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<br /> � Q � ����� 1�.
<br /> . . ` , TOGE'��l[TH a!i the improvemeats now or hereaiter erected an the pmperty.ffi�all easements�aPPurtenances,aad —
<br /> . ' ' fixtutes aaw or hereaRex a part of the paaperty. All repl�cemeats and additions shatl also he covered by this Security �
<br /> � . . Insuumsnt.AII of the foiegaing is refereed to in this Securisy Instrumeat as tYae'Frogercy.° .,+�;:.
<br /> � ' �ORROWER COVENANTS thxt Bonower is lawfally seisea of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to gr�t ansl -'_�`_'
<br /> ` ccnvey the Prcgerry�that the Pmgerry is unencum�r+zd.except for earumbrances of rerord. Borrower warrants aad w�71 ___
<br /> � � � • defead geaerally the title co cha�roperty ag�inst all elaims aad de�aads,subject to any eucu�braaces o8 secord. _ .
<br /> � ��3 THIS SECURITY INS'TRITMENT cflm�iaes uniform wvenaau for aasional use aad non-uniform covenants with litaited _
<br /> P��2 _ �
<br /> vaziaaons by jurisdiction to constimte a uniform seruriry insavment oovering ieat pmgerty. �-z
<br /> . ��s.� UNff�YtM COVF.NAN't'S•Boaower and Lender covenant amd agree as foUows: �
<br /> f• 1. Payment of Ptiacipat aad Iniere�t: PneP3Ymeat��Late Chasges. Borrower shail promp8y pay whea dus ths —__.
<br /> ' ;.�r:; princigal of aad interest on the debt evidentrd by the Note and any prepaymer.t and laae charges due uader the Note. a'�'_-
<br /> '. —r•-�+�� 2.Funds far Taxcc and Insurauce.Subjec�to applicable law or w a wriYten waive�by Leudez. Borrawer sh311 paY to _
<br /> . .` � L: r� Lender on the day momhlY Paytuents are due wider the Note,until ths Note is paid ia fiill,a svm(°Fuads')for.(a)YearlY taxes —
<br /> t � ��s�ta�r�i��nay att�in Friortty vver d►is Secarity Insmunent as a lien on the Progercy;@?Y�y leasehold pay��u _
<br /> _ -.. . _ R oz gmuad rents on the property,if aay;(a)Yeaz1Y hazard or pmperty insarazssx premiums;(d)YeariY flaod iasurance premiums.
<br /> • . • � if a n y:(e)YeariY mQrt�age iasurance pr�miiups,if any;aad(�anY sums PaYable by Borrowes to I.ender.in accordanse with
<br /> � � the pmvisions of paragtaph 8.in lieu of ths p��meat of mortgage insurance pre�m�s.l4iese items ase c a l l e s l"E scrow I t e m s."
<br /> �"?� ' • ..'� a,eader may� at arry rime,collect aad hold Funds ia an amou�not to exc�ed the maximum anaount a lender far a federally
<br /> � related mortgage loaz►msry require for Borrower's escmw account under the fede�al Real Estate Settlemeni�Act of
<br /> ' 1974 a4 ameaded from rime to time. 12 U.S.C.SECtion 2601 et seq. (°RESPA°),�mless aaother law ihat��zs co the Fuads
<br /> a� '• ' ' sets a lesser amoun� If so. Iender may, at my time, oolle�t and hold Fuads in an amount n�E to exce�!�lesser amount.
<br /> ' ' Lender may esiimate the amommt of Fuads due on the bas'ss of cutrent data and�aso�ble�fvssates of er�itures of future
<br /> . . Fscmw Items or otherwi�e in acoordance with applicable law.
<br /> � 'ihe Funds stiall be held ta an institution arhose deposits aze insut�ed I�Y/�-.fedaai �".�', i�..��ussT�.�litY. or entity
<br /> . s ll
<br /> �..�i . ('�ncl�ding L�der,if Len�ier is such an iastitution)or ia a:ry Federal Home 3�oaa Baak.Les��:�.�'J app13��.��.:ads s�E:.±the _
<br /> ' M - Faccow It�m�.I.endPr may aot charge Borrower for holding and a�spiyjng tl�Funds, annuallF?�.:Y�►8����w��°i
<br /> . ' verifying ths Escraw Items.unless Leader pays�orrower interesi on the Fuads aad applioabl�:�vr permits L�der to�e�.h
<br />,-:�' �: . a cbarge.However,Lender may require Bomnwer to pay a one-timz charge for an indep�ndent raal estate t�r.jeporting service
<br /> ' used by I,eatlet in co�nection with this loan, unless applicable law pmvides oshetwise. Un� an �gn�eat is made or
<br /> "---- --.- aPPlicuble Lam requires inierest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Botrawer any inierest or earr.�gs on ths Fun�s.
