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<br /> h8nft�ItlI1tII}'l't�UIYUi�llt I1l1�tt�UbC IIIrOfUt1�0 C��YCfil�,�iy uut uvu�l�►hlo. 11urr�►��•cr rliall pry tu I.rndrr rach mumh n,un�cqu:d tu
<br /> - , unc•��ti�cJqh ai'thr}•cariy m��tit�a�4 b►rurua��e{�reu�ium helnit rai�f hy H��Y(u��el �+h�n ilic h�.u�uu�t�o��er��N�I��p��d ur re.i�cd tti+
<br /> �hc In clTect.l..v►drr�vlil;�►�ecpt, u�o un►t n1uh�Umsu �y11��itir nr n In�r �c�rn�c in Ucu u f mu r ltiulu in,ur anco. I.u,ti r r4 rrv��
<br /> � �•t , p u y��t�nty �ua y nu lun�}cr be►�r�uirc�l,ul tl�t u ptlu��o�tandcr,if'ntartEt+��tr in�ur�iu�c rarcr:+�sc!h�tlir�unuunl uinl li►�•Iho�nri�xl
<br /> thii I,cn�lcr rryuircyl pravidcv�I+y��u intiurer uppravcd hy le�ndcr ut;u ln hccr,►nr.r ucii l lu b lr iuu l lr u h tu lnc d. l i+�r ru ti�•r r�M u l l pa Y �
<br /> ;-� the pr�nduu►� �e��uir�yl ta nonintuiu man�uflu►�i,urancr in�.�1'1'cct. ur tu pruvia�u lu�r rey�rv�`,unlll �he�'equiremcnt fi�r ut��rt�;���te �
<br /> (:�rtira�rcc enJ�+in ucrurduu.c wI11�a�n ���riucn nbeccmrnt hc1��•cen[i��rruar�nnd I.cndrr��r u�,J�ilruhlu la�v. �
<br /> .,.� 9. Inypc�rllon. I.rndcr ur �t.r nµcnt mu� mubu�¢i�,unuhlc �nirl��u�x�n and in5pccitunr af'thr Ne�+}►�Hy. Lcnder tihi►II ttive �
<br /> — tiaRO�vrr notirc nt the tinm ui rr�nHw ta Nn�n.yxtitkn�,pecilytnK rea.anwblc�uusc fur the in�pertinn
<br /> � 10. t'at�tttwnnutlon. Thc nK�'e+ls af u��y uw�u�{ „r �•ladn� luo diuimgew, dlrect or r�m�e�ue�Hlul, i��cuiu►��ti�►n wllh uny �? _
<br /> -'_- ��wulc�uuwtlun ��r uthc�tuki��u�uny�►art aP thc N�Y�p4�ty. ur 1'��r canvcyiincc in lieu aY randrmniqiuii, u��iicrchy utitiigncd �md p�
<br /> � ,�',' nhull bc�uld t�,l.enarr. ��
<br /> � � ln the evcnt uP u tutul tukl�u ui'thc Nrup�ny.the prucccJy shuil br uppli��l t��Ihc+umy scru�ed hy tl�is Securlty bi�trumcm, Q -
<br /> "--� �vhcthcr ur nat then duc, wfth uny cxres�pn�d tu qurrowcr. 1��ihc evcnt aF u purtiul takiii� ��I'ti�c Nraprny i�which thc fi�lr �
<br /> :� ' nwrkct viduc uf'thc P���perty immediutcly tk�fi�rc thc lakfng 1s c��uul U�ur�rcxitcr tham tl►e umaunt��t'the stun�hcru�cd hy ihi.
<br /> —° Sccurily Inst�vment inuimdintely bcli�rc thc ti►king,unlr.r•s Hnrrc�wcr und l.�ndcr�+thcnvisc u�;rcc in�vritii�g.ihc sumr tirrur�a hy
<br /> thiH 5ecurity Instrument sh�ll l+e rcducrd by the umuunt uP tho procecds multiplicd hy thu fi►Iluwing 1'ructiun: lu) �he tutiil
<br /> � unx�u�ri t�f ihe suu�y xcrured (n�mcdiutcly fx�fi+m the ti�kln�,divided by (b? 1he ii�ir mtukrt vidue nf the pr�i�u:rty inmicdiutely
<br /> `_ � hetiuo tho tnkin�. Auy bal;mra shidl b� paid to Hurruwcr. In tl�a evcnt uf i�puni;d tuk�n�,z i�f th�� Prupeny in which the luir
<br /> markct vulue af'thc� Pra�crty immcdicttcly heti�re the lukin�.iy lesr thun the ttmuunt ui'tho tiumy sc�urrd immcdiutely befi�ro thc
<br /> . tukfn3,unlehti 8urmwer cmd l.�:n�i�r uth�;nvisr uvrce in�vritin�: or unletiv i�ppliaihle law.�tltcnvisc pruvi�icti, the prurrcJv shall
<br />. . be applle�l�o tho suiitr tiecuced�+y thiw Sccurlty Instn�ment whcther nr n��t the rumti ure Ih�:n.lue.
