. ' - ' ' ' . '/ , .
<br /> t �' �.��'.L�� .;�it�..�1' .' � .�e �._.J�--,�._.�.• �__�__"�-...�._— �__—_... . .�_�__���_. f.-3 ` y. '
<br /> , . � - ' . � �V���
<br /> ?.Em;r:ant Qar�n.Londer i3 hcraby��ad ail compcnoation,awarde,demapca and othar paymanto or roliaf(haromafior'Procoeds"1
<br /> , � � in eonncction�aRh coademnation ar othar takin9 ot tho Prqperty or part thereof,or tor convoycneo in lieu of condcmnaUOn.Lcrs�ar chall � .
<br /> � teken or damaped,Lende�shall have the option in its sele and absolute diseretion,to apply ait aueh Proceede,after deductinp thorafrom
<br /> � all coste astd expenses ineuned by it in eonnaotion with auch Proeeode, upon eny indebtednasa seeured horeby and'm auch ordor aa
<br /> Lender may de2ermine,or to eppiy eIl eucfi Proeeada,af4o►auch deductiona,to the restoration of the Property upon cuch caoditions as :Z,`
<br /> , � . i Lender may datartnu+o.Any applicetion of Procead�to indehtednass sfieit not extend or postpone tha due date of any Faymenta urtder
<br /> ' , ( Me Note,or atro any default therwnder or hereundor.Any unapplied furtda sha11 be paid to Trustor.
<br /> f � g, Vatiomfattes by Lendu.Upon the accurronce ot an Event of Defauk heteunder, o►if anY act io tekar+ or IsQal proceediny
<br /> i eommeneed whieh materialty affectc Lender's intuest in the Property,Lcrsdar may in its own discrotion,but v�ithout obGgation to do so,
<br /> and vrithout�otiee to or demand upon Trustor and wiihout reteasing Tnrstor from any oblipation,do any aet whtch TTUStor has ayreod
<br /> __-_—_�_�..z� but faila to do and may ulso do any othar act it dc:cma neees�ary to proteet tho security hereof.Trustor ahap,immediately upon demand _
<br /> , 'p � thsrefor by Lender.pay to i.er+der nll eosta and axpanasa ineurtad and eums e�rysnded by Landa*m co���'�e°x°=asg bY � '
<br /> Lendar of the fonpoing righte,topethar vJit}�interast thereon at the dofauft mte provided in the Note, whid+ d+alt bs added to tha
<br /> � ,� I indebtadnesa sacu�e d h e'-y.Lander sfiai!not ineur any liabifity becausa af an�ir,^,'t r�ay do or omit to do hereurtdor.
<br /> , 8,1{azadous`6td�c.Truater shall keep the Properly in compliance wi•_':�1�a?h�ble iawa,ordinanees and ragulations reiatiny to �'""��
<br /> '. ' ' • � a�ductrin!hypiene or x�si'�z�^�'ai Sr�tection(collscYnroly refeTrad to herei.:�'"t��i�a.mental Lews"1•Trustar ehafi keap the Roperty �:;;_
<br /> �:,,`;,:,:,�•. . � 4ree frc:+�+K.�s:.=�.'-�am m-`«=r i:.azerdous or taric under any F���:�'r^�.:�:a'.xv�a (oottectively referred to here�sa'Hazatdous f^•'==
<br /> t .'�"`: ; f'•._te.-L..'�. �'�-a:ha•as1 a:a--�:a�r represants to Lender thet tfrore z.-��_^+��dous h'latarial on or under the Property.Ttustor
<br /> • �'•, haraby c,,.��:=�'•3�'�'�f;and hotd hartnlese Lendar,its dire.torc,offiesre,car�'ar.�aos and agents. and any eucceseota to Lenda�s
<br /> � . irtterest,from and eg�.s�t any an d aIl daims, damages,lossao and liabilitiae art�n�in connection with the pretsenw,use,Eisposat or �. -
<br /> � se _
<br /> �� �• � trnnsp�rt of eny Hazcrdous Materiala on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOREGO(NO WAflRAN'RES AlUD REPRESfNTAYIONS, _
<br /> . . 7RU3T. �_
<br /> � � 10.Asu�nm�nt of R�trt�.Truator hereby osaiyru to L�nder,and grente lander a security interast in,all present,future and ottar f_ _
<br /> risinp rant�,iaues and profit�of ths Property;providnd thst Trustor sfiatl,until tfia oceurrenee o!�n Evsnt of Delault hareunder,have
<br /> � Y j thr ripht to eollnai ans rotain auch rant�, issues�nd proiit�as thty 6ecome dus and payable. Upon ths oceurnnce of u+Ev�nt oi _
<br /> � Q�ttutt,lend�r mty,eithtr in p�rton or by spsnt,wifh o►vyithout brinylnp any sction or proaaadinp, or by�racdver agpainted by• -
<br /> � eouR�nd�srithout re�ard to tho adsqutay of it�e�turity, antsr upon�nd t�ke pousuto�oi th�Prop�rty,or�ny prrt N�r�of,in�t�own _
<br /> . • '� { rtom�or m th�n�ms ol ttte Trustn,and do any act�which it deems nacet�ary or dasirebla to presmve tha va.ue, marketa6i6ty or
<br /> � renubildy a}eh�Proparty,or eny put thtrsaf oe�ntaa�t tArrain,or to ensreaa�th�ineom�thndrom o�prot�nt ths wcurit�r htt�of and,
<br /> . � � wdh sr witMout takinp pounsian o}th�PropfRy,w�for or othRrwise coltsct th�rmnt�,i=wa��nd ptotii�thorscf,inoludinp tfinss 0� __
<br />- . ' dw�nd unptid,by ectdymp t�nmt�to m�k�paym�nt�to L.�ndtr. Lendar may apply rents,iaucs and protit�,tass cosi��nd expenses __ _.
