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<br /> • � • paymenu may no longer be required,at ths�Puon Qf Leader.if mortgage insvrance coverage(ia the amount and for the period .
<br /> ��d� �q��pmvi�ed by an insurer approved by Leader agaia becomes available aad is obtained.Borrowzr shall pay :�t,,_
<br /> � � ttie premiums required to maintain mortgage insuraace in effect,or co provide a loss raerve,untU the requirement for mortgage ��.`
<br /> t ��_:
<br /> � ' � insuranc�eads in acooidanoe with any writtea agreemQat l�.tween Bor�ower and Lendet or apglicable 1a�v. �,
<br /> ' � 9.Ins�s�oa.Leader ar its ageat may make reaso�nable entries upon and inspe�ticns of the Properry.Leader sbadl give ---;
<br /> Barrowsr uotice as the tims of or prior w an inspectian specifying reasoaable cavse for the insgectien. �'
<br /> . � ', 10. Condemnation. The pmceeds of any award or claim for damaSes,direct or conseqaential, ia connection vs+iah any �;`_
<br /> � � � coademaaflon or othet ta�ing cf anY Part of the Property,or for coaveyaace in lieu of coademaation,are hereby assiga.d and -
<br /> `. �' sba11 be paid to Lender. �_,°
<br /> _ .� In We event of a tat�l taking of ths Propen}+,the proceads shall be applied to the sums sedu�d by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> .=�"'`"``''� w�etttg,or aot then dve.�lith any sxc.�ss paid w Borrower.Ia the event of a paraal taking of the Property in which the t'aia --
<br /> ' .._."°�`•'• �mmediately lsefore the taking is equal to or greater tl�an the aznount of the sum5 seciued bY this -
<br /> marlcet valu�of ctie PropertY' _-
<br />--- _- --- Ss�ucity Im�at�m.�iately hefare the taking.unless Borcower and Ixnder otherwiss agrae in writing.the sums secured by __
<br /> this Security Insnument shall be reduced by the amount of the pmceeds mutdplied by die foltmving frat�ion: (a��� —
<br /> .. � amount of the sums secuied�iately before the taking,divid�by(b)the fazr market value of the Property '
<br /> before the takin�.Etny balance sbali ise paid w B4rmwer. In dae event of a partial taIdng of the�rcg�.*ry in which ths fair Y--
<br /> : ' .. '�. muk�t��:?e of the Properry imme�iately befote the taking i.s::�s thaa the amonnt af th,:�..:.s szcure�:_.mediately b�ore the �•
<br /> ... , � � ra��;:��s Borrowet and Lender oihetwise agr2s in wzi'.:..��or unless applicable law�.u�se���`'.�s,the P�1s shall
<br /> ' . . .. '��' be�_�to the�tnms secured by this Securiry In..s'-'..�'.eat whether or not the sums are th��a��.. =-
<br /> • � If the Frop�n}=s abandoaefl by Horrower,�.'::�after noric$by Leader to Borrower thaz the co���sa:r offers w make aa
<br /> . awar3^��settle a c;�for damages, Baaower�'.:�:�to resPond to Leader wlthin 30 days aft�r the::.��e notice is given,
<br /> � Le�?.��f�w�uhori7ed to oollect and apply the pmceec�s,at its c�..`an,either to resmrarion or repair of the�operty or w the sums _
<br /> ' sec����ttus SecuritY Insuvm�►t,a�hether or a�s cien du� lisation of proree�s ta principal shall not exteasl or
<br /> _ ��ess Lender and Borrower otherwise�nn ivcir.:�, �Y �
<br /> ,_ postpoae the due date of the monsWy payments r�:�to in paragraphs 1 a�t:�2 oz chunge the amount c`s.�ah paymenis.
<br /> ' '° 12.Borrower Not Released;Forbearante�x'�d��oY a Wai�c-��tension of ihe time for��;c�uut or modif�tion
<br /> • of s.:�L's':zation of the sums ses�ued by this Securi;�l instns��:�bY Leader to any successor in i�erest of Bortower shall
<br /> at
<br /> � � ' not c;?�to release the liability of the original Boao�ve�r c�L�arrower's suocesso�s ia interest.I.eader sha11 aot be�.,.uiYed w
<br /> ��,,:y��e prcc�ingg against any sucee�sor in interest or r`�.sa to extend tnne for payment ar athetarise modify a��rti�ation
<br /> ainst
<br /> �'"'"'."""°. of thC snms ses�ucd by this Securiry Inswment t+Y �on of an}r dem�d made by the original u�r,aower or Borrower's
<br /> . : successo�s in interest.�►nY fotbearance by I.ead�'in exercismg aay right G:remsdy sha11 not be a ras%-��of or preclude the
<br /> ��, exere€:r.of aay right or remcdy.