<br /> .' �..,%' . Borrow�r�m3 I.eadEr maY a�in wridng,however,t1�at intenst shall be paid on the Fvads.L.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> �...-"_'.",s ,:.:a wid�out d� e an annual aceounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits w the Funds and the pwgose for whi.�.each
<br /> ^::'��':`. .:;,•.;. . '� .
<br /> `:i:sY; :,t� debit to the Fuads was made.The Funds are pledged as addidon�l security for ail sums secured by this Secucsr',�IastnuYrr�:.
<br /> -�,��r,Y.�;r , to be held tsY aPP�cable law,Lender shall�uni to Bntra�wer
<br /> ,�--�.:;� If the Funds held by Leader exceed the amouatg Peimiiced
<br /> _ °� �..,,.. ..•
<br /> - °;. �,��' fur the eaccess Funds m a�rdaace w�t�s the re4uirements of applicable law. If the amouat of the Fun�s held by Iren��3 3t any
<br /> =�" �'.���`j�� time is nut�ufficient to pay the F.scmnr&tems when due,Leader m7;�so notfify Borrower in cv-Rr:'mg,and,in such case II��ncwer
<br /> .,7�-4^�:�t.,;�
<br /> .��.Y._ ;��,,•�' shall gay�r�LendEr the amouat aec�..1�ry to malce up the defici�_y. Borcower shall make�the deficieacy in no m�.�s�2n
<br /> —_ - _u.�:5.
<br /> --.='}.'':,;L tarelve monshlY Payments.at Lender's�ale diseretion.
<br /> �='��=:.;'._'�, 11gon payment in full of all sams secure�by this Securiry Insuument,LsadeY shall promptlY iefi�3 to HorraNer any
<br /> --u�;;;;;�:.t Fuads hsld by Txnder.If,uader par'Fg-aph 21.Leader sliall asquire or sell the Propezry,Trender,prios w ti��acqnisitioa or sale
<br /> _'����M:;,;� of the Progerty.shall apply any Fun�;�eld by Lender at the ame of acquisidon or sale as a credit against ttte sum9 secure�by
<br /> -`:='�`:` '� � this Security Instnimen�
<br /> �:.,_ .•,t;,'j i
<br /> ,��,,,� 3.ApplIcatton af Payments.Unless applicable Iaw pravides otheivvise,all paymsnts received by l.ender uuder paregmp 2,
<br /> _ - -_— 1 and 2 s�hall be applied:first,co any prepayrnent charges dne under the Note:second,to amounta payable uad�Yr par�graP
<br /> �_�=�� third,to intcrest due;founh,to principal due;and last,w any late charges due�.:��sa the Note.
<br /> -_—_._— 4.Charges.Uens.Borrower sh�l pay all taxes.assessn�y,,cfiarBe�.F.=es sud impositions attn'butable to th�Property
<br /> — whirA�ma uttain priori over this 5csa;.rity Instn�ent, and iu:a�n�ld payments or ground cents,if any. Horrawtr sLt;.�c PzY
<br /> '"�� thae obligyatioas in the manner provided'm paragn�h 2.or if nat raid in that mauner,Borr�wer sball pay them on time�ct1y
<br /> -�.��-�:�..
<br /> —'TM t:�� w the p�ison owos!payment.Bflrrawer shall pma;a��I�fumish to I�ender all notiaES of amounts to be gaid ua3sr thia paragct�3.
<br /> -� lf Boaower maYes thsse paymenta direcily,Borro;��;s shall promptly fumish to Lender rereipts evidencing o'hs paymrnu.
<br /> --�''`�:��! gorrovver shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Iastrumsnt unless Borrower:(a)agre�in
<br /> ---==-- writing eo ths payment of the obiigatian secured by che liea in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good fait�►thz lien
<br /> ==�'".-����_� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien ia, legal proccedings which in the Leader's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> =-v�===�,�h� enfoaemeat of ttis lien;or(c)sesvres from the holder of the lien an agcoement sutisfactory to L.ender subordinating the lie3 to
<br /> =�_;�,,'�'�',�; this Securiry Instrument.If Leader determines that any patt of the Property is subject to a lien whis,h may nttain priorlry oves
<br /> ="`���" ` thiy Securtty Insmiment,Lender mzl��ive Borrower a natice identifyri�ng tt:e lien.6orrower:3a11 satisfy the lien or take on�or
<br /> _:=;-�1..;�.��..� �
<br /> 's.s�;'���i�t • more of the actioas szt forth�ove wiiitin 10 days of the giving of notice.
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