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. , ,.�:.. -��. <br /> "_"` i� . ,,. - <br /> A?M�li± nA:.. . � _ ..,...-. <br /> . . • _ •:i5:x.;3�...;�. ... . ;,ii��fv;,: <br /> . wa�t. q�.l' .!-*b__ <br /> �j...vh^ �1��: . _ _ —_ - .--::..... - <br /> .. ' rn•. �� _�... <br /> . ��::.., �-. 10 75��' -_.---- � <br /> �"`�' `; anY put o1 th� Prop�rh h Oocd�d �nd shsll mt�ll copl�� of wch aotla� 1� m�nn�r ai pr rlb� _ <br /> ::��� by sppllo�I�w to 9onow�r�nd to th�MMr p�non� pr��c►Ib�d by�ppllc+�W�I�w. Afl�r th� tim� _ — <br /> .. <br /> -,- �. � r.yui� � �ppfi..-�o lasy� Tns�lee �11 Qlve �OUblla notla� ot�al�to ths p�rsons md 1�!h� m�nn�r <br /> -- -- <br /> _ ;,• pnus�ibM! by appllo�l� Iwr. Trusl��� wtthout d�m�nd on Borrow�r. sh�ll ail ih�Proputy�t publla =� <br /> wctlon to!h�hl�d Wdd�r �t th�tim�md pl�o�and und�r th�t�rms dodpn�t�d In thr notic� of ���'="°"- <br /> ' �` '��r°," s�b �n on�or rnon psrcds a�d in any ad�r Trusb�d�t��min��. Trua��m�y postpo�• ul�oi all or _ <br /> ��«�``�' � sny psrc�� d th� prop�rty by publi� annouoc�m�nt d th�tim� and pl�c�oT �ny proviously 4ahadulod _ <br /> :X� �;�'�. <br /> `� � . q1�. L�nd�r ar Ib d�sipm� m�y purahu�lh� Prop�rty�t any s�l�. <br /> _ ...:�: � <br /> - - - - -- ------r� <br /> ." �_'r:. .. Upon naaip! of pq►mmt of th� prlc� bid. T►usta� �hdl ddiv�� to tho purahaoer T�u�tao's dood — <br /> wC','�f 'It:n..•:'�, ", <br /> '°''����� � conv�ytap tM Proq�rty.Tho r�ctlal� In th�Truatoa'�do�d shdl ba prima hcie evldenco of the trulh <br /> � � , a.».y;. <br /> ��-��• • oi th�atat�m�Ms m�d�th�rolo. T�ustoo shall �pply th� praco�ds oi th� ade in tho iollowing orde►: (a) <br /> ._-- _� �' ':�,�f'r`�,•. to all �xp�ews oi tho sd�� includln�, bW not Iimit�d to. Trustao's foos at parmiftod by appQcablo law . - <br />�j_9•h�� •:y.•'''.. , ~,�� .�7;.'.� <br /> ���;;�, and r�wonabl� attorn�ys f��s; (b� to all sums aacurod by this 8oaurity Irwtrumant: �nd (c) any oxcpe� -� <br /> , ,: <br /> _�.. . .. .. ; <br />_ _ -�,,. , �. .,,,, to 1h*P�eson or lo�rsa�s Ipsl�i �n�lad to it. <br /> .,�. .. .. .,,,,. � _, - __ ---. <br /> ��l.:. . . . _ ,�,s����' 18. R�C01�V�y�11e0. UDo�D+iYm�! Instrument 4.Qnd�e* ahall request Trustee Oo =- - <br /> r l: � :rrr�r� 01 ill 6Ut1/S s8C4�'ad h�l kFll� ��'YC�f%Y <br /> '�ti�:.11•� i%:{i.c�� �1 <br />-:'��:,",.•,� ��: i,ti<,•�;rj- 1�Cqril�!h?P�0(IRty�fld 6AN S+1Rd►dN 1fii3° 1'tl�t ItIShUMB11t Ant1 BY rtOtQd Cwid¢ttCin�p d¢b4 S¢pl�c¢d k1Y thiS S0C41r�tyt Shumint W <br />- �;.;� , . �t,.,:.:, — ---- - - <br /> :;:.