<br /> It'ihc Pc��pex��' is:ibund.nicd h�� Uurru�vrr,��r H',uftcr nnticc by l.cr.;9�r tu Hartaa•rr lhnt th����mdcm+�ar utf'cr�t��m;�kc an
<br /> uward�►� scttic u c?1im Ibr�i;trnages, Hurra�ver tiuilv tu �c��x+nd tu Lc+idc.r withhl iU day� ufi.�r ihr�latc Ihc nu�ire is�;i��en,
<br /> •�•� L.Cnaer i�uotl���rized to cu�lect t�na upply tho��YUC4�cdti,ut its optiatt,eilher i��testarttlimt c�r ee}+air r�'Zhe�'n�prrty.�r t��the su�m
<br /> � " x:�cured b�th�s S�curity Instrun:cnt.�ti�hether��r teot then�1uc.
<br /> � Unlcxs Lrndcr nnJ Borrt����er c�thcr��ize 0.�rw in writin,, �►n�' .�}�pNrntiun af prarecds to principal shull nt*t cxtcnd rr
<br /> ��,=, pust}x�ne tl�o.jtte dnle of ihe mont�►Iy pay mcntc rc+ferrecl ro in pu�rugruph� 1 iind 2 nr chunge the unwunt rt such pnymentx,
<br />.,�,� 11. IWrro��'or Not Rcici►scd;Furbearn���r By I.cnder Nnt n Wtilvcr.Rxtenslan af'tho tini;:ti�r pnyment ar mndificuti�m
<br /> af nmartizntfon��1'the sum9 securai by this SecuNty Intitn�ment granted by l.ender to itny nurcessar in intercst aP Barn�wer bhull
<br /> �� nM��peruto t�rciciwsc thc liability oi'the arigimd �urr�iwcr��r 8arrawcr'x surrcrsnre(n interest. [.ender shnll aat be rcquirect t��
<br />- cammence pr�cceciingY s►guinxt uny successur in intercyl or refu�e t��extend dme far puyneent ur atherwi+e m�xilfy umurifr.ution
<br />_��,. ol'the xu�nv sccurcd by ihis Security instrument hy �cusnn af uny denu�nd mude by tha orfginul anriv�we� ur Borru�vcr's
<br /> = suc�eshnry in intcrcvt. Any fc�rbcuruncc hy l.endcr in cxcrcihing imy ri�iht �+r remedy tihuli n��t bc n wuivcr uf��r prccludc thc
<br /> oxcrrihc nl'any�lght ar rcmedy.
<br />=_� 12. SucccssorA und A.�.rigiw Nuundt Jolm and 5evural I.IublQtyt C�rqluacrr►. Tho covcnunts und ng�c�mcntx i►f �hir,
<br /> Scci�rity Inrtrumcnt xh�ll bind und hencflt thc surrcy�urr� and u�.ignr oP L.endor und Hnrmwrr. Hab)ect a� �he pri+viwiunv�+f
<br /> purug�aph 17. Bnrra�vice'A a�venunts and ogrccmemK xhaU be J��int und +evend. Any Ht»rower whn c�raigm ihi� Securi�y
<br /> _ � Itatrumer�t but dae.w nat execute the Note:(�U lo ca-tilgoi�ig thiy Security InStrununt�mly ta murtpuge. grunt and cunvey thut
<br /> At�r�awcr'e intcresl in thc Prapeny under thc tcrms��I tMly 5ccurlty Inrtrument;Ibl i4 nut persimnily abllguteJ tu uy.ti►o tiu�ns
<br /> � e;ecurcd t+y thi�Sccurit�Intitrununt:und(c)ugreey thut l.cndcr.md uny c+ther Borruwer nu+y ugrce to oxtcnd.mcxtil�.tarbenr or
<br /> mnfice a►ry accommcu�mums with�csorzi ta ifr�te�s��:h��€,erurkt�r:r��eru�n:ar the I�we�rl�uc�Bern�w�r'��on�ene.
