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<br /> OEED O�TRtiST�IIiTH FllTURE A�VA�lCES ° -
<br /> � ��m 1���3 _=
<br /> :, THIS DEED QF TRUST,is made�of the 5TH a�,�og FEBRUARY ,tg 99 ,by and am�n�„�� `
<br /> . 'f,
<br /> ' � t�sTn�tar. G.I.S.C. LAND DEVELOPP�tENT L.L.C. � _
<br /> �< vr��r�aifartgaddressis 908 N. HOWARO AVE. STE. 109 GR:�SyD YSLAND NE (here3n?nutor',�r:t�t�-arearmore).
<br /> �80
<br /> � . � �,-.� �=�VE POINTS BANK, A NEBRASKA CQC{PORATI�Et
<br /> � . -�-�_ �e�:8 matit�g add�ss is P Q B9X 1507 &RAND ISLAND t�E 65802 (herein'Trustea�.enrf
<br /> � . ,. ' ' L�3eneRciary, F I V E [�Q T TS BANK
<br /> � ' wtwsemailingaddressis 2015 N. BRO�DFb��.�. AVc., GRAND I�LAND PJE 68803 (herein•l.�e�de�.
<br /> ,.p
<br /> _ y FOR VALUABLE CONSiDERATION.indud+ng Lertder's�nston cf�dit identifigd herein to
<br /> ::>:,:., _ . S p L. _
<br /> � .: �- (herain�.:rro�vor;virhefhsr one or more)and the Wst heresn crea�d the receiPt
<br /> .:-�._:�.� of which is hereby adcnowled$ed�Trusiar herehy irrevaqbty gran�.�._nsters.oonveys and ass!gns to Trustee�lS�b lRLIST.WiTH
<br /> �- � � POWER OF SAl.E,for the berteftt ansl ser,ur(ry of Lender,ursder and�s�i�t w the terms and condi��s hereinafter set faKh.ia'tacea!
<br /> �.�.. ' PrWeRY descrthed as fotlaws: _
<br /> � � � LOTS THREE (3), FOUR (4), FIYE (5), SEYEN (7), EICWT (8), TEN (10), ELEVEN (11',
<br /> ,y"`;T�F�;::��:y , TWELVE (12) A[!D THIRTEEN (13). Ri��:�tUND SUBDIVISIQN_ ZN THE CITY OF GRRI10 ISLA:ti�,
<br /> r=��' � HALL COUNTY, NE��ZASKA
<br /> ~-y:y��`:"�,�; Together with a0 buildings.improvemer.;�.!ixtures,straeis.atleys.a�a9ewaYs.easemenb,d9ht�.Prtvilege4 and appuResi�n�s
<br /> ::,-:��r ,t
<br /> �,..-. .-. �, _ �acated thereon or in anywfse perhaining lhe:atu,end the rents,issues sad pmfib,�eversicns and cemainde�s thereaf.and such per-
<br /> ` s:rtal property that Is attached to the improvements so as tn constitute a fixhire,incduding,but not limited w,heating and cooifng 2qutp-
<br /> ~`'� �r.rarfi and tagether with the hcmestead or marital inierc�:�,c`any,which Interesis are hereby released and wafirad;et!af whlch.indud-
<br /> ��£���:,.„�. � t-r�r�placemants and add�ons iherato,(s hereby decl�roi t�a be a paR of the real estate secured by the Qen af tfit�f�c�d of Tnrst nnd
<br /> -�'1"i���`�•� all of the toregoing being refemed to herein as the'Prope�%.
<br /> —°.-�.i-�,�,e� This Deefl ot Yrust shaA secure(a)the payment of Ne pdndp�.1=��rtd interesi evE�enced 6 a promissory note or c�dit a{�ree-
<br /> =_- = c�±�ntdated_ FEBRUARY 5 1999 ,h��t��a matudry date oi FE�RUARY 5. 2000
<br /> � `°�� �R q�a or4qfna�y�lrtctpal emn�t�t ot 3 500,000.0� ,and a.riy ard all modiflcattons,e�ctansions and renewats
<br /> =.f�y;x� :.•ereof ar thc-as��:,r.d s�s��rsd.���1Uture eQ+rances artd •r:aSvanas to Bartorver(ar�g of them ii more than one)hereundet pursaant
<br /> -"---��.-.� ta pnp or mc:i��missory notes or credit agroements(herein calted Mr�.:e7;(b)the payment oi oU�er sums advanced by LenEer tfl
<br /> --.�'~���=?' protect the security o1 the Mate;(c)the perfarmartca of s0 covenants�rt���resments of Tnrstor set forth hsreln;and(d)a!1 present ond
<br /> _i���i�. :t,�re indebtedness and obligaUons of Borrower(or any�r.`arn if mote`_'�an orte)to Lender whether dlrect,indlrect,absoiu[e or cani�n-
<br /> --� � -� .Zent and whethor adsing by note,guaranty,overdraft ar caisr�cwise.The IVofe,this Deed of Trusi and any and afl other documenis Nat
<br /> :��`-•
<br /> - --_ :a:�;aire the Noie or otherwise executed in cennecLnr.Una�awith,including without limitatlon guaranLees,ser.�rity agroemenia and
<br /> �..�.''�:�`� �ignmenb of lea.,es ertd rents,shail b0 referred to hete;�as the'Lcan Insbumants.