<br /> LZ..Sncccssors sud Asst�s Bonn�:Jotat and Se��LiabiIIty. Co-�ig¢e�''� 'Ph�wvenant� and agre�� of this
<br /> = Se�r�Ins�um��t shail bind and benefit the successors�`:assigns of�-..sL°r� Laanwer, subjxt to the prc7:siors af
<br /> ' �"' ...'.�,� para�raph 17. B.�w�r's covenaats an� a�reeiaents shall �joint aad ���al. Aay 3orm�ver who ca-sigs�s this Secartt3+
<br /> „`�.`•�V..''''' In�m►,�nt but do�m�t e�cecute the Note:(a) is cfl-signing this Ser,urity L�ssuument only ao mortgage, 8rant and eomrey that
<br /> - •. .. �,� Borrc�ic�r's iaterest in the Prope=tY;.nder the t�ms of this S�uriry Insuum�.nt;(b)is nct personally obligaced to pay the soms
<br /> �:">'::�•�*`` secur�bg►this 5erurity Insuum=m�aad(c)agce�s that Len�e and a�►y other Eornower�agree to extead,modifc.,���rbear er
<br /> -�.�°u_�:',u�. ma�e any acrammodations with regard to the tetms of this Securit3+lnstniment or the No2e�Fithout tbat Borrower's c�-�sen�
<br /> — .�;- �' ,. 13.Loan Charges.If the loan serured by ihis Securiry Insuument is subjett to a law whtch sets maximum loun cbarges,
<br /> -_ns. .
<br /> ��f•.•`l�s,`--.• and thut law is finally interpnted so th¢t the interest or other loaa charges coAected or w be callecxel in wnaection wlth e
<br /> .--';``°�;'.. . loan exceed the permitte�limits.then: (a)anY snch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount netessary to reduce the charge
<br /> --�:_�.,..�� .
<br /> -'.,°"'�'� to tt�:�ermitted limir,and(b)anY sums already colleixed from Eorrower wtrich excee�ed permitted limits wlll he refu�ded to
<br /> -- _— ger�,�r. Lender may choose to �ce this nfund by reducing the principal o�ved under tlu Nou or 6y m.�r.�� a dirxt
<br /> -__=_--- payment to Botrower. If a refund reduces pr•ncipal. the reductioa wili be ueated aa a partial prepay�eat ��i:trout any
<br /> -� P1'�PaYment�az6e um�er the Nate.
<br /> —��_;� Y:Y:,Notices.�'.:sy aotice to E..rrower pzc'::3ed for in this Securiry Iasaument shaU be 8i�a°by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> -'LL '.'�"� it LS;J f�1':i C1899 ID31I llNCSS 8pp�::ailA�laur ce4uires use of another method.Ths uotice sliall be dI�ted w the Property Address
<br /> -K��� or�! flther addtess Borrower 4esiSnates by notice to Lender. Any noiice to Letcder shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> �:��::�:��� Lender's address stated herein or any other 'a�.sess Lender designates by notice to Boirower.Any notice provided foz ia this
<br /> - ==_� �ri�y r„ ,ment shall be dee�.ed to have ts�a given to Bortower or Lender when given as pmvided in this�ataSmPh•
<br /> �,�.1:_�,,�� 15.Govemiag Law; Severabllity. This Securiry Insuument shall be gaveraed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> '��:"'� jurit�`��ion in ahich the Properry is located. In the eveut that any provision oz clause of this Serudty ItuimmeAt or the Note
<br /> ,_:�'�T�,;� o�ztfacxs with applicable law,sueh conflict shall aot affeot n�9�ca.provisions of this Sscuiiry Instrument or the Nate tvlrft�ean 1�e
<br /> _,•,:;;:�;�.� �.;�effect wi�hout the oonflicting provision.To this ead dus:�rovisions of this Securfry instnuaent and the Nat�:trc:`=a1�
<br /> - _.�* to be severable. •
<br /> '°T ` '� "` 16.Borrower's Copy.Boaower shail��3iven one conformed cupy a�the Note asid of ttds Security l�sir�ment•
<br /> " -i;"`�L , Forao 3028 9J90
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