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<br /> If the amounts held by iJender for Fssrow I4ems exceed the aiuouats F�rmiaed to he held by RESPA, Lender
<br /> - . shall acoount to Borrow.r for the excess fuads as re9uiced by R�SPA. If the amnuau of fuads heid by Leader at any
<br /> � • time are not sufficiem to pay the Escro�v iteafs when due,Leadsr m�y notify the Borrower and require Borrower to _
<br /> m2ke up th�shortage as pemutted by RESPA. -
<br /> 'the Escmtv Funds are pledg� as additioaal security for alI sums secure� by this S�urity Instmment. If �,
<br /> �_-�``� Horrower teadars c�Lend��the full payment of all such sums, Bormwer's account shall tie ccedited witb the baance �
<br /> :��i reynainiag for all installment items(a),(b),and(c)and any mortgage insurance premium itutallment that Lender has =
<br /> '``�°`�= aot b�ome obl�gated to pay to the Sec�etary, and 1-ender shall promgtly nfund any faccess funds w B°n°tiver. _-
<br /> , � Immediately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its acquisiaon by Ixnder. Borrower's account shall tse _:
<br /> ` : credyted with aay balance remaining for ali installmeats for items(a).(b).and(c).
<br /> � 3.Appltcatton of Payments-A11 PaYmEnts uadEr ParagraPhs i and 2 shall be applied by Lender as fallows: _
<br /> • � . .� , � Firs�to the mortgage insoransc Premium w be paid hy Lender to the Secretary or w the monihly charge by the _
<br /> _ _;�: Secre u u}+instead of the mflntlily mortgage insuiance premium: or und reats.and fire, flood and o t her h a 7 a r d
<br /> _--�-= t. 3EOOnd,to any taxe.s,sp�al��•leasehol�l Paymcnts �n°
<br /> .tY insurance piemiums,as res;uired;
<br /> � `� • �,to inte�est due uader the Note;
<br /> e
<br /> : � Founh,to amor[ization of the principal of the Note;and
<br /> 'x ��•' ta late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �a_�,, , . �,
<br /> 4.FYre,Fload s{ad Other Haa�rtl Iasurance.Bamntiver shaU iasure aU impmvements on the Property+,ahQther
<br /> ' -=-� now in eusteace or subsequently cr�.aSainst aaY h�ds+c�sualues.and°°ntingencies,inctuding fire,for wluch
<br /> ;:'•�` Lender requirzs insurauce. This ias�uce shall be maintain�l iu ths amounts and for iL.e periods that L.eader
<br />.�.� . � requires. Barrower shall atso insitte�i1 improvem�nts on the Property, whether now in e�-teace or subsequentiy
<br /> � erected,against lass by floods to cts extent c+equired by the Secretary.All insurance sI�all be carried with companies
<br /> � �` ` appmved by Lender.lhe iasura�ze�.:?icies and anY renewals shall he held by Lsader and shall iuclude loss payable
<br /> �: ' �S clavses in f�vor of.aad ia a form�table m,Lender.
<br /> :s .�� " � In the event of tass,BorroGeT�all give Lender immediate natice by mail.Lender may make proof of loss if not
<br /> °;��' ,• mzde pmmptly by Be��er.Each iasvraace company concemed is hereby authori�ed and directed to make payment
<br /> =_,�ii::���
<br /> _.�>�,r,:;; . for such lass directl}<� i.end�r, insterd of to Borrower aad to Leader jointly All or any Part of the insurance
<br /> :;��,:�"y��� ' proce�ds�ay be applied by l.ca�-.rt its oprion,either(a)to�e reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and
<br /> '-';�'``f '�':«: this Sczv�=y Instrument,first W�r;�i;linquent amouats appli�al in the order in paragraph?,and thsn to Prepayment
<br /> �`:f�.���k:;=:�_., • Any applica�of ths roseeds to the
<br /> .';^�. � �`.�,. of principal, or(b) to the rese�-._.oa or repair of the da�d Properiy. R
<br /> --����°� principal shall uot ex:�3 or pas�e;.e the due d�t�of the monthly payments which are refe.;�to in paragraph 2.or
<br /> `-;"` change t�e amount of u:.��paym=.�:_,. Any exc��.�surance pmo�ds over an amount required to pay all entstanding
<br /> ::u���,t.r�
<br /> ---r''-'r�•'?t� indebteduess unster the Note aa3�5,.�c�uity Iascrum�nt shall t�p�id to the entity legally entitled theret�a.
<br /> �,�{"i;:;�
<br /> _,A.y;.;;P��,y�!��, Jn the event of forectosure cf t��Security InstNment ar c��s uansfer of dde to the P:operty that emin�ishes
<br /> �:��,;:L,�l�r,;;,,:; the indebtedness, all right, dtle �:: interest of Borrower in �9 to insurance policies in force shall pass to the
<br /> ==M:-si::��iti<`����� purchaser.
<br /> -•-`�-"t:'..`:� S.Occupaac5'.pteservution.Muintenanee aud Protect[ov of the Pra�ea�ty: Borrower's Laaa lL�.�:isati��;
<br /> - �.�� Lcasehalds. Borrower shall occupy.establish. and use the Property as Bo�+awer's princlpal rosidence�.::i�a sixry
<br /> --- days after the eaecuflon of this Se�.:siry Insuument(or within sizty days of a later sale or transfez of tnz C.npertyl
<br /> and sh�11 continue to occupy the Ptoperty as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date af
<br /> _ _ occupansy. unless Lender determines that recNirement wi11 cause undue hardship for Borrower,or unless extenuating
<br /> __
<br />