<br /> — 13. Loan Chergev.IP ihe lnnn recured by thh Security Instrument is�ub]ect t�►u luw which sets miu�imum las�n chur�ey.
<br /> um1 thut luw ia Qnally interpreted sa thut thv interrat or�the� lan�chargey ec+ileetud or to be rullected in cannectian with the
<br /> loan exeeed tho permfu��d Iimils,�hen: (Af uny such laun charge shnll be re�fuc�i by the umnunt necesu�ry ta roduco tha churge
<br /> -�-_�_-� to thn{+crmttted[in�tt: und(b)any sums WteAdy ColiCCteci imm�3armwer whiei�cn�i�ni�t��ti:�i !{mtt�s�3!!�sel1sstt�!ss:
<br /> &�rrower. l.endcr may ch�wse to mukc thi,� refuixf by rcducing the principal owed under the Nato �r by mnking u dirc�:t
<br /> T� ply+mcnt ta Harrawer. lf n roflmd reducca principal, thc �rduruan ��all bo t�cutcd us u panittl prcpaymcnt without any
<br /> pmpuyment charge ur.dur the Noto.
<br /> 14. Nofict�.Any nnticu ta 8arrowcr providcd fur in�his Sccut'ity Instrunxnt shull hc givcn hy dclivcring it ar by mailin�
<br /> it by Qrct clus9 muil unle�cv uppliettblo luw rcquires use of a�x�ther methad. 7'hc noticc sh�l1 bc dircctcd to the Pro�rcr.ty Address
<br /> or nny other nddre:�g Sor�awer d�sigm�tcs hy �iatice to Lendcr. Any nntice ta l.�nder shuii ba givrn by tirst �'mss man� aw
<br /> L,cndcr's address statal hcrcin a�any ather a�;tvcwa l.ender desigimtes by notice ta Barrawcr. Any m��dco provided for i�Ql1��s
<br /> Sc�udty lactrumcnt shali bo deemcci ta huvc @�cun yiven tn Horrowcr ar Lender whcn given uy provi�o•�in thi.e pum�raph.
<br /> 15. Governing Y.uw; Severabl8ty. This Sec�vity lnstfutnent shull be gavorncd by fedcr;t9 Inw and tha Itt�v af th:
<br /> jurisd�icttan in which tho Property�'1 IOCFt1MI. ln tho event thut uny pravisian ar clnu�a oi'thia Sccurity lnstrument ar the Nut�
<br /> confli►,ha with npplicubla luw.such canflict shail not affcct athcr prnvirions af this Security insuumcnt or tho Nate which can hc
<br /> - - givcn cffcct wlthout the conflicting provision.Ta this end Ihc prnvisi�n�Qf this Sccurlty lnstrumant�uul tho Nato uro dccl.ueel
<br /> to be sevemble.
<br /> 16. Barror���r's Capy.Borrower shati�he givcn onc canParn►ed cn���af tho Nato and af this�curity Instrument.
<br /> 17.TrnawYer of the Pmgerly ar t�Beneiicini Intcrest in Horru��sr. If ull ur any part af the Propcny ar ony inte�t i�it
<br /> is sold ur iraisfc�rcd(ar if o beneflciui interest in Horrc,�ver ic sold or tr�nsferred and Borrowcr is not o nutural pers�n)withaut
<br /> I.ender'S priar written cansent, l.ender may, At ity optian, require 3mmediato puyment in full ai nit sums secu�ed by this
<br /> ___ 5ocudty Instrumcnt.Howevor.this aptian ehnll not bc exerciscd by l.ES��ia:if cxerclse!s prohibitcd by federnl Inw�s af the date
<br /> of thft+Sccurlty lnatrumcnt.
<br /> If I.ender exerclre�►�hia optiun. l.e�ider sh�ll gfvo 8nrrower n�tice o:ucccl�rnttan.The aotico shull Pravido a podexl af nat
<br /> Icss thun 30 duya from the datc tha natice ia dellvcr� �r mnllcd within which Borrower must pay �ll sums F�cu�ed by thie
<br /> Sccurity instrumc�t.If Borrowrr fails ta pay theso aum3 priar ta the expiration of thig poricxl.l..ender muy invokc ony remc�iics
<br /> permittcd by thia Sccuvlty ln9trumont without furthor noticcs ar demAnd an Rorrowcr.
