.��5y� :h'e..`�'Q 1' --
<br /> _ `?A� • - ;.Skl:. .1lf;cf':=_ '.4-• 'Sc,�ii� c a .�__
<br /> "_� _ . . . ;3"_ —__ ' _ �fi:.�_._._.—_'�_'__ :Fs���,.; vt_T�._ — ��n�..
<br /> �. ' , . . , • . '�•'}°��,� . .
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<br /> • .. . ' •e'1!akR� fj1"����: •._�� �.��--�_�_.�.. _�.. _._�a..l'�L..�___�-._"_�_�._..`�_�. -._�.�.._��.__-_�-. .
<br /> . � : 99e�0���
<br /> � � � 17.'l4�ausfer ot 4�e Pragserty os a II�efisfa4 Hata�.+"t ia�arroerer. If all or any part of the Progerty or aay interesc in it =,
<br /> �s so2d or nrnsferred(or if a heaeficiaS interest ia Barrower is sold os aansfcrre�l aad Eorroa'er is not a natural person)without _ ,
<br /> ' , � ; Leader's prior�vritten consent, Ixup er mny. at its aptioa, req uyue imm�iate gaymeat in fvlf o yaU sums s�b7+ � �':
<br /> . . Securi t y Insuument.However,chis o rion shall not be exercised b L.end�r if e�e�ise is pI°hbited b fesieral law as of tha date �:,;.
<br /> ' . of tbis�ecunty Insanmment• �`
<br /> ° If Ixader ezercises thls�ptioa.Lender shall give Borrmver notice of asceleration.The norice shall pmvide a gerIod of not ��ti-_
<br /> . . ,� less t�an 3Q days from the date ttcee notice is del'svered or m�iled within which Barrower must pay all sums secuzed by this = --
<br /> ` Securityr Insuument,If Eortower fails to pay th�e svm9 prior to the expiration of this geriad,Leader may invoke any remedies �"
<br /> • p�mitted by this Szcurity InsuumE�wTthout furthsr notice or d�mand on Bom�wer. �;--.
<br /> . . ` " .}:� 1S. Sanvwer's Ai$hs to R�i�ta4e. if Barrowsr meets ceYtaia coaditions, Borrower shall have the ri�t to have �_
<br /> • -- enforceme,nt of this S�uriry Iasm�mEnt discaminusd at aay time prior to the earlier of: (a)'S we�r of sale co�ntaiaepd in this �;=
<br /> '.;:=°�: aPPlicable law ma}' sPecifY for reinstatement)bef�re sale of the Progsrty pausuant to any go S _
<br /> � �_��'�:� 3ecurity Insnament;or(b)enuY of a judg�snt enfoa�ing ttris SECUrity Instran'+en�Tha�coa�itions are t�at Bortac�er:(a)PaY _
<br /> a �n
<br /> � ' : �. L.ender all sums whict►then a+ould 1s�due under tt�is Securiry Insuumea'•aad the Note as if no acxeleration had accurred; (b) __
<br /> -_-_==__ �s�Y default cf any oihPr cove�anu or agseeraents: (c)PaS+s��nses incnrred in enfon�ing this Serurity Insm�ment, _
<br /> � . .�r including,but not limited to, reasonable atiotaeys' fees; and(d)tattes sach action as Leudei may r�ssu�at�lY req�ire to assure --
<br /> . - that the i�en of this Sesuriry Insuument, Lender's nghts in the PropertY and Borrower's obligation w pay the sums se�vred by
<br /> � � this Secutity lnsuument shall cuntinue unchanged. Ugon ieinstatement by Borto�ver, th�s Secuiity tnsmim�nt and the _
<br /> obligarions secured hereby shall remain fu11y eff�tive as if ao axelec-atian had o�.Howeve:,this ri�t to reinstate sha11 =_
<br /> . , ��� not apPly in the case of accelerarian under parugmph I7.
<br /> 19. Sa4e oY Note; Ci�ange of Laaa Servfoer.'1he Nute or a partial interest ia the Note (together v�rith this S°�'�'
<br /> � ��. ` �' t„arr,,.nent)may be sold one or more times cuitheut prior notice to Borto�+er.A sale may result in a change in the entity(�-�=� _ _
<br /> � as the"Loaa ServiceY")that collects monthlY Payments due uader the Note and this Sacurit5+Insuumen� There also may lse oue ---
<br /> � or more cL.=-��of the IAaa Serncer�mre lated to a sale of the Note.If there is a�Se law�The aotice will staze t&e en�� 'Y
<br /> . . ,n 1;;'•�3� I givea ari�;otice of the change in accordance with paragiaph 14 above antl app"
<br /> ' :��'; address cf�=,a new Loan Servicer and the address ta which paymems should be made.The��5x will also contain any other _
<br /> � �`� � �sformatia�ret�uiced bY aPPlicable Iaw. ' --
<br /> a d����'�_, stor�:�or release of anyr
<br /> ' 20.�iazardous Substauces.Borromer shall �x cause or germit the preseaae, use. ,.- _-
<br />°_- - �aardous Subst�ces oa or in the Property Ba��'er shall aot do. noz aliow anyone eL,e to do, .:��'�in8 affe�n8 the --
<br /> . . property t'�at is in violation of any Enviraniaesial iaw. The preceding two s�re�ces shall aoi applybe��p�►�,��
<br /> . stoTage:.^ti:e Property of small quannues of Hazardous Substances that are g�.ralIy recognized —
<br /> � ' resldent�i�:ses and to maintenance of the PraP�Y-
<br /> �� F Bortower shalI p�omptlY give I,eIIder written natice of any��.�g�ion.claim,demaad,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> , , governmental or regulate,�;�gency or private partY involving the Property z�.��:-u Hazardaus S�bstanc�e or Environmeatal I.aw
<br /> -J^ af which Bormwer has a�.^�allmowledge. If Borrower Ypms, or is notified L-�e;ay govemmental or regulatory authorlty,that
<br /> ,•. - .�' aay removal or other remediation of any HaZardous Substance affe�ting the Pr�ert}+is neressary,Bortovves shaIl promptly take
<br /> . . .�..; � atl aecessar�►remedial aatons�n a�ace with Enviconmental Lz-�.
