r�. '�lj s:�e4a`i�i:�t':+ii��?::�.�;•}�cs r.r ,.�r,�•���w�v :�w�«ew; �+ � + ` +_ , ,}�
<br /> °-a �,f a r , ' . .
<br /> ;t, _ } ,} : ,r:
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<br /> . . . „ .. . . ;,..
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<br /> ' �� � , .1\ J� �
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<br /> �'•.. 1 1
<br /> yyjp� .a " (1• • , � • �YF.H.�a" y . } w'�M��
<br /> , y�'L`�"'""_1�.����+l��I�'-•`''"'�.��..a....._..� __ . • .,..__.—..._3._....�.--�._ '—' �- ` - _ ' '' ._...._.._._.. - . . �~- .. -.i __.._ _- �t���
<br /> � ' ` �� �,Ct�.��� `-
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<br /> n ---
<br /> The 1'uiz+iy �ludl b�� h�.�b� in au� in�+WudF,n ��•liu,� depu+itr are imur.d t+y u lidrr,il c�ltrnr}•, lutitn►mrntallty�. ur entitf _
<br /> � lin�ludfn�t LcnJrr,ll'l.��n�trr tr �urh iu�inrUuitiunl ar in any I�c�tcral Ilunu+1��:am I,u�nnuull�runui"�In i�ihetcsrru�v1 urr�uuu�ur =-
<br /> i:�cruw!►cm�. Lendre inay n��t chin�tc 13u��u��rr 1'ur huldinli und i�pplyin�s�h�1� , . Y t
<br /> vcrU�ylnit�I���I:+�ru►v Uciux. unlc�r IA�idcr p;►y.liur�ua•rr Inirr�',t un Il�e huu�lti nn�l np)�lieut+l�lu�� �hrmNti I.rnd���'t�� ntul�c�u�h
<br /> _ n cl�urgc. II�►���c�•��, I.��ndcr m:�y rc�uin�Harrawcr In�ay n unc•dmu el�arti�li►r m� in�l�p��td�nt r�:d crlute U�r r��rnii�ttl �rr�'1cc _
<br /> . u�ed hy l.rudrr in �u�utccU�►i� �'it� ihiv loan. unle.r•v ic�ry►lir��blo 1+��+ rravldrr uth�'nvi�c. ll��lc,ti u�� ��1:��'����►'��t 1� �nadc ar —
<br /> ._ _--- appltr�4�4e Inw n�+{uir.:s inkrut tu�c puid. l.cnd�r�ht+ll�iut hr r�v{utred ta puv Aurr�n�•.r uuy iat�re+t ur rumu►ti��,n �lir Fun�l�. -_
<br /> _� -- - ��,�ri�s�r���1 I.i�H1er nmy ugree in wrfth�}t,huw�ver. Ihut inkrcal eltuli bu p:dd�at N�r i'atuiv, i.c�dcr nhhtl Hi��k• Fk�rruw�c.
<br /> �� wilhut►t charge, un mmmd a:r��unth��id'the {�undr, h1u�wlnft er��ditr imd d�hit�ta Ilt� i�und�nnci thr pur�xrie f«r �+hich r{a�h -_
<br /> �° ' debit t��thc Fund.r w��.�s�u��iu.'1fiu i�undy arc ptcJgrd n.ud�iiti�m�il�rurlty tt�r ul!4um��:c►►���1 hy tids�cw�ity ln�u•umcut. —
<br /> if thc��und�hcld by l.�ndcr exr�ed the umaunts prrn►iucd ta hc hrld hy tip die,thlu ltt�v.l.end�r.hnll►��c�suut ta H��rru��ur
<br /> Tur the exresy Hund� in urcnrdnnc�wilh�hu requircmcmw ul'uppUu�ble law. 11't�tL�tntuttn!uf lito F���tdti he1J by Lrndcr ut uny -
<br /> - dma ix nut huffi�icnt tn pay the F.scruw Itcmv wlien due.l.ender nu�y.+►nutit'y Burn���er in wrUfng,und,fn.uc1�ca,c k���rruwcr
<br />::-- ' c:hul) pi�y t��l.e�tder tho umaunt neces.rury tu nu�ke up thr deficicncy. �urru��•er shull nu�ke up�hc det"icleiny in na nu�m thun
<br /> �` twclvo monthly puymenty,ut l.cndcr'�r��lc discrctian.
