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<br /> r,�y�ncnt�:mc�y n►�tan�cr bc rcyufred, ut Ihu uptiun��f l.enAcr. if mung��c inrur�u�cc ruvrrnuc lin thc umount und fur ihc pc��la�l
<br /> If�at t,cnder rcquires)pmvidcd by im inhur�r uppr�wcd by I.cndcr a�cdn hcc�miey nvuflabto�+n�i f�:ahtnincA. �iurn�+��ar eltell p��y �� -
<br /> tUo��rend�mi�rcquired tU mnintnin mutiru�e insurunco In cl'1'ec�,or ta pruvidc u lu.r•�►reserve,umU the requiren�er�t ti�r me��t���til;o �
<br /> Irn�u•anco ends ln nc��rdance wlth nny written a�3reemeut betwecn Banua�er and Lcnder ur uppNcublu liav,
<br /> D. li�spcctlun� i.cndcr u�Its i4;cnt mny n�akc rcasonnhlo cntrlry upun.und I�w�ccNan� ai'�ho Pr��pcily. txndrY hlltfli �{IVC �
<br /> [tarrawcr nuttre ut tlia tfnic�iti ur priar t�an(napccdon Rperifyin�rcnsomiblo rnuso far 1ha inspccN�►n. �
<br /> l0. Gundetnnnilan. 7'ho p�urcedv of nny u�vanl ur rlu{m ii�r d++m��ges. dircct o�cnnscqucntiul, In cnnnertlun with nny
<br /> cundenlnuUun ae uther tnl:ing oi nny rart�f the Property�nr far�wttveyn�in{leu uf c�NUlemnait��n,ure hetebY a�lgncd umt �
<br /> sl�nll bo pald t�i l.cnder. '
<br /> in tho evcnt af a tntul tukieg uf'the ikaperty,tha pmrcrclx sltnit tae applied ta the tiuma u�4ug1 hy thls 5ccarlty Inbtrumunt�
<br /> whethcr or not �hcn due. �vith uny exrc4�puld to earro�ver. !n tho evunt uf n paninl tuking oi'thc Pr��pony in�vhlch tha fnlr
<br /> ntnrkcl vnluo��f tho Prnpcny immcdiutoly befaro tho Inking ia equul to ar Hrcntcr thun tha wnuu�u uf the r�nms!�ccat�c�!Ny thla
<br /> ticcurUy in.rtn+mont imm�dlatoly before tho taking. unless B��rmwer und LcnJer��therivise ugree In�vritiny.tho Rumx xecured by
<br /> thlx Securiiy Instniment shull 6e redttced by tho nmaunt af thu praceecl� multiplied by Ihe foUuwing i'ntctic►n: (n) tho tatnl
<br /> umuunt ni'tho sums�ecured Innnedintcly before tho taking, divtdcd by (b)ihc fnir murket valuo��f the pru{�rty inunc�llatvly
<br /> hoF��ro tho lnking. Any bnlnnce shnll bo puid ta Borco�vcr. In tho evcnt aF a panial tukin� af thc Prnperty in which �ho fair
<br /> nu�rkct valuo af'tha Property immcdintcly beforc tha tuking iy tess than ti�e omaunt of tho sums secured immcdiutoly butiure th�
<br /> tnkl���, unlcYy eorrawer and l,ender otherwiso anrco in�vriting ar untess upplic:ibla luw�uhcnviso pmvidvy, tho prix�edw shull
<br /> ho nppHcd ta tho xumy sccurcd by thls Secu�ity I�xtrument whcthcr��r not thn sun�.w oro thon duo.
<br /> tt thu Pn�pchy�R nhnrtdnnrtd by Borrawcr,or iP,ufter notico by Lpndrr a�Bon�»vor tl►at tho candomnur�ffcn�m mnko nn
<br /> uwu�d��r settlo u dulm far damngcs, aurn��vor fuils ta respand to Lender��ithin:��dAys uRor tho dnta tho naNco Is givon,
<br /> IRp1IC�IN AUlI1l��Iitell l0 CUIICCI tllltl QPpIY thC�1TOCCfdJB,ut its optian,cither ta�rstorutian or rcpuir af thc Property�r ti�Iho sum9
<br /> sccurcd hy thtK Sccurlty instrumcnt,Hfiothor ar nat thun duo.
<br /> UflIC9!i LAl1tIC{' At!(I B(1TIOWl1i(11I10i'��'ise ugrcc in writing� any t�pplicnti�m af pracccda ta principai,shal) n�t extend or
<br /> �x�s,}H�tw tho duo duto aP tho monthly pflymontA roforrcd ta in paragraphs 1 und 2�r ohnn�o ihe amaunt at�uch paymenta.