<br /> 1S. Borravrcc's RtRht to tielnstaie: lt Borro�ve� meet9 certaln condltians, 8c�rrowoc tchall huve the c�ght ta have
<br /> — cnf�rcemenc of thia Sccurity In.rtrument discantinued ut any timu priar to iho carlier ai: (u)5 days (or c�uch other porlcxl ua
<br /> applicublo luw mny speclfy far rcinstutement) before �:ale aF tho Prapor�y pursuunt ta•uny pc►wor of salc contuincd fn this
<br /> - - - SocurUy Instrument;or(h)erary of a judgment enforcin�t thia Securlty lastrument.Those conditian9 u�e that�arrower:(u)pay�+
<br /> _.�-.� I,cndcr nif sums which then wauta be Jun under ihis;ecurity Mssrurncnt aad!hs Hate a»i!'siu�r€ler�ion h�d�urrcd;(b)
<br /> -�---� cures any dcfuult uf uny whcr covcnants Ur u�rccmcntti; (cl p:ty�►aq expenses incur�ed in enforcin}�Ihi!: Sccurlty In�trumm�t,
<br />—�--- including,but nat limited ta, rcu.c��nublc uttomc�rs' fcev: und (d>tukes such nction u.v I.cndcr mny ma,imubly rcyuiro to u5tiuro
<br /> ��-�-- that thc Ucn uf this Sccurlty InStrument. l.cndcr e ri b�htti in tli�Praperty und Burrc�wcr'�:��hti uUun tn puy tho sums Fccurcd by
<br /> -- this Security Instrument shull cantinuo unchangod. Up�n rainstutement by Bannwer. t�1y Securlty Instrument and tho
<br /> --�� abligations sccurul hercby xhal)rcmuin fully cifective uti ii'na nccelcraHan hud accurreci. Hnwevcr� thi�►right tU rcinsiatc shall
<br /> :__�_-� no�upply In thc cusc of uccclerntlun undcr puragraph 17.
<br /> 4_�;�, 19. Sale ot NoEe� ChanRe uf l.oAn Servtccr. Tha Noto or u pt�nial intcrest in tiic Notc (togethcr wUh thia Security
<br /> — lnstrumcnt)rnay bc�:old ono ar mare timan wlthout prior mnicc ta Borrowcr,A�lc muy resuit in e chunRe ia thc entity(known
<br />'"^'��''�'� ua the"Lnn�n Scs��xr")that cotlects m��rsJtiy puymenta due under the Note and�his 5erurity Instn�ment.Thrro ulsu may bc�e,me
<br />;�4��'•;�!�' or more chunges of the Loan Scrviccc uu��r�ated to a sulc of thc Nato.If thcrc ls u changc of thc 4aan 5crvicer.Borrower will�ca
<br />�:�r,�=�! � gis.•sn wdttcn natice of the ch.:,v�e in accurdancc with paragn�ph IA abnve and upplicable law.The nntice wiil statc the namc and
<br /> '�'"" ' a��ress of the ncw Lcwn 5ervucer und the nddress to�hich paymems sh��uld bc made. The no�ice will ulsQ amtain any ather
<br />''��'"' informution roquired by uppllcablo luw.
<br />=�� * 20. N�z�rrlt►uv Subglance�+. 8urrower xhall nut cuusc ur permdt the prescncc. u�+e. dispos;�1, storage. or relc�►sc nf u�n>
<br />�`.:n:�;7 Y Hur.urdou� Substunccs an or in thc Propc�y. &�rrawcr ehall nat da. nar ullow unyanc cl��e to do, unything uffecting �7�e
<br /> '"''"''� .Praperty that iy 1n vialation of i�ny �nvimnmental l.aw. The prccedin�twa r�cntence9�hall not npply to►he presen��e, u�e..r�
<br /> _;u�._
<br /> --.� hiar�ge an the i'rnperty of FinaU quuntities ai Huwrdouy Substances thnt uro acncr�ily �ccogniud to be uppropriutc to nnrrnal
<br />-=*��,�`,�_ residentinl uses xnd to muintcncmcc of the Praper�y.
<br /> � vos�o 3 or� Fo�m 3028 8180
<br />