<br /> ..; U on � mcnt in tUll uti nll nums ticcurcd by tldn Sccurity Instrument. l.c�ndcr �hu0 rumptly rcfund ta Harmwcr uny
<br /> ��• P p�Y p p
<br /> uf hu Prc�hit�stndl nIP•111��ny t�unc/hcld hy l.end�r ittithc dinoraf ciu�'iyiti�nrur i�lU u cu rcdltf a�guiiiU thc�suniv�+ecurcJiby
<br /> - this Sccuriy In�trumciirr Y p. � p _
<br /> ,' �"� ` 3.Appltcnttun uf Wyntcntq.Unless upplirc�hl�li�w pruvideti uthurwi�e,ail R.�y��u►u����ti���a ny �.�na�r���aeT ira�ri� h�
<br /> 1 nnd 2 sh:lll ht!il}1}1II�Y1: flftil, ta any prepayment cl�argev�tuc under the N��te;ticcund, tu umounts pay+�blc wtdcr para�ruph 2;
<br /> third,tu i�tIimst due;fi�unh,tu principal due;und last,tu uny late charge�duc under tho Nnta.
<br /> . 4.(:Rar�;etit i,lcn.�. Horrnwer shall pny aU taxc5,uv+cssmentti, rhar�eti, flnc�und Imposilianr uurlbutUble t��the Pri�p:tly
<br /> ' ' which mav attain}�ri.�rity �vrr thiy Cecudty Instrument, nttd Icuschuld paymcnt� ��r grottind rrnts, it't�ny. 8urcowrr sha�t�ay
<br /> �;r:= :.~' thc�r c•b1i;;�ti�ms in th�mannct}�ravidcd in parugc.�ph�,ar if nnt puid in�hat�nanncr. B��rro��•ir hhuil pery thrm uu time dimrtly -
<br /> , .�`. tPlhP}kr�t�t�c�wc�l rti�mant. E�rm���et shnil pramptly fumish to Lrndcr ull no�i��s ut'um�ant�tr bc patd un��rr this pafutr�ph.
<br /> ����ti�'�i ��'$��srr��ur mnlcs thesc pt�ymvnts diteotly,B�ttrc+wcr.r•hull prim��zl��llirniyh t�>I��i�dcr rc�cipt�evidrnring thc payments.
<br /> : u ��I.
<br /> ,� gorrmvcr ahull pr��mptl}• d1.rh:�rRe�mv licn whlcfi ha�prl��r�t��nvcr thiy Sccuriry Insttu�txant uniiss dorn��vcr: (ul:��recs tii
<br /> ����,��i'�` ' �tiTiting tr thc pa��ment of ihe rhligltian securcQ b��thv lien in u mnnner ncccptnblo t��l.cndc�';(b�c�mte��.in gucxi tidth tho lien
<br /> �:,y, hy, ar dofcnds i�Fiii�st cnForcomcnt af tho licn in. lc�al prorecdinpz whirh in thc Lcndur's rpinion oprr.ac to prevcnt ihc .
<br /> �-•�:,����.. enforcement of the lien;�r ic)xecures from thu hulder af th�Ilen un ugrcamcnt sutf4fuctut;r �.�l.endcr nubardinadng tho licn to
<br />;;;`�°' chiti Sccurity Instn�ment. (P l.ender determincs thut imy pati ai'tho i'roperty iy�:ubJect t�U Nea whlch mny iittain p�iarity aver
<br /> _� :., this Serurlty Instromcnt, I.ender may givo��rrawcr n naHcv idontifyin�thc Uen. Barm►ver ahidl w�tiyfy the Iicn ur tuko one ar
<br /> :��� more of the actians sct farth ub��vc wlthin 10 dnyti af th��giving�f natica.
<br /> =:�i:��+,�,� S. Huzurd ar fhnperrty ins�urnnce. Sur�ower �;hnll keep thn imProvements nmv oxlsting or hereuftcr crectcd on tho
<br /> -'��-'� Praperty insurcd a�uin,r•t toss by flro,haxurds includcd within tha tenn 'ontcndcd ruverct�;c" und i►ny i�ther hu/ards, includiny
<br /> Qaads ar fla�ding. for which Lcnder rc�uimy insurunco.Thin inaurunco hhull bc muintained in thc amnuntH nnd for thc pericxls
<br /> �"° thut l.cnder requlrcy.Th� Intiurancc currlc�pravidtng thu inr+urancc hhull bo chusen hy Ri�no�vcr subJect ta l�ndcr's oppawal
<br /> �� �vhich �I�ulf nM bo unrcusonably witliheld. If Borrawc�fui1N w malntuM ruveri�go�lcucibed ub��vc. l.ertdc�may. nt i.cn�lcr'x
<br /> c,ptton.i�tai�c�ragc ta presteet l.cadcr'x r1�l��4n��'n�p�r�y fn accrrdunco with panuruph 7.
