�1;�(� 1'r fj��{t,i •. -M-�,}.Ti '•:•'p�jt!i/l•:i:�". , t. r� �_,^.` � . . .`._:.;-i:. -i L ' K�OS. �'��11}S;?'n��*'�:^c � +:i• �!7t.
<br /> 1� �� C h}}y,fs� .�t"'� -Fli. 1. Y' k,,�,.�' � •y
<br /> � � fSF7�, :1,-n,r�;l�l�vtr`n.•.'..w.lk � .
<br /> � Q :ti+� �'� i.
<br /> 's
<br /> �'� •
<br /> :� .. _. �
<br /> �.,
<br /> � :r:�-�-
<br /> - ���- '�.�"_..'--- - �._...__.�.�+....—.�.�-�..---........... --- - --`„M . .�. .--..
<br /> 9o--- �0752'7 � �,��.-..�r,��.S
<br /> �• - ',. °, t �d by Ihla SeQi�lly Inelmma� pdo►to or on Ihs due �.-�y_A,t�Y;lc:.-..
<br /> r �"�. . .. m eortow�r aNwM•by awnp�o P.y ti w��ny m�nN wr� � e�-'��.��.�;_,�_._ —
<br /> - �';,
<br /> �� „� , • d�d tM nwl monthN P�Y�^��o• � ,�,,___ �:�-
<br /> ' �sn ather ohlkj+tion� eo^ul^�d in Ihh �'
<br /> ! � � , � (1�8ortpwnr dM�uq� by IuWnq� la� p�riod ot Ihirly d�ye. to pertomr Y �--'----�--=-:.-� .. - --
<br /> . S�curNy Imlmm�nt.
<br /> � .... (b)Bato Without Cradit Apprawl. I.ender sh�Y. II pe�mltled by �ppYc�D�e 41w md wilh ih� pdor approvel ot ihe �1�;;�-_-
<br /> �LiMrS-._�-.._______
<br /> � ..;, 1�a�Wy,nqulro Imrned4�ta p�ymaN In fuM ot�N Iho sums�ecured by Ihir 3ecurihi Instrumenl�f: — ��--�y�;�;q��g,,.
<br />— •~'.'ti�.',� . . (�IN a p�A o1 th�PropsAy i�othwwlu twnst�rt�d(othw th�n by d�vis�a dea^t)by Ihe Borrowe+.�nd 't,.,�};��:�,,
<br /> ���-.I, )i I�y.a�-t�I'1'n.-'�i'
<br /> � 1---;+-,rn•,�• (p) Th�prop�ty b not oacupled by the purclwser or pranteo ea hl�or her prknary ar secandary resfdence, or Ihe purch�ecK A _..�•. _.,y�,• -
<br /> �. � or 9rantM does so oaaipy th�Rro{ierty but hh a ha credit h�s not baa�apProvad in�ccord�nca wllh Ihe requkements ;. ;.. ,�,r..:^c',;���..
<br /> " „ '" 01 th�S�crM�ry. , .
<br /> ;� ., • t in fuA,but Lende�does �--«_-�: -
<br />' � . (O�No W�hI�I. fl cfrwmsUnaes oecu�th�t would pamit Lender to raquke Immed4le paymen �,...�_��
<br /> . no1 requlro wch paymenU,L�nder doe�not walve it�dpMo wilh ratpect to subsequeM eve+NS. p�;�=.s..�-...--
<br /> ' . f� ��� p� H(�p$���ry.ln many c*a�mdan�as r¢gutatbne Issued by Ihe Secretary will limtt Lender's ��::,' ,
<br /> ke Mnwd'atta payment h fur and fareclose il nol pe(d.Thfs Security Inatrument ;,""'�°lis7t�sJ�"':
<br /> , {iQAIYi,kf tll�C�SY of•pa]ImM1t dC�I�IL's�LO�'4�I ':.,••�!����r��.._,-
<br /> ,� ' cln�s not�uthaixa�coal�ntlrx►or(w»dos+ue if not pe+mittqd I�y negulat3ons o(tlw� etary. ::,�.;::„- ._•,_;. .,.-
<br /> , .�,
<br /> , �,� Ired immadladQ payment In futl uecausa ol �+..t :,,;�i�.i,�'���
<br /> f0. Rotnatatamo�t. sarowe�tus o r+qnc co na re�r+srsced ir u�naer i,as requ , . ,
<br /> . , Bortowar'a Wlun to pry�n amount due under th�Note or thls Securily InsUvmenf.Tl�ls� ht aRCM's evert aRer forrrclosure proceedir►9s �,•_�se+;';cs•:;�• � e:,:.?`,�.