<br /> of apsration�nd eollsction ineludinp ettornay�'f eas,to any indebteelness secured her�by,all in tueh order ss Lender m�y detarn►ine.The
<br /> mt�rinp upan and tekinp poassston ot ths Proparty, the eolteotion of such rant�,iuuea end profit�, and ths�pptieation thereof as -
<br /> ' dareatd, ehall nut eur�or waive any dafeult or notice of defauh heraunder or invelidate any ant done in response to sueh defeu�t or _
<br /> ' , • � � pur4uanE to such notiee of defautt and,notwithatsndin9 the eontinuanee in possesaion o4 the Property or the collsation,re�ceipt end
<br /> spplieation of rent�, issues or profita, Trustee and Lander ohall be antitlad to exereise avsry ripht provided for in any ot the Loan
<br /> Inatrument�or by!aw upon oecurrence of any Event of Defauit,includ'mp without limitatian the ripht to exereise the powar of eale.
<br /> Further,Lendet'�rightt and remedies undot this parapreph shatl 6e cumulativo vsith,and'm no way e lirnitation on,Lender's riflhto mtd
<br /> ' remedies under any asaipnment of Ieaaes and rents racordad apasnst the ProGcsrty.Lender,Ttustae and the raceiver ehall be Iiable to
<br /> � sccount onty for those rente actua!Iy received.
<br /> � 11.Evanta of Da4auIt Tho faRa:vinp afiall constitute en Evant af Oafeult under th:s Qeed of Tr�st:
<br /> (�)Failuro to psy any instaP.ment of principal or intateat of any oiher cum cacared hera��f rien duo;
<br /> . ' (b1 A breach of ar default undar any provision contained in the Nata,t!�'3 Daud of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,ar nny
<br /> . other lien or encumbranco upon tho Property:
<br /> '1� • . (e)A writ of exeation or attaefimant or eny oimilar process shall ta mr*xrad ayoin3t Trustor whicM shnll hecome e lien on the
<br /> . �c��y or any portion thamof or intorest thotein;
<br /> • �' 1 S,There ahait be filed ty eT s�ainsi Trustor or Borrower �T�r.�-r.:��r any preaont or tuture federal,atate or ether c4��ae,lar�
<br /> cr r_�letion re!^ti:^g to ban!cz�:eV, insolvancy or other raS:d� +:+- s�ici:.:�=r theta ahall be eppointed any trusteo, ro�sirsr or
<br /> � �• • Ii;,uid�tor of t�w�u-ar Borroti.3t or of aIl or any part of the Pre��.:y.,c-'�'z�<n-�:a,issuaa or protite thereof,o�Truatot or Borrower
<br /> • � s,`.n11 make any 9,'�'�m'al assiQnment tor the banefit of credftoro;
<br /> ' '�x"��`'� ' � '.�)The sala,tranafar,tease,¢ssipnment,convayance or further ona:��f-a�+a�of ai1 or ar+y part of o►any interost irt the Property,
<br /> ';:��{%'i�'' ,�.••; �itri�r volunterity or involuntar;tg-�vithout the exprasa written consent of L_-�•r_r,praiided Ltiat Ttustor shaA be permittcd to mcecute
<br /> .'.:i 4�i.:'.�-...
<br /> ��ti ....•� a Icma of the Property that does r.ot contain an option to purchase and tha tem o!which dcc�not axcen one year;
<br /> -T;u�r4 .. , ifl Abm�donment ot the Propercy;or
<br /> -•"- � � (p) If Trustor ia oot an individunl,the iaa+anee, sate,transter,ass:�rsc-t, eonvsyenee or encumbrenee of mora than (if e
<br /> ?�� • corporation)e total of pareent of iU iaued and outatandinp atecx,.e-Cf a partner�hiy)s total ot p/p Ref�+i4 of
<br /> partnership tnterestt,ot a I�mitad liability►eompany)e toul of N/p �:m�at.�t of the limited liebiliry company intereatm or votinp
<br /> � =° - riphUs��rinp the period thi�Oeed of Trust�ama:ns s lion on the Pcafeissy.