<br /> Ail insurance poHcies und �enewal:�xhull t+e ucrcptublo u�l.endor and Rhull inrtudu ��e.tandnrzi mc�rtgngc einufie• t.e�r
<br /> xhall huvc thc�Ight to hald thc��licicr uad rencwots. IP l.codor�cNuirc�. A�m��cr Kha11 prumptly�ivu ta l.endcr uU rcnciply of
<br /> paid premiumy and n:newul�x�ttces. In tho ovcat nf IusV,H��rtawor whuii givc pu�mpt autil�::1u 1Ne Imurunre currlcr mid t.endcr.
<br /> [.cnde�muy muice p��Qi i�;�ii�.�t s��ls�ssnmptl;�;�`*s�W"r-
<br /> -� U�la�s L.ender and Bnrra�ver otfierwiso agrcc lu wrltinII,inhurance pmcee�ly s�1�al1 t►c�PPlic,+#to restoruuon or�uir ot ti�c
<br /> - Pmperty dumuged, iP the rcste�rntian nr repAir Is ecanamieally feasiblo nrtd l,ender'x scruriil�is nrn i�+�r�ud.If thc cestorntion or
<br /> repAi�is not ecanamically feu.aibla ar Lendcr's�ecurity woutd bu I�ssened.tho insumnco praccedx whail bo oPA�lcd co tha�um9
<br /> ""i� �ecured by thiy 5c:curlty tnwtrumcnt, whether ar nat than du�, with nny excess pnid ta•Anrrawer. If Bflrrower abandans tho
<br /> proporty,or dacg not nnswcr within 30 day�a natico from l.cndor thut tho inau�uncc Garricr huy ai'fcrcd to settle n claim,
<br /> then
<br /> i.ender may cnllcct tho iasurAncc prarecdN, l.endor muy uao tho praceed� ta ecpult aa restarp thc� Prapeny or to pay sums
<br /> securod by thig Security Instrument.whethec ar not thun dua.Tho 3Q�day�rlod will begln�vi�en the natico is give�.
<br /> Unlcs� l.endcr und BUrrowcr othcrwisv ugrco in weiting. At1y A(�p I`cution af pm��ed� to principal ahnll not oxtr�d or
<br /> postpona the duo dutc�f the monthly paymonth referr�i ta in puru�;mphs 1 nnd 2 ar chango tho amaunt of thc payments. 1P
<br /> urtdcr paragt�ph.0 c�eP ir�opecty is ncquirod by L.cndor.8c�rrowor's right to nny in�uraacti palicics and procccd�resultfig frum
<br /> damnge tn sho�'ry��esng�riar ta tho acqulsiHon ehull puss to I.ender to the extcnt of'thc�sum�securod by thiy Security Ins�cument
<br /> immediav�lx prtar to thc acquisition, . .��o��y.
<br /> 6.O�upAncy.Press:rvutlan�!►!�iintenunce urtd Pratection dP th�Frupefty�ltatw�tia'sr A 1 uun Appllcallon,
<br /> a0if�lWCt AFISIII PCCpQy,establiah,and use tho Pra�rly ue Bor�o�vcr's principnl residen�e+�viulin c�ixty days nfter thv exo�u!:i.nn af
<br /> ---- -- thi»Secudry InAtrumcm und ahail cantinuo ta occupy tha Proporty ns H�n���rr's princlpat�sesidence for at lcA.gt one}�r alter
<br /> thc dato oi'accupancy,unlc+s I.cndcr atherwiae ugrcos in writing, which con�cat shnll noi bc unreasonnbly withheld.ar unless
<br /> cxtcnuating circumstanccs exist which urc boyond Barrowcr'a cantral. E�37Ad�1YCi FhN�I IIOI (ICr.troy, dumago or impuir tho
<br /> — Propeny, allaw the Pmperty ta detvrlorata. or a�mmit wcu�tc on thu Praperty• Borro►YCr fihu1�bo in deioult if any farfclturc
<br /> actian or prc�cceding, whether c�vil or criminul. le bogun that In l:endor'x�ncxi fuith•jud�mvnt wuld result in farfbltuto of thc
<br /> Praperty ar�therwlae miitorially impnir tho licn creAtcd by thie S�curity Instmment or Londcr's ticcurlty intcrest. IIorrawer nmy