�;e,.•.r�'�,. . :.. f CflT.itlfid [O it$I�Ch l••,•. — <br /> ��ra�+�����:i:"!.' TnistaY.T�IaQ aAaN noafwly tA4 Prof�Y wNhout wu�aMy�nd wHhou! chNrQe ln the persoct or petsons eqaRyr � -- <br /> -`;;,�1t'``�'�'', ,., •� '� `%�, p�p�pr Ppsons sIW pay Ilny recotdatfon cosis. -- <br /> 'i_ .. �..�(k�v;ly�Yi•_• .. . . f;R?�.•:.x. <br /> ... T'';::�::.;. .: . . . —_. <br /> .. �,f.,Cy`���t_��x::::•,:,,..;,}•,..� 18.8ubdltuta Truat�e. Lender,at fts oppon.may�rom time to tima remove Taslee and appolnt a auceessor hustee to anK <br />..,'1•,' . . eF'^'�;.,a-.. p. �••.�•�'.. <br /> .�-,--,,, : :��,�j, ' Tiustae�ppaN►tad hareunder by ae Inslnimon�recorded in the counly h whbh Ihla Secudty Instrument is reco�ded.wihout oor►xeyae�ce �" _��: <br /> I�.�r � . . • - • of the�wcassar truetee thaU�uoceod to�II Ihp dtle.Powe�md duties conferred upon Tnialee herein and by epp�cable •�;A��,� <br /> ��i� I�w. .. „:_��_ <br /> 20. RY 11Yft f0� NotICeB. 8ortower requests Ihel copies of the notices ol delaup and aale be senl to Bortower'a address 'j�'� <br /> , . ' . ti :��. ' h.:��`., q „ _ ..�:ti._:. <br /> „„ . �x,� whbh Is ihe Propdty Address. "Borrower(uAher roquests that coplea of Ihe notkes oi delouft and sale be sent to Ihe purson sel �,_,.,:�:�� <br /> <;•. . ��ir�f�-:, idth henN:' -- <br /> � 2 :.`�i 1Ll'i�'��'r 21. AMENDED COV�NANT. In addiUon to ihe eovenrMS a�d ap►eemenla mado in Ihe Inst�ument.MoAgayee and �----— ' � <br /> 1.. �.. .n '•. 'r r''�.� _..."'" `. . <br /> Mortpepor luiihar aoYenani�nd agree a8 fdbws: �����: -. <br /> f.4...�.�.:,:..t:t.wi� _ <br /> � • � �;�, 8otrowa�qrees ih�t ahouW this Sncurity Inst�ument and the nole aeaned ihere6y not be eUgibte fa inaurance unde�Ihe �r ,,�,a��„ <br />.`''.;_; . �..�ut,..�i;,���r,_+1 ����q q«�� At pf doYB (80 d8Y8L_Irom the dnte hereoi. Lender its option end '`=�+-�j- <br /> -- noh�flhslan�stp eRythirtQ k► Pernmaoh 9, requira knn�ediate Qayment in tup ol �II aums secured by ihis 3ecurity ,�,ry,� '�__� <br /> .r.. ';�-,-,�;,,a - `� <br /> ' • '+ Inthumen4 A w�iten etatement of �ny authorized agent o1 ihe Secretary dated au6sequent to � K . o <br /> �.�1,��`f,���,. hom ihe dale hereol,declinln to inaure Ihis Securiry Inslnimenl and ihe �, , ±:�{;+�.�x,,s'���Y'�' <br /> , ., ,,,.,,, , # ot dars �90 a.y�L_ 9 . .. . . <br /> � � '' '' "' oote seourod thereby. ah�Y be deemed conGusNe proot oi such InellgibYlry. Notvrilhstandinp Ihe loregotng, this optlon . ". • :T�!ffi� <br /> � . �`���,'���•���.' , m�y not be exardied by Lender whea tha un�vaUaW�ty oi Inaurance Is solely due to Lender'e Iaiiure to remit a martyage •+-�� <br /> . :�,�1�� . ' '�`. "J;P•_ <br /> .