<br /> . '. As u�sl in this paragraph 20, "T•� ous Substaaces' are s��se substanses defined as t�?.�c or hazardous substarr•r�bY
<br /> , �,;
<br /> _�•T�.'�. . , Envin�nsr�:al Law and tlze foAovr+���ubstances: gasaliae, ker��sene, other Aammabie o:��i�peuole�am products, w
<br /> e se
<br /> ;���"•}f;� . .: pesticides aad herhicides,volstiie solveras.materials containinS asisestos or foimaldehyde,and rdioactive rs�teri�s i���t
<br /> ;-�n1t'�s;?��!'• this pazagraph?A, EnvL-��nta1 law means fe��l laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where ths ��"•Y �
<br /> ��a.:: .. relate to healtb,safety or envimnm�ntal prote�tion.
<br /> '�`;<;,�-)•'•�Jy 5 � NO1�T-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aad Lender further covenaat 4�agree as fallows:
<br /> ;i���:�.�;' `,;�� , 21.Ac�eteratlon.RemedIes.d.easter shal!gfve aottce to Borrower prfor¢o acceler�n foUowiag Barrower's�.'•r_+each
<br /> --':�°:•`.- .''� of any oovenant or ag�eemeut in thts Sec�Ity Ias�eait (but noi pr�or ta acceler¢'��n under pb 17 eaaless
<br /> ";-';-_•=�}r,:�:. applicab2e lew pmvlde9 o=ltt�wise).The notIce sh�ti spectfy: (e)the de8au'�1,b)t6t�dion requir ta cure Qhe ddenit;
<br /> - - (c)a date,not less than 30 days fFrom the date tle���llce is given tfl Borro�r,by which the deianl rmnst be cured;and
<br /> .�f�y�` , � �>� (�t6at fafiura to ce�re the defauit on or befor�cL•a da2e spECi�ted in the not[ce may resuIt da acs�r:zration ot the sums
<br /> -..,• I"!�'.y secured by�is Seeuriiy Instrum�nt oncl sule u4�he PropPrty.The ufltIee shsll B�nrWer taform Bonower oi the eigl�t to
<br /> �-"'��'•'��;�r�� reinstate sfter acceleratlon and ths rt;ht to bri�a caart ask[on to asseat the non���:.�.�of a defauIt or uny other
<br /> -�-��;.�
<br /> `���''�, instnmtent without
<br /> - " '_ ,: ddease ot Borrower to acrelerat�on and sale. I[the default fs aot c�red on or before t�E date specified In the c�+
<br /> "'��•: I.cndcr.stt its optton��xi�y�e+��Ate ���m c►�v or au��c�rea�y c�s se��y
<br /> _�--_"'� �'uritsa demand and�tAy invoke 4he power of sa'.e�d uny olher remedies permitted by a�l,in lan: :�,6ut not timited
<br /> �-_ :`� EntItled io wIIect�ll expease,+i n c u r r e�!i n p u r su:»,g tJae remsdles pm�tded in this paraS�P
<br /> �J;�;:.y_''.":� to,eats:�;�na'ble at¢araeys'fee9aad co.t''s af title evMeace.
<br /> - -^i=� It t�s power oi sale is[nvnkcd>Trustee sl�il record s�crtIce oi defanit in each ooic�b2taw�to Bory�sow�e�t o
<br /> -�!��i�=. Praperiy Ls located aad ahall mail a�4es of suc6 notice in the mxnner prescrtbed bY a�Dl
<br /> �'�-`�'"�`::K� the other pexsuag prascr[bed by appliczble law. After the time requ�lred by applIcable Iaw.Tru�tee shall give publk aotice
<br /> - of sale to the persons end in the mannes prescribed bY aPP���le law.'I�rnnee,w[thout demand on Bon'°w�+s��ll
<br /> i,,,�:.o;.:��� the Ptoperty a4 publfc auction to the highest biddcr at the time aad pface a�d uader thn�i�5�����of t�e �
<br /> -�;f.:.:-��;�„ sale�n one or more parcels sad in cay order'ltust�determines.Tcastee may postpo Y Ps
<br /> ---�:rs��:� �FertY 6Y Public ennounceatent:�she tim� and pl�te of nby prevtously schedulet!sale. Lender or Its deslgnee may
<br /> -=�:��r' purchase the Property at any sate.
<br /> _ -�,�
<br /> _',_•• -
<br /> �HCw �`�,I��
<br /> �.• ,' j,� Form 3a2a 9130
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