�: �' �-� ., • _ ' '
<br /> . ; <<�.< <�t. ..,..
<br /> �r}'��-- ----^-��o�.�� � --- . ._.
<br /> . . . . . _ .. . . . . . � .. . ��r' ,.
<br /> :rf� �. ' - ' .
<br /> . ,. �- . 'i£�_z �,i ` .. - - ` � , � : o ' � --�.'---"------" ¢ - _ . ;.�4}•
<br /> . . 'r.....___ -'_-`._
<br /> � � `Pr¢aeeds�fn oonnsctlan vrith cflndamnaHan or o'td�er tak�ng cf the Prcparty or part thereof.cr far aonveyanoe in lieu of cort��mnatian. �
<br /> ' Len�er shati bo entitlad at[ts op8on to commence,appaar(n and pro�ecute(��ts o�mm �ame any acf;on ar prccegdings,arrd shali also �
<br /> � �;-
<br /> � • be entitted to rnake any compromiss or seitlemarst in canneatfcn urith such taking or damage.In Me eveni aay partion of the P�nperty is � �
<br /> � se ta[c�n ar damaged,�ertder shaU have ttte opttm►In its scie arzd absalute d'sscretian,to eppJy s!1 such pracsads, after deductirtg � °
<br /> ' . 4herefrom all costs and e�er+ses irtarr�ed by it in conner�on Evith such Proceeds,upcn any inQabtedrtess sQCUred her�aby ar�d in such � �-_
<br /> � � order a�Lender may deisrmtne,ct to apply all such Prooeads,aftsr s�ch deductions,to the restorat�an oi tha PropeRy uptn such oorr � r
<br /> - � '�� diQans es Lender may detetmine.My 8pplioaScn of Proceeds to tndobtednes�shall rtoi extend or pastpcas ths dua date of any pay- � _-
<br /> " � mants under f��Kote,ur cure any def2ult thereurt�er or haraunder.A n�+uttapp i i2 d(un d s s ha t l b a p a l d f o T r u s t a r.
<br /> � ,� g, p e r(e a t n a nee b y l�nder.U pan��e occurrente at an Event of Detauft hereunder,or if any act Is taken or legat prooee�ing ��
<br /> _,e oomma�sced�.�hlch matertaliy aff�cts Lende�'s interest in tho Prop2riy.Lender may in its owm discre tlon,bu t wi t hn u t o b 1 i g a�o n t o d o s o, � ��_
<br />- --;_-'--- a�d witTtttut rtarice to or dam�d ugo�Trus�a:ansi�out ret�si�g Tcss�tar trosn�ny ahf�3i�.da any ar,t�uhich Tntstnr has agresd _
<br /> �,s.v�",�, but faited W do artd m�y also do arry other ad it deems rtecessary to protett the sec�-i:y hEreat. �rustor shati,immeffrdiety upon --�
<br /> �,,,,,,,,,a�.' �emand therefor by Lander,pay tn Lender eii casts and expenses inwrred and sums exp�n�e�4y Lender in connection with the exer-
<br /> � , � cise by Lender ot tha foregotng righ4s,together HdD`►tntersst ffiereon at ths d�AUtt rato provided in the Noie,��rhIch shall hs added W
<br /> • � the irtdebtedRess secured hereby.Lendsr shall not Incur any liab:lity bacauss oi anything it may do or omit W do hereunder.