<br /> g td�
<br /> . To nMiatat� th� Securiry Inshumenl. 8arowe► shall lender In a lump sum ap amaunts requked to bring Borrower's ����'�'r�'����,,`
<br /> � .. u�Inbtldlt�d +.,>.«:s:1.
<br /> t ., � �ccoum artenl Ndudiny, to tha exlent Ihey ore obllgatbna ot Borrower under thls Secu�Ity Instrumenl, toraclosure cosls a�d �
<br /> - associeted with the foredosu�e proceedlnfl. Upon relnstalement by , ���,s,
<br /> ° ret�on�W�md euatortwry attomeya' lees and expenses properly
<br /> " 6qrowa�, Ihla gautiy Instiument and the oblq�Uons that it secures ahaY rmwin In eflect as N Lender had not requfred immed�ate } ,s•,-°,. ���
<br /> . payment ln IuN. However, Lender la not requlred to permlt rekistalemenl N: (t) Lender haa accepted reinstalement afler the ` ,.. �-�,
<br /> canrnencement o1 loredosure prooeedn9s wilhln two years Immedletety preceding Ihe commencemenl 01 a curcenl loreclosure '�.,._-
<br /> . . proceadiny, (i� nelnelelement w�l precluda f o r e doaure on d l N e rent 4 r ounds In the luture. w(ifq�einslalement will advetsely etlecl the . -^-^R
<br />: • • „ , prbtity o1 the Men ueoled by Ihfs Seeurity Instrumenl. : .; -
<br /> .[.,,.T
<br /> 11. Borrowor Not Releasod; Forbaarance By lender Not a Waiver. Edenslon ol the Ilme oi payment or i4, ?.._��__
<br /> ' modlflalion oi �morllratlan ol Iha eums secured by Ihls Secudry Inntrument qrented by Lender to any successor in fnterest ol Borrower ��.�•r.;•;°,� -_-
<br /> ah�Y not operAte to release the Ii�bYity ol the algl�al 8ortower or Bonower's successor in Inte►est. Lender shWl not be requkad lo ` . .;�,�
<br /> � commenoe proceedinge �yalnst any auecessor In Interesl a refuse lo exlend Ilme lor paymeM or olherwlse modlly amoAfzapon d the �. , ,
<br /> - � ' :Y.."�-��.�:.s�� -
<br /> , eums tecured by Ihis SQwrity �nsWmen�by reason ol any demand made by the orfgfnal Borrower or Bortower's successors m ; '
<br /> i, ' . :'1`S_s<<���:.�_ . .
<br /> _;.,t,,r.-�.;;.---- adwasl. Any torba�rarsco by Lender!n exerclstnQ ^"y�9M or remedv shall not be a waher ol or preclude Ihe exerclse ot any riphl _Y;�:
<br /> ;_�. �. •. or temady. .r
<br /> � �. �. 12. $ueaeasors and Assigns Bound; Jolnk and Several UabUity; Co-Signers. The covenanls and ag►eemenls i , ,.;., ::
<br /> � , 01 thla Sewrlty Inslrument ahall bind and benefA the suceessors and asslgns ot Lender and 8onower, subjeel lo Ihe provlsions ol ; . .
<br /> Paragr�ph 9,b. 8arower'a covenants and agreementa shell be jatnt and several. Any Barower who co-signs Ihls Secudty Inslrumenl i .. � . •
<br /> bul doea not execute th�Note: (a)Is caslgning Ihls 3ecurlty Instrument ony to moAgaqe, grant enci convey thal Bonower's intwest In � . ,
<br /> � ' the Propaly under the terms ollhla Secudty Instrument; (b) fs not peraonally obligated to pay the sums aecured by Ihls Securtty ; .
<br /> t •.
<br /> Imtrument;end(o) �yrees that Lender and any othcr Bonower may egrae to extend, modity,forbear a meke eny aceom►nodallone with ' .
<br /> reye►d l0 1he term ol th{s Seaxly Inatnimmt a Ihe Nole wAhou! that Bortower's consent. ,
<br /> • . ' 13.NOtIC68. My notice lo Borrower provided br In thls Security Instrument ahell be prven by delivedng II or by mailing It by � � �
<br /> � � � Ifre! eloea maQ unless appGCable lew requkes uae ol another mothod. The ndlce ahall be direCted to the Propa+ty Address or eny
<br /> other addresa Bortower deslgnelea by notice to Le�der. My notke to Lender shaA be gNen by firsl class ma0 to Lender's ,
<br /> � sdd►e�s at�ted hereln or any eddress Lender doslgnales by notice to Bortower. Any notice provided lor In Ihls Securlty InstNmenl �
<br /> . �. thu11 be deemed to have been yben to Borrower or Lendcr when glven es provided In Ihls pa►agraph.
