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<br /> ��° ��j���D9 �-
<br /> Hnrrowcr xhull p►��nnptly Al��e t.cnder �v�ittrn n��lirw��1'uny invctiti�ation. �hdm, dem:uid. IawruU ur��thcr ucUun b ur►y
<br /> H
<br /> Qavernment�d ur re��ulutu «�tcnc ar privnte(+a�ty invalvin�Ihu 1'rupe�iy�uuf uny Itoia�Ylnu�Suh,tunre ar t?nvfruimirn�n l.u�v �_
<br /> c�t whlch li�►ri�����•c�hnv uriuni kiu wlcduc. II'Hurn��vcr Icurn�,ue i�nutiiicd hy w�y }tuv���um�mtal ur rcftulata,ry auth�trUy. �Uiq
<br /> +. liuir��acr •h;dl preu�ptly tnkc
<br /> uny rcmuv�il ur��thcr rcmcdintf��n ul'uny tlu+�nrdun�Sub�tuncu uffr.liutt�hc F'rap��rty �nrre„ury,
<br /> nll n�:rc�.��ry renzc�liul ncliuny in ur.urdmirc whN{?nviranntrntul l.;�w.
<br /> Ay usc�t in th{v�►:►rupruph 2tl. "Fluwnluu�►Suhs�i�nrr.r" ar4 d�uv: �ub�tuu«'s del'Inrd tw t��xl��+r huruntnu� huhrimt��e� hy ---
<br /> �nvimnmr��tui la�w Hnd ti�o ti�pu�viag tiubsUUUCS: b��.+olinc, kcraunc, uthcr Ilununuhl� ur ��►xle pctraicum pmdu�tis. �uelc
<br /> {scslicWcy wltl It4i'bipidcs.vululilo r+t►1vcni�,mntcnnlF c�mtnining�.r-t�c.rt�+r ae li�ntiwkk{�y+ic,a;ul rudtu:uUvc mntcri�ils.A�;usc�l{n _—
<br /> th{y p:uogrnPh 2Q. °H�wi�unuicnuil l.iav" nuum, f.�icrnl Inwti a�ut laws uf tlte JurI�l1rNai� wture �hc Propeny iw is�cu�rd �hu�
<br /> rcintc tu hru{th,eafety i�r envin+s►nunt:s!pmteclk���. �_
<br /> NnN•UNIPORM Gt)YE�NAN'TS.Burru�vcr und l.cndc�fLMher ravcmmt und iinrcc a+Cutt�+w�:
<br /> Zl. A��4cratton;ttemcdlcv. l.ender hhnU�qive noticr t�►Barru�vcr pri�r ta uccelcr��ttbn Fidto�ving Unrn►�vcr'H hrcACh
<br /> at any c��vcnant or aqrecment In thly hrcurity instrument tb��t nnt prtar to ncccleruUon under pnrop�nph 17 unl�:�
<br /> appltcublc luw pmvldes uthcrvrisc).Tho etMico shall epecliyt (a)the defiuult; (b) thc actlon rcWui�ed to curc the dePi�uUi
<br /> (c)a ctate�not tesv than 30 dnye u�n��u�6cfore th�tdutci�peclfieei in Ihe 1iwtic�n�uy�resuif in�`�xcicrn�tian f thc�a'�
<br /> (d) that I�Ilura to curi. lP�o d�fu
<br /> sccurcd by this ticcucity Inyteumrnt und sutr ot the Pr�►pcNy Thc nuttcc sh2l1 il�hhcr InYarm Aom�w�cr ot thc righ4 to `
<br /> mtn�h+tc aster uccclerc►tlon mid thr dght to bn��g ii r�►w�t sctlon M ux5crt the nun-existettce ot n dsYnuH or ony oltc¢r
<br /> de8t�r 4���►orrowcr tn ucccicrntlu��nd Fnte. I9f Ihr defuult 8s�wt casecl un us bei'ase iQie el�to s���9cd tn li�r mu99M�.
<br /> l.entirr, n1 Gtiy uptlon� may rcq�elrc ionmc�in4o��vrncn�in 4h�9�M4 n11 sums s��ure�1 MJ tP�ls Srcil►�ly Q�.�tri�mnn� ��9��a«u9
<br /> 83ttthrr dle�n�nd�ind nwy Invokc the�xn��cr��?�1i'�m�l aR���9P�rr scmeaiev prrniittecl Di's�p 91rfli+lr lmv,l.rndcr s9a»90�►e
<br /> l,lnrlusl] Aut nut itm�tcrl
<br /> cnHtfrd to collcct ell expcnsev Inrarr�d[n pur�udu��ohe remedle4 p*�vldcci in shL9 puru�rapl� R�+
<br /> to.re��so�wble attorneyr+'Pccv and castr►uf titlo evtdence.
<br /> if thc p��YCr af r�1c Is invoked, 'frustc�shull rec�►rd u nattce oP defuulc In cuch rnunty in �vh4ch uny pnrt ot the
<br /> Pruperty(s locutcd und e;hulf matl coptcs af FucARer tho tlnh rcvlul�i�ed Y PP��le Invp�Trub.vtee Kh 11 qive public nnticc
<br /> tho oti�cr per�onv prescribcd b u�pflcablo law.