<br /> � • . -`.�� 9.H�ardaus Matertals.Trustor shall keep tne Pmparty i�aomptance vrith aU appltaab!s laws,ordi�ances and regulations
<br /> � ralaGng to irtdushial hygtena ar env3sonmenta!prot�ction(ooitectiveJy refarred to herein as'Environmsntaf Laws�•Trustas shall kesp
<br /> '� ;. Q the properry free from ail substances deemed to ko hazardous ar toxia undsr any EnvironmenffiI Laws(r,ollecGvety refemed to herein
<br /> ' � '�' �` as'Ha�rdaus Maferials�.Tru�tor hereby warranis and represents to Lender th3t there are rto Hazardous N4aterials cn or under the
<br /> ' , �g Property.Tnisior hareby agrees to irtdama�Ty anc)ha�harmtess Lender,its dfreders,off�ars,employees and agents,artd any succes-
<br /> � , �;� sors to Lettdefs tntews�fram and agafin�Y sny and all ciatms,damages.IaSSS and liatrifiti�s arising in conitection with the presence,
<br /> • use.dispnsaf ar transpart of any FlazBrd�u:lf.�:enats on,under.frcm ar abnul the Praperty.THE FOREGOiF1G WARRANTIES ASVm
<br /> t.., �. .
<br /> ��.,.. .
<br />- •�;<� RECG�IVEYANCE OF'1'HIS OFEC't5r 7RUST.
<br /> • 10.AsstQnment of Rer►ts.Ttustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grdn4s Lertdet a sscudty interesi in,aD ptesent,fuhne 2ruf
<br /> ` after�,zsing rents,i�ss and pmfits of ttte Prop�rty.proviQatl U►at Trustar shaU,atrti!the oxurrence of sn Eir�nt of Qetau�,hereander
<br /> - _ �_.:�' have t��dght tn c�..�.t and retain such rents,tssues and protits as they 6ecome due and payable.U�en tt�Q ccculrence ef an Engnt� -
<br />•?'.� , .`� q��,dr��nder mey,eiUrer In persan or by agent,wiih or without bdngfing any adion or pro�edtng.or try a receiver a�pointed�y a
<br /> . �. :� court sr^d vri4hnut regard to the adaquaty of ifs saairity.enter upon and take posssssion of th�Froperty,uT any part thareof,In its own
<br /> -- name ar in the name of tha Trustee,and do any acts which it deems neoessary or destrabte to pres�nrs the value,maAcetability or
<br /> rentabilIty af 4he Property,or any paR thereof or[nterest ther�in,or to increase tha incomo theretrom or praSr�t the security hereaf and.
<br /> ' � with ot w:th�ut teking possession of the Property.sue tor or otharwise colle�the rents,issues and profits thereof,indudng those past
<br /> _ • due and unpatd,�y rtotifiy'�ag tenanb to maKe payments to Lender.Lender may appty rents,issues and profiis,tess oosb and expens-
<br /> ''.���..� � es of operstion and cottedion induaL:ng attamay's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter-
<br />-.s,-F'S° �_.
<br /> ,:.,�..., ..• mfie.The entertng upon and takfs��possassfon of the Property,the coltectton of such rents,issues and profits,and the applicaffon
<br /> -��_��.�:`�:� fhereof as afore5atd shatl not curQ cr waive any detauit mr notice of default hareunder or invaAdate any act done in respan,a to such
<br /> re,a
<br /> �"`� `� defauti or puisuant W such noSce of default and,notwithsTanding the cartUrt�.3nrs in possessfon of the properiy o�the col!ecHon,
<br /> ;`xti,_--,^, '
<br /> �-'�'�"``�'''��: recelpt artd appli�tir,�s vf rents,issues or profits,Trustee and Lender sha(!���ntitted to exercise every right pmvIded far in any cf th,a
<br /> -==-+.��`-'�-•��` Lvan lrsstrurrtenis or tiy law upan as��rrence of arry Event of Qefautt,Irtctuding without IImitaUon the right ta exercise the power cf�Ir
<br /> ;T � Factltzr:_Lsrtders�[ghts and reme�undar this paragraph�IiJt Se cumulative�vith,and tn nu way a timitadon on,l.ert�-sr��'y w�.��
<br /> _��:.s°���'r' .� rer.r�rr�s underany assignment ai[�ases and renSs reoorded�inst the ProPeKll•Lender.Tnistee end the receiver d.v�[�a�i's3Dle to
<br /> -_,_.,.,t.:. ,.,
<br /> --.�;��;. � aocouak onty far those rerrts acfuaUy receive�.
<br /> �� 11.Ev�rts�f Qefa�rlL The toflawtng sr,r�tb�a��stitute en Evant of�efauli under thls Qerd of Ttus�
<br /> -.'�:°_{Y"''V� (a)Failure to pay any instatiment a;�utrsra�pal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ==-",t?'�'!�• ;• (b)A bieacfi of or default under any�utsfon contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Insiruments,or ar,;
<br /> --�-�!�'��� � ether lien or ertcumbrartce u�on the Pro�erty;
<br /> �'�'-'��=:�"�., (c)A writ of executian c���!`:�mer.t or any simitar process shall be enter+ed agatnst Trustor arhtch sfiaU�E�e a lien an
<br /> ����� if�e Property ar.�ny portton�:s:-.�af ar ir+.��i therein;
<br /> ____-_=== (d)fiere s::all be fited by or aga:s�t`�u..�tor a�Borrower an as�a.^, :,�,�er ar.y present ar future federal,siate or other siatuns.
<br /> .___ - taw or ragulatian rela2ing to bankniptcy.rzu�.��ency or other�eitaf far d�Qi�TS;o�there shail be appotnted any trustee,receiver cr
<br /> � (iqukiata o!Trustar or Botra��sr or af ait•rr�c.y pa�t cf C�9 PrapeRy.or�:o rents,issues or profitg thereof,or Tnutor or Bortower
<br /> �----�:��� �;ap make any general ass.'nnment ior Ue L2r•e�t af o��iiirz�s;
<br /> z�� (e)The sale,transfer.lease,asslgr^.-�r.t,conve•��raa or further encumbr'�rt a!I or aary paR of er any���tersst in the
<br /> -.__= Properiy,either voluntadly or trnoiuntanlq,arithoyt the express wrtt`s'•�nsent cl�L�nder,pmvide�that Truster�'.aaA be permi�-
<br /> _'"`'-1'°�°' tes to exewte a lease of the Propertyl ut��:�tces noi coniain an optrtr..Yo purchase and the term��i tiifiich does rtoi exoeed one
<br /> -_:�*yr�� year.
<br /> �=�� (�Abandonment of the Property:or
<br /> --' (g)It Trustor is not an indivMual,the issuan�e,sale,transfer,asstgnrresM,conveyance or encumbrance af:nore than{if a
<br /> ='"'�"�a;;.�s wrporaUon)a total of peroent of its tssued and outstandlm,�stock,or(if a partnarshtp)a total cf per-
<br /> �--=� ceni oi parinershtp inierests,or('d a limited qabtlity campany)a fotal of percen!oi the I;mited liability oompa-
<br /> -_��-����' ny interests or voting rtghts during the pertod thfs Oeed of Trust remalns a lien on 4he property.
<br /> ��-�'�=�'T'R` 12.Remedles;Aceeteratian Upon Detaui�In the event o!any Event of Qefautt Lender may,without noUce except as required
<br /> __ "•. �l, f:
<br /> :z,��: •. by L-ssr.�:dectare a11 indebtedrtess secured hereby W tre due ar�payabte and the same shail thereupon becomo due�^d paya e w�
<br /> �.�:.:
<br /> -_-�•-u�� ' cur.�t-y pre.entrnpnt,demartd,pro2esi or rtoUoe oi any kind.TTv_;eafter L er may:
<br /> —�°..,�..-:
<br /> _=_ •�=-•�� (a)Oemart�that Trustee exer�e fhe POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter ce�as Tnisi�s inier-
<br /> _.:���.�,i':
<br /> -V:_;l,•n��y��y�. esi In the Rr��-,�riy to be soid and the proceeds to be distribute�,a10 trt the mannet pmvIded 6�the'ti sbraska Tn;st Deeds Act;
<br /> ,,},,�}L,: . (b)Exercise any and a11 rights pravtdsd for in any ot the La��•t'strumen�or by law��, «rrence of any E�ent o!
<br /> -.,.:,. Defauik and
<br /> -�����''� '� (c)Commance an actic�to fareeioss thts Oeed of Te��rst as s mortgage,qnRain�^racei�er,ce�;.eciflcalry cr.`�rce any ot the
<br /> :};;��•-�;., . �
<br /> . co�renanis hereoi.
<br /> �•�.i:;..;_.... C
<br /> _ •� , . No remedy hereln canfemed upare as�essrved to Tnistee or Lender is intended tn be or�.�rs���a oi any c��r remedy I�crr:�:�,in the Loan
<br /> .:�.: edfJ�&� -
<br /> �p,' Instrumon ot by Giw P�vided ar permitted,h:lt,e^rfi sha0 be cumuiaNve,shall be in aabc;:on tn ev,:c��.:�:.�nr rerts �ven hereurtder,
<br /> ::•''.��•'h;% In tha�Ins�`ulf�rrt�Or now or hereafter esJ.�rrp ai Iaw or in equily or by sffitute,ana may be exera�ci cencumr.lty,irtdependenUy
<br /> - �� or sucr.esivety.
<br /> . .:.,;.,�� 13.Trusiae.The Trustee may restgn at any tirrte�viUtaut cause,and Lendar mBy at arry ame and�v,ihcut cau��appoint a suo-
<br /> CE,�tT7 Ot ELZ1�'�Ui1tI0 TN92B0.Tnis3ee sfta0 not ba llable tc�any party,tncludUs9 anthaut limita8fln Lender.Borra�ver,Tru�tor or any pw
<br /> • • chaser of the Proporly.tor any loss or damage untsss due to recktass or u�i(iful mfisconducl,and shall rtoi be requtrad t�fak�any actton
<br /> in oartneation with tha enforoerttent of this Qesd of 7rusi unless indQmnifi�d,in�etitinc�,far all cnsb,campensati4n or expEmses tvhicfi
<br /> may pa assoct3ted therewith.in additian.Trusteo may beoame a purchaser at arry 534e af tho Rroperiy Qudidal or undet the powor oi
<br /> • ' sate grar�ted hetein);postpmce the sas ef all or eny port?on o'1 the P�ape�ty.as piavfded by Iaw;m�eU the Fropefty as a whote.or in
<br /> . - . • . separat�parcels or tais at T�ustee's discretion.
<br /> 14. Fees and Expenaes.In the evert Trustee se11s!he Proparty by exercfise o1 Rower ot Eale.Trustee shail be enitted to apply
<br /> . � ' . any sa'o proeee�first to p�yrtceni of al!casis aad expenses o1 exerclsing po�nrer oi ualo,inauding all Trusiee's tees,and Lende�s and =
<br /> Trus2�e's attomeys teos, sctually inrurred to extent pertnil4ed by applicablo taH.ln tha evsnt 6orrower or Trustor exotcfses arry 8f{ht _
<br /> ' � .., proviQed by la:y to cure an Evant ot Qofaufi,Lendot sha11 ba entilled to recover from Trustor ap tosLs and e�onsas aotea?y Irtturred as _
<br /> - -•-- --� � a r�:S3 ai Trs�r.�'��9�u�'�tisi°'�3+"}+�'-'�-rt��n►i.r;,itnn an Trustee's and attnmsy's fee�.ta the extent permiited by appL•cabta lax.
<br /> � • � 15. FuUsre/ldvas�ess.Upon ra�uost of Barro�rer, Lenrlar may,at it,apitan,malce additian�l artd future advanaFSS an�read- _
<br /> ' vartss�y to Barro:�r.Surfi�dvartces ersd readxanees,with intere§Y lhsreon,sl�al!b�s.:cutcd by th3s QEed of TrusL At rta timo sh�l9 th�
<br />