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n��h�e��+�.�c�-`..�*.� s;...Y��l'Hm:rt �r`:^+�i�. .�1 `•l ,,,,�.,�,. ,.z -T . - . �� .. ., <br /> �� � . 1� \ s��"1� D_��y��7�y�,�,._:f`,,y, ,� \`�� �r` \�1 i�i'� ��,... _ . �`.°�j:i'�•i.?'.' r�'� � �a l�'� r�!, - <br /> 'ti, ' F� tk � t�t, .�„�: , 1,•,.� i� i � . t � ,•.��•:, � . � 1 <br /> , , �,,,, � t ti ,}r.i � t !' <br /> �ti���,�i i4�yiJ� , �! . .�.r ; <br /> �!hl.,yh,�:4'v���? \.i .,�; . .. ,� ' - F ' . �.. _ . . r� � <br /> `;� �`\ -! <br /> ��\� , S ! <br /> V - - -- . � <br /> .�•�a.�.ei.m ,. . _ �� � , ' � � - . . ._ � +.....�.. � . 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R+�rrowcr warcunt�and will � <br /> defeml gen�a!{y Ihe tit{e ta tlte Fmperty agninst all cluims and dcmunds.aubject ta nny encumbmnr��ai'rc�.ti+rd. � - <br /> 7`t11S SLCURiTY 1NSTEtU(�SBPIT combines unlfatm cave�+s�ns for natinn�i ���e nnd n�n-ua►turm covenants�vith litn�teil <br /> �ts�ia!lc:�.q by Juclsdlcilun to con4tit�!t�n unif�m►c�curity instrument covc:rine r�nl property. � � <br /> UNIFORM COVpNANTS. 8amawcr and Lcndor ruvennnt mid ngrcc as fallawa: <br /> l. Pa�mcnt oP �'rinctpt�l nnd intere�t; PHepuyment and Geto Chnrgcs. Bornnver ahull pramptly puy wlien di�o the <br /> principal of und interest an tho debt evidenecd by the Nota and uny prepayment aad Into chur�es duo under tho Note. <br /> 2. �nd9 fot'Taxes und insurnnce. SubJect ta applicnhlw law or w u�vrluen wuiver hy I.ender� Borrawer shuU p�y tu <br /> Lender an tho day manthly pny�onts t�ro duo under tha Nota,until tha Nota la pidd in f1�11.a sum("Funda")fur:(a)yeurly taxea <br /> wid as�es9�ncnte which mwy attnin priarIty ovcr this Sccurlty Inatrumvnt ug n liun nn thw Property;(b)ycnrly lca+chc�id pi►ymente <br /> �r aniund rents an tho Pn�}wr1y, if i�ny;tc)yeiuly hamtd nr prapeny inxuti�unco premlum9;(d)yenrly tlood insusnnuo pr�lniuma, <br /> it'any; (o)yenrly martgogo 9aqutanco pren�iums, iP ao�;nnd(t� uny sums pnynblo by Borro�vor ta L.endcr, in acrordunce witil <br /> tho provielona of pnmgmph 8,in lieu of tho payment o!martgnge promiums.These iten�.9 aro callcd"liscmw itoms." <br /> I.�endcr muy,ut nny timo.raltect und t►uld Funds in un iunourtt nM to exceed tha niuximum amaunt n tender fnr a fatoraUy� <br /> celnted martga&e l�fln tnny requiro for Barcower's escrow uce�unt nndor fho federnl Renl 8.9tatv Settlement Procciiures Act of <br /> 19T4 us amended from timc to time. 12 U,S.C. Sectlon 26U1 et seq. ("R�SPA"). unless nnathcr IAw that upplics to tho Funds <br /> sct�u lesser amount. if sr. Lende�mny. at nny time� �1,licct and hoid Fundq in nn nmaunt not to oxcced tha lessor nmuunt. <br /> Len�er muy estln�ata tho umonnt of Funds duu on t!►e tutsis af�urrent daw nnd reasonablo estimute9 of oxpen�l�tumi of fluuro <br /> Qscrow Items or��tAorwlse in uoa>rdance�vii�h uppNcublc Inw. <br /> Tha F�tn�ls shall bo hold !n un institut9an wh�se depostta ura insured by n fcdeml agencv� instrument7tSity. or ent;�� <br /> (inciuding Lendcs•,if I.ender ia such an inatitution)or in any Pedar�l Homo L.oan Hank.I.ender sl�all ppply tde Fundq ta puy tha . <br /> Bscraw Items. Lender m�-a�ut churgo Barmwer for holAing and t►pplying tho Funds.nnnuully anulyzing the escrow nccc►►mt,or <br /> vcdf�ing the 6scrow Iton�.a.unless Lendar puya Ban�aw�er intereat on tho Fusida iind npplicAblo law permlts Lender ta mnke�uch <br /> a charge. Ho�vover. I.endee mny require Hnnowcr to puy a ane-tima churgo for nn lndopvndent real est�to tf►x rcpo�ting sorvlco <br /> used by I.onder in connection