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� .,: ---- . <br /> _ _----- -�— - ----- <br /> Krw — � . <br /> ; . ._ . � , . . <br /> �.: _ . , , ;.i:a" u:. <br /> � , , �.,,,,_,,;.�=� t , . ..-__�__......—:_____.,_- -- _---•---- ....__..----._.� �.._:_ `� <br /> . ����;:u.::.•- -------�-- -�--... _.. <br />. ` . . ' e ������ <br /> � • S. �i.►.A�� or�rope�iy E�araace. �arroc�er shall kcep the impravements aow 8�tin� or�ereaftet erected on tlt2 <br /> prop�rty insu.�ed agaiast loss by fire.harards iasluded�vithin che term'exteaded covera�e'aa�any other hazard.s. iaciudin� : <br /> . tloads cr�toodiag,for�+hldn Leader requires insurance.This insnrance shall i�e maintaiaed in the amounts and for the pericds �,_ <br /> � th3i l.end$x requins.'i9ie iasurance carrier providing the ins;uance shall be cttosen by Bormwer subject to I.eade�'s appm�ral - <br /> ` whicb shall nat be unreasona3ly witbheld. Ef Borrower fails tc maintain wvarage dessn'bed abava, L.ender may. at Leader's __ <br /> • optiaa,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propeny!n acoordaace with paragraph 7. � <br /> ' All ins�ramce po�Icies aad ienewals shall be aoceptable to LEnder aad ahall include a staadard mongage clause.Lendet <br /> � : . shaU hnve the right to hold the golicies and renewals.If iender requires.Bo:rower shall promptly give to L+cader all reaipts of � <br /> : paid premiums aad renearal aotices.Ia the event of loss.Bormwer shall give prompt aotice w the insutaace carrier aud I.ender. _ <br /> ���,�* Leuder may maYce praaf of loss if not mzde pramptIy by�orrowet. = <br /> __.�.»� . Unless Leadsr and Borrow.r athemrise agee in writing.insutance prncee8s shall tss applied to restoration or regait of the - <br /> ` pruperty damaged,if ttce reswradon uI rePair is e�ttoadcaily feasiblr and l.eader's se�uriry is aot lesseaed.If the restoration or <br /> _'_=- ---- ' npair is aot economiratly feasible or I.�nder's s�ritY FrQVld be lessened,the iasutaiu�e pmr,e�s shall be aPp]ied m the sums <br /> • ` seeured by tlus Security Insavment. �+hether or not then due, aith asy e�cass paid to Borro�ves. If Borrotver sbaIIdons ths <br /> tz - <br /> pmperty,or does�t answer within 30 days a aotise from lxnder that the iasvraace carrier t�as offered to seule a claim. � <br /> � I,euder may collett the insuraacx proceeds. Lender maY use the proceeds w repair or restare ths Property or ta gay sums <br />" -` secured by this Securiry Insuviuent,whether or not thEn due.The 3Q-day period w�l begu►wh2n the notice is giveu- <br /> ` . �' Ualess Lender aad Borrower otheta�ise agrec in�vtitin�, aaY aPPli�ation of pmceeds to principal sleall noi extend oz <br /> � � �' postpoae the du2 date of the taoni6ly paYments�ferred co in parag�aP�s 1 aad 2 ar cliange the aaouat of ttte payments.If <br /> ' � un�es paragraph 21 the Progerty is acquired by Lender,Bor[ower's right to wy inm�rance ppliCies eII$ptoCeeds Iesulting+frOm <br /> �,':i,;� damage to the Pmperty Prior to[he acquisitlan shall pars to Leader w the extent of the secured by this SectaitY Insuutaent <br /> .°��,=>,, �•,,,*'��`��rP1Y Prior to the acquisitioa <br /> fi.��{R <br /> 3t�`f. <br /> , ��+t,.•:._ . ��Jocupauc9.Pres�'�m+1Ne�°tem3..*�sa3 i'-�an o!W�Pmperty:Borrower's I.aan APPI€cation.Leaseho . <br /> „��shall occuPY,establi�h.and nse t�i'ogarty as Borcower's pr�cipal residence within sixty c�ys after the exe�ution of <br /> -. � ° � � this Seturity Insuv�ent aud sball co�Inv�.i�.��Y ths Property a4 Borrowcr's ptincipal resida�:e for ai least oae year afte,r <br /> ' � • the date of octupaacy,unless Lender athccw�a agrees in wriwng,which conse�s6a11 not be imrea..°onably withheld,or unless <br /> . extenuating circumstances e�dst which are beqoad Borra�arer's connol. Boirower shall noi dc.stmy, damage or impair the <br /> h�- : �orrower shall be in default if aa}+forfeinu� <br /> ' � "• pivperty, allow the Properry to deterionte. or commit waste aa the PmpertY. t could resvlt in forfeitu�e of the <br /> _-- . ' : action or pmccediag,v�lhether civil or criminal,is begwi that in Lender's goad faith judgmen <br /> , -°_ _- pnuperty or othe�wise materiallY imPair the Ilea created by this Securitp Imsuument or Lender's secarity iateres�Borrower ma}r <br /> _ ' � � � cure such a defae?s aad pmvided'm paragraph'-8,by causir.