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:.� F ��,.:�r � �� .. �.�t',X �_ •'�r �. . . rl.�G}d�'�.�.M.+t.'V. _�['; i4�:!��.i;i,:..ip`�:, 'A_ . f rt , . 'i,if�';i�:-` - -� <br /> � i/�i��'"%� ��.{;.t:t� r,lt�i."� �. ...,�i a,:,� �i .r. .1��`:d'� r. +,-/ . , . — — <br /> �:•�:ji�,�r r :�F� cLt� .�;�inB��-�' .. , .e�r .�-.-.-..�„- .�_.—�--__ . '" . <br /> � N L. <br /> M �vr , .a?,! � . r.._�� . <br /> 1 ,�. ., ' . :.T��=. <br /> � r�.• ;r.. . -- <br /> � '��� ' .-. _ . <br /> . <br /> ._4 ' <br /> _ . � <br /> - � . . .. �`.li, _ ' '_',. _". _--' <br /> di'.:v:._ �—___ <br /> �. . -. _ �.� ��w� �00� �9!{�11 �`��tl;"{i�.��-''°�_..—__ <br /> �%� <br /> . ._.,,,. ... At YNd MI thla S�CU�Ny Insirun1M11, "S�dN►�� rt►Mns th�3acrat+�Y ol Howiny and Urt�n Grvebpment a s h ev. ';,,;r�;.svr!-- <br /> � .. ., Mott $�awNy ImtrurtNnts M1Wt�d by ih�8�crM�ry ut hfured undw pro�ns wAleh rpulro advanee paymant ol th�Mlk�mortqaye `:�'�'`.:�,.-.-- -- <br /> ., .. . m whkh did eot rRquwe�d+r�nu p�ymant ol lh��niko .''"'"�=J��_� <br /> ' �� ` .,:�t-.,�.r,,. :�.' . Inw�prot�fum, H 1hb 8�owitY IosWmmt b or w�s In�ured undar�proyra . �'.�-.',.�r.•__�_—. ---- <br /> •• �•, , moAy�q�tnwrartc�pr�n�Yue, thm Meh mon�hh P+Y�++��sh�1�tso r►cmde wber.(q�n�nsuNment ot th�annual mortp�qe Insuranca - :,.`3:-;.,..FV- <br /> `}�,,,_, <br /> .. � . , prortdum to b� pdd by LwtdK to th� S�a�t�uy ar(1i)�rtwMhy eh�rpe inatead o1�moApaqe inwrane� pranlum it Ihia Security :•... <br /> ' ' °f�� � Udnimant b hMd by Ih�SouMary. E�ch monlhly hf1�IMnen1 ot Iho morly�ye Insutine�pnmlum ah�N ba In�n amounl wMclenl to � �'.. <br /> � ' ` ;: ' pocumuht�Ih�IuA�nnwl morty�0e inwrana Pnmium with Landa on� month prior to ih�date Ihe IuU�nnual matqaqe �nsunnce _. ,:�.��1. <br /> '� ,\:����r.� or q thls 3ewdly Inatrumeni is held b ths Sac►eu e�ch monlh ehar e shaH ba in m�mounl ,u..v=.== <br /> , . premium b du�to th� S�aNuY. Y ry. b 9 ;: �w�;_.°d . . <br /> .� � � -_ �°.� �qual to on►twMllh oi an�hap p�reant oi Ih�oulst�ndino P�indWl bdancQ diw on Iho Nolo. .. <br /> . � .t�..�_....__..�., <br /> � ��gpRqyw qndrs to��nder Ihe lup p�yment ot�D sume seaued by thia 3�w►ity Inatn�ment.Bw►ower'a aeeouM shaY be ueditod u�.���. <br /> ' � wllb tha baYna nn�inNp for aM InataAinent�lor flems(a).(bl and(o) md any moriq�ye inaurance premium Inslwlima►1 ihet Lender � ;.,.;t:.:�::;•r.;: <br /> � ? � has not b000aM obAq�t�d to pay to th�Seael�ry,and Lender sh�Y prompty relund any exceas lunda to 8onower. ImmeAi�iey pdor to <br /> ''.'..: •loredosur s�t� d ilw ProPeAY o►qs�pNiafU°�M► Lender.Bortowe�'s account shW bo c►edited with any 6alance rertufntnq b�a4 <br /> - 1 , ,,;.y�=��: <br /> - � � a.r.w,.►�w�r�.c��,ro�•�d t��. i�4;;"„�s�,,,_:-- --- <br /> y�z,.�„-��� <br /> � . � 3.App�ilcatlon of Paymanb. Ap p�yments undet P�Ph9� t arfc!2 ShiA be aDAlfed by le�der as lollows: iv'� ,� T.�:.�.LL:. <br /> h <br /> .�, <br />. , . Fil�f 47 tM morty�ye insurancs prendum to be laat� bSr deuf�r ta the SQCeetacy or to the monthty charge by ihe Sc�xelary ,� :.�,;k,`,�r-,�,,.��'�?' <br /> , ' , InsLe�4 or M+e moothy motip�pa inwnnoa premlu►rti�tess Borrawar�cY tM¢ncre matgage insurarrce pre�raum whon Ihis Security : . ..���.