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<br /> , � � of Borrower's covenants an�agreem�nts uader this Security Instrument and th�Note.For[his purpose.Barro��er � _
<br /> ' irrevocabl ranu and conve s to the Trustee,in aust,with pawer of sale.the foitowing describ�d propetry loqted
<br /> Y g y County.Nehraska: �
<br /> • � . in Hall �
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<br /> – t'� (SvxetJ .
<br />� ' which has the address of 1708 W At�NA
<br /> �p =�,pNp (ciry].Nebraska 68803 (Zip code� ('Property Address');
<br /> � • i. TpG�IER WPPg all the impnovemenu now or hereafter erected on the praperty, and all easements,
<br />. _ � appynenances and fi�ctures now or hereafter a part of th$property. Ali repla.cem-'nu and additions shall also tse
<br /> • . � covered by this SecuYiry Insuumeat.All of the foregoing is referred to in this S�ecurity Insuument as the"Property."
<br /> • BORROWER COVENANTS that Boaower is lawfully s�ized of the estaze hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> grant and convey the Pragerry and that We PcopertY is uaeacambered>��Pt for encumbran�es of record.Borrower
<br /> ` .,., wazrnnts and arill defend gene�ally the tifle to the Property against a11 claims aud demands, subject to any
<br /> . encumbrances of moord.
<br /> •1 THIS SECURI'TY UVSTRUNlENT camL�iaes unif�'`�'==�erants far national use and aon-uaiform coven2nts
<br /> with limited variations by jnrisdiction to ccrn��;�e a uaif����curity�^vment covering real pruperty.
<br /> - ..:���i<�. Borrower and Lender cot�c_.ant and a--�as foiloc�s.
<br /> :- s�j�,'.. ,
<br /> _ . ;.,tr. UNIFORM COVENANI'S.
<br /> �'r:':'':''��-�.'. 1. Papav�:�.:.:�Priadpal, Inte�..�t u�uy Late ChargP. Borro:��-�all pay when due the��►pa1 of, an.d _
<br />:.;�:,: ,
<br />__-.��_.;���;��;•? � interest on.�::��.�evidenced by the Note�r3late charges due under�;Tn Note.
<br /> �`'•' 2. Mont::y Payment c� 3'axes, Is,vraace nna9�..her Cbacges. Borcower shall in�lu�e in each mnnr�'y
<br /> --:t�r„i;x/f, ..i
<br /> `:�.�:,...
<br /> -- : ,:�;' payment,together with the principal aad interest as set fet+i�in the Note aad any late eharges,a sum for(a}ta�cc-���,3
<br /> ..`,.$.'���; special asses�n:�.ts levi� or to be levial againsi the iKOperty, (b) leasehold�pa����o���r�t pay a
<br /> property,aad�:,premiums for iasurauce r�uired under paragaph 4. In anY Y
<br /> �;'-=�� mortgage 1n5ur�: premium to the Secretxry of Housing and Urbaa Developmsnt ("S�retary"},ar. in any year�n
<br /> __;�;;;�� v�hich such pr�`.'�would�ve been required if Lender still held the Securiry Instn�utant, each rcnthly pay�nt
<br /> --- shall also includs�`._��s:(��6�for the annual morlga�:insurauce premium to be p2id by Lender to the SecretaLS•,
<br /> ------— or(ii)a mop't�;;;!�zt�e ia5tea3 of a mortgage insuraace F�mium if this Security Insttum�t is he'.�by the Srxretary,
<br /> --=- - i�a reasona�'-.��_nt to be determined Tsu he Secretary. Except for ths monthly charge iay Q�r_�Secreutry, chese
<br /> ---=''��� items are ca�Ie�`L::.7ow Items"and the scus.��:id to I.ender are called"Escrow Fua�s.'
<br /> _':"";���� l.ender may.at any time. collect and:.�:3 ama�.:ts�ar Escrow Items in an ag�rey�te amoi;..-:�3s to exceed the
<br /> - ��^..;;��1
<br /> �=��,�� maximum amount that may be required for Boao��:'s.4J-TOw accaunt under the R�1 Estate Settlement Pra u�
<br /> ==-��;,� Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. and i�:•�menting regulations, ?A CPR Part 3500, as they at��� 1`�e
<br /> ----_- -- amended from c'.�e to time("RESP�"}, c.-�:ept that the cushion or ceserve permitted by RESPA for unanaci�,�.rd
<br /> =--z•-� disbursements�:-�isbursemenu befare�1�:: �anower's payments are available in the acr.ount mag �ot be based on
<br /> `''"��� amounts due for�e mortgage insurance pre�ium• '
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