<br /> _ .�..L � �?.�{�di�r,A¢c�wratioa dlpoa Oataul�In the event of any C�-�:t o!Oefault Lender may,wfthout notise ex�ropt aa�aq�:mni by Iaw,
<br /> {
<br /> � ' �� deetso 311 irtdebtedness saeurad horohy to 6e due and payab:a +az�: i�te Qame chall thereupon bacome due and peyablo�•l�L'�out eny
<br /> .�,.`f,,�;._,�, preseniment,danand,proteat or notieo of eny kind.Thereafter ir_r.�nr mey: _
<br /> -,;;�r.",�;,;«', '- (e)Demand that Trustee exareise the POVYER OF SALE prante�hercGT, cnd Trustee ehatl theraafter cause Trustor'� intarast
<br /> ;�.;}i��k5 hy :' in the Propefty to ba sold and the proeeeds to Ea distribatsd,e�l in the m.ctirra'provided'm tho Nebrasko T�at Oeeds Act;
<br /> -_�..,��..,, ,� (b)Exercisa cny and all ripht� provided for in any o4�sm Loen'Inc:rument� or b{ taw upan occurrmce of eny Event of
<br /> �'�5•`,'�`�- �• Ootauft:and
<br /> . tcI Commence an nciion to ioreetom this Daed of Tr,�.,.�c r.a a mortaape, eppoint a reeeivm,or specifiaalry enforce eny of tho
<br /> " covenante hercaf.
<br /> No remedy here:n cr.�ferted upon or roserved to Trustee or LertCe�i3 intende�to be exclusive of any other temedy hsrein,in the Loan
<br /> tnatrumento or by taw providad or permitted.but eaefi shall6e c�cr.u:utiue,aha:l be 6�addition to every othar remedy piven hereunder,in
<br /> �� tfie Loan fnstrumenU ot now or heraaftm euistinp et Iaw or m e4ca:y or by statute,end enay be exetcised eonturranth/,indepee�dently ot
<br /> � f1iCCOffIVOIy. =.
<br /> ' 13.Trt�stw.The Truatee may reslpn et eny time without wuso,end Lander may at any time and without eause�ePoint a sueeassor
<br /> o►aubstitute Trustee.Trustee shnll not be Iiable to any party,ineludin9 without limitetion Lm+der,Borrower,Truator o�any Durchasor o1 -
<br /> � • the Property,for any tosa or demaQe un�es� due to rseklus or willtul miseonduct, and�hell not be repuirsd to teke any action in -_
<br /> � connaction with the enforeemer+t of this Deed of Trust unles�indemniiied,in writinp,for a0 cast�,comDanation oT expensn whleh may =_
<br /> � �• � be a�saci�ted therewith.In addition,Trwtee m�y become�putehaier a!any tale of the Roparty G�diclal or undet t��pawsr ot�ale �_
<br /> � prantad herein):pastpone the ate of atl or any portion of tha Property,aa providad by lew:or celt tho Property as a whole,or in separnte �;_:
<br /> � ,.� � parcets or tot�et Truttee'�di:eretion. _�
<br /> 1 q,FNS�d Exp�nsss.tn the event Truatee ael(s the Property by exereice of power of sale,Trustae�hell be�tittad to apply er.y aa!e R
<br /> proceads fim to payment of eA eosta and expencea of exarei:inp pouvar of oats,inetudirtp ell Tcuatee'�tae�.and Lendtr'�and Trasiee'e �
<br /> �,
<br /> attomey'o tees,actue:ty insurred to etttent parmitted by appGcabte lav�.In the evant Borrov�er or Trustor exercises any�ipht provid�i 6y �
<br /> lav�to euro an Evant o!Oefautt,I.endor sf�a11 ba m+titted to reeover from Trustor ell coat�and experrsas nctaelty ineurred e�e resu(t of -
<br /> � Trtcatcr'a dafnult,insludinp without limitatior+al!Trustee'e and attomey'e faas,to tha extent permitted by applicabla lew. �
<br /> =�.�" . t�.Fuwn Advaness.Upon eequast ot Borrower,Lersder ma,/,nt ite option,make additional end futuro advancao and readvance�to =
<br /> ,:,��, -
<br /> HaROVre�.£ucM cd�iertees ertd readvencos,v+ith interest therean,efia0�o aecuttd by thim Oeed of Trust.At no timo chap the prirteiyal _
<br /> � ��`�'�� emeunt of tho irtdsk23drtecs cecured Dy this�ead ai Trurt,Rot irsztuda�g aurt:a advarteed to proteet tHe aaeurity of this Oaed of Truat,
<br /> .-;l�.. � , exceed tP�o oriQinal pr'useipal cmcc:r.�stated herein,o�9 gr�.;p ,whichevar ia atwtot. _
<br /> "�:.� --
<br /> . i-•
<br /> _. 4
<br /> .._ . ._. ;.. ... �
<br /> -- r:,.Gtas�n a::�r✓�_�md o�d��a.uros
<br /> ' /O:A tU_•auf BsrA af Cammace Tnnt rtn0 Ssv.rGS!lct�cs:t:n.U+cc'+6/L�^rnks
<br />