<br /> Il,llu�ower Na�Relca.sedt Fi�rbPUrnnco 8y l.cnder Not a Wnlvor.8xtonsian af tho tfmo far puymant nr mcxiiilcatfon
<br /> ��!pnun1tzatinn t�f tlio sums secured�+y this Sccurity Instrumont granted by Londor ta any surcessar in intorost af 8om»vo�ahnll
<br /> q�uperato U��elci+�ve thc liabiliry of tho odginul Borrawer or Harrawer's huccevsor�in inrorest. i.ondcr ehull nut bo rcqulcscd ta
<br /> am»menct�pr��cec�fingA ngninst u�y 4acccssor!n lnterest ar rott�ho to extend tfmo far payment or othen�iso madify amnrtiuition
<br /> �-i' Iho num� eceut�td by thla Securft,y Instrument by reusan of any demnnd mnda by lhe original Barrawar ar Bormwor's
<br /> aucceasvre In iniCtrst. Any forbcarct��e by �.ender in exorcising any right ar romody ahatl not be u�v�ivor af or prcclud�Iha
<br /> oxcrolao af any right or rcmedy,
<br /> !9. l�ucccr�or� pnd Assig� Doundi Jofnt und Sovcrnl l,labfl(tyt Co•algnera. Th� covenante and �Eroomcnta af thi9
<br /> Securlty Ip�uumcnt elu►II bind und benotit the succ�sars and nsaigns of Londar and Barrower� subJoct tn tho pravislons of
<br /> p�Ft�qru(�3� 17. [k�rrawor'e rnvonunts and ag�eemen�q shnli be ,�afnt mu1 xovvral, Any Hanowor who ca-sians this Secudty
<br /> fit�tmmcni bat cEoc.m�ciieet�io i�ic Nc�t�: (af #s c�s-sigs::n�th�o Sec�i�ty Tnstrument o�ly to m�ttt�� �und cQnvey thal
<br /> Harmwcr'r►Iqturcal in Iho Praperty under the terms af this Sccurity Inetrumont; (b)ie not po�sonal�y ubUgf�ted ta puy tha sums
<br /> eecur�rt hy thix bkcurlty In�9rutnont;und(c)a�rdes that l.ender nnd t►ny athor Aarra�ver mqy uarea ta extorfd�modify,forbear ar
<br /> �;ar��ss�us�4ss�w3l�s��A s��t�+!�ma�f!h1A Srruricy lnswmam ar the Nata wlthtiut ihnt&orrowor's consent.
<br /> 1��I.mm�h�r�t�• IP Iho lann�ecured by this Scx:urity Instrument is�ubJcct to t►lnw which sels maximwn loan Fhnrges,
<br /> pD(I IItft1 IIIW IN flflM�iy IQ10f�1fCICA BO ihAt tit�intarest or ather laan ehar�av,eallectad or ta bo collectod in comtectian wlth the
<br /> Inun oxcced Iho permlitod Ilmite, Ihan: (u)Any euch taan churgo ahull bo roduocd by the+umount necessary ta teduce tho chargo
<br /> t�9hu{+emitttcd Umft;untf�b)uny sut►ts already collected from Horrower whioh excexderl p:rn�ittal Umits wi11 be rcilmded to
<br /> F�►�niwer. I.crnlcr may cha�so ta make thia refund by reducing d�o principul awed under the Note ar by muking n diract
<br /> �xyment ta f�►rmwer. IP o roNad reAuces psinclpnl, tha reduction will bo tro�zted as a parti�l prepayment without any
<br /> prc�y��knl chur�o u�xlcr tho Noto.
<br /> 1��1ltotica�. Any nnliro ta Borrowcr�pm�ida�d far in this Sacurity 1n9tniment ahull bo givan by dellvedng it or by muiling
<br /> it by fl�Ft clpxy mail unle�y opplicuble law rts�pitav u�c of unother methnd.The notica shnll bo directed to ths PcapertY Addcess
<br /> ar �ny othor wldrrAH ik�rrnwor dc�ignutcs by natica ta lAndor. Any nollco ta i.endar t►hail t+e �1ven by fl�at class muil ta
<br /> LCiidOP�N li{I1If0AA BIAlCl1 IlO1C�fl 11�Ally OIIICr AtIdTC9,9 LA11d01'dCSI$11SLC.4 bY riP1ICq tq�p1711�VOf� Aoy natica pro�ided far in thia
<br /> &ccurlty Inxtrunxnt ehs�it ho decmed ta have bcon given to Aarrawai ar l.ender when�ivon ew pravidecl in this parugrnph.
<br /> IQ.t:nv�rnlnp l.wwt l�everabfllry. Thia Sccurity Instrument Ahalt bfl gavemrd by fe�dernl 1�►w and tho law af tho
<br /> Ju�iadtcdan i�i whieh Ihe Fiapoity iA Icxuted. In tha ovent thnt uny pmvisian or aluuae a9 thla Secudty ln.gtrument or the Nate
<br /> �t�1�I��1N Wll�l Qj1�f��CAh��IGW. AUi't�can0l�t ehail nat�'f�t athe.r provi�ians af this Sccurlty In.gtrument ar the Nota which can ba
<br /> Aivmn oftcc�wltli��u��ho conniciln8�+r�vlxian. Ta this endl•the pxovialans ot'this Stcuri�y Instrument nnd the Nate iue declarod
<br /> ta bo sovarehlo.
<br /> 1b�Narr��w�er'e l'apy�l��rn�w��Nhnll bo givan asie wnformed copy of tho Nate m�d af this 3ecudty lnsuumont.
<br /> Form soze e�eo
<br /> pope 4 010
<br />