<br /> • : ' 14,doverning Law; SeveraWlity� This Securiry Insttumenl sha�l be govemed bY Federal Inw and the law ot the .
<br /> ''�•`.4, ,:'; Jurlsdkllon in whlch the PropcYty Is located. In Ihe event Ihat any provlslon or clause of thls 5e�urNy Inatrument or the Note con0icts ,
<br /> "�+��:�:,'�' wl�h eppllable liiw,such confll,:t ahall not aHeel other provlsions of this Secwity Inslrument or Ihe Note whlch can be given effeci •
<br /> ,; vvllhout tht conNctmy provlsfon. To thla end Ihe provislons of Ihls Securiry Instrument ond the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 15.Borrowor's Capy. 8arower shall be glven one conformed copy ot thls 9ecunly Inslrumem.
<br /> , ' ' : ':� 18.Assignment of Rents. Borrower uncondilionally assigns and translers to Lender all the rents and revenuCS 01 the I
<br /> }���` PropeAy. Barrower aulhorizes lender o► Lender's agents to caAe:.t the rents and revenues and hereby dlrecls each tenant of the
<br /> �,�i; . . Ropeity to piy the renta to Lender or Lendei s egents• Howe+rer,prior to Lender's notice to 6oROwer of Bcrcwer s b•Eacb ol any
<br /> .. " eoveiunt a aqreernent In Ihe Security InsUurnent. 8ortower sha11 collecl and receMe all renls a�d revenues �:' '�� property as Irustee
<br /> ;1„��",,. for the benefll ol Lender and Bortowet Ths ass�y rnem of rents conslitutes a� absolute assignment an;," ^a! an assgnment tor
<br /> :��;•;' ' adciWonal aecurlty only.
<br /> •�., . r'Lender qhres nodce ol Creac^ ".a &orcawer: (a) a'c r�er's rece�ved by Bortower shau�e re•n by Bonow.�r as frustee 'c- D!Y+e�ii '
<br /> N 4.w�only.to he apptied to Ine sums s�ecu�ed by the S:�c..••�,� �nstrument: (b) Lender sna. :c• entlled ta ce��ec�an:�>:a�tie a_'
<br /> . , i �t QPK�nents a!n�r�r Property;and(c) each tF^a,c cr�tie Proo�y shall pay a7 rents Cae artd::r�a.� to LRrder c- Lender's a3er.t c� ,
<br /> � lerc�s's wrYac��:�.vand lo the tenant.
<br /> ! �.rpwer haa not exewted any Fnrr ass;nmerc c':'^�e'�ts and has not aRd wu �et wr�":*rn ar.y act tnat woulC FrQYerc Lercdc* ,
<br /> koern perasing Ns rlyhts imder tna Rangn;.�aE.
<br /> Lendw shall not be ncqu�red tQ enter �;c^ t3wa C=n•rOl ol Or m3mt�m Ihe Propa.rty b�o�e e�aRt+givmg not�ce c} ��each lo
<br /> • - � u�......� ��..w...�.. .�w�.�rur,r.r�.�rx�r�er mav do so at any Ume Ihere�i i L^�2�Gh Any app��cat�a� CT t.w�f5 5�71( nCt
<br />... . . �:v�:o..�...................... —' _�'_--• �'
<br /> Cure or waive any defauR or naal�ate any orherr nght o�remedy ol Lcnder- This ass�ry�mFnr oP re.nr; o�fne Rrope�ty sha� trr+m.Rare
<br /> � � when ihe deot secured by the Seu.nry tnsbum.�nt �;Pad�+ t,ll.
<br /> 17.Foractosuro P�ac�.i�cr�. IN l.er�aler re�uires immediate paymerst in full unde� Paraqra�b 9.
<br /> Lendor may invoka the pawer cyA s.s�e and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Leader
<br /> shall bo Qntklod to collect all ex�stnses incurred in pursuing lhe remedies provided in this paragre�sh
<br /> iT.Includln�. but not llmited to, feAS�nabte aMornoys' fees and costs of fitle evidence.
<br /> ' If tho power of sale is invoked, T►u�tee shall record a notice of default in each counly in wh:ch
<br /> � V.1�7^ 1 �'�
<br /> .,�,� ;r�,oeivo� +r.J�;oue�
<br /> r
<br />