C<<.�;�Z �� . . ��l._ ' . _
<br /> • -�--7� _`_—'_�— -_. ..._._ _'_..
<br /> . .. . . . h,•��, C:'S':��. . . , '` . ' , . /// � e � ' �S�.t�l'}�(S .. 1'
<br /> _ .. �, '.). .IT^'r"f � � '"'__.�—_�._ •�.�•.....__s-.._�..__ 1_-�_..._"'_____�_ _'_"'_'_.'_____
<br /> .. ;. . �i:
<br /> ' • . �,.
<br /> ' �..
<br /> , . princi�af�mcunt cf tttis irtdebLdrt�3s secured ty this Qe2fl m!SncS�rsot irtcluding s�ms advant�d to proiect t?ta s�cur�ty o9 this Qsed af �.
<br /> , Trusi.exaeed the origirtai ptindpal ar�ount statesi:tareln.ar S .whichover is greator.
<br /> 16.kl'aceilsnsou9 Pmv:sions.
<br /> � �.
<br /> • (a)gorrowar Ntct Wtaasad.Ext�n-7:oJ►oS i�ra dma for Rayrrtent or madificat�on o1 amartltafFcn of ttia sums secured bY th3s
<br /> Qaed of Trusi granteA by LenQar ts any su�ar'�^�"s i*��nterest oi Bonawer sRat1 rtet ogetats W refease,tn arry marre�er,the liab:ii- � �
<br /> • '" .' y at ihe origi�)Bosraxer ettd.Ebrrowafa suxass�rs in intetes4.LenQer shall rtot be nequired Oo ccmirtsr.ce pr�eadlnc�s
<br /> � .� � againsi such s�coessor er rBiusa t�ex'.�rtd UmB for payment er olhe�wise mcdify amortiation of the sums secure�by Usis �
<br /> Deed of Trust by eaason mf any dsmand�mads by tt►e odgiaaf 8arra++rer ansl9anov�rets successors tn interest. p —
<br /> ' � (b)Lendafs Posecare.Vl�thout aftee4in�tha Uabi;ity of any�ticsr pe�san±;aa!a fer the payment ot any obtiga�nn her�in men- � -
<br /> � ti�ned,and v�a�f a8ectir.g the S:an or charg3 at this Qeed at TrusY upon eny Rert!an af the Properiy hot then er thereiofore (� �
<br /> releasad as ser.urity for tha futl srrtauni a f a i l un�a:d a b l iga t ians,l e n d e r m a y,fr a m t t m a t o @ m e a n d w r i t R o u t rt o tice(i)reiease � ;
<br /> -��-_��- �Y�:,�li�hle.fu'j exgsnd the m�tunty or aUSr sny o4 the tetms oi any such obt!ga4ians.(ti�9rant olitsr indutgencew(tv1 __
<br /> re2ea�e or reconvey,or c3us8 to 0a re'�a s e d or�eeonveyed at an y tlrtse at Lerufar's a�EIon eny parcei,Rartlon ar sfl of t�sa _
<br /> ¢�� --
<br /> �,�, ;,�� Propsrty.(v)tstce or reteasa a�att�Qr ar aatAf:;�a���sacurin+for any abl:galion harein rtssntioned,er(v7 matce camResitt�uns or _
<br /> � other attangements�ui:h debinTS in+s�:�iia,t t�t+zn:u. �
<br /> ; � .(c)Fosttearartoe bi�Landar i1fa4 a S�#f,t�ttr��farbearanoe by Lendet in exarci�trtg artyr dght or refi�y hareurt�et,or ofh�
<br /> erwise aftarded by app'_'ca4'.a C�+v sh�t]nat b9 a waivar of er pre�uda Ihe exercise ot any such right ar remedy.The procure-
<br /> ,, � ment of insurance or tha p�ymant ot taxes or other IIsns or charges by Lender snal!rtat b�a rvatver or Lertdefs rEght to acce(er-
<br /> � aie the matufity of fhe tns4abiedn�s secured by thts Qasd of Trus! ��Q�.The oavenants and agreemenis her�in oen-
<br /> `. .'�� (d)Su�xessors afld Aast�t�Bauad;JoIM and Ssvera!Uablllty;
<br /> xes
<br /> ' tainad shail binsi,and th9 dghts hareunder�all(nure to.the respecGve sacoessass and ass3g►�s of Lender and Tnutor.Ap
<br /> ..�s . cevenants and agreemenis of 7rusWr shall be joir.i and s�veraJ.The captnns aRd headings af the paragraphs of this�d af
<br /> �_ � , .� Tnisi are for oornenience onty anQ are noi tu tie used to inffirpret ar defirte tho provfstans hsreof.