<br /> —__;'_�� Tru..^'s�r��nanants ana sgrees with Lender as fo!lows: •
<br /> -,=-���:, 1. Rafmunt o!Indsbi�dnuss.AII inCebiedness secured hareby shall ba paid when due.
<br /> ; •��'{y: 2. Titis.7mstor is tha avrnar of the Properiy,has the right and authoflty to oonvey the Property,and warrar►is tha!19�e Iten aeat-
<br /> =:.�,�.
<br /> . �� �ed°:eroby is a ftlst and Rr!�►lien on Ure Properiy.exc��,+Sor tiena and encumbrano2a se2 forth by Tnasinr in writing and delireted to
<br /> §'�:�:..•��•�'+7i,'. Under Detnre oxowtifln aG t�::3 Daed of Trust,and tho�r.�cuUon and de0very oi this Oeed of Trusi does not vtolate any oon�act or
<br /> '_::,�.' ;::'r'::;} atRer obQg�tiruT�t�whlch Tn:stor is subjac�
<br /> ,�,r j;.=:;i;�, 3.4axm�,�4saessmanta.To pay ts°A:ra delinquancy aA taxes,speclal assessments and aD uther chargos egalnst ths Pti-�xty
<br /> r:aw or here�t^-�:r.ievied. ge,artd
<br /> � 4.lnaurance.To keep the Properly i��:�ured eg�naE damage by fire,hazards included with`��'sR t:rm`er.tended covera '
<br /> ` -� ., � ;sau:h other hazards as Lendor may require, in art�aursl:�2.d with corr.panias acceptabl�to Lert�:^. r.,:a;'.r,�Irer�_r as an addiL'omal
<br /> :,�med insured,with tass paya�te ta the Lender.trt c3s:r:�f loss undet such poltcles,the Lender i�,:r�`�-�fz�ed U�adJust,aotlect and
<br /> - ' � �k. oompromfse,al1 ct3ims thereundor and sheii have the c�::en of ap�ty:,�g aU or paR ot tha insurartas�:r�,��o�(fj to eny IndobtoQne.Ss
<br /> ' � secured hereby and in such order as'Lender may deYem;irt9,6.i3)�tin«Trusior to be used for the�cyyua'v�r res*_aration oi the Preg�^ry or
<br /> . .,�'"'�.,� �tii)for any othar purpose or obJect VaUsfactory to LeR�er vr�auc aff�attng tho Iisn of this Deed 6t Trust tor tne fu!!amount sesured
<br /> - ;: ItoreDy befare such paymont over Nok plaa�.My apGUrIItir�ns of ptaceeds to indebteCness chaU rtot extond nr pcs�oas tRe duo date
<br /> � � . � ° oi any paymerrts under tPte�Ioto.or cure any detautt thsrs:nder or hereunder.
<br /> 5.Eacrow.Upon written Eemand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to lender,in such manrter as lender may designaie,suffIcient
<br /> . sums W enab!s Lender to pay as they beoome dua ona or more of tha folloyring:{i)atl taxes,assessments and ather oharges agalns!
<br /> " • the P�operiy.(ii)the premiums on tRe pro�eriy lnsurancs required hereunder.and(ili)the premiums on any mortgago in3ur�nsse
<br /> � required by Lendet. �
<br /> � 6. Malr�tenancs. Repalrs end Compltanes witN Laws.Trustor shail keep the Property in good candition and ropair,shafl �
<br /> prompily repatr,or replaoa any improvomsnt whlcb may be damaged or desfroyed;shali noi oommit or permit sny wasts or detertora-
<br /> � Gan of the Property:shat]not rem�ve.Qemollsh or subslanUally alter any of the improvements on tha Property:shaU rtoi oommit,suftsr .,;
<br /> . � or parmii any eci to Da dona in or upan tho ProgErty in viotation o!any Ias�,ordInance.or regulation;and shail pay and prom�Uy d'is-
<br /> � ��- - 7 c.hssge at T�rstnr's msi and oxpense ail tiens,encumbrancQS and charges lauies,tmpassd ar accesssd agalnst t�a Property or any
<br /> _ -- - --. ._.
<br /> � paR theteoi.
<br /> ' • 7. Emlrtnra!Qom�1n.Lender ta hsreby ass.'grt�atl oomponsatian,svrard�,dam�ga and othsr payrt�ants or rel?af(herCinaiter
<br /> h^.CSC3Jpu.=.�'-'�O�QI�a S�
<br /> • , Ou�e�oeye+�aesr.aoTeracas.z+v'-^••-••�tr��a
<br /> .;� . q .. . _ .. _. . _ .
<br /> —-
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