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<br /> 18.Miaaellaneous Provisions �
<br /> � • � (a)�����t R���.�enaion of thn timo for paymen2 or mad�cation of tho suma seeured by this Dead ot Trust Oranted �
<br /> � by Lender to eny successor in interest ot Borrower stsall not aperate to reloase,in enY manner,the liability of the oripir+a�Bonowe► �_
<br /> and Sattawar4 rsxce�sso�i»intaraat.Lendar shali not be required to eommanse procaadmqs apamst cuch suceessor or rofuse to —
<br /> � � mctend tc�e foi payment or otherwi3o madity amort2ation of ths suma sewred 6y thie Deed of Trust by reason of any damanda __
<br /> mede by the original Bonower end Borrowa�o eueeassors in intereffi. �t of sn obti ation hernin mcntianed. ��_
<br /> • ' ' ', (b)Lendaf�Rovra».�Nrthout afFeoYvig the liability of anV oti'er person liabla for th��aym Y s �_<
<br /> , . � ,'� and vlithout affeet6�p the lien or ehnreo of th[s Deed of Tntat upon any portian of H-re t�vpe*tY not ther+or thsretofore ralaaset!as _._
<br /> � __ bsr,: eeeurity for the futl emaunt of a0 unpaid obligation3,Ler+der may,from time to ti.-��'?vlithout notia9 ti) relsa�e sny Rar�ton eo �-.'
<br /> `— -- r fiahle,tiil extend ths maiurity ar after anV o(tf�s te�.s aE�+y�uc�ob#�,qatin�.Cs�S�.�c�:arher mde�ences.(ivI rolerse ar reeonvml. `
<br /> ' �:�:
<br /> ;:+;?. �'�.E -�'$� ar eause to be teieased er raeomeyed at m�y time at Lerrdr•.r'n�R►tan�x C�1,�ecvcn 7r eU of the Froparty.tv)ta�e or release any --
<br /> '%"r'=:�i F,:'�"�''.�.'�%°"' ��er sdditiona! securir,: `�-an1► obliga2+on herein mcrttir.rracl, vr tv$ make compe�ti�s or otfier ananQemonto with debtors b+ --
<br />���^%:11'�f•r::���,;(`�'�'` r3�HLlOI1�fC7QI0.
<br /> ` � ��� ��by Lender ttoi a W�ver.MY farbaarence by Lender bi mcereiain�esny ri91+t or ramedy haraunder,or otheruvise
<br /> Y
<br /> • sfforded by applieable Inw,e!►al!not ba a waivm of or preeh+de the mcereise of any sueh riaht or remedy. Tho proeurcment of
<br /> insurance or tho payment of taxaa or other tisna oi ehaTQeo by I.e+►der chall not 6e a waiver of Lander'a riyht to+teeelerate the
<br /> • :`i. maturity og ehe indebtadness secured by t1+is Deed o!Trusi. �s eavonents and+Dreert►ant�hsreu�contah+sd�ha0
<br /> • : (d)Succusora�nd As�ns Bo�md:Joint and S��nwi Li�bYiQt:C�p�ot��•
<br /> ;- bind, and the riphts herwnsier �l+�0 irture to,tha resyactive atacassors and eulpn�of Lendar end Tncetor. Al!cov�ne►t��rsd _
<br /> � aareamenta of Trustor �hdl he joint and aa�aral. TF.e eaptions and headine� of the pareprepha of this Deed ot Tn►at are tor
<br /> convanience onty end ata not to�e ucad to interpret or define the pravisians Aerenf.
<br /> (e)R�qwft tor Roikss.Th�P�Riss here4y requast that e eopy of any notiu of defeul!heraundcr and a copy of any notiao of
<br /> � , �. �ale hersunde:ba mtited to each party to thu Desd ot Truat nt the addteso�et forth strove in tfie mannm preseribed ty eppliable
<br /> law.Exeept for any othnr nottco raQuircd under eppfEcnblo tev+to be Qivon in another manaer,any notiae proviQed for in thi�Deed of
<br /> ' Trust�half ba piven by msiimp sueh notice by certified enail addressed to the otfier partias,at tt+e addross aat farth above.My
<br /> ' notice prsvided for in this C¢od af Tn�st ahail be affeetive upoo mail�p in the menner desiy►�ted herein.If Trustar is more than one
<br /> ,�- • �•- penon,notioe sent to ths sddrn4s srt forth abave afiall be notioe to a11 ach panons.
<br /> (f►tmp�otton.Lander may make or eause to�e made reasonsble entries upon artd inspeoti�no of the Property,prav.ded that
<br /> _ Landar�haD pive Trustor notico pru�r to any sueh incDaation saeefinnp reasonabte eause theretor refated to i�endor'�intarast in thn
<br />. Property.
<br /> (y)g�eanv�yaneo. Upnn p+�ymment of eIl euma securesd by thi9 Daed of Tru�'t,Lender shall requast Tniatee to reeonvey the
<br /> iq
<br /> Proparry and shell suttander thia Qo�sd of T�ust end aA notes evide�tcinp indahtednesa sewrod try this Deed ot Ttust to rusteo.