�:�l"�: <br /> • , • N�sAv�r�C wss�Ipned: , - <br /> . S��l to�ny t�xes,sPeciat assesxnanb, Wasahol�t P�ts ar gv�d ecnts.anct 6re. E'a�d and other hazard insur+rrce �{/. 3,x.y�.;_---��,= <br /> ( pfH'�IIURIS.i9�@'� `�- ' �� ''.:�R�.. <br /> . . . . -/i .:J1t. <br /> • • � Third, to Y�Aaese cius u�sde+thee tWa4e; !. . �:,:,:�- - <br /> � � �� � FOU�th,to amo+lzat+on o9 lhe p�incipal of ihe Note; . <br /> ' �. _�_,.. <br />' �� � Fifth,to lata charpes dua under the Nolo. � � _� <br /> � ' 4. �lio, Flood and Other Ht�ard insurancQ. Botrower shaY in�ure aU improvemenis on ihe Property.whelher now m � . <br /> „ , ' • exiatence or aubaequently erected. �gainat any hazards, easualties, and conlingenGes,including fire, tor which Lender roquires i � . �, � <br /> ' insurance. Thls inauance shaN be mointained in the emounts and lor 1he pc+lods Ihet Le�der requires. Bonower shall also insure oll 4 <br /> Improvamanis on lh� Properly�whether now in existenae or subsequenly erected,a¢ainsl loss by flooda lo ihe extenl required by tha <br /> � gecrelary, All Inauruiee ahaA be ca►ried with companles approved by lender. The Insurance polides and any renewala slwtl be hetd by r , � <br /> . Lend�and shaN hduda baa peyable elauses In favor oi,�nd tn a brm oaeeptable to,Lender. �( � t��.-r <br /> 1;. '�`?,°`-' <br /> In th�event of baa,Bortower ahatl give Lender Immediate notice by maY. 4ender may make prooi ul loss il not made p►ompl1y by ;•. ' • ' �=:'' <br /> . :.:�,: ____.,_. ._� lu • "�`;� <br /> :,..'�`:-,-:. -- Bortowe►. Eaeh Insu►once company concemal is hari,y autba�zed and d'ae:.iu�ta makc psyment lor such loe. �IKir:tly to Lender. <br /> � Inste�d of to Bortower and to Lender jolntly. All or any paA ot the insurance proceeds may be npplled by its oplion.either (�'::...'i <br /> �. ::,;_''�,.'°.,,,. . . ;� . <br /> , l,•�'�ls . ,,'• (a)to the reductlon of the Indebtedness under the NWe and thls Securfty Inslnimml.fvst to any del�nquent Amounts applied in Ihe arder <br /> � �'�'�' In Paraymph 3, and then to prepayment ot prindpal,or(b) to the restoraUon or repak ol the damegod property. My applicatlon of the �r. • <br /> .� • � ,;:'•..i.: . <br /> � . � � � proceeda l0 1he prinolp�l shaA not exlend or postpone the due dale ol the monlhty payments whfch are reterred Io In Paragraph 2,or <br /> ' ' chanpe the amount oi such peymenis. My excess Innuranee proceeds over an amounl requued to pey eQ oulslandinq indobledness <br /> ��'� .,. t• . <br /> •� ; ,. undat tha Nole and thls Secudty InaUUment shaY be pald to Ihe entity legally enlAled thereto. <br /> ' („'. . . <br /> • In tha evant of loredosure ol thls Security Inalrument or olher transler ol title to Ihe Praperty Ihal e�14�pu�shes the Indebledness,atl ` <br /> � � � . , rlpht,t1Ua�nd Interest ol Borrower In and to insurance poAc�es In face aha4 pass lo the purchaser. f •� <br /> i <br /> t .�. •� .. , . � <br /> : ;�. , � . <br /> 5. Proservation and Maintenance of the P�operty. Leaseholds. Borrower shall not commil was�e or destroy. <br /> " '�!' � demaye a aubstantleAy ehenge the Property w albw the PropeAy to deteriwate,reasonable wear and lear excopted. �endcr may " �. <br /> �' ' InepeCl the propc�ly H 1he property Is vacant or abandoned �r the loan Is In defautt. Lender may take reasoneble actlon lo proleci and <br /> : i' <br /> .