<br /> uf salo tn tho person9 uad�u��e m�nncr prescrlbed by nppUca6lo law.Trustco� �vlth�ut ciemand un florrowcr, shall�cll
<br /> �he property at pubilc auctian to tho hlghcst hiddcr at Iho t9mo and Qlucc�nd wid 9,tho�tc�mo dP��vi*�„y����cl ot idv
<br /> �Alo In ono c►r mow{�rce19 and Ic�Wny��rder Tcuyt�dMcrmint�.11 ruqtco mpy pn. pa W�i
<br /> p�periy t�ypu btic onnnu�xcmcn! ut Ihe qmo�nd pluw ut Wny prevlou9ly �chctlulc�xylo. I�endc� or Itp c�ignco may
<br /> purctw.tio tbo PmpeKy at�ny hale.
<br /> Upon nrei�! ot pAyment uf Ihe pri��e bld� T�uKtca Nh�ll dclirc� to Ihu purch�wc� '1'rustce'h d��f rnnveylnK Iho ._
<br /> M ['rupeM�. TI1H 1'C�UYIA �i1 IAO Tfi19Yl'{!�N tlCl`�NIIMI) �10 n1'I�Ilfl�R�I�D OYIt{e11�0 0�IItO IfUIII QI'IIt�ti1NlCilil'IIIH I11iUW lliCf�Iil.
<br /> �'nis�cc Ah���qppty thv pr+K�ccdv ut the r�lc In tho falinwing nrden (p►ta pil rnstri Wad cx�x��cw u! xcrcisln�the pnwer u!
<br /> x�le,attd Ihe�de�Inctudlnp tho ppyment nf the T��tc�'a tets a�tuaNy It�ctit�ed.nQt tn exceed �h�of 9 S 0.00 0� ��
<br /> by law�lb�t�ell ums�secutrcal byttht�Security i��tnimenti pRd(c)woy ex1ecs+�ta ttie persou ortRo�noy 9���f1P t����ted
<br /> t�' at� Bemnvny�ec. Up4fn payment af�ull hun�.9 securcd by thin Sccuefty Instrnmcnt. 1.ender �hnil requcst Tn�Ftco w
<br /> �ccanvey tttc Pu�pcny und sii�ll sunendor this Sccurity irtstraincr� urni n11 +rot� �`k�3�S � � �-'�' �9 ���Y
<br /> lnstruntent ta'fncsteo.Trustee ehall rcconvcy thu Prapcny wlthuut�vAttunty und without churbe t�the persan or penspns Icgnliy
<br /> cnUtled ta it.Such per�an ar perxans�;hull pny any rccarcli�tian custx.
<br /> ,,,�,a,c. .a Tnutee, lender,nt its ontlon.muY irom time ta Ume ccmnvc Tru!�tco mid appaint u succatisar tn�stee to
<br /> any Trustce uppnlnted hercundo�by un in.�trument rec�rdsd In the county�n w�ici►iiiis"ac�uri�in�i.-a.—���a r.�rd�3.:*.'3•.l��t
<br /> convcyunco of thU Proscrty,the successor trustcc sfiull succcecf to nU tho tide,powcr and dut w canferr�xi upon 7'�ustec icec�in
<br /> uad by uppItcublc Inw.
<br /> ��, EteQUt�t Qa�r'k�ottaw. Buerower rcquests ihut mples af the aoliceq at defaull wul�uile be sent to 8arrawer's uddress
<br /> which ia the Prt��eny Addresv.
<br /> ?�,Rlders�r��Securlty Ye�strument.lf anc or mor�r s�e�fi¢rr are oxecuted by Aarro�ver und rccordal together with thiy
<br /> . Sccudey Instrum�rart,.n�memR af thi�Sucurity Insi:�m nt av if t o ridcr()wer�e�n purt af thin Sccurlty tn.ait�ment�1d supplcment
<br /> Uut cavcnanta n��d�,�..
<br /> , �Check�ppUt�blo boxtcs)1
<br /> _. AdJust�blv Ruta Ridcr C_ Candominium Ridcr _ 1-4 Famlly Rider
<br /> � Uraduataf Paymcnt Rider Planncd Un1t Davetopment Itider __ 8iwcekly Payment Rider ,
<br /> � Hailaan Rider ��Ruto irty�ravement l�a�ier Secand Ho�e Rtder
<br /> V.A.Rldcr qthcr(s)[aQcxifyj .
<br /> --Hot��a Eguitiy Aaoeee T�ina Ricler
<br /> DY SIpN1Nti BELOW.8armwer a�ocpts und pgret,.w to tho torms F.n.'i eavenantA cantuinc,d in thl,r Stcudty Instrument and '.
<br /> in sny dde�t�)executed by Bormwe�•und recorded wlth it.
<br /> Witnea��: •X K ��. i� ey�..(Scal)
<br /> M$ ifl Q. M1110r •Eorrower
<br /> • _ -� ,
<br /> --� � •
<br /> _ � � . � � —1Sea1)
<br /> PBtY'�C18t L. M 116Y •�n�wcr
<br /> (5en1) ____.._ lScaq
<br /> •Borronxt
<br /> •Bornnvcr
<br /> �"1'AT�OF NEilitAl�KA, Ha 11 County sss
<br /> The forcgoing instrumcnt wus ncknawiedged befom�ahis 25th day oP �anua�ry • '�9�9 •
<br /> byMarvin D. Miller an� Patricia L. �iller, husbanc� and wife
<br /> Witnesw my h�1nd nnd notarial r,cal at Grand Ieland, NebraBka in eaid County,thc�iatc afomsuid.
<br /> Mx Commission�xpires: 10~Lg-ZOD Z -�--- `'�"���'� '" � ��L���
<br /> � � d�Y•S1i1/r� Natary Publi
<br />_ ' � ' 6u�uM.
<br /> . � JU�ITYI L.�}��jj�
<br /> �p,pepl.Ex�•1LLfaY:i�. Fam 30�8 �/00
<br /> vspe�o+♦
<br />