<br /> � (el Reqaamt for NaBces.Th$Qartias hereby requast t�at a copy af any rtnHce of detzu[i heraunder artd a cogy af 2ny rtatfce
<br /> r�,;� .
<br /> .',�`;�; of&a[�hereunder be maited to each party to th�s Daed e!Tnrst at the address set finrtis a�ava in tfte rrtanner pnesu��ed bY
<br /> :j:=�u� a�►tc�6fe law.Ezcept fos eny aShar noifca�quired under appli�ahle law to Ce given En ancsits�-r m.anrter.�ny RoBce��u�tdad tcr
<br /> in this Deed of Tnist shatl ba givsn by mailirtg such noUce by oertifled mail addms�ed t*s}ha other p�es,at the�srt
<br />--,. , forih above.My rtotcs prav�Qed tor In tltN Qeed o!Trust shall be�Rectiva ecgen ma:i;ng in tlte manna�r desigrtated G�:m.tf
<br /> .; _ Tnistnr is more than orte person,rtatiae seni tn'3�e addr�s sei tortfi abova shaJ�e na�e to a11 sach persans.
<br /> .-.� ,, (�Inspection.Lender may make ar cause 1a be made reasonable enirtes upan�cs�insFeWons ei fdta PropertSl•P�d�
<br />__ '.^,.;�r�._ that Lender sha11 giva Trustor tta'.'.�prior ta any such inspedion spsci7ying reasanah".a c�ccsa U►erafor relabed to L�r�dr�'s Inter-
<br /> ,�'�',;;�'� est in the Pmp�rly. .
<br /> ��'.f (g)R�aeonrneyartce.Upon psyment of atl sums secured by tNs Deed af Tn�st.Le��'shall requsst Trustee to recanvey tha
<br /> Property and shall sumender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidenrz:sg indebtedness secured isy this Deed of Trust to
<br /> � - Trustee.Trustee shait recamey fho Properil►.wftfiout warranty and withoat charge to the person or persons legally en�Usd
<br /> ��.: ° � thsreio.Tnistnr shatl pay afi oa�af recuMatfon.if any.
<br /> '-�'•� �� °�•}` (hj Peraortal Praperty:�ty ASr�aement 0.s add,'tascal securfty for the pay�s::��of the No£e,7rusfnr hereby grants
<br /> �~' - ���'"� t.r:ndt�underthe Nabraska l:rtrfiiir.n Commercial Code a�3y interest in ail fixlures,��u�pmerR,and other peisar►eJ propertY
<br /> ::�:;'._..:�,_.
<br />_°`'^.�>:�::- e�;in oonnec8on with the real:�te or tmprovements loca�:d therea�.and rtot oihe-�.�{e�e dectared or deemed W he a paR o1
<br />-_-;���_,�:.�; the teal estate secured hereby.3?iis insUumsnt shafl be consfired as a Secudty Agraer.�ent under safd�ode,and the Lender
<br /> = e,:.,;; shall have ail the righis and remedies of a searced paRy under said Cads��add�ton to t3�e rtSt►'ts a:v3 c�medles created urtder
<br /> =1�,;�R-.':-{Y-�. and acc�rded the Lender pursr.r�:�i W this Qeed of Trusx provided that Lerr�afs rights and remedtas under thfs Qaragrdph shafl
<br /> - ; ,' �e�mulative with,and tn no•rr��a limitation on,Lendefs�Ights and remed€es unde�r:rrY°other securiry agreement signed by
<br /> -:-,�.,�:�5+.��;�r
<br /> j.„:�:�.f.r.,4y. Bnrra►vsr nr TnrstoT.
