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<br />�.,,Y\=.. THIS DBF)l�UP TRUST("Security Insteumcnt"1 is tnado un �anu�sy 25, 1999 ,Tho trust�r ia
<br />,:.a,._
<br /> -i-�;��
<br />�i.�i� M�xv�n U. PJ:1�1ar and Patacicia L. Mi].ler, huPb�nd and wi��
<br />:4„��M (°Barrawor").711�c tn�stcc is Norwent ��nk Nobr�aka, Natior�al As�►c�eiatian
<br /> ;,��
<br /> ��-� (°'t�rusica°1.Tho bpnciiriary iy Norwest Hank Nebraeka, Na��onal Aesociat�.on ,
<br /> whieh is orsunized and cxisting undcr tha la�vs of Qpit�C7 8tetee of Am�riea ,und whnsc
<br /> "�`� a�idresq iN 3404 Woet 13th stra�+t, Orand �el�nc9, Nebraska f 8803
<br /> -=- � ("LCIldOP"1.8arrowcr awes[.ender the prinslp�l��+m�f
<br /> Forty Thoueand and no/100the-----�---�--ur�llc�re(u.s.�40 000.00 �•
<br /> ThtA dcbt i� evidenrcd hy !�►rr��wcr'e nuto dntcd thc Famv d�ta as ihis Sccttrily In!►tnnnent("l�ote").which proviJcs far
<br /> ' mnnlhlY l�Y�uaus,witn 1t►o inii dci�n,ii rtrn pnici cariiar.c��'� �}:� sss� �atii�a�• '�.�.� 2Q4n .
<br /> Thia Secudty Instrumcnt�ecu�r9 ta t.cndo�:(u)Uto rcpa�ynxs�t ui tho dcM ovldcneCd by tho�Voto�with intcroat.m�d uil rznewals�
<br /> extenKicmx urid m�cliQcutians af tho N��to; lb) tho puyn�ent�t ntl utticr numy. with interest, advunccd under pACagrc�ph '1 ta
<br /> pratctt tha sccurity of thlr� Sccu�ity In�;ur�mant; and (c1 tho porfarmunco aP Ban�wcr'a rnvcnante und ngreamcnte. E�or Ih1s
<br /> putpasc, Barrowcr i�rovocnbly grunte and canvoys to Tcu�tco. in trust, with pc�wcr of xule.the fn��QW1�0 Cau t Ncbrnskuy
<br /> locntcd in Hall
<br /> Lot 1, Wolfe'o 3oaond Suraiviaion, City of arand ioland, �all
<br /> County, Nelbraeka.
<br /> which ha9 iho address of 508 Johnaon Plaae Grana Island tsveer,evq�,
<br /> Nebrasks 68l303 ("�'roperty Address");
<br /> °' (Zip caiol
<br /> — TO(38THER WI'ftl ull tho improvcmontx naw or hercuftcr orccted un tho pmperty,und all cusementA, appurtcnances.And
<br /> fixtun�s no�v or hemufter a pf►n aP tlio property. All replacements ancl t�dditions xhtdl�ialcaci ba covered by ihlA Sccurlty
<br /> Instrumcnt. Ali of thc farc�aing iA reforccd to in this Security Instrumcnt ua thc Araporty.
<br /> p 1�
<br /> �ORItOWBR COVBNANTS that Harrowcr is luwfully seiecd of tho estato hcr6by cnnvoyod snd hKw 1hp d8ht to gmnt m�d
<br /> - - - conveY thp ProPe�Y ai�d that tho E'eoperty ia unencumbered.except for�ncumbtnnces of reco�d. Hurcower wurrant� and will
<br /> _--° _= dcfcnA ge��erully the tiUo to tho i'�oreny ugsun.5t aii clulms i��tti tter�at►ds�subJ�cs ta r.ny encumbr�ncQS of mrnrd=
<br /> THlS SECURITY II'dSTrUMGN'i'costsbines unlform cavennnt�for antionul use and nun-uniform covcnante wlth Umited
<br /> ---- variutians by Jurir,diction tn caasdtutv u uniform c;ccurlty instrumcnt cavciing rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS. earrawcr and I.ondcr covenant and Ag�co tw follows:
<br /> 1. Puyment o� Frincipal and Interesl; 1'repAyment and i.Ate ChA�es. Bonuwar eh�ll pmmptly pay when duo thc
<br /> '� principal of und interest on the debt cvidcnced by thn Nolo und any prcpuyment and lato charIIcs dua undor the Noto.
<br /> -_�.-- Z. Funde for Toxe�and lnsurnnce. Suhject to npplicablo luw or ta u wrltten woivcr by l.�nder.Banawer ah�ll puy to
<br /> ='°_�� I.cndor on tha duy monthly puymemH ere due undc�tha Nate,until th�Noto is pnld in fl�il�a sum( Funds") for.(u)yearly taxcR
<br />-=iY°°"_.""""� nnd aesessmant»whtch may uttaln�riority over this S�cuiity Insuument t�s u Uen on tho Prapeny;(b)yesuly IeAachold pAymenta
<br />'.��+�_'�.�';�� ar gcound rente an the Prnperty.it any;(C)�+eafly hA7.�rd ot propeny inRUrAnco premiumw; (d)yex+rly floal insur�iw premiums.
<br />�_.;,��}?��� if anp: (eD Ye:u'ly mortguge insurance prer,v����s. if any; nnd (�nny sumK puynbla by Hono►r•er rtu U:ndor. io acmrdance with
<br /> x:_u2;�w.� the prov�san»s flf puragraph a, in licu of ihe pay��ent c�f mortga�e ans►trancc premiums.Thcs�u�.�cros are called"Escrow Itr�us."
<br /> °-�-'�'�i! i.endor mny. ut Any time, collect and hnlcl �nds in an ttmount nat fo excr.eti thc muximum a�rracTunt a lender for n fedora98y
<br /> r���i relsueJ martgugo laun m:�y ret�ulre(nr flora�wer'K esccr�.v account under tho fecleral Reul Estflte Setticrn:r� h'rc�cedures Act of
<br /> ___���;�a!"; 't'974 us umendal from tirn�to timc. 12!1•S.C. Scrt�.,^�� ;b01 ef 5ey. ("RESPA").wnlcss unother luw that a��ac�es ta the Punda
<br /> - %�'°~��'��.�,�� tiets a lesyc�umnunt. IP so. Lcnder ma�, s►t any Nme, coilect anci hald Punds in nn amount nat to excee6 t�9esscr emount.
<br /> —'�:�:q l.ender mny eatimutc tho umaunt of Fun�!s duo an tho busia af eurrent datu und reasonablo esi9��ie.9�f cxpertdiwres aP futi�r�
<br />�_°.��� �scrow ltoms or ntherwiso in ucrntdHncc with npplicuble luw.
<br /> .;-
<br /> ._� �?'�,y�i NEBRABKA•9lnfllo Fom1ly�Pann1�MtslFrsddl�Mao UNIfORM IN8THUMENT Porm 3028 8/80
<br /> - �NI 1ZT87 MTO VMPMORTOA08 iOHMB•13131703 U100�180018�1•i?01 Papo 1 014 Am�nd�d 6189
<br />