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<br /> DEED OF TRUa�T Va11TH �I.i'TEI�t�bA��9ANCES � -
<br /> . F�bzuds?� .18 �� .by and emone�p p -
<br />�.�?.�Iyk 4���, . . TK.S�L�'i'.=�PI�Mi.13�.^.8do e3 af ilto 18r, dgy o4 �SE,..---
<br /> �i` � ��.�.,'A�ri� �.�'L�� u :tai^�.�te�'LZ's 3IIa IeORRASNBE �'�s ���� :.'�W' &+�r'us �•�
<br /> :s;:c:: �,: ,4�r :i�aT.2�:r
<br /> ::e;� �
<br />_�z;V;�� . .
<br />..�� ' � - �vhosa m�:^a addresa is 152Q W 3RD ST (�RF� ZSLRN� LQB 6880����4�'rustor,"whather one or moref,
<br /> . � the Yrtusiee. THS OVBRL7IL�D I�ITIONAL SANK OF I�RADiD I3LAND
<br /> :,
<br /> ' �� vrhose mnitinp eddresa is P O B07[ 1688 CiR11ND I3I�AND FlB 68802 �herein'Trustas9,�nd
<br /> • i"-
<br /> ' � the Bm+efiaiary. T� 0�� �TIONAL HAtTK QF QtEt�i� ZSL2IZTD
<br /> ta:; '
<br /> � � �� p o aox i6ae r�� ss�ro r� eaaoa �n.t.��•I.�ndn"�.
<br /> ufhose mril:mp addm:s is
<br /> FOA VALtlAB1F CGNSIDEAATION,inc:udin0 Landot'a�xtencio;�ot crodit id�ntilisd her�in to ��j N � L S T SCHBR -
<br /> • �' LORRAIIiS L8T3CtIBR
<br /> � • (hero?�'Borrawe►°,wl+ether ons or morel md th�tnast herein er�st�d,the
<br /> ' � roceiDt of which is hereby aeknowiedped,TntstoT henby hravora4h�pimte,ttans?era,convay�md ssstgne to Tn+stss,(N 4F�JST,W1TH
<br /> �- � � , pOyVER OF SALE,tor the bertefit and snturity of Landar,under end�u'afeat to the termt�nd eonditians harainafter sat farth,ths real
<br /> � • property,deseribad cs toflowa:
<br /> � • i.at Five t5), B2ock Seven (73, in ECSrrsohan aad Decker'e
<br /> � Arldition to the City og 6xand Z�1aYr.d, Hali County,
<br /> dzdiaaaace No.t5880 fi e Septes�er 1�1975tia theBReg�is�teia
<br /> .. "_,�4 - of Deed9 0£giCe 3n Boo� 29. Pttge 391.
<br /> ' . ' gRp?&?�fi7t ADDRBSS: 1520 W 3RD Si. CiRAND ZSLAND, A7B 68801-5724
<br /> � etaianees
<br /> ;��,; .
<br /> Togrther with all bu:id�npa,irtiprova-s�':.!.Xi�v�,etrcroto,e°nYm.-pnsQaza•n s;s,easamentv� rigMt9;privileIIas and appi+
<br /> •.y��' Iocated thereon or in artywise perto6+inp t:to°^=,er�3=�'o ranw,iscuu+m^�profita,ravoraione c-.3�wraindare thcreaf,nad wc'+�vrs=nal
<br /> �..°,r i.:•.,c}.?4
<br /> Y �• propeRy that is attache?to the improvamento�s e:'�:cona4ituto e{rar.ure,ifte(udinp,but not l:^�na:�:�,hestinp end cool�p eqL.','�art+t;
<br /> `.ti ��� `'" �' and topether with tho tti�r.-aatead or marital in::.-�t:..rt any,which interesto aro hereby role�� ard weva�..¢�of which, inelud'mp
<br /> .,,,;,y�,t
<br /> '�.;;,f;':�s�� roplacaments and add.'.r.ra t•:�ereto,is hereby dec'.a7ci+:o be e ps�t o1 tho roa1 est��a.:r:ured ty�~e fien of t'.�'s I��Md of Trust and a:l of
<br /> -;_er�fi��,�(�t�� thetotepoinybeinpra`�wdeohere•a+asthe'ProparCP�.
<br /> _�'�� '�`-='�'•���� This Deed of Trwat ehall ceeure(e)the payment of tho prr.,ar�e�1 tum and intnreat avi�rr.aed by a Dromissory note or cradit
<br /> .":',`r,'. -. _ .
<br /> +-��a:( '���'�,",�.
<br /> .�., � Februaz3r �l. 2004 .