<br /> curu such a dcfault und reintitutc,u.v pravidcd in pa�.�graph 18,by cuuAin��h�e�sctlan ar pnuceding ta bc disml�,scd with u ruNnII
<br /> thnt, in l.ender's gaod faith determinutian. precluctes farfeiture of thn k]orrower's interest in thc ProponY or ather materlal
<br /> {mpairmont af tha lian crcated by thi9 Security lnatrumant or Lendar'y security intvrast. B�rrower hhall uisa hc� in deFuult ii'
<br /> 8artawer,duriog tho luan►�pplicatlan pracoss,guve mutcriully i'nl�o or inuccuruto�nfanna�ian��r stutements to lsnder(c�r fuiled
<br /> ta pravido Lendar wlth uny maturia4 infarmation)in cannection with tho loAn evid�nc�ed by thc Nata.Including,but rtot limited
<br /> to.represantxtiona cancerninn Horrawer's occupanay af tha Property aH a principal�e.yidenco. lf thiy Sccurity lnstrument ia an c+
<br /> --- teaschold, Hc�nawer shull comply with all tha provielnns of tho lcaso. IP Barrdwer cccquirc� Pec titic to the Property. the'
<br />- - --- (c��s�itc�td a;uf st3c t'ee Nsle slza!!nat margc+t!rtcas Lcndur uur�ey to tho mcrg�r In�vritlnE.
<br /> - ---- 7.Protecttan oP l,ender'A Righta In tho P'roperty.If BOffPWQi PQ�IB IU PCif0ii11 lh0 C()VC11Afl1.9 A1►tI i1�TC�•nl�iiiA 4Y►iiiBiiiCd�R
<br /> � �� thix Securiry Instrument.nr there is a Iegai pmceeding tnat muy significuntly nifact t.ender'n rigI�ia l��the!'raperty (auch ati a
<br /> proccedinR in bunkruptcy, probute, far cc�ndcmnntian�r fnrfeiturc ar to cnf�rco IawA or rcgulatians), thcn Lender may do und
<br /> puy for whutuvcr ie neces�ury ta pratcct tho valuo�f Iho Proporty und l.ender'F rigy t� in Iho Properly.rlj.end n'c�u„p pnying
<br /> inctudo pnying any humn secured by a lion which has prlority over ihia Securit inst�umont. Appe� 8
<br /> _= _—_— rcasonublo aaomeyx'fees and cntering nn tho Property to mako repuirs. Aithou�h l.cndcr mAy tuke actian undor thi�pArograph
<br /> ��:.=-=� 7.l.endcr dacw nat huvv to do so.
<br /> ���, ° Any amounts disburscd by Lender under thifi pAragraph 7 shuli bccomc addiUnnul debt c�f Bnrmwcr e�ecurcd by thie
<br /> .��-A�'�'�`��"� , date �f d3st�i�rsernent �t'he hoic eu',v�und hall bo puyuble.tfiwith in crcf tP pan nodcc f'rc mUUl.endcr't bgorcowcr�rcquc ting .
<br /> •:;'r.`':>:
<br /> - .r•. �.
<br /> ;,�:`�";,� �.:� paymcnt. ,. .
<br /> ' ,�%-., 8.Mortga£,r II�s�uTanee.It Lendcr rcquired mart�age insua►nce as a o:�n:,:i►on of rtiuking the Ionn securcd by thia Secunty
<br />,LL:'``���� Instrument B P�. P q
<br />,»,;..�,;•,, . , orrnwcr shall w ibe remiums re uired to maintain the mor�gt�r crt�sarnnce in effect. if, for any reason, tho
<br />':�';r:��th:;,�:��` morts•�.fie insurunee cavcrAgc req+ained by Lcnder lupses or ccnses to be in effc�t, �orr�atiti'nr shull puy the premiums required ta
<br />",,•�.�,��,�.��,.•:�:••, g p
<br /> '"����=`_ co��tu Borrowcr�of thoin�nrigugc inturumc p c iaur�ly in cffccte from an ltcrs�t�mort$ugc intiurcr�approved by�Lcntler�IP
<br />•=,����,.� , . •�, ° Parm 3018 9I80
<br /> , ,�,���� � � Popo 7 01 d
<br /> •_ t. .ti�
<br /> �,
<br /> _ .. _ _•...;
<br />.. .. . , .jt . . .._.
<br /> ,r •..M'� .. ..•1 . _. .... _. . ..._. - _ . - -- - � - �
<br />