�the action or pmc�dm8 w be dismissed witb a niling <br /> - i�.,�+}', . ;��;.. iu Leader's good faith determination, precludes fruTf:iture of the Romuwer's interest in the Pmperey or athes material <br /> �� �. , t„�rr��:or Lender's�eeuriry �-�t.Borrower shaU also ir in defavlt if <br /> `�'?r�,}:c r:s, I,.,'^�31ID38IlL O�I�IE 1�CII CtC3t��I�I�3$CZIlI�1S/ � ■ t � . <br /> ° �, �. Bomswer,durin8 the ioan agplicatlon pmcess.8ave a�..::slly fa]se or inacr�.ra.e:��rr::�on or statements tu Lrsu�r(or failal <br /> -_;v::.�'p:'„��. � <br /> =�:,._.•.��: to provide Lender with any material inform�r:ra-.1 in conaection vrith t�:'_•�e�'_c,�a��.��.P�a:.r.:,.i�ludia��bnt not limi <br /> .''"'��'"'.�-"�� to,representations conseming Borrower's oc:�ancy of the Property���r-zci�_;:c.�.>::^�-re.i:���acurlty Insuument is cm.c . <br /> .`.�$r�;•�:..� 1�„�old, Borrower shall comply with al! the provisions of the te�:.. :f Borc Mc� acquires f�: atle to the Property,�L�e <br /> '�;"::w;�..i��.: l�hold and the fee title shall aot merge unless I.ender��s to thz merger in wric�. <br /> -'-`'="2j}: ?.Pmtection o!Leader's Rig6ts in the Property.If Borrower fa�7s to perform the covenants aad agrcements contaiaed in <br /> ';� fiqnfl affect Lender's ri ts in ehe Proper[y(s�ch as a <br /> --=.`"s��` this Securtry Instrumsnt.or there is a legal proceedin8 that�al'�� Y � <br /> .����;:�:�;;', �. proce�ing in bankruptcy�probate.for wademnation or forfeiture or to enfoir,e laws or regulatioas),then lrender maY da�d <br /> � ,•:u�.�.4; <br /> •�:���:,� pay fos whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Yroperty aud I.ender's rlghts in the Propzrry. l.endes's oas�^J <br /> -:..rl��`��` in court. paying <br /> -..;�.y„�,�,.� i.d�:r_, PayinB az►Y�sums secured by a lien wluch ha:� �..-i�on'ry�o�ve�r Ntho��l�.r�r ma etatk�e apcdp an�i��ndec tS�paragrap� <br /> -- -=_- ��able auomeys fee.v aad entering on tho Ptoperty :� <br /> ���m�:�"�'�' 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> -_-_ - pny am:�:nt� disbutsed by lender �us�'�:r this paragraph 7 s11:iL [�r��r.� a�d�iional sle6i af Boxtower see:uted by��:�. <br /> i'���y�- Security Instra:�.:�,:. Unl�s G:rmwer ana I.ender agreE ta other tes��:i���1�-s.these amaur�:s sha11 bear'c^�.�t frar?�.uc <br /> �'_!;:.�� s� date of disbursemsnt �t�e L+�xe rate and shall be pay�.aie, with interest, uF L r,�;�ce fr�om Lender to Bornav,+�m.c�rRtYn�y <br /> .. -wJ� <br /> -�;��-��;�� pay g Mortg�bre ifasss�:a�:.�f Lender re.�nired mongage insurance^.�a condition of making the loan se�urod by thia Secu.2ty <br /> - {y°�= Insuument. E�arower shr.Y ^�ay the premiums t+xquired to maintain insurance in effect. If, for any casan, litc <br /> ..�;�=_•_'�' mortgage insa.�ce cov�u;�:'e9uired bY Lender lapses or ceases ta be ia effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums requi�:ci:ta <br /> _°°=�?'.•.'r ol:eT:�coverage subseanti�l3.f�iivalent to the mortgagr_s�suranoe previovsly in e� a wst subsr�ncially equi�+alenT cu�z <br /> -�:�,,;�=.��- Borrower of the�u»i,a8e insuraaee previm�sly s.n effect. from an alteman:mongage insvrer apgmved by Le�tdac- �` . <br /> :;�;��=:���:'. - substantially equivalent mortgage insurance co�erage is nnt available,Eorrower shail pay to l.ender each mant6 a sum e�utf�e" <br /> ="�`' •�':�'' one-twelfth of the yearly u:ortgage iasurancc premium bein8 Daid by Borrower when tlie insurar,r.e coverage lxpsed or c�:t�t.tts. <br /> '"'�`��••'���`` � �e in effeca.I.eIIder will accept,ase and retain these payinents as a loss reserve in lieu of ma:tgage insuraace. H uss ce.�a�'c� <br /> '_- fortn 3028 9190 <br /> _-:,`;,:;� <br /> �°4 : (��6RfN8)t9a�st.os vay�9 ot 8 «�� <br /> ',�:'�'►, <br /> r . + ' <br /> � � <br /> • . �. <br /> ,.�y.ti.•.� <br /> ��_�� • t <br /> t <br /> ' � . + <br /> ' . ' � <br /> . ._:_t_.__..__ � Li`33.Ca I1FM <br />