<br /> a`--'`�: F�I:2u8sY �l. 1999 ,hwir.p e matur;',r�:r:.:a of
<br /> - ,.�.; - epreement dated '
<br /> „'.�+�':�` 65,509.55 ,c.T,i ca-/end all modi}ications, extensions and renewab
<br /> � in the oripinal prinniya; a-nount ot 9
<br /> w '���M theraoi or thereto and eny and ap futuro advanees and raadvtrsseJ.t6 donower(cr ar.y of tha-t t4-�ore than onel hereunder�uramt to
<br /> -s;�
<br /> one or more promissory notea or erodit epraament�(horoin e3!;a�`Tlcsa"):(b1 the paymant e:�ac�cr auma advartced by L.ende�to proteot
<br /> -:,�",t,�,� :�` the aecurity of the iVota,(c)tho performanee of all eavonenta rnd c;,7oementa ot Truator se2`.a�' ��erein;end (d1 all prasant and tu2uro
<br /> �-"'`� • indehtednes�end ob':Er':ions of Borrower(or any cf•t4em if mora thun ono)to trr•�er whetL�'-::�et,ind:�.absotute or eontinQant
<br /> ����� � end whather ericin0 by noto,puaranty,overdiaft cr etitinw�tao.Yho No4o,this Oae�c1 Trust end a-Y end a�ulssr�:oeument�that eecure
<br /> the Note o►othelv�ise executed in connection theranrRh,includine vuilhout limita`-n querent�s,��sc�:r�aQnvVmar+t�end suipnmenta
<br /> y, . . of leasei end rento,�hall be roforrod to horein ne the"loan Mstrummto".
<br /> • Trustor covennnt�and n�rees v�.:;t Lendor as followo:
<br /> •• 1,p�yrrnnt of I.�de�o•A�1 mdeDtadness eewra0 here"s1l�t+a:1 ba paid when due.
<br /> y,TiW,Trus2c��W:'he owner of the Property,has the ripht end authority to c��vey the P►operty,and we:-.v+t�that the fien ereated
<br /> � hereby N a tirat ertd��`��+lien on the Properiy,exeept Tor lient and encumbranee�aet forth by Tastm in writi�r�end delivered ta ta+dsr
<br /> _ ee
<br /> _.. '' Fj, before exzcution of this Qeed of Trust,and the executtor+nnd dc:�rory of thie Oeed of truat doee not viotate�+Y contrset or olho
<br /> � • ' obliyntion to whlah tnestor is aubjeat. ,.,,,.;,,�eaaeawnent�end aIl othor ehatpes�Oainst the P►oparty now or
<br /> . � 3.Tuu,11*s�sHS+�at�•Ta Ox�before delinquancy o!1 ta.�,s�. -
<br /> �;� hereaiterlevied.
<br /> ` 4.Inwes�as.To keep the Froparty insured aQainot demago by fire,hazard�, included within tho term 'extertded eovenp�',and
<br /> .' ,.,��°�' '•'•" such other h�m�ds ns La�der mr/require,in amaunt�and wRh campanies eceeptabta to Lender,rtaminp Lender as�n additiond namsd -
<br /> � insured,witb losa paynble to ihe Lende�.In case o!loss unde�eu�+Folictns,tfie Lender is euthorized to edjust,ed.iect�nd eemprami�e,
<br /> s•q nll cia:ms thereunder and shall have the optian o?epplyinp a!1 or psst of the insurance ptoeeeds(i)to eny v�debtedrtas��ecured heteby
<br /> � and in suoh ordar ae Lendar rrst�determine,(iil to tha Trustor to bs uued}o�the repair or restoration of the Property or liiil for any othe�
<br /> .. � ± purpose or object eatisfnetory to Lendor without affcctinp th�I:en o7 thia Daed of Truet for tl�a t'ull nmount eecured haretry baiore�uch
<br /> � ',. peyment ever teotc piaee.AnY application of praeeads to indsb:odn�.s shetl rtot o�Rend or Fc�]:�ne the due dete of any OaY�e^t��nder
<br /> • the Note,or euro�a:y�ataut2 thereunder or hereundzr.
<br /> ` � 6.Esetaw.U,z:r,writtar�danand by Lertdar,Truotor eheU DsY to Lendar,ier.cudt mr.�tincr as Lendet may desfipnate,aufficiant wma
<br /> to erssble Lende�4o pay aa thay become duo ar.e or rrtara o?tho foS!otivinp: 4i e:tv:ac, nc�smente and othnr cha�peo ng�n+at U+e
<br /> Preperty,fii)the prar.iums on tho P►aPertY ms�cT,.r.00 ra9�:��+��nder,and I':3 t�o pcc:ni�na¢n eny moRyepe inautcnec re:uired by
<br /> : . � I,ander. in oad eonditiaz rJ'd repair;shatl promptty
<br /> 8.M�nt�r.+ee^'.s.GeAdn��O�A�eo atttt b�w�.Trusto�chall keap sY.� r(?oDertY� 0
<br /> rapair,or roplaee en�c�'Provemcnt vlhioh m.sV bo damagsd or dMiroyed;eha:l r.�2 commit ot parmit anV�+::cto ot deteriotetion of tho
<br /> ' : ort�,,..�;�_4�nn�rrt�ecavo,d�no::ah or suhatenY'�l;y nitaP eJrJ of tho improvemants on tho Proparty`chetl Rc:R�m?�ntyffdi�eharae t
<br /> .. _ - cny aet to bo Coae in o+u��n tho Froporty�violation o!cny ts:v, otdmcneo.or roputaiim�.�.�a«�•t i=i � A h1 8
<br /> Trustor'o eoot er.d exRenso a:l L•ena,cneumbrenco9 end chatgso�a�:cr1,impouad or essa�s�=9 c{�ainat tho Froper[y o►anV part thereoi.
<br /> r .�
<br /> . � t::C31S67A ftton�r;oLnrd Oxd1 Wi.12787
<br /> � . • . . ` Q t0II8 l7s�s�sl6a+t of Cc++rr.sea Truft�rd Osi7r�s t.fax:r.�n,tinee:n.0.^�rasts .. . . . . . . .
<br />