wlth thi� �nan, unless applicnblo 1��� provide.9 athenvlse. Unl�wa m� s�rcement ix mndo ar <br /> AppIIC�3bI0 IAW fCQUIfC9�RtCTCR1 l0 b8 pA�d.Londer ehidl nui be eequieud ta pAy�ormwor�ny interest or enrninss on tho�unde. <br /> Hortawer and Lendcr mny a�ree in wdtin�R. howcvcr, thnt inturest ahull be puid on tho Funds. l,cnder ahnll give ta Barrower. <br /> without charge. un annus+l aoaauntin�oP the Funds, showing credits und dablt,9 tu the Funds and tho purpose far whlch each <br /> dchlt ta tha Funda was made.Tho Fun�s�►rc.plcdged Ms udditianal secudty 4'or ull eums sccurcd by this Socurity Instcument. <br /> ig�g�J���,����d t!�a►no,u�ts.pernilucd to be hcld bY applic�blo Inw.I�A�Zr RIIIIII ACCOU111�O�PI'fOWCf <br /> for thv oxcess Funde in uccordunc�with thc mquiremente of upplicubla IAw. If U�e nmaant uf the Fnnds Izeld by I�endcr ut any <br /> �ime is not aufficicut to pay�iw Bscrow Items wh0n duo,Londer may so notify Born�wer in wdting.snd,in such caso Borruwer <br /> s�nll pug to Lender tho tuttount necessarY to muko up tho datieloncy. Botrawer shull m�lco up tho deflciency ln no more thxn <br /> twalva montlily auymcnta,at Lender's sote dixs�rct�on. <br /> Upan p�,�tnent in flill of ull sum.v securaf by this Sxurity logtn�ment, Lendor ehall prumpUy refUnd to Hurrower any <br /> Funda held by l.cndcx.If�under pumgmph 21,Lertddr shall acquirc ar sell tho Property,[.onder,prior to tho ncqui�ition or Ralo <br /> af tho Property.shull upply uny Fund9 held by l.cndcr At tho timo of ucc�uisiti�n or Rulo�.v a credit ngn�nat tha sumy�+caured b�r <br /> thie Secudty Insen►ment. <br /> J.AppllcAtton of PayittentA.Unl�s appllcablo law providc9 uthcrwiso,ull p.�,�Amcnta m.cuived by l.cndcr u�adcr purngmphs <br /> 1 and 2 ah�ll fi�applicd: ticYU,to any prcpayment chargcw dud undae the N�to; scoond,to umounia puynblo unS�r paragraph 2; <br /> thiid�ta intc:���t duo:faueh.ta principul due;und lu�t.ta nny lato charge9 dua undcr tho Natc. � <br /> 4.Chnrgesq Lien9.Bc►nawer shall pay ali taxes.ass�wsmenta, charges, tines nnd impositions attributab:r ta tho Proper,,v <br /> ��+hich muy attain prioricy over this 9ecu�ity Instna�nent, and leuschold ppyments or g�ound rents. if ony. Horraw.,r ehull pay <br /> theso abUgadans ln tho munner pravided in paragraph 2,ar if not puid in thet mannor.Born►wer FhNi pay them on tima direetly � <br /> to tho pensan��ved paymcnt.Horrower Rhull promptly fl�r�ish ta I.endcr all notices of umodnts ta be paid undcr this pamgr�ph. <br /> If Borrower makey ihese paymenta dlrectly.Barrower sholl promptly'tLrnisf�ta l,ender reeoiQta'ovidencing tho pnyments, <br /> Borrower sh�ll pramptly diKChurgo uny lien which hfw prlariry aver thia Security Instn�ment uale,w:�arrower:(o)agrces fn <br /> wrlting ta thc paymcnt of t'r o.bligatian securcd by tho iten in o mmmcr acceptat�tr c�e Lender;(b)cantesta in gaad faith the lien <br /> by. ar dQfends ag�inst enf^a�;�mcnt af the lien in, legal proceedinga �vhich jn Nbto Lender'e apiaion opernw to prcvoat tha , <br /> enfarcement af the lien; ar(c)sccurca&n�tho halder af thv Hen an ogrecment sat►�factory to I.ender eubordinuting thv Ilcn ta <br /> thie Security instrument. IP l.ende�•de:c�a� ihut sny part af tho Property ia aubject ta a li�a�vhich muy at�ai�prlority avcr <br /> thia Securlty Inqtrument. l.ender mny giw Rattower a notice identifying tho licn. 6arrawer ehull�cttiatj+the lien ar tako one ar , <br /> ax►ro af tho uctianA set fortt�nbovo wltMn IQ dqys of tho aiving of notico. • <br /> Fonn 8028 9I9D <br /> Paqe 9 ot Q <br />