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<br /> , ' abandoued Property. Barrower shall also be in de�aulc if Borrower. during the loan application process. gavc �;_
<br /> �°�
<br /> • materially false or inaccvmte infonnation or stateaneats to Lender(or failed ca provide Lender wtth any material �
<br /> iaformauan) i,� �onnecaon with the Iaan evidenced by the Note. iacluding. but not limited xo,.representations
<br /> . �� � '� conceming Boaower's occupancy of the Pmpary as a principa! resideace. tf tYus Secwiry �nstnunent is on a �,�M'
<br /> � o . leasehold.Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease. If Bunoever Ecquires fee title to the Propeny.the `
<br /> ���-�
<br /> . ��,.-� 4-��-�
<br /> j�% leasehold and fee dtle shall aot be merged unless Leader agrees to the merger in wricing. ,,,.__
<br /> ' 6.Coademnati�n.The procee�s of any award or claim fat damages,direct or�onsequential. in cannection with �_
<br /> `°•,,Y,,�:��. =-
<br /> _ ; any condemnntion or other taking of any part of the Pr+operty. or for conveyance in place of condemnation, a� ___
<br /> t��reby assigned aad shall be paid to I.ender to the eatent of the full amaunt of the indsbte�faess that cemains unpaid
<br /> �"� ' uader the Noie and ttus Sewriry Instrument. L.ender shall apply such pmcetds to the reduction of the indebtedness
<br /> ', �•:ir',:.5`: under the Note and this Secarity Insuument, first to any delinquent amnuau applied in the order pmvided in _
<br />,;.;, .,�>..:,,,�.'. ucarion of the roceeds to the principal sha11 not extend or _
<br /> . r...z;•. h 3,an.d then to nt of principal.AqY aFP p -
<br /> ' "�':�.; ��� p�� p�� eats,wluc8i are refezred to in ara h 2,or chan e the amount of such
<br /> �stpone the due date of the moathly paym � B�p g ___
<br />-- -. - .=_'�-��-�. tadebiEdness under the I�Ioie aad this --
<br /> payments. Any exczss pmceeds over aa amount r�uned w pay aIi aut�adia��
<br /> � • ' �' ��urity Yasuvment shall be paid to the enrity legally endded therew.
<br /> . • 7. Chargxs to Boiv�aca� and Protection of Lesder's R[ghts in the Property. Borrowez shall pay all
<br /> � : • o�jemmeatal or mimicipal ci�:.ges.fines aad imgositi�--�that are not included ia paragiaph 2. Boaower shall pay
<br />� � :�t��_ - these obligations on time dir�.,�-tly to the entiry whic&is awed the payment. If fa�ure w pay would adversely affe:.t
<br /> c
<br /> ��,�. .. .
<br /> . •�� Lender's inter�t in the property, upon Lender's request Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender rece�p�.s
<br /> .;,;..r;.,��T evidcncing these payinenu.
<br />•�, +:�•��,:.,..: If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments:equired bY Para�t�Z,or fa7s w pezform any othsr
<br /> �•�.:s� � . a' �o�in thai ma si ficantl
<br />-<i .,.,;•�-�y�'': covenants and agre�ments�:aiaed in�his Serurity Instrument,or there is a leg_�^ 8 Y � Y
<br /> ., �;��;�...,..,
<br /> :°,ry,;�: ' � affect p,ender's rights in the 5�:operty(such as a pzoceeding in bankruFtcy, for ccliw—....�oa or to enforce laws or
<br /> • regulatioas), then L.ender may d�and F�- whatever is aecessazy to�*etect th$v2:�.c:3e��erty and Lender's
<br /> t_. . �5 rights in the Property.iaclu�ling payasett�;;aues,hazard insutance ar�3 a:�er items�uoned u:z~�agapb 2.
<br /> � ' Any amounu disbiuseit by Lender:a:�er this paragraph shall r�:a�e an a�3:*�onal debt•�`.`Borrowes and be
<br /> . . ; f.
<br /> �--:.:�;. ,.� �ured hy this Security in...hr-�ent. Tt�r amovnu sb.�bear interest from the�:.e of disbursement, at th:!�ioie
<br /> `_fi,_ ,.�,,'+•
<br /> - :';.,�;:.z `� r�,and at the option of L,e��er,shall b$�snediat�ly�ue and payable.
<br /> ;M�r> ��� Borrower shall prnmpily discharg�:��iien whic�has priority e;.-ar this �:r��InstrumE:.:tmlless Borrower.
<br /> ,"�'-"1�, ''• (a)a�rees in writing to the payment ef'?a obligation secured by��::en im a �anner acce��e to Leader; (b)
<br /> -.�W,. • ..
<br /> --�,,., � contesu in goad faith the l±en by, or d�:a�.�s against eafonzment of the lien�, Iegal proceedings which in the
<br /> - ���.,� . f �� w `_:-�m tha holder of the lien an
<br /> %:*""`�`.�•°• Y.ender's opinton aperate _� :prevent the enforcemec. '� the lien; or (c) se�a:.
<br /> ��:,�a..:.., •.
<br /> •'../)il.�. � .
<br /> -�,�-:�_�. agreement satisfaaory to Lender subordinating che lien:3.•�`.s Security InstrumE�:. �`iLeader detenntaes at any parc
<br /> _-
<br />