��� , � Nreu►anca premfum to ihe secretary. ::����; �;f•;,,;-� <br /> .�. :;.��_ <br /> .. , ... ��.r<:�.,�ri�AiN�L <br />. . , i�l�.;rY � . . _ . <br /> ' '�������� 22. Ridors to this Seourity Inetrument. Ii one or more dders are exewted by Bonower and reCOrded togelher with � <br /> ' � � ' ihis 3oquity InaWmenl, Ihe coven�nts ol each auch rider shatl be Incorporated Into and shell emend and supplement 1he covenanls <br /> , I'"1�•�� and�yrua�nanis of thb Securiry Inatrument as tl the dder(s)were in e pan o1 ihie Security Instniment.(Checic appNcabk box(ea)). � � _- <br /> 'i •': • .. <br /> ' `,� �� ❑Condominlum Rider ❑AdJustabte Rate Hider ❑Cirowinq Equiry RidEx • � • • <br /> ' .,}S��S���. :,��I ���'•�', <br /> " ;,°. ,.''�'rJ;'�. ❑Pl�nned Unit Dw�lopment Rkter ❑Qraduated Payment Rider �Other Aoknow. & Mortgage Addendum .. ' <br /> , �.,�� . <br /> +.,,; ,'•.• ., , . •. <br /> '��r"�n BY SICiNINCi BELOW, Barower accepls and Agrees ta the ferms contalned In this Security Inslrumenl and in any rider(s)executed , , •'-��_ <br /> , '�' by Bor►ower�nd reaorded wAh fl. <br /> ,' '.;ik,��a 'a'.�,i�_. <br /> � Wid16SSlf: <br /> .t. , `�'`•,.{... <br /> ,�:1 .a•t. ' ��� ,�..' ' (�1) „ , �'' <br /> ,� , y ;��,,��''.� S,. , j�' <br /> ;�;; . ;q., ,�; ' owe,Jpono�D. Kirrg � . ,� `����1. <br /> ',� Zi� <br /> 1:,,,, <br /> '`� � , �'?��,;;.,:�kltc��;;�:�, ., ''�� <br /> n•,;. . • : : � t�;.,,::° ,�: : . , <br /> '�'fFS.�,;_;r�L (Seaq 4 <br /> ., '..... ��r�`�' f . <br /> , , �` „i4.'��.;' ,h��.- eo„o� <br /> . ti:''R�;j:':,;, �.:...�' . <br /> �.;�� ��;�,.;_: ;�., . <br /> ;, . . , .;,'��.��}",� : <br /> :� . ,i.j;i;�. <br /> `�;"�• ' . •�'`��ft°:� <br /> .� ' �, , <br /> �'� ' '�, ���'r ' ` <br /> : � �; � ' � � � <br /> . • S' ` `�' ,.'.t,�• <br /> ';' ''�`• <br /> �'-'i � [�:.. 1 . <br /> ! u.c Er�o.r n:;_ ,•c-• Ac�nowni•tl�cmrnt� <br /> . . '1�;��• STATE OP I�Yobr�ska <br /> , � ss: . <br /> . � __ I COUNIY OF Hatl <br /> ----�-- � <br /> � nrQ 1bra�oig Insorcknmt was acknowledged before me Ih�s 31 st cf�y ot DeceenbQr 1990 . <br /> by .�"��D Kit� sin�lo <br /> wrtnesa my nand,na ol�c;�l seel . . <br /> .; My��«��: y_ � --�.� <br /> � . • � , � t��:�.a�:��.�,r•u�aotw� tio�.,.. ��,� <br /> • i T M OIILON <br /> '�s .. . � .�� luh 2.199t .-_,. ��• a <br /> - �fi+�5cT�00.'DO! P(4/90) l'NQ1 Jt '�.. <br />