�V2iit Ut�C155,�rr►�u�er�lta!!gl�e peflmpt noticc t�th�iuwrunee cnrrtc�und l.cndcr. �
<br /> Lcndcr n�ay rnakc prnof af luss iF not mndo promptly by Bnarnwcr. .
<br /> Unless L.endcr and Bnrrawer atherwiso agrcc in w�iting.insuranre prc�ccccia ehnll bo nppllcd tu testnratinn nr re�:lir nf the
<br /> Pmperty dnningcd,if tho restoratton or repnir is ccanon�ic�lly feesiblo and Lendor's�ecurity iti nat Ioxsen�J. If thv resu�riition or
<br /> rep�ir Is nat�cunumicully iensiblv or Lender'a seeu�ity �vauld be lesseneci,the in.wurnnca proceeds shull be upplied tn the Rumy
<br /> secur�d 6y this 5ccurity Instnrmcnt� wi►ether ar nat then duo, with any oxcc.ka pnid t�a Harrower. li Borsower t�bsndons tito
<br /> pro�crty.or docg nat nnswer wfthln 30 dnyx u notice Pran�l..onder that the Insurvnco cnrrier has affered t��wettle ci claim, then
<br /> Lundcr muy collcct the (n.vuranre procuxfs. l.ende� may uso tha prurecds to repAir or rcstoro tha F'raperty ur ta p8y Rp1iL9
<br /> secural by thia Security Instrument,whether or nat tho�duo.'i'ho 30-day perlud will beFin when tho notico is given.
<br /> Uniess Lcrtder and po�Yawer athenviso ag�ee in wrltiog. any appliuuian of pn�caedH to principul ehall noe oxtend or
<br /> paatnuno thp duo dueo af tho monthly pnyments roferrcd to in pamgr�phe 1 c�nd 2 or ���ango tho amnunt oP the puyments. If
<br /> under purugruph 21 tho Proporiy ie iicquieod by [,endor.Banowor'x right to any insurancu poltcics nnd pra4�eeda resulting imm
<br /> dnm+�tgo to thc�Prape�9y priar to tho acquibitian ehull pass to l�cnder to the extant af the sums secured b�this Secarity lnstn�ment
<br /> iminedintcly prlor to tho i�cquisition.
<br /> 6,Occu�+e�y,preservuHon,Mafatcnanco and Prot�ctfan nf 1hc Propertys Bore�owcr'e L.�wn Appltcutian=S.eacthotds.
<br /> Borrow�r ehatl ctixapy.estabHah.and use the Yroperiy ns Horro�ver's principal rasidenco within aixty da��i�ttor tho exccution�f
<br /> thin Secudty In�trament and ahnll canilnue ta accupy tha Propnrty as Harrow��'a principal residence fnr ut Ieast one�rear nRes
<br /> tho d�te af arct�pancy.unless l.cnder othenrise agrce9 in writing, which concenl ehall nat be unreu.�onably withhaid. or untess �
<br /> extenuating eircuntstuncea exist �chich are boyond Barrower's �ontrol. �np�Borrowor shall berin�dofs�if ni�y for faituro
<br /> Proporty�nlia�v the Property co dotcrirrntc. or commit wasto on the Pr�perty.