` . �� p►eserve such veeant or e6andaned property. H thls Secudly Instrument is on a teasehold.Bonower shan comply wiih Ihe provlslons <br /> � ��� . . of the lease. II Qarower eequlres fee thle to tho Property, the leasehdd and fee title shall nol be merged unluss Lender aqreos to the <br /> r <br /> ; . . . meryer I�wnting. <br /> :4�' • <br /> ;, �. <br /> 6. Charge� to Borrower and Protectlon of Lender's Rlghts in the Property. eorrower saai pay an <br /> govemmentel or munldpal charges, tines and ImposNlons iha!are not Inctuded in Pa�agraph 2. Bonower shall pay these obllgations on <br /> , tlme dkeolly �o the enlity whlch Is owed the paymenl. II latlure to pay would adversely aHect Lender's fnterest In lhe Property.upon <br /> Lender's request Borrower aha9 promptly lumish to Lender recetpts evidendny these payments. <br /> ^ ' 11 Borrower I�IIs to make Ihese paymenls or the payments required by Paragraph 2,or lails lo pe►form any other covenanls and <br /> �'•Y{' � <br /> , agrennente conulned In Ihls Security InsUUment, or there Is a leyal proceeding that may slgnificanty aHect Lender's rlyhls In the <br /> properly (aueh es e proceeding I�bankruptcy, for condemnalion or to enlorce laws or regulallons�. Ihen Lender may do and pay <br /> whatevet Is neCesaery to protecl Ihe value ol the Property and lender's dghts in Ihe PropeAy. Including paymen[ �t taK�. ��.z�ard <br /> • • � � Inaurance and other ftems menlloned In Paregraph 2. <br /> •�•;'�. ,: My amounta dlsDutsed by lender under this Paragraph shall become an add�hcR�� ciebt ol Borrower a�d C�se:.•-ed :� '-9 <br /> � Sear1l�• InsltumerN.These amounts shell bear Mterest trom the date ot d�sbursemeITr �,r:•�e Note rate, and 3t tne cptio� cf Len� s•�6 <br /> �` . �.' ��� .It.�; �he arrr,�ialey Cue and paya6le. <br /> `i �� j„ ��p�u�1, 7i+Q��oc�eds of eny award or claim lor �lamages a*pu e� c^�s�e:.::e-t�a�. m connection w�� arT <br /> �tmrt a ael7er ea'.++g of eny hart of thQ Pro�i�ty. or lor coaveyance �p�a.�E cr CanQ�mr.3;�n.are hereby ass�gned a^1 s^3•t <br /> p�p�iG tp Lertder ra tl+e��ctent ol the lull amou�t of rt+rt�ndebtedness Ihat rema�ns �.^:+a 3 unde*1he Note and th�s Setunly Irt,:ru^�+! <br /> . Lendv sM�P aipply sud� proceeds lo the reduceon nt the mdebtedness und�.+iha:Lcte and this Secunty Instrument. tr;r io a1y <br /> 1 deYnauent amourds aipp��ed In the order prov�ded m Parigr.tCn 3 .r��1 then to pr�payment ct p�Tc+�a1 Any appt�catwn o}tne p•��e:�s <br /> � t0 th@ principal SM.a�not extend or postpone Ihe due date ot u+�e monthly payments. wh�ch .;r��n�e,zned to m Paraqr.�pn 7 ,;�•�-3�gC <br /> Ihe YmOUnI Ot suth �ma.Y�ts Any CxCess proCeeds over an amount mqunod lo pay all ou[stanq�+•� n.:rr�n�Y��:•> un�,x tl�3 M1�':�3�d <br /> �hy SYCUrity �nsWmunl 5H�11 ba�d to Ihe enUry legaily entdled thMeto <br /> , 8. FYYi. Lender mry collect tees and charges outhorized by Ihe Seerelary <br /> 9. tirounds for AccQlQrstton of Dobt. <br /> ' ' (Q� �Y�t1�1. Lender msy.exCepl as hmACd by rc9ulatwns issucd by the Scuclary m th� c,�:,�•,^� Dd,�`'�'�I dCIdU1l5 r��u��r <br /> , Imrt�ldiN!paymE�nt in lull ol al) sums seeured by Ih�s Securdy Instrumenl d <br /> �,�„� ,�a <br /> �...••�r T��(10/9�1 1fiC�1 <br /> . 1 <br />