<br />.r ' � . .. Tru�tee el+a0 reconvay tl+e Proyert�/evit3�out warranty and�nithout eharQe to the perwn or persona leQalty entittod thereto.YntetoT
<br /> " ahaU paV all cosU of tecordation,ii enY• ent of the Note,Truator harehy Qrants I.ee�der ur�sr
<br /> � Ih)Gs:�aoaal Pto�*etV%S�c�1p A9ts���4.Lla re.�".s:ic�sai eewritv for the PaVrt+
<br /> 6� '�•�'- . the Nabraska tln3acm Cmmmerelal Coda s securitt,�'r,�irur.�in all foctutes,aquipmertt,and other personal property r:sad tn eomtac2ien
<br />. fr�'�.F. •��. �.
<br /> with the renl estata or onymverRento lacated ther�xs,.r�td not othervvke dectarcd ar daemod to be e part of tirn�ar1 astate sscured
<br /> ''' . hereby.This inairu°nent al�ail be conatn+ed as a��a»i�j Apreement under said Ca+lM,and the L.aP►der chall��dE+Jie�h2a u►d
<br /> ranadies oi e seeurod party undar eald Code in edd�:::r.co tha riQhta end romadias created under and aecorded Ysse I.en�tt�zurs:ars4
<br /> � � ' to t7�ia�ead of Tnt�;provIded that Lender'e riphta�d remediao urTd�r thia pareproph ehatl 6o cumulntive with,end in r.a cen*:a
<br /> -ry:�:�'y=':•-.�. Ii�Ration an,LandePs ri¢hto and remedise undar a�;>�aseor security�rament cipncd by Borrov�er or Tructo►.
<br /> - �3 Liem�nd Fnc�zt,�rsr►ses. Trustor hareb� .a.cmnu end re�resants thes ti'ere ia no detautt undar the provisiosn �r+us.Y
<br /> -_=+-u•'�'�� mort�aps,deed ot tntat,laaso o►pulehaao con4:i�t daactibmp all ar any part�nSio Property, ot othm contraet, oistrurr�t.'=or
<br /> �---���-�`'= a�raer��!nt constitutinp a lian or ertar.;-aeeee e�a�at aSt ar any Rar:of the Prap�� fcallaetive.'Lix+s'1,existinp as of she .'.�:e ef
<br /> ,.f�:.,',•'.- . .
<br /> .r�.��,_� ,�;�i this @� of Yrust, ertd that any ce+.i.�� ex+eta0 �+sna rnmaia ��ir.oditied exeopt as disdac,e� to Lender in Trurtar'c cn+�tten
<br /> '"'= disaleterr-a of liana ond encumbreacac�x`:+�ided tor harein. 4r....�.:,-chell ti��no;y perfortn a(I afi Tr�ator'o obtiDations, c��ra7mnU,
<br /> - ��+` roptesentatten$and tvarrontias under arry artd a11 er.'sst�+p and f�t+u�t�ano,ehall promptry torwm3 to Lender coyias oi elI��::maa o1
<br /> °<"r`"" '� detault sent tn conrt�ation wRh eny and all exist::g c�futuro 4ens,and shall not without Lendafo prior �vritten e_^sv.-t in a�l
<br /> �r_f'.;�..�- �.
<br /> mannnr modify tha provi9ions oi or allow my tutum advcv:ees unda�any existin0 or tuwre Liens.
<br /> _--_- .z' �� � A�pyeatiop ot Psymsnt�. Unlesa otherwise�equimd by taw, cums paid to Lender hereunder, u+ctud4.�te+dsos' limitatian
<br /> - -T`�'��° pyymrmL�of pimetpal attd interest,insut�nce proosede.candemnatian ptazeed9 and tenU and profiU,sha0 bo q�►�=�r,°�mnder to
<br /> ^���� the�rna:mto due artd owinp from Trustor end barrawer in wch order as lender in iU sole d'uaretion deem�desirae:m. �
<br /> —=n��„�.t�� (K} Say�ab�iity. If any pfovIsion oi this Daed af.Trust eonfliots with applicable law or i� dectared in•rs1iJ ac•x1`�:�
<br /> q=��'��v unenforceabte,such confifiat or invatidity�fintl not effso!ths other provision�of thi�Dead o!Truat or the Notn�u�icfi ean os piven
<br /> '=��+ effect without the eanfliotinp provialon, and to thip md the provisions of this Deed oi Trurt end the llctz v.•e declsrod to be
<br /> _ _�_���
<br /> y,�:� sever�ble. .
<br /> (q T�m».The tarma'Trusto►'and'Bonower•shal]inclvde both sir+pular end plurai,and when the Tnr.arcu mnd Bcrrower ere the
<br /> _�t�� same personts),thaso torms as ucad in thi3 Daed of Truot shall be interehanpeable.
<br /> __�,;;,� (m)t3owre�En�4w.Thia Dned of Tru�t ehail bo po�omad by Us�r iaws o}the State of Nehrachn.•
<br /> °-��'��`=;=a Trusto�he�executod this Dood of Trust as of the dc2a w►ittan c$csua.
<br /> -- r s� .
<br /> -- —�, �
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<br /> _-'"�e T,pgg�� R Tasto� Trustot
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<br /> � Trusto� Trua2or
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<br /> � � U°C 31S7C lttone„rla�Lturaf Ctadt Rav.6J83
<br /> f4 ; 168£3 qstroaal HueL o1 Cemzaree Yr�t and Ca•r.cCa Assec:st:�n.lir.za.n,t.stras4e
<br /> i
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