<br /> acttan ar prooeedlo8.whether civll or criminul, is bc+gun thut in l.ender's goad faith Judgment could nsult in fm�t'oituro of the
<br /> praperty or othecwisa mntcr�ally impnlr the�i�n created by thls Se�urity tnstrumene or L.ender's securlty lnte�tiwt.8orro�v�r rru+y
<br /> cure such n dofault and ralnswte.a9 provided in pamgruph 18�by cuuqing thR uctian or proccedi�g ta be di6misae8 with a n�ling
<br /> thai,in Lcnder's goad faith detern�i,nntion, prccludes forfi�ltur�of the Borr�wer's interest in the Proparty �r�thor materlal
<br /> infpnirnient of.tho lien crcutcd by thle Sccurity Instn�ment or I.cnder'R seau�ity intes�est. Borrowor ahull also ba in dofault 1f
<br /> Borrowur,duri�tp the laan applicAdan process.gavo materinlly fnlso ar inaecurute informatian ar stntements ta Landor(or failed
<br /> to provido i.tmdrt tivith airy nu�ecrfai i�€o��-�)1n ccnss�etiut��r33�!he lu�s Q+�ld�c�k�y thc�HWe,in�l�ding.b�tt not limited
<br /> to. representndan9 concerning Barrower's oucupAncy of the Proporiy uv.a pdncipal coaldenoe.If this Seouriry lnsttument ie an a
<br /> IeusQhald, Borrou�er ehntl c�mply with all tho p�uvlefons af 1ho lease. Ii Bonower acquims fco Rltie to tho �'rqpnrty. the
<br /> t�a.�t�i�-�t�.a!�t3s1e d�!!ssc�suez���lPSa t�r�d�u�nQ�rr�to tlu+morger in wdd��.
<br /> 7.Protcettpn af Le�tdec'8 Rights in dhr�ropet�y.If Borrowar fa11s ta pedonn th�wvenanta end agreemonta containod'm
<br /> thiF Seeudty in�trurnont,or there ie n legal�raceecling thut may xignificnntly nf4'ect i.endcr'x riQhts in the Nroporiy (such ai4 a
<br /> procceding in b�'ktupicy�probato, for candtmnution or fartoituro or to cnfaruo lawa ar regulatians).thun i.cndor muy do und
<br /> psy for whatevet ia neeagsary to protect tho valuo of tho Prope�y and Lender'A �ighta ln tho t'caperty. Lender's actions may
<br /> inc'1udE paying any sums sccurcd by n lien which hos priorlty ovor thia Sccudty lnstcumvnt. uppcaring in court. {�ying
<br /> ��ntionablo suamcys'fecs and entcring on tho Pn�peny to maka�epain�.Althuugh 4ender may tako uction under this puragmph
<br /> 7,Lcndcr docs a�ot,tmvo to do Fo.
<br /> Any umaunis diabur�ed by Londee uacter thia pamgroph 7 shull becamo additianal d�bt of Borrawer secured by t�his
<br />- Security lnstn�ment. Llnlesa�vrrawer and Londor flgree ta ather tcrms af payment. these amount� rMil be�ir intereat fmm the
<br /> dAi.p Of dIBbUCf.O111Ci1i At tIlO NC�14 [AIO Nld RItAII (f0 QAyAbIO, wlth interest, upon nc�tdco from Lender to Horrower rP.qucsting
<br /> puyment.
<br /> 8.M�rtgage Insurance.lf Lender required mortgugo insurance as o condition of mnking thv d�su►scoured by this Secuciry
<br /> lnstrumont. Har+o�ver ahull pay the prcmiums required ta mnintalu tho martBage iti�suranca in eSfocl. lf. foi any reason, tha
<br /> mongAga insuranccs covcrago requircd by[.endcr lupses ar ce�se�to be in effect. Borrowor shall poy tho pmmiums requireal ta
<br /> o1�tAln coverago substantinily equivalent to tho ma»gc�ge ensurnnco praviausla�in effect,at a cast substnntially et�uivt�lent ro the
<br /> cast ta Rorrowcr af tho mortgogz insurunco praviously in effect; fYom nn altomate mortgugo lnsurer uppravrcl�by Lond�r. Yt
<br /> subatwidally c�ui�•�tent mortguge inaurancs caveruge ia not uvullable,l��vrawor shall puy ta Lendor euch month A aum equul ta .
<br /> ane�tweltth of the yeariy marigogo insurancp premium being puid by�.�wer when the insuranoo cavvraga lupsed or ceasoil to
<br /> be in effect.l.ender will accept,uso and retain thesa�+aymantA as n la�s reservo lo lieu of mortgaga insuranco. Loss reservv ,,;.
<br /> farm 30Z8 9l8t!
<br /> Pope 3 010
<br />