<br /> °�:�r;t..,: (}Ltears t,ur�Enwrr.s;��.Tru�tor hereby warrants and ropresents fhai there[.T.rsca defauit under the provfslons of any
<br /> ---=:;_—_ mottqage,deed,cf t*usi,lea�a ar purct�ase contraG desaibing atl or enl���."i nf the P:v�erty,ar other con'tract,insirumen!ar
<br /> ,;;�w%� agreameni co�s�iU�ti:.g a lien or encumbrance agatnst al]or any part cfr tfi��=ropariy(caitectively.`ilens'�.exIsting as ot the
<br /> date af thts Deed of TrusK.and that any anG aIl existfng Ltens remdrv urtr.srs9i��_d except as disctosed to Lender in Trustors wrii-
<br /> �-�� '' `' ten disclosure ot lisns and encumbrances provlded for herein.TNStc:shaii dme�y per[orm a!I of Trustor's oblfgatIons,
<br />;;^Y�r'_:�",''%;•�� oa-v�ants,representations an�£���arranBes under any arM al existlrtg and future Uens,:ts.a0 prampUy totvrard to lender copIss
<br /> �_ �=''�. of�',rto8oes of defauft sent in�nnectton with asry and all c�i�ing orfuture Uens,ar.�.:�:ail rtot urthaut Lendef��sri�rr u+rritten
<br /> --��� conrent in any manner modify the pmvisions of or aUow any futuie sdvartces under any ezsting or fuhrre liena.
<br /> --__-- (�Appilqtton of Paym�ents.Unless a��fse requtred by taw.sums r�id to Lendar hereunder,i�d�'tng without Umitation
<br /> ---- paymenta oi pdncipal and interest,insu:�prooeeds.wndemnaUan prsceeds and renfs and Gca��u;. shall be appited by
<br /> — Lender to the amounts d�e��A owfn�from Trustor and Borrovrer in such order as I��r in iLs scs d'iscreHon deem�desir-
<br /> ___=_--� able.
<br /> - -' (k)8�v�rablitly.It any pir,ei�Jr,�oi this Qeed of Trust conRicLS with applkabla Lsxr��Iis r.'riclared InvaUd ar oiherwESe uneta
<br /> _'����� forceabta,such confl:ct ar a�r�►r_Sry sha11 not afltect the other provisIans ci�:sY�Dee1 cf''t�rr;s!ar the Note whlch can ba given
<br /> ---- e8ect withou!the canAic�ng��risbn,and to fhis end the provisions ot ftriis[�e�of Tr:s:ar,d the Note are dectared to be sev-
<br /> --°—� erabfe.
<br /> �..:'.�� th.��s�me person(sj those�,:s used in t�h�s Deed�oi Trust sha�ll be in,terohang�eahEa a*�d when Lhe Tr�sfar and Barraxcer are
<br /> - —_ ;m)Govaming Law.Thk>l��c.�of Tru�i sha11 be gflvemed by the taw�of the State ds 3�.ebraska.
<br /> —-=-ti°:�,�,� .
<br /> =-sr'esi?�=�i
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<br /> -r_r�+��.f.•
<br /> --,,T'�',t`,.��r.
<br /> --�;ri���!;: =• Tnssto oxecuted this Qeed Tn,�t as ot lha date virritien abavs.
<br /> _;.,,,u. r_:
<br /> �_ _���'1•`%`, ' �(� �'ll�j��
<br /> ..,':� •r. Tnisiot
<br /> _�.`ti:���:.. �
<br /> -:,,.;�.. a�._�r;
<br /> _;t.,,,...�s:,1... �r
<br /> - =a� . .3�
<br /> - . Tnistcr. Trustor
<br /